Pms Optional Papers

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Total Marks: 100
Aato!" a# P$"s%olo&"
General terms used in Anatomy and Physiology. Anatomy and Physiology of
different systems such as Digestive System, Cardiovascular System, Respiratory
System, uro-general system, Endocrine Glands, ervous System, Sense !rgans.
Comparative Anatomy and Physiology of different systems of various domestic animals.
P$ar!a'olo&" a# To(%'olo&"
"erminology Drug development and drug regulation. Sources of drugs and drugs
classification. Physiochemical properties of drugs, Disposition and #ioavaila#ility of
drugs. Structure activity and dose response relationship, Drug Resistance, Drug safety,
adverse effects, tissue residue and pu#lic health. Pharmacology of drugs affecting
various systems, Chemotherapeutic agents, anti#iotics, antifungal, antiviral, antiparasitic
drugs. "erms used in to$icology, %orensic to$icology, Sources of poisoning and
poisonous plants. Specific and non specific antidote therapy.
Effects of parasites on their host and their economic significance. &mmunity and
resistance of parasites. 'ode of action of anti-parasitic drugs. Parasitic (oonoses
e$amples, Epidemiology, Diagnosis, Pathogenesis and control of various parasites such
as Proto(oa )"rypanosoma, "o$oplasma, *a#esia, "heileria, Coccidia, Etc+. ,elminthes
)Ascariasis, strongylosis, haemonchus, oestertagia, fasciolosis, schistosoma,
Ectoparasites )mange, mite, tic-s, flies+.
General 'icro#iology, Diversity of 'icro#es, Pro-aryotes .s Eu-aryotes. Physo-
chemical re/uirements of micro#es. 'icro#ial preservation and micro#ial genetics.
&mmunity natural and ac/uired. Antigen anti#ody essential features. 'acrophage, * and
" lymphocytes &mmunoglo#ulin, regulation of immune response. "heories of anti#ody
formation. .accines production, vaccination, autoimmunity., autoimmune diseases.
*acteriology and mycology classification, general characters disease association and
diagnosis. .irology properties of viruses and classification, *acterophages,
Physiochemical characteristics, isolation, identification, immunity and disease
association, &mportant viral diseases, ra#ies, rinderpest, %oot and mouth disease, PRR,
*.D, *SE, D, Avian &nfluen(a, etc.
Common terms, cell in0uries and cell death. Distur#ance of circulation,
inflammation, repair and healing of 1ounds and fractures. eoplasia its cause and
classification. Pathology of different organs. 'eat inspection. Characteristics of good
/uality meat, differentiation of meat of different animals. !#0ectives of meat inspection
Ante-mortem and postmortem e$amination. Specific and non specific lesions. Disposal
of condemned meat. 2a1s governing meat inspection in Pa-istan. Collection
preservation and dispatch of la#oratory specimens. ,ematological e$amination and its
significance. *one marro1 evaluation, urine and faecal e$amination, liver and -idney
function test. Plasma protein profile, electrolyte and acid #ase #alance. E$foliative
Regulation of hormones, Physiology of estrous cycle. %ertili(ation, &mplantation,
gestation and parturition, male reproductive system. *iotechnology and recent trends.
Artificial insemination techni/ue, estrus synchroni(ation, em#ryo transfer, Genetic
engineering, nuclear transfer and cloning. Disease of reproduction, cervicovaginal
prolapse, post partum complications, uterine infections, infertility pro#lems, Genetic and
ac/uired a#normalities of testis accessory se$ glands and infertility pro#lems in males.
V*t*r%ar" M*#%'%*
General "erms )%ever, "o$emia, Septicemia, Anaphyla$is, Shoc-, etc.+ Diseases
of different systems3 G.&.". )Acidosis, "ympany, Enteritis, e/uine colic+ 2iver )hepatitis,
0aundice, cholilithiasis+ Respiratory system )rhinitis, laryngitis, #ronchitis, pneumonia,
hydrothora$, epista$is, pleurisy+. ervous Systems )encephalitis, meningitis+ 4rinary
System )ephritis, 4rolithiasis, Pyelonephritis, Cystitis+ !thers )arthritis, !stemyelitis,
Dermatitis, Se#orrhea, Photosensati(ation, "umors, Cysts, 5eratocon0uctivitis, Cataract,
Glaucoma, !titis+, &nfectious and on-&nfectious diseases of domestic animals.
%luid replacement therapy and #lood transfusion. 'anagement of accidents
shoc- and emergency cases. Small62arge Animal Surgery. General Surgical
considerations. %luid therapy in surgical patients, tissue regeneration, 1ound healing.
Scope of radiology in .eterinary Practice 7-ray machine and its 1or-ing. ature and
production 7-ray e$posure factors. Radiation ha(ards and protection 7-ray film and its
type. Processing of %ilms. *asic principles to study radiograph. 8ualities of good
radiograph. Shoeing and its evaluation. *lemishes and vices in animals. Soundness
e$amination, colours and mar-ing in e/uines.
V*t*r%ar" E%+#*!%olo&"
Principles of epidemiology and its relation to pu#lic health. Determinants of
disease, .ital Statistics, &ncidence, Prevalence, Patterns and disease ecology.
Surveillance and monitoring, data collection and interpretation. Analytical epidemiology,
Cohort or prospective study, case-control or retrospective study. E$perimental
epidemiology, clinical trials, field trial or community trials. Epidemic investigation.
Control and eradication of trans#oundary and other infectious diseases. Diseases
transmissi#le to human #eings through mil- and other diary products, 'eat, Poultry and
other foods. 4rine and feaces of animals. Environment and residues. Sanitary and
phyto-sanitary measures for the prevention of disease during e$port and import
livestoc- products. Role of veterinary pu#lic health in producing safe human food
according to 9"! standards. Personal hygiene and pu#lic sanitation. Active and
passive surveillance. 9riting a research report.
1. Cunnigham. I. G. 2002. Text Book of Veterinary Physiology. W. B. Saners Co.
"ition. #S$.
2. $ams. %.&.' 2001. Veterinary Pharma(ology ) thera*euti(s' +
". ,o-a State
#ni.ersity Press #S$.
!. #r/uhart. G.0.1. $rmour' 1.,. 2un(an. $.0. 2unna an 3.W. 1ennings. 2000.
4Veterinary Pharasitiology5. ,ongman S(ien(tifi( an Te(hni(al' #6.
7. 8uinn' P.1.' 2002. .eterinary 0i(ro9iology an 0i(ro9ial 2isease. 1
. ".
Bla(k-ell S(ien(e' ,t.' #S$.
:. ,atimer' 6.S.' ".$. 0ahaffey an 6.W. Prasse' 200!. 2un(an ) Prasse;s
Veterinary ,a9oratory 0ei(ine Clini(al Pathology. 7
".' lo-a State Press.
$mes' lo-a' #S$.
<. 6umar' V.&.S. Cotran an S.,. &o99ins' 200!. &o99ins Basi( Pathology' =
Sauners' Philael*hia' Pennsyl.ania' #S$.
=. %afe>' ".S.".' 2000. &e*rou(tion in 3arm $nimals. =
"ition.' ,ea an
3e9iger' Philae*hia' #S$.
+. &aosits' ?.0.' C.C. Gay' 2.C. Bloo an 6.W. %in(heliff' 2000. .eterinary
0ei(ine' @
". Bailliere Tinall' ,onon' #.6.
@. Thrusfiel' 0.' 200:' Veterinary "*iemiology' !
". Bla(k-ell S(ien(e'
,onon' #6.
10. 1ones' %.1.' 0. W. %u99ert an %. %agstar' 200. >oonosesA&e(ognition.
Control an Pre.entio. Bla(k-ell S(ien(e' ,t.' ?xfor' #6.
Total Marks: 100
A%!al N,tr%t%o
*asic terms used in Animal utrition. Digestion of car#ohydrates, proteins and lipids in
monogastric and ruminants. *io-chemical path1ays that influence nutrient meta#olism.
'eta#olism of proteins, car#ohydrates, lipids as nutrients, energy meta#olism,
classification, functions and deficiency symptoms of minerals and vitamins factors
affecting nutritive value of feeds. "echni/ues for estimating nutritive value of feed stuffs.
%actors effecting the nutritive value of feeds. 'easures of food energy: gross energy,
meta#ilisa#le energy, net energy. Determination of digesti#ility, digestion coefficient.
Calculation of "D. utritive ratio. Role of pro#iotic in animal nutrition. %eeding of urea
to ruminants. "echnology for urea. 'olasses mineral #loc-s. Procedure for #loc-
ma-ing. %eed ra1 materials handling, storage, grinding, mi$ing, processing and storage
of finished feed. 8uality control in feed processing. %eed stuff la1s and regulations.
