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Handout #1: Giving an opinion.


To give an opinion: If I agree: If I disagree:
In my opinion: En mi
I think that: Pienso que
I feel that: Creo que
It seems to me that: Me
parece que
If you ask me: En mi opinin
I believe: Creo
Youre right: Tienes razn.
I think so too: Yo tambin lo
creo; pienso igual.
I agree with you: Estoy de
acuerdo contigo
Thats a good point: Ese es un
buen punto.

I disagree: No estoy de
I think youre wrong: Creo
que ests equivocado.
I dont think so: No creo.
Yes, but: S, pero
To ask others opinion:
What do you think of? : Qu piensas de?
What do you think about? : Qu piensas acerca de?
What is your opinion? : Cul es t opinin?

Example of a conversation:

Mr. Zoe : What do you think of my new house?
Shane : I think It is beautiful. Oh you have many novels in your new house.
Mr. Zoe : Yeah, some. I like Isabel Allendes novels.
Shane : What do you think about Isabel Allendes novels ?
Mr. Zoe : I believe they are great novels.
Shane : Yes, you are right. It seems to me that it is going to rain.
Mr. Zoe : I dont think so. Look outside at the sky! Its so clear. No clouds there.
Shane : But I watched the weather forecast yesterday. It said that today is going
to rain. OK Mr. Zoe see you.
Mr. Zoe : Ok Shane, good bay!
Shane : Good bye Mr. Zoe!


1.- Work in pairs: Choose a topic and create a dialogue where both
participants express contrary ideas.
2.- Use the vocabulary provided above in this handout.
3.- Based on the dialogue, create a Role play.

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