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Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________

World War I Unit Test
PART I : Short Answer Answer each question in complete sentences with specific details.

1. Describe the four main causes of World War. Provide an example of each cause. (8 pts.)
2. Explain how technology in WWI changed warfare. Provide at least two specific examples (6 pts.)
3. Identify and explain various costs of World War I. Provide at least three specific examples. (6 pts.)
Score: ________/110
PART I I : Multiple Choice Bubble your answer on the answer sheet with a #2 pencil. (3 points each)
1. Which countries was NOT one of Europes great powers before World War I?
a. Germany
b. Great Britain
c. Serbia
d. Austria-Hungary

2. What did the policy of unrestricted submarine warfare refer to?
a. Britains policy to sink any ship in German waters without warning.
b. Germanys policy to sink any ship in British waters without warning.
c. The U.S. Navys warning of the type of warfare the Central Powers could expect.
d. Germanys decision to focus its resources on the waters surrounding Europe.

3. Which of the following were provisions of the Treaty of Versailles?
a. Germany had to take complete blame for the war.
b. Germany had to pay war reparations to the Allies.
c. The League of Nations was established.
d. A and B only.
e. All of the above.

4. Why was Germany not present at the Paris Peace Conference?
a. Kaiser Wilhelm II refused to attend any conference located in France.
b. Germany was in the middle of a communist revolution in 1919.
c. The victorious Allies decided that
5. What event in Sarajevo sparked the Great War?
a. An ultimatum presented to Serbia in response to royal assassination.
b. The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife.
c. Austrias rejection of Serbias offer and declaration of war on Serbia.
d. Russias mobilization of troops along the Austrian border.

6. Which of the following was a horror of fighting in trench warfare?
a. Rats eating soldiers food and lice itching their hair and skin.
b. Constant shelling and machine gun fire.
c. Gas and chemical attacks that could blind and choke soldiers.
d. All of the above.

7. The idea of self-determination directly clashes with which of the following?
a. Imperialism
b. Nationalism
c. Militarism
d. The Alliance System

8. Australian soldiers fighting at the Battle of Gallipoli best represents which of the following ideas?
a. Nationalism
b. Militarism
c. Imperialism
d. Patriotism

9. What region was referred to as the powder keg of Europe because it was explosive?
a. The Middle-East
b. Alsace-Lorraine
c. Austria-Hungary
d. The Balkans

10. Which nations actions caused the United States to fight in World War I?
a. Russia
b. Mexico
c. Germany
d. Austria-Hungary

11. What action on November 11, 1918 brought World War One to an end?
a. An armistice was signed.
b. A surrender was given.
c. A propaganda campaign was waged.
d. The allies won a major battle.

12. Which of the following is an aspect of total war?
a. The use of propaganda.
b. Rationing food supplies.
c. Civilians at home working in factories.
d. All of the above.

13. Which statement summarizes the Schlieffen Plan that Germany created to prepare for a two-front war?
a. Attack France first, then Russia
b. Attack Russia first, then France
c. Send half of the army to France and half to Russia
d. Ally with Russia to fight France

14. A change in French army uniforms, from bright blue in 1914 to dull khaki grey by 1916, represents:
a. Adaptation to the fighting style of modern warfare through the notion of camouflage.
b. More women working in the textile industries during the war because men were fighting.
c. A rise in the cost of red dye in France during World War I.
d. The need to look less like giant Smurfs.

15. What were the Fourteen Points?
a. Parts of the war guilt clause.
b. Woodrow Wilsons plan for the postwar world.
c. The constitution of the League of Nations.
d. The terms of surrender offered to Germany.

16. Who was forced to assume sole responsibility for the war under the Treaty of Versailles?
a. Germany
b. Austria-Hungary
c. Russia
d. Italy

17. What were the reasons for the extensive loss of life and property damage in World War I?
a. New technology
b. Rationing
c. Propaganda
d. All of the above

18. Which of the following was NOT a country located on the Western Front?
a. France
b. Belgium
c. Russia
d. Germany

19. Which of the following weapons was not used during World War I?
a. Tanks
b. Poisonous gas
c. Grenades
d. Nuclear bombs
e. All of the above were used during WWI

20. Which of the following weapons was not used during World War I?
a. Tanks
b. Poisonous gas
c. Grenades
d. Nuclear bombs

PART I I I : Write the letter of the nation that answers the question (2 points each).

A. Russia
B. France
C. Germany
D. Great Britain
E. Austria-Hungary
AB. United States

21. _____Which nation was most concerned about post-war security at the Paris Peace Conference?

22. _____Which nations heir to the throne was assassinated in 1914 by a Serbian terrorist?

23. _____This country had the largest empire before World War I, the sun never set on it.

24. _____This country was the last to join World War I after the Zimmerman Note was intercepted.

25. _____ This country had a communist revolution and left the allies during World War I.

26. ____ This country used the Schlieffen Plan to attempt to invade France.

PART IV. People/Terms (2 points each)

A. Woodrow Wilson
B. Garvillo Princip
C. Rationing
D. Propaganda
AB. Kaiser Wilhelm II
AC. League of Nations
AD. Stalemate
BC. Treaty of Versailles
BD. Allies
BE. Central Powers

27. _____ His main goal at the Paris Peace Conference was world peace

28. _____ Limiting purchases and supplies of war-related goods

29. _____ Britain, United States, Russia, and France

30. _____One-sided information to build morale, support for war

31. _____Member of the Black Hand who assassinated the Archduke

32. _____Was the leader of Germany during World War I

33. _____ Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire

34. _____International association whose goal would to be to keep peace among nations

35. _____When both sides could defend their position but neither side could move forward to gain territory

36. _____Ended World War I and was intended to create world peace

Bonus: What brand of frozen pizza is named after a German WWI hero? (1 point) ______________________

Name: ______________________________________ WWI TEST ANSWER SHEET

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