Development of poultry industry in Pa-istan: present status and future potential of
poultry industry: important classes, #reeds and varieties of poultry and their
characteristics: o#0ectives of poultry #reeding for meat and egg production: /ualitative
and /uantitative traits and their herita#ility estimates, systems of #reeding and their
significance: pure #reed vs present day hy#rid used for meat and egg production: the
role of selection in genetic improvements. *rooding, rearing and laying house
e/uipments: raising of #roilers: rearing of layer chic-s: shifting and housing of pullets:
cage vs floor management: layer and #reeder management: causes of poor
performance of layer and #reeder floc-s and development of managemental strategies
for its improvement: factors affecting pullet development: #asic principles for site
selection: poultry house construction and design: re/uirements of housing from
#iological engineering, economic and hygienic point of vie1.
L%0*sto'k Maa&*!*t
Routine practices at dairy and sheep6goat farms. 'anagement of animals at different
stages. ,ousing, %eeding and production management. 'anagement during inclement
1eather. 'anagement of range livestoc-. ;udging of animals. *reeding practices.
Sanitation procedure. Planning for year round feed and fodder supply and preservation.
'anure handling and disposal hygienic mil- production practices. 'aintaining farm
records and evaluation. %inancial and la#or management. "ransportation and mar-eting
of animals and their production.
A%!al Br**#%& a# 1**t%'s
Genetic and phenotypic correlation. Emerging techni/ues. "raits of economic
importance in farm animals. 4se of computer for data handling and analysis. *reeding
systems: random mating, in#reeding, line #reeding and out #reeding: selection of
superior animals, principles, #asis, -inds and methods: traits of economic importance in
cattle, #uffalo sheep, goats and poultry: animal genetic resources, their conservation
and preservation: emerging #reeding technologies: national #reeding policy, constraints
and future #reeding plans.
1. 2.B. Panay an $mita BaC*ai 200!. &e(ent Tren in $nimal Butrition an 3ee
te(hnology for li.esto(k' *ets an la9oratory animals.
2. Sains9ury' 2. 1@@@. Poultry %ealth an 0anagementD (hi(kens' turkey' u(ks'
geese an /uails' Bla(k-ell s(ientifi( *u9li(ations' ,onon' #6.
!. %unton' P. E"itorF. 1@@: Poultry *rou(tionG *rou(tion system a**roa(h.
"lse.ier s(ien(e *u9lishers' $msteram' the Betherlans.
7. ,agates' 1.". an ".1. War-i(h' 1@@0. Breeing an im*ro.ement of 3arm
$nimals. 0(Gra-A%all Pu9lishing Co. Be- Hork.
:. Bouron' &.0. 2000. #nerstaning $nimal Breeing. Prenti(eA%all' In(. #**er'
Sale &' Be- 1ersey.
<. 1agish' P. 200:. Prin(i*les an *ra(ti(es of 2airy 3arm 0anagement. 6alyani
*u9lishers 2elhi Inia.
7. Shah' S.I. 1@@7. $nimal %us9anry. Bational Book 3ounation' Islama9a'
Total Marks: 100
atural resources )land, 1ater, #iological and climatic+ of Pa-istan and their impact on
crop production. Climatic factors and their relationship 1ith crop gro1th processes li-e
photosynthesis, respiration and transpiration. Agro-ecological (ones of Pa-istan and
their features. Dry farming. !rganic farming for agricultural environmental pollution
management. 4se of #io-fertili(ers, #iopesticides and natural products. *iological <
fi$ation and factors affecting #iological < fi$ation. Source-sin- relationships in crop
plants. 9eed-crop interference: competition and allelopathic interactions.
Role of Agri. E$tension in current and future agriculture in Pa-istan. 'ethods and steps
to evaluate e$tension activities. Glo#al overvie1 of Agri. e$tension. "ypes, principles,
strategies and significance of audio-visual aids in Agri. E$tension.
&mportance, potential and principles of Agro-forestry. .arious agro-forestry systems.
%orest products and utili(ation features of range management in Pa-istan. 'a0or 1ildlife
species found in Pa-istan, their morphological features, #ehaviour and ha#itats.
ational forest policy and other land use policies. *iodiversity, its conservation, threats
and losses, &mpact of environmental changes on #iodiversity.
Role of &ndus *asin &rrigation System in the development of agriculture in Pa-istan.
Current and future scope of farm mechani(ation in Pa-istan.
%ood processing and preservation. %ood industries of Pa-istan and their role in the
national economy. 9"! implications to food #usiness. %ood analysis, contamination of
foods #usiness. %ood analysis, contamination of foods and its control measures.
Processing and uses of dairy products. *asic nutrition re/uirements of human #ody and
their relationship 1ith nutrition related diseases.
&ndicators and issues of agriculture sector in Pa-istan and their role in national
economy. 2and tenure systems and land reforms in Pa-istan. Principles, o#0ectives and
functions of 9"!. Role of &" in agriculture.
1. $f>al' 0. 1@==. farming in Pakistan. $(a. S(i.' Islama9a' Pakistan.
2. $nerson' W.P. 1@@!. Wee S(ien(e Prin(i*les. 2
"2. West Pu9. Co. BH'
!. $nre-' C.?. 1@@!. $**lie agri(ultural &esear(hG 3ounations an
methoology. Press.
7. $rnon' I. 1@@2. $gri(ulture in ry lansG Prin(i*les an Pra(ti(es. "lse.ier S(i.
Pu9.' ,onon' #6.
:. $-an' 1.$' 200: elements of foo S(ien(e an Te(hnology. #niAte(h
(ommuni(ations' 3aisala9a' Pakistan.
<. $>har' B.$. 1@@<. Pakistan $gri(ultural "(onomi(s. BB3' Islama9a' Pakistan
=. Bonner' 1. 1@@:. Prin(i*les of Plant Physiology. 1
". W.%. freeman' BB3' San
3ran(is(o' #S$.
+. Byerlee' 2. an T. %ussain. 1@@2. 3arming Systems of Pakistan. Vanguar
Books' ,ahore' Pakistan.
@. "ast-oo' 0. 200!. Prin(i*les of %uman Butrition. Bla(k-ell S(i. In('' ,onon'
10. 3$?. $gri(ultural "xtensionG $ referen(e manual. &ome' Italy.
11. 3itter' $.%. an P.6.0. %ay. 1@+=. en.ironmental Physiology of Plants. 2
$(a. Press In(.' ,onon' #6.
12. 3ra>ier' W.C. an 2.C. Westhoff. 1@@+. 3oo 0i(ro9iology. 0(Gra- %ill Book
Co.' BH' #S$.
1!. GoP. 1@<!. 3orest Poli(y Statement. 1@7=A@0. $ll fi.e years *lans. 3oo ) $gri.
Comm. &e*ort' Pakistan
17. Greely' B. 1@:!. 3orest *oli(y. 0in. 3oo ) $gri'. GoP' Pakistan.
1:. Grey' ,.' 1.0. &olfe an I. "gington. 200:. , 3orests an 3orestry <
1<. %o*kins' G.%. 1@@@. Introu(tion to Plant Physiology. 1ohn Wiley ) Sons' BH'
1=. %unter' 0.,.1r. 1@@<. 3unamentals of (onser.ation Biology. Bla(k-ell S(i. In(.'
,onon' #6.
1+. 6han' $.%. 1@+<. &ural 2e.elo*ment in Pakistan. Vanguar Books ,t.' ,ahore'
1@. 6han' S.&.$. 2001. Cro* 0anagement in Pakistan With 3o(us on Soil an
Water. 2ire(torate of $gri. Info.' ,ahore' Pakistan.
20. ,anon' 6.C. an 1.P. ,anon. 1@@+. 0anagement information SystemsG Be-
a**roa(hes to organi>ations an te(hnology. Prenti(e ) %all Int.' ,onon' #6.
21. 0emon' &.$. an ". Bashir Ees.F 1@@!. "xtension 0ethos. BB3' Islama9a'
22. Ba>ir' 0.S. 1@@7. Cro* Prou(tion. Ees.F. ". Bashir an &. Bantel. Bational
Book 3ounation' Islama9a' Pakistan.
2!. Bielson' S.S 200!. 3oo $nalysis ,a9oratory 0anual. Chi*s ,t.' #S$.
27. Palania**an an 6.$nnaurani. 200<. ?rgani( 3arming Theory an Pra(ti(e.
S(i. Pu9l.' 1oh*ur' Inia.
2:. 8uraishi' 0.$.$.' B.S. 6han an S. Ha/oo9. 1@@+. &ange 0anagement in
Pakistan 6a>i Pu9l.' Gan*at &oa' #ru Ba>ar ,ahore' Pakistan.
2<. 8uarishi' 0.$.$.' S.0.$. 8ayume an &.$. 6han 2000. Pra(ti(al 0anual of
Willife 0anagement. Vol. I.' 2e*t. 3orestry' &ange management an Willife'
#ni.. $gri. 3aisala9a' Pakistan.
2=. &afi/ue' 0. 200:. Irrigation an 2rainage Pra(ti(es. #ni.. $gri. 3aisala9a'
2+. &ees' B. an 2. Watson 2000. International Stanars for 3oo Safety. 6lu-er
S(i. Pu9.' BH' #S$.
2@. Tai> an Iager. 200!. Plant Physiology. !
Panima Pu9. Cor*s.' Banglore' Be-
2elhi' Inia.
!0. Tahir' $.&. an 0.S. Sa9ir. 200!. 3unamentals of tra(tor an $gri(ultural
0a(hinery. #ni.. $gri. 3aisala9a' Pakistan.
!1. Vernam' $.%. an Sutherlan 1.P. 1@@7. 0ilk an 0ilk Prou(tsG Te(hnology'
Chemistry an 0i(ro9iology. Cha*man an %all' BH' #S$.
!2. Wallar' G.&. 1@+=. $llelo(hemi(al;s &ole in $gri(ulture an 3orestry. $CS Sym*.
Series !!0. $m. Chem. So(.' Washington 2C. #S$.
!! WT?. 1@@@. The ,egal TestG The results of the #ruguay roun of multilateral
trae negotiations. Cam9rige' #6.
Total Marks: 100
Concept of genetics. Role of genetics in crop improvement. Chemical composition of
hereditary material. 'olecular #asis of genetic code. *asic control system in gene
e$pression. .ariation-#asis of plant #reeding, its creation and e$ploitation. *reeding
strategies. *reeding methods of self, cross and ase$ually propagated crops. Process of
variety development.
Concept of modern #reeding: dou#led haploid #reeding, mar-er-assisted #reeding,
mutation #reeding, heteroploid #reeding, hy#rid #reeding and transgenic #reeding.
.arious techni/ues of developing transgenic plants and scope of transgenic plants in
plant #reeding. &mpact of cultivation of transgenic crops on #iodiversity. Role of agri-
#iotechnology in crop improvement. *reeding cultivars for marginal lands. Role of edi#le
oilseeds in agriculture and economy of Pa-istan. Development of lo1 erucic acid and
glucosinolate )dou#le lo1+ varieties in rapeseed and mustard crops.
Resistance #reeding. ,ost-plant genetic resistance. Genetic and physiological
mechanisms of stress tolerance in crop plants. 'a0or insect pests of important
agricultural crops. Principles and methods of insect control. Entomological industries:
Apiculture, Sericulture and 2ac-culture. "ypes of agricultural pollution and its
management. 'ode of action, ha(ards and safety measures of insecticides. &P' and
economics of pest management.
Causes, nature of losses and economic importance of plant diseases, and principles of
their control. Economic importance, transmission and control of plant viruses. .arious
methods to control and manage plant diseases. 'ethods of screening of crop
germplasm for the sources of disease resistance. Physiological re/uirements and
pro#lems in mushroom cultivation. nutritional value of mushroom and remedial
measures of mushroom poisoning.
Classification, propagation, management practices and post harvest handling of
,orticultural crops. Role of tissue culture in agriculture. Cultivation, production, chemical
and pharmacological properties of medicinal plants. Propagation methods, management
practices and mar-eting of fruit and ornamental plants nurseries.
Soil formation and Soil profile. "ypes of soil, salt affected and 1aterlogged soils, and
their reclamation and management. %actors affecting crop gro1th and gro1th
e$pression models. Sources and significance of organic matter in agriculture. Soil
fertility pro#lems in Pa-istani soils. &ntegrated plant nutritional system. 5inds and levels
of soil survey, and application of G&S and remote sensing in soil survey. "ypes, control
and management of soil erosion.
1. $grios' G.B. 1@@:. Plant Pathology. 7
$(a. Press' BH' #S$.
2. $nonymous. 2002 Soil Sur.ey 0anual. #S2$' #ni.. Press of the Pa(ifi('
Washington 2C' #S$.
!. $ruga' %. 1@@7. Prin(i*les of Seri(ulture. ETranslate from 1a*aneseF. ?xfor ) IB%
Pu9. C?. P.t. ,t' Be- 2elhi' Inia.
7. $t-al' $.S. an S.S. Bains. 200:. $gri(ultural Pests of Southeast $sia an their
0anagement. 6alyani Pu9l.' ,uhiana' Inia.
:. Bashir' ". an &. Bantel EesF. 1@@<. Soil S(ien(e. BB3' Islama9a' Pakistan.
6. Bray' B.C. an &.&. Weil. 2002. The Bature an Pro*erties of Soils. 1!
Prenti(e %all In(.' #**er Sale &' B1' #S$.
7. Brooker' &.1 200:. Geneti(sG $nalysis an Prin(i*les. 2
". 0(Gra- %ill' BH' #S$.
+. Bro-n' T.$. 2000. "ssential 0ole(ular BiologyG $ *ra(ti(al a**roa(h. Vol. I ) II.
?xfor #ni.. Press' BH' #S$.
@. Chahal' G.S. an S.S. Gosal. 2002 *rin(i*les an *ro(eures of *lant BreeingG
Biote(hnologi(al an (on.entional a**roa(hes. $l*ha S(i. Int. ,t.' #6.
10. Chang' S.T. an W.$ %ayes. 1@=+. The 9iology an Culti.ation of "i9le
0ushrooms. $(a. Press' BH' #S$.
11. "l>inga' &.T. 200! funamentals of "ntomology. Prenti(e %all' ,onon' #6.
12. Grie.e' 0. 1@@2. $ 0oern %er9al. Tiger Book Int.' #6.
1!. Griffiths' $.1.3 1.%. 0iller' 2.T. Su>uki' &.C. ,e-ontin an W.0. Gel9art. 200:. $n
Introu(tion to Geneti( $nalysis. W.%. 3reeman ) Co.' B.H.' #S$.
14. %eyne' ".G EeF. 1@+=. Wheat an Wheat Im*ro.ement. 2
". $S$' CSS$ an
SSS$.. $gronomy 0onogra*h 1!' $m. So(. $gron.' 0aison' Wis(onsin' #S$.
1:. 1oshi' S.G. 2000. 0ei(inal Plants. ?xfor ) IB% Pu9. Co. P.t. ,t' Be- 2elhi'
1<. 6hali' S. 1@@@. &esear(h on Plant Virology. $PS Press. The $m. Phyto*athol.
So(.' St. Paul.' #S$.
1=. 6han' 0.$. EeF. 1@@7. Plant Breeing. BB3' Islama9a' Pakistan.
18. 6lug' W.S. an 0.&. Cummings. 200!. Con(e*ts of Geneti(s. =
". Pearson "u.'
19. ,ooish' %. 2007. 0ole(ular Cell Biology. :
". 1ohn Wiley ) Sons' BH' #S$.
20. ,u(as' 1.$. 1@@+. Plant *athology an Plant Pathogens. Bla(k-ell S(i.' #S$.
21. 0alik' 0.B. 1@@7 %orti(ulture. BB3' Islama9a' Pakistan.
22. 0engel' 6. an ".$. 6irk9y. 2001. Prin(i*les of Plant Butrition. :
". 6lu-er $(a.
Pu9l.' 2orre(ht' The Betherlans.
2!. Ba*ier' T.$. 2000. Soil an Water Conser.ation Poli(iesG Su((esses an failures.
C&C Press' Bo(a &aton' 3,' #S$.
27. By.all' &.3. 1@+@. 3iel Cro* 2iseases %an9ook. $VI Pu9. Co.' BH' #S$.
2:. Pana' B. an G.S. 6hush. 1@@:. %ost Plant &esistan(e to Inse(ts. I&&I' Printe
an Boun in #6' Biles ,t. Guilfor' #6.
26. Poehlman' 1.0. an $.2. Sle*er. 1@@:. Breeing 3iel Cro*s. 7
". lo-a State
#ni.. Press' $mes' #S$.
27. &a>an' 0.6. EeF. 200!. Introu(tion to Plant Tissue Culture. 2
". Inter(e*t' BH'
2+. &o99elem' G. an &.6. 2o-ney. 1@@0. ?il Cro*s of the Worl' their 9reeing an
utili>ation . 0(Gra- %ill Pu9. Co.' BH' #S$.
2@. Saleem' 0.$. an 0. $shfa/. 2007. "n.ironmental Pollution an $gri(ulture. B.I.
#ni.. Press' 0ultan' Pakistan.
!0. Singh' B.2. 200!. Plant BreeingG Prin(i*les an 0ethos. 6alyani Pu9l.' Be-
2elhi' Inia.
31. Shah' %.$ an 0.$. Saleem. 2002. $**lie "ntomology. 2
". I>har Sons Printers'
,ahore' Pakistan.
!2. Soil Sur.ey of Pakistan &e*orts' Pakistan.
Total Marks: 100
A3 "he Pre-&slamic Ara#ic 2iterature and its salient features.
*3 Al-8uran and its influence on Ara#ic 2iterature.
C3 2iterary movements, Classical *ac-ground, Socio-cultural influences and modern
trends in A##asid period and its literary history.
D3 Contri#ution of "he Ara#s in the fields of science Philosophy and linguistics 1ith
critical study of the 1or-s of &mmam Gha(ali, &#n-e-Rashi/ue, &#n-e-8utai#a, Al-
;ahi(, &#n-e-;inay and 5halil *in Ahmed.
E3 2iterary movements in 4ndlus period.
%3 !rigin of modern literary style and its development, including Drama novel, short
story and essay, special emphasis on the literature of Al-'ah0er and its out-
standing representatives3 %ou(i Almaloof, ;a#ran 5halil ;a#ran, 'i-hail uaima
and &lia A#u 'edh.
G3 A short introduction to &ndo-Pa- Ara#ic 2iterature in the fields of prose and poetry
and e$tension study of the 1or-s of Ghulam Ali A(ad *ilgrami and Shah 9ali
A3 "o e$plain the meaning of Rhetoric ad its 2iterary aspects and differentiate them.
*3 =. Al-"ash#ee <. Al-&stiarah >. Al ha/i/ah 9al-ma0a( ?. Al-
A3 Ara#ic Grammar )'ufrad, 'usana, ;amaal 'ura# 9al 'adni, 'arifah, a-rah,
'arfooat, 'ansoo#at, 'a0roorat+.
*3 A detailed study of history of Ara#ic 2anguage and its characteristics.
C3 &nformation a#out the Ara# Scholars in the development of various sciences of
Ara#ic 2anguage.
A3 "o e$plain the meaning of criticisms and literature criticism.
*3 "o give through study of history of criticism in various periods of Pre-&slamic and
&slamic history.
=. Dr. De *oer "he ,istory of Philosophy in &slam
<. iclson A ,istory of Ara#ic 2iterature
>. Gi##s An introduction to the Ara#ic 2iterature
?. 9. 9right Ara#ic Grammar.
Total Marks:100
=. 'aull/at complete
<. )a+ hassan *in Sa##it3 "he follo1ing t1o 8asaid from his Dai1an3 o. = @'a
*alu Aine-aA o.<A2illahi Damu 5aa#aA
>. 5aa#-&#n Buhair and his 8aisaida3 @*anat SuaadA.
?. 5hansa and her 8aisidatah @9a &nna Sa-hran 2a1alinaA
C. Al-'utana##i, )his first C 8asaid+ from Di1an al 'utahli A#u-"mam, )*a#-
D. A#u-"mam, )*a#-Alhimasah+
E. Ahmed Sho/ue and his poetry Al-,am(iah-il-Ann#1iah
=. 8us-*in, Saida Alayadi and his 5hut#an "aree-h-ul-Ada# Ara#i. Ahmed
,assan ayat. Page. >F
<. 5hut#ah ,i00at ul 9idda. Al i/d-ul-%areed.
>. Al-0ahi(, @5hut#ah A#i *a-r, 5hut#ah AliA )Al#iyan 1al ta#yeen+
?. 'ahmood "aimoor his novel Anal-8atil
C. Dr. "aha ,ussain, Al1ad al ha/ )Ammar #in Gasir+
D. Dr. Saleem "ari/ 5han, Al-2ugha Al-Ar#ia )&.4.*+. *.A
E. Dr. 5hali/ Dad 'ali-, Al-&nsha 1al 'uhadsa.
=. Dr. De *oer "he ,istory of Philosophy in &slam
<. iclson A ,istory of Ara#ic 2iterature
>. Gi##s An introduction to Ara#ic 2iterature
?. 9.9right Ara#ic Grammar.
Marks : 100
=. Al&a*: !rigin, evolution, distri#ution and classification 1ith reference to
range, structure, life-history, ecology and economic importance of Cyanophyta,
*acillariophyta, Phaeophyta and Rhodophyta, Chlorophyta.
<. F,&%: Structure of plant #ody: development of ascus, #asidium and
conidium: reproduction: classification: phylogeny, physiology and economic
importance of the main groups of fungi. Diseases of economically important
plants and their control.
>. Br"o+$"t*s: Evolution of gametophytes and sporophytes, structure,
reproduction, classification and economic importance of various mem#ers of
2iver1orts, 'osses and ,orn1orts.
?. Pt*r%#o+$"t*s: &ntroduction, characteristic features, alternation of generation
and evolutionary tendencies of various divisions3 Psilophyta, 2ycophyta,
Sphenophyta and Pterophyta. Evolution of seed.
C. 1"!os+*r!s: General characters, life history and evolutionary tendencies
of Cycadophyta, Coniferophyta and Gin-gophyta. Structure of seed.
D. A&%os+*r!s:
a. Ta(oo!": &ntroduction to systematic #otany: historical #ac-ground of
classification systems, Post evolutionary era and recent developments in
classification systems. Plant omenclature, Rules of omenclature,
&nternational Code of *otanical omenclature, Concept of ta$a, Plant
collection and Preparation of her#arium: *otanic Gardens. 'odern trends
in ta$onomy, *iosystematics, Chemota$onomy and umerical ta$onomy.
#. Aato!": Cell 1all: "issues and "issue systems3 'eristematic tissue:
Epidermal tissue system: %undamental or ground tissue system:
'echanical tissue system: 7ylem and Phloem as .ascular tissue,
Collenchyma, Sclerenchyma: Primary and secondary gro1th: Cam#ium,
Periderm. Anatomy of leaf, stem and root. A#normal6Anomalous
secondary gro1th, Ecological anatomy.
c. Em#ryology3 &ntroduction: alternation of generation: the flo1er and its
parts: stamen or microsporophyll: carpel or megasporophyll: male
gametophyte or microgametophyte, pollination and fertili(ation:
endosperm: em#ryo and its development )em#ryogenesis+: seed and fruit
formation: apomi$is: polyem#ryony.
1. %arol C. Bol an 0i(heals' 1. Wynne' 1@+:. Introu(tion to the $lgae.
Prenti(e %all' In(' Be- 1ersey.
2. $lexo*olous' Cl1.' 0ims' C.W. an Bla(k-ell' C. 1@@<. Introu(tory 0y(ology E7
"itionF. Wiley ) Sons' Be- Hork.
!. We9ster' 1. 1@+0. Introu(tion to fungi E2
".F' Cam9rige #ni.ersity Press'
7. George B. $griose 1@=+. Plant Pathology. 7
"ition. $(aemi( Press' ,onon.
:. S(holfiel' B.W. Introu(tion to Bryology. 0a(0illan' Be- Hork.
<. S*orne' 6.&. E1@<=F. The 0or*hology of Gymnos*erms. %ut(hinson #ni..
,i9rary' ,onon.
=. Smith G.0. 1@:<. Cry*togami( Botany .ol. I ) II 2
eit. 0(Gra- %ill.
+. Stuessy' T. 3. 1@@0. Plant Taxonomy. Colum9ia #ni.ersity Press' #S$.
@. ,a-ren(e' G. %. 0. 1@:1. Taxonomy of Vas(ular Plants. 0a(millan' Be- Hork.
10. 1ones' S.B. an ,u(hsinger' $.". 1@+=. Plant Systemati(s. 0(gra-A%ill Book
(om*any' Singa*ore.
11. Sta(e' C.$. 1@<2. Plant Taxonomy an Biosystemati(s. Bational Book
3ounation Islama9a.
12. 3ahn' $. 1@@0. Plant $natomy. Pergamon Press. ?xfor.
1!. "sau' 6. 1@<0. $natomy of See Plants. 1ohn Wiley' Be- Hork.
17. Paney' B.P. 2001. Plant $natomy. S. Chan an (om*any ,t. Be- 2ehli.
1:. 0ahesh-ari' P. 1@++. $n introu(tion to the "m9ryology of $ngios*erms' @
&e*rint. 0(Gra-A%ill' In(. Be- Hork.
Total Marks: 100
=. Plat P$"s%olo&": Plant 1ater relations, osmotic /uantities, a#sorptions,
transpiration, role of essential mineral elements, their upta-e and distri#ution. Gro1th
and development, Plant hormones, Photoperiodism, .ernali(ation, Dormancy and seed
germination. *iochemistry of Car#ohydrates, Proteins and %ats 1ith reference to plants.
En(ymes. Plant pigments. Photophosphorylation: Path of car#on in photosynthesis:
!$idative phosphorylation )respiration+, itrogen and %at meta#olism.
<. E'olo&": &nfluence of climatic, edaphic and #iotic factors on plant gro1th.
Sampling techni/ues. 'a0or formations in relation to climatic (ones. Concepts of
ecosystems and their productivity, Ecological energetics, pyramids, food chains and
trophic levels. Salinity and 9aterlogging in Pa-istan3 Causes and reclamation of
salinity, soil erosion, methods of control and conservation. Pollution and conservation of
natural resources. .egetation of Pa-istan.
>. C"tolo&": Detailed study of ultra-structure of cell and its components:
Chromosomes, 'itosis and meiosis, significance, Cancer and apoptosis.
?. 1**t%'s:
a. M*#*l%a 1**t%'s: 2in-age, Crossing over, Se$-lin-ed
inheritance, 'utation, Polyploidy.
#. B%o'$*!%'al 1**t%'s: *iochemical nature of hereditary
material, fine structure of genes3 "ransduction and "ransformation.
c. Mol*',lar 1**t%'s: Replication, "ranscription, Genetic
codes and "ranslation.
C. E0ol,t%o: "heories of Evolution, 2amarc-ism, Dar1inism, eo-Dar1inism.
,ardy-9ein#ergHs 2a1, Gene fre/uency, Adaptive mtations.
1. Tai>' ,. an ". Ieiger 2002. Plant Physiology. Thir "ition sinauers Pu9. Co.
In(. California.
2. Salis9ury' 3.B. an C.W. &oss 1@@2. Plant Phsiology. Was-orth *u9lishing
(om*any' Bemont' California.
!. ?um' ".P. 1@+:. Basi( "(ology. W.B. Sauners.
7. Smith' &.,. 1@@+. "lements of "(ology. %ar*er ) &o- Pu9lishers' Be- Hork.
:. Waisel' H. 1@=2. Biology of %alo*hytes.
<. Garner' ".1.' Simmons' 0. 1. an Snusta' 2.P. 1@@1. Prin(i*les of Geneti(s.
"ition. 1ohn Willey an Sons' Be- Hork.
=. Stri(k9erger' 0. V. 1@+:. Geneti(s. !
"ition. 0a(0illan Press ,t.' ,onon.
+. Snusta' 2.P. an Simmons' 0. 1. 2002. Prin(i*les of Geneti(s. !
"ition. 1ohn
Willey an Sons' Be- Hork.
@. Taylor' T.B. an Taylor' ".2. 1@+=. The Biology an ".olution of 3ossil Plants'
Prenti(e %all.
Total Marks: 100
=. Maa&*!*t "*st*r#a" a# to#a"
- ,istorical #ac-ground of 'anagement
- 'anaging in the e1 Era
"he &nternet, Glo#ali(ation, 5no1ledge 'anagement and Colla#oration
across @#oundariesA.
<. Pla%&: Delivering strategic value, the #asic planning process, strategic
planning, types of plans and decision ma-ing.
>. Or&a%2%&3 *uilding a dynamic organi(ation, fundamentals of organi(ing
)differentiation I integration+, organi(ation structure )vertical I
hori(ontal+. Empo1erment )Centrali(ation I Decentrali(ation+, Co-
ordination #y )Standardi(ation #y plan I #y ad0ustment+. ),uman
Resource 'anagement: ),R'+: Planning, Recruitment, Selection
and "raining etc+.
?. L*a#%&: 'o#ili(ing People, ,uman %actors and 'otivation, 2eading and
'anaging, 2eadership and %ollo1ership, Po1er and 2eadership.
C. Cotroll%&: 2earning and Changing, *asic Control Process, Control "echni/ues
and &", !rgani(ing for &nnovation )"echnology, ;o# Design I ,R
Development, Pro0ect &mplementation and 4nleashing Creativity+
1. 0anagementG $ Glo9al Pers*e(ti.e 11
". 6oont>' %arol ) Weihri(h' %ein>'
2. 0anagementG +
". &o99ins' Ste*hen P. ) Coulter' 0ary' Prenti(e %all of Inia.
!. 0anagementG Com*eting in the Be- "ra. :
". ' Bateman' Thomas S. ) Snell'
S(ott $. 0(Gra-A%ill Ir-in
Total Marks: 100
Marks: 30
=. T$* F%*l# o4 Mark*t%&: 'ar-eting Role and 1hat is it all a#out3 9ho Performs
'ar-eting %unctions, 'ar-eting and Customer .alue, Satisfaction and 2oyalty,
Glo#al 'ar-eting Systems, ?Ps )Product, Price, Place and Promotion+.
<. T$* Mark*t%& E0%ro!*t a# Mark*t S*l*'t%o: &nternal I E$ternal
Environment, 'ar-et Segmentation, "argeting and Positioning, 'ar-et
&nformation I Research.
>. Pro#,'t: Product Planning and Development, Product line and Product mi$
strategies, *randing, Pac-aging, !ther Product %eatures and Services
?. Pr%'*: Price determination )An Ethical Dilemma, %actors &nfluencing, and Setting
Pricing etc.+, Pricing Strategies )Price .s on Price Competition, Geographic
Pricing, Discount I Allo1ances, Special Pricing Strategies and Situations etc+.
C. Pla'*:'iddlemen and Distri#ution Channels, Designing, Selecting and
Distri#ution of Channels, Retailing and 9holesaling.
D. Pro!ot%o: 'ar-eting Communications 'i$ )Personal Selling, Advertising,
Sales Promotion and Pu#licity or Pu#lic Relations+.
1. Prin(i*les of 0arketing <
". 6otler' Phili* ) $rmstrong Gary' Prenti(eA%all'
International' In(.
2. "ssentials of 0arketingG $ Glo9alA0anagerial $**roa(h +
". 0(Carthy' ".
1erome ) Perreault' William 2. Ir-in 0(Gra-A%ill.
!. Basi( 0arketingG $ Glo9al 0anagerial $**roa(h 17
". 0(Carthy' ". 1erome )
Perreault William 2. 0(Gra-A%ill Ir-in.
4. 0arketing 1!
".' Stanton William 1.' "t>el' 0i(hael 1. ) Walker' Bru(e 1.'
0(Gra-A%ill Ir-in.
Marks: 30
=. U#*rsta#%& F%a'%al Maa&*!*t: An !vervie1 of %inancial
management, Securities mar-ets and %inancial institutions, Concept of "ime
.alue of 'oney, .aluation of Securities )Stoc-s and *onds+, 'easuring the Ris-s
and Returns.
<. U#*rsta#%& a# Aal"2%& F%a'%al Stat*!*ts: &AS* )&nternational
Accounting Standard *oard+ %rame1or- and %undamental Accounting Concepts,
Components of %inancial Statements )Preparation and Presentation+, %inancial
Statement Analysis and &nterpretation.
>. S$ort t*r! F%a'%al Maa&*!*t -*'%s%o 5%0*st%& 6 4%a'%&7: *udgets
and Pro0ected %inancial Statements, 'anaging et Current Assets, &nventory
'anagement, Accounts Receiva#le 'anagement, 'anaging Short
"erm6Spontaneous %inances.
?. F%a'%& -*'%s%os 5Lo& T*r!7: Capital Structure Decisions, 2everage
Decision, Cost of Capital Decision, Dividend Decisions.
C. I0*st%& -*'%s%os 5Lo& T*r!7: Capital &nvestment Decision, Capital
&nvestment Appraisal "echni/ues, Ris- 'anagement in Capital &nvestment
D. Cor+orat* F%a'%&: 'ergers, Ac/uisitions, "a-eovers and *uyouts,
%inancial Distress and Restricting, ,edging Decision.
1. Prin(i*les of 0anagerial 3inan(e' ,a-ren(e 1. Gitman' Pearson "u(ation $sia
2. Intermeiate 3inan(ial 0anagement' "ugene 3. Brigham Ga*enski )' The
2ryen Press
!. 3unamentals of finan(ial 0anagement' 1ames C. Van %orne 1ohn 0.
Wa(ho-i(>' 1r.' Prenti(eJ%all International' In(.
7. $.an(e Cor*orate 3inan(e EPoli(ies an StrategiesF' 1ose*h P. ?gen 3rank
C. 1en Phili* 3. ?;Connor' 3arhan &a>a Printers' Islama9a
Total Marks: 100
)A+. P$"s%'al C$*!%str"8
=. 9,at,! T$*or" 6 Ato!%' Str,'t,r*
8uantum theory. "he Schrodinger 9ave E/uation, particle in one
dimensional #o$ and its application for ,ydrogen atom. 8uantum
um#ers. Chemical *onding. Elgen .alues and Elgen functions.
Degeneracy. "unnel Effect.
<. C$*!%'al T$*r!o#"a!%'s
%irst 2a1 of "hermodynamic and Enthalpy changes. Entropy and second
2a1 of "hermodynamics. Standard %ree Energy and Chemical
e/uili#rium. Concept of Residual Entropy.
>. El*'tro'$*!%str"
Conductance and its measurement. Activity and Activity coefficients.
'easurement of Activity coefficient of strong electrolytes. De#y-,uc-el
"heory and its applications for strong electrolytes. Electrodes, Electrode
Potential and its measurement. Corrosion and its prevention.
?. N,'l*ar C$*!%str"
Radioactivity, detection and its measurement, 5inetics of Radioactive
decay, uclear %ission, uclear %usion, Artificial Radioactivity, uses of
Radioactive isotopes and uclear Reactors.
)*+. Ior&a%' C$*!%str"
=. Mo#*r T$*or" o4 C$*!%'al Bo#%&
'odern "heories of Chemical #onding. .alance *ond theory, hy#ridi(ation
of or#ital, molecular !r#ital theory, comparison of valence *ond and
'olecular or#ital theories, shapes of inorganic molecules, application of
.SEPR concept.
<. C$*!%str" #/Blo'k El*!*ts
General Characteristics of d-*loc- elements, Chemistry of %irst "ransition
Series, "ransition metal comple$es, structure of coordinate comple$
compounds, Postulates and applications of 9ernerHs Chelates,
omenclature and &somerism in coordinate compounds.
>. &or&a%' C$*!%'al I#,str%*s
Sulphuric acid, Chemical %ertili(ers, cements, Ceramics, Soda Ash and
Caustic Soda.
?. E0%ro!*tal C$*!%str"
Concept of Environmental chemistry, Environmental Pollution, green
,ouse Effect, Air Pollution, 9ater Pollution and Chemical "o$icology.
)A+ Or&a%' C$*!%str"
=. Str,'t,r* a# R*a't%0%t"
&nductive effect, delocali(ed chemical #ond, resonance effect,
tautomerism, hyper-con0ugation, steric effect and hydrogen #onding.
:8 UV a# IR S+*'tros'o+"
Principle of 4.-.isi#le and &R-Spectroscopy, terms involved in
spectroscopy. -ma$, #athochromic shift, hypsochromic shift, finger print
region, overtones and applications in functional group identification of
organic compounds.
>. C$*!%str" o4 Car)o"l 1ro,+
Preparation and properties of Aldehydes and -etones. Acid and #ase
cataly(ed Aldol condensation reactions and nucleophilic additions to
car#onyl group.
?. C$*!%str" o4 Ar!at%' Co!+o,#s
'echanism and applications of Electrophilic aromatic su#stitution
reactions, Arenium ion mechanism, orientation and reactivity. Aromaticity
and condensed simple aromatics systems.
C. St*ro'$*!%str"
Steroisomerism, conformational analysis of cycloal-anes, chirality and
optical activity, recemi(ation, epimeri(ation and geometrical isomerism.
)*+ S*l*'t*# To+%'s % A++l%*# C$*!%str"
=. B%o/!ol*',l*s
&ntroduction, classification, structure and meta#olism of car#ohydrates.
Primary, Secondary I "ertiary structure of Proteins. 2ipids and their
<. C$ro!ato&ra+$"
Principle and types of chromatography. "hin layer and column
Chromatography 1ith their applications.
>. Mat*r%al C$*!%str"
&ntroduction and applications of Polymers, Semi-conductors, composites
and li/uid crystals.
?. C$*!%'als % S*r0%'* o4 Mak%#
Detergents, Pesticides, Dyes, Cosmetics and Pigments.
1. Physical Chemistry #y &ra . 2evane, C
2. &norganic Chemistry #y ;ames E. ,uheey and Richard &. 5elter, ?
3. Physical Chemistry #y 'oore, 9alter S, C
?. 'echanism and Structure of !rganic Chemistry #y Gould, Ed1ard.
C. Essential of Physical Chemistry #y G.D."uli, Arun *ahl.
6. Advanced &norganic Chemistry #y Cotton %.A I 9il-inson Groffrey, >
E. Chemistry )!rganic I &norganic+ #y A.'.,. Shai-h
J. Advanced Chemistry #y Philip 'atthe1s.
9. organic Chemistry #y 'orrison, Ro#ert,"hornton and *oyd. R.., <
=F. "e$t *oo- of &norganic Chemistry for *.Sc. #y '. Bafar &/#al )Revised I
Enlarged Edition+
==. Selected topics in &norganic Chemistry #y G.D. "uli.
12. Physical Chemistry #y Gordon '.*arro1, C
Total Marks: 100
=. Itro#,'t%o to Co!+,t%&
um#er Systems, *inary num#ers, *oolean logic, ,istory Computer system,
#asic machine organi(ation, .on eumann Architecture, Algorithm definition,
design, and implementation, Programming paradigms and 2anguages, Graphical
programming, !vervie1 of Soft1are Engineering and &nformation "echnology,
!perating system, Compiler, Computer net1or-s and &nternet, Computer
graphics, Al, Social and legal issues.
<. Pro&ra!!%& Sol0%& T*'$%;,*s
Algorithms and pro#lem solving, development of #asic Algorithms, analy(ing
pro#lem, designing solution, testing designed solution, fundamental programming
constructs, translation of algorithms to programmes, data types, control
structures, functions, arrays, records, files, testing programmes.
1. Com*utersG Information Te(hnology in Pers*e(ti.e' @Ke 9y ,arry ,ong an
Ban(y ,ong. Prenti(e %all' 2002KISBBG 01!0@2@+@1
2. $n In.itation to Com*uter S(ien(e' S(hneier an Gersting' BrooksKCole
Thomson ,earning' 2000
!. Com*uter S(ien(eG $n of Com*uter S(ien(e' Sherer
7. Programme 2esign -ith PseuoA(oe' Bailey an ,ungaar' BrooksKCole
Pu9lishing' 1@++
:. Sim*le Programme 2esignG $ ste*A9yAste* a**roa(h' 7Ke' ,esley $nne
&o9ertson' ISBBG oA<1@A1<07<A2 L 2007.
=. Co!+,t*r Co!!,%'at%os 6 N*t<orks
Analogue and digital "ransmission, oise, 'edia, Encoding, Asynchronous and
Synchronous transmission, Protocol design issues, et1or- System architecture
)!S&, "CP6&P+, Error control, %lo1 Control, Data 2in- Protocols ),D2C,PPP+.
2ocal Area et1or-s and 'AC 2ayer protocols )Ethernet, "o-en ring+,
'ultiple$ing, S1itching and &P et1or-s, &nternet1or-ing, Routing, *ridging,
"ransport layer protocols "CP6&P, 4DP. et1or- security issues, Programming
e$ercises or pro0ects involving implementation of protocols at different layers.
<. -%&%tal Lo&%' 6 Co!+,t*r Ar'$%t*'t,r*
2ogic design of Digital Systems, %undamental and advanced concepts of 2ogic
Designs, *oolean Alge#ra I functions, Designing and implementation of
com#inational and Se/uential logic, minimi(ation techni/ues, num#er
representation and #asic #inary arithmetic 2ogic families and digital integrated
circuits, use of CAD tools for logic designs. "opics of Computer Architecture.
1. Introu(tion to Com*uter Bet-orks' Tanen9aum
2. #nix Bet-ork Programming' &i(har Ste.ens.
!. Com*uter net-orksG a systems a**roa(h' ,arry Peterson' Bru(e'
Prin(eton #ni..' Prin(eton.
4. 2igital 2esign' 2
".' 0. 0orris 0ano' Prenti(e hall' 1@@1.
:. Pra(ti(al 2igital ,ogi( 2esign an Testing' P. 6 ,ala' Prenti(e %all' 1@@<.
18 -ata Str,'t,r*s 6 Al&or%t$!s
*asic data#ase concepts: Entity Relationship modeling, Relational data model
and alge#ra, Structured 8uery 2anguage, RD*'S, Data#ase design, functional
dependencies and normal forms, "ransaction processing and optimi(ation
concepts, concurrency control and recovery techni/ues, Data#ase recovery
techni/ues, Data#ase security and authori(ation, Small Group Pro0ect
implementing a data#ase, Physical data#ase design. Storage and file structure,
inde$ed files, hashed files, signature files, #-trees, files 1ith dense inde$, file 1ith
varia#le length records, data#ase efficiency and tuning.
<. O+*rat%& S"st*!s
,istory and Goals, Evolution of multi-user systems, Process and CP4
management, 'ultithreding, 5ernel and 4ser 'odes, Protection, Pro#lems of
cooperative processes, Synchroni(ation, Deadloc-s, 'emory management and
virtual memory, Relocation, E$ternal %ragmentation, Paging and Demand
Paging, Secondary storage, Security and Protection, %ile systems, &6! systems,
&ntroduction to distri#uted operating systems. Scheduling, dispatch and
&ntroduction to concurrency.
1. 2ata9ase Systems' C.1.2ate' $ison Wesley Pu9. Co. E 2007F.
2. 2ata9ase Systems' $ Pra(ti(al $**roa(h to 2esign' Im*lementation an
0anagement. &. Connoly an P. Begg' $ision JWesley Pu9. E200!F.
!. 3unamentals of 2ata9ase systems' !K"' "lmasri an Ba.athe' $isionA
Wesley' ISBBG 0A201A=71:!A@
4. $**lie ?*erating Systems Con(e*ts' <
"ition' Sil9ers(hat> $.' Peterson'
1.,.' ) P.C. 1@@+.
5. 0oern ?*erating Systems' 2
"ition' Tanenmaum $.S.' 2001.
Total Marks:100
18 T$*or" o4 A,to!ata a# For!al La&,a&*s8
Finite State Models: 2anguage definitions preliminaries, Regular
e$pressions6Regular languages, %inite automatas )%As+, "ransition graphs
)"Gs+,% As, -leeneKs theorem, "ransducers )automata 1ith output+, Pumping
lemma and non regular language Grammars an P2$G Conte$t free grammars,
Derivations, derivation trees and am#iguity, Simplifying C%2s , ormal form
grammars and parsing, Push-do1n Automata, Pumping lemma and non-conte$t
free languages, Decida#ility, Choms-yKs hierarchy of grammars, Turing 0a(hines
TheoryG "uring machines, Post machine, .ariations on =', =' encoding,
4niversal "uring 'achine, Conte$t sensitive Grammars, Defining Computers #y
1. Introu(tion to Com*uter Theory' 2enial Cohen' 1ohn Wiley ) Sons' In(.
2. Introu(tion to $utomata Theory' ,anguages an Com*utation' 1 %o*(raft' 2.
!. ,anguages an 0a(hines' $n Introu(tion to the Theory of Com*. S(.' 2Ke
Thomas $ Sukam*' $ison Wesley.
: Co!+%l*r T$*or" 6 -*s%&
Compiler techni/ues and methodology. !rgani(ation of compilers. 2e$ical and
synta$ analysis. Parsing techni/ues. !#0ect code generation and optimi(ation,
detection and recovery from errors. Comparison #et1een compilers and
1. Com*iler 2esign an Constru(tion' 9y $lfre V. $ho' &a.i Sethi' %ar( 2
eition' 1@+=' Van Bostran &einhol'. ISBBG 0!1=<!<!<=.
=8 N,!*r%'al M*t$o#s
'athematical Preliminaries, Solution of E/uations in one varia#le, &nterpolation
and Polynomial Appro$imation, umerical Differentiation and &ntegration, &nitial
.alue Pro#lems for !rdinary Differential E/uations, Direct 'ethods for Solving
2inear Systems, &terative "echni/ues in 'atri$ Alge#ra, Solution of non-linear
e/uations, Appro$imation "heory, Eigenvalues and Eigenvector computation.
1. "lements of Bumeri(al $nalysis' 2r. 3ai>' 0. $f>al
I8 -ata Bas* S"st*!s
*asic data#ase concepts, Entity Relationship modelling, Relational data model
and alge#ra, Structured 8uery language, RD*'S: Data#ase design, functional
dependencies and normal forms, "ransaction processing and optimi(ation
concepts, concurrency control and recovery techni/ues, Data#ase recovery
techni/ues, Data#ase security and authori(ation. Small Group Pro0ect
implementing a data#ase. Physical data#ase design3 Storage and file structure,
inde$ed files, hashed files, signature files, #-trees, files 1ith dense inde$, files
1ith varia#le length records, data#ase efficiency and tuning Data 9arehousing
and Data 'ining, Emerging Data#ase "echnologies and Applications.
1. 2ata9ase Systems' C.1. 2ate' $ison Wesley Pu9. Co. E2007F.
2. 2ata9ase SystemsG $ Pra(ti(al $**roa(h to 2esign' Im*lementation an
!. & Connolly an P .Begg' $isonAWesley Pu9. Co E200!F.
7. 3unamentals of 2ata9ase Systems' !K"' "lmasri an Ba.athe' $isonA
Wesley' ISBBG 0A201A=71:!A@.
<. So4t<ar* E&%**r%&
Soft1are Engineering, Process 'odels, Soft1are verification and validation.
"echni/ues are introduced to evaluate soft1are correctness, efficiency,
performance and relia#ility, integration of these techni/ues into a verification and
validation plan. "echnical revie1s, soft1are testing, programme verification,
prototyping, and re/uirement tracing. Attitude of industry to1ard relia#ility and
1. Soft-are "ngineeringG $ Pra(tionerMs $**roa(h' &oger Pressman' 0(Gra-A%ill'
2. Soft-are "ngineering' Ian Sommer.ille' $isonAWesley 2001' ISBBG 0A201A
=. Art%4%'%al It*ll%&*'*
&ntroduction to Common 2isp. A& classical systems3 General Pro#lem Solver,
rules, simple search, means-ends analysis. El&BA, pattern matching, rule #ased
translators, !PS-C. 5no1ledge Representation3 atural language, rules,
productions, predicate logic, semantic net1or-s, frames, o#0ects, scripts.
Searching, Depth first search, #readth first search, #est first search, hill clim#ing,
min-ma$ search. Sym#olic 'athematics3 student solving alge#ra pro#lems,
translating English e/uations, solving alge#raic e/uations, simplification rules, re-
1rite rules, meta-rules, 'acsyma, PRESS, A"2AS. 2ogic Programming3
Resolution, unification, horn-clause logic, Prolog, Prolog programming. Sample
case studies of shells and 5no1ledge *ased Systems. A #rief appreciation of
state of the art computational techni/ues li-e neural net1or-s, genetic algorithm,
fu((y sets.
1. $rtifi(ial Intelligen(e 9y ,uger' 7th eition' Pearson "u(ation.
<8 Co!+,t*r 1ra+$%'s
Graphics hard1are, %undamental algorithms, Applications of graphics. &nteractive
graphics programming -graph plotting, 1indo1s and clipping, and segmentation.
Programming raster display systems, panning and (ooming. Raster algorithms
and soft1are Scan-Converting lines, characters and circles. Region filling and
clipping. "1o and three dimensional imaging geometry and transformations.
Curve and surface design, rendering, shading, colour and animation.
1. Com*uter Gra*hi(s' Prin(i*les an Pra(ti(e' 1. 2. 3oley' $ .an 2am' S. 6.
3einer an 1. 3. %ughes' $isonAWesley ISBBG 0A201A12110A=.
2. Com*uter Gra*hi(s' 3.S.%i1I' 0ax-ell 0a(0illan ISBBG 0A02A!:7+<0A<.
1. Com*utersG Tools for an Information $ge' +th ". % I Ca*ron' $ison Wesley'
200!. Paul Wilton.
2. Com*uter Con(e*ts' !r "' ITP 1@@+D 1.1.Parson ) 2. ?Ca
!. Si9ers(hat>. ) Gagne' ?*erating System Con(e*ts' <th ". 2002. 1ohn
Wiley ) Sons' In(. ISBB 0A7=1A71=7!A2.
7. Tanen9aum. $.S.' 0oern ?*erating Systems' 2n. "' 2001.
:. 2eitel ) 2eitel' COO' %o- to Program' 7th ". Prenti(e %all.
<. To((i ) Wimer' 2igital Systems' Prin(i*les an $**li(ations' +th ".. Pu9lishe
9y Pearson "u(ation.
=. 1ohn 3. Wakerly' 2igital 2esigns' Prin(i*les ) Pra(ti(es' !r. ". Pu9lishe 9y
Preni(e %all.
+. 0. 0orris 0ano' 2igital ,ogi( ) Com*uter 2esign' Prenti(e %all' 1@=@' ISBB 0A
@. 1im 6eogh' COO' Programmers Bote9ook' 2n ".
10. Si*ser' Introu(tion to the Theory of Com*utation' 2n ". Thomson Course
Te(hnology' 200<.
11. Ian Sommer.ille' Soft-are "ngineering' <th ". $ison Wesley'2001 12. 0. $.
Weiss' 2ata Stru(tures an $lgorithm $nalysis in C. Pearson "u(ation 2n ".
1!. "lmasri ) Ba.athe' 3unamentals of 2ata9ase Systems' 7th ".
17. "x*ert Systems an $**lie $rtifi(ial Intelligen(e 9y "frain Tur9an 1:. $rtifi(ial
Intelligen(e 9y &i(h ) 6night.
1<. $rtifi(ial Intelligen(e 9y George 3. ,uger.
1=. 2onal %earn an 0. Pauline Baker. Com*uter Gra*hi(s an ?*en G,' !r ".
1+. 3oley' Van 2am' 3einer' an %ughes' Com*uter Gra*hi(s Prin(i*le ) Pra(ti(es.
1@. 0athemati(al Stru(tures for Com*uter S(ien(e' 3reeman ) Com*anyD
20. 1a.a S(ri*tD The 2efiniti.e Guie' 2n "' ?. &eilly' 1@@=. 2. 3lanagan. 21. The
%T0,' Sour(e9ook' Wiley 1@@<. I.S. Graham.
22. Com*uter S(ien(eD $n ? <th ". $ison Wesley' 1@@+. 1.G.
2!. 1a.aD $n ?9Ce(t 3irst $**roa(h' $ison Wesley' 1@@<. 3. Cul-in.
27. We9 Page S(ri*ting Te(hni/ues' %ayen Books'1@@<. 1. Bloom9erg' 1. 6a-ski.
1 ) P. Treffers.
2:. 6enneth %. &osen' 2is(rete 0athemati(s an its $**li(ation' :th ". 200!'
2<. T .%. Cormen' C.". ,eiserson' &.,. &i.est' an C.2. Stein' Introu(tion of
$lgorithms' 0IT Press. 2n ". 2001.
2=. $ssem9ly language *rogramming of IB0 PC 9y Htha Hu an Charles 0arut.
0(Gra- %ill' 1@@2.
2+. Saee Bhatti ) Baeem Bhatti' a first (ourse in Bumeri(al $nalysis' 7th ". 200!.
2@. 2a.i $ Patterson' 1ohn ,. %ennessy' Com*uter ?rgani>ation an 2esign' !r
!0. %ennessy' 1.I. ) Patterson .2.$.' Com*uter $r(hite(tureD $ /uantitati.e
$**roa(h' 2n ". 0organ 6aufmann' 1@@<.
!1. Introu(tion to 2igital Systems 9y "r(ego.a(' ,ang ) 0oreno' Wiley' 1@@@.
!2. Introu(tion to Wireless Systems 9y P.0. Shankar' 1ohn Wiley ) Sons'2002.
!!. $.an(e 2igital 2esigns -ith the Verling %2, 9y 0i(hael 2. Ciletti. Prenti(e
%all' 200!.
Total Marks: 100
Part I
=. M%'ro*'oo!%'s: 'eaning of microeconomics. Choice, scarcity and opportunity
cost. Production Possi#ility frontier. Goals of microeconomic policy3 efficiency and
<. Mark*t *'oo!": Demand, Supply and Price determination. &ndividual and
mar-et demand. Changes in demand. &ndividual and mar-et supply. Changes in supply.
'ar-et e/uili#rium and impact of changes in demand and supply on mar-et e/uili#rium.
Elasticity of Supply and Demand. Point and Arc elasticity. Price, income and cross
elasticities. Application of the concept of elasticity.
>. T$* t$*or" o4 Cos,!*r B*$a0%o,r: Concept of utility and derivation of
Demand curve. Cardinal and ordinal 4tility. ConsumerHs Surplus. &ndifference Curves
and their shapes. 'arginal rate of su#stitution and conve$ity of &ndifference Curves. "he
#udget constraint and the e/uili#rium of the consumer. &ncome-Consumption and the
EngelHs Curve. Price- consumption and Demand curve. &ncome and Su#stitution effects
of a price change, the ,ic-sian method and the Sluts-y method. &dentification of normal
goods, inferior goods and Giffen goods.
?. T$* t$*or" o4 Pro#,'t%o: "he concepts of production cost and profit.
Production function. "he la1 of varia#le proportions. Cost curves in the short run and in
the long run. Choice of input mi$. "he principle of Su#stitution. &so- /uants, &so-cost line
and the condition for cost minimi(ation. "he e$pansion path and returns to scale.
Economies of scale. "he very long run and the endogenous technical change.
C. Mark*t str,'t,r*s a# )*$a0%o,r o4 4%r!s8
Perfectly competitive mar-ets. Assumptions of the model. "he supply curve of a
firm and an industry in the short run. Short run and the long run e/uili#rium of the
firm and industry. "he shape of the long run industry supply curve and the effects
of changing technology. "he allocative efficiency of perfect competition.
'onopoly3 Shape of the demand curve under monopoly. Elasticity of the demand
curve and its implication for a monopolist. Short run and long run e/uili#rium.
Price discrimination and its conse/uences. Analysis of price discrimination
#et1een mar-ets. Dumping. Cartels as monopolies. "he allocative inefficiency of
monopoly. Comparison #et1een perfect competition and monopoly.
&mperfectly competitive mar-et structures3 'onopolistic competition. "he concept
of industry and group. Short run and long run e/uili#rium of a firm. E$cess
capacity. Comparison 1ith perfect competition and monopoly.
!ligopoly and its #asic dilemma. Duopoly. 'odels of on-collusive oligopoly3
CournotHs duopoly model, Cham#erlainHs oligopoly model, S1ee(yHs -in-ed
demand model.
Collusive !ligopoly. Cartels3 ;oint profit ma$imi(ation and mar-et sharing cartels.
Price leadership models. 'ergers.
D. T$* t$*or" o4 Fa'tor Pr%'%&: Demand and Supply of inputs. &nput demand in
the short run and in the long run. "he firms demand curve. "he firmHs demand curve for
a single varia#le input. "he industryHs demand curve for an input. Elasticity of demand
for inputs. "he supply of inputs. Determination of price, /uantity and income of an input.
1. ,i*sey an Chrystal' "(onomi(s. 10th eition. ?xfor #ni.ersity Press.
2. 6outsoyiannis' $.' 0oern 0i(roe(onomi(s' ,onon' 0a(millan.
!. 0iller' ". an 0aala' G.S.' 0i(roe(onomi(s Theory an $**li(ations' 0(Gra-A
%ill International.
1. .aria#les, Constants and parameters. Relations and functions. "ypes of functions3
alge#raic and non-alge#raic. Graphic representation of economic functions.
E/uations and identities, simultaneous e/uations. Solution of mar-et models,
income determination model and &S-2' analysis.
<. Derivatives and their application in economics. Slope versus elasticity. Price,
income and cross elasticities of demand. &ncome determination, multipliers and
comparative statics. !ptimi(ation of economic functions. Constrained optimi(ation in
1. Chiang' $.C.' 3unamental 0ethos of 0athemati(al "(onomi(s' 0(Gra/ %ill'
6ogakusha' ,t.
2. 2o-ling' ".T.' Introu(tion to 0athemati(al "(onomi(s' S(huam;s outlines.
Total Marks: 100
=. >$at %s Ma'ro*'oo!%'s?: 'a0or macroeconomic issues. Economic models.
Stoc-s and flo1s, ational income accounting, circular flo1 of income, real versus
nominal GDP, the GDP deflator, the consumer price inde$, economic gro1th, actual
versus potential output, #usiness cycles and their phases, definition of full employment,
unemployment, GDP gap, &nflation.
<. Class%'al Ma'ro*'oo!%'s: "he classical revolution, production, employment,
la#our demand and la#our supply. E/uili#rium output and employment. "he /uantity
theory of money. "he Cam#ridge approach to the 8uantity theory. Aggregate Demand
and Aggregate Supply in the classical system. "he classical theory of rate of interest.
Complete classical model and classical dichotomy.
>. T$* .*"*s%a Ma'ro*'oo!%'s: Aggregate e$penditure and its components.
Consumption function and Savings function. &nvestment and the real rate of interest.
"he e/uili#rium GDP in a closed economy simple multiplies. Government spending and
ta$es. "a$ multiplier. GDP in an open economy. "he net e$port function and the foreign
trade multiplier. "he augmented saving-investment approach. %iscal and monetary
?. I0*st!*t a# %ts #*t*r!%ats: 'arginal efficiency of capital and optimal
capital stoc-, the marginal efficiency of investment. "he stoc- mar-et and "o#inHs /-
theory. &nventory investment and the accelerator model. "he interaction of multiplier and
accelerator. "he derivation of &S- curve and its slope. %actors that shift the &S- curve.
C. T$* !o*" !ark*t a# LM/',r0*8 5eynes "heory of 2i/uidity preference.
Supply of money. 'onetary e/uili#rium and the rate of interest. Derivation of 2'-curve
and its slope. %actors that shift the 2'-curve. 5eynes li/uidity tap. &nteraction of &S-2'
curves. Ad0ustment to e/uili#rium in the &S-2' curve model. "he alge#ra of the &S-2'
D. A&&r*&at* -*!a# a# A&&r*&at* S,++l": 'acroeconomic e/uili#rium in the
short run. "he effect of aggregate demand and aggregate supply shoc-s on the price
level and GDP. 2ong run conse/uences of aggregate demand shoc-s. 2ong run
aggregate supply curve. &nflationary and recessionary gaps. "he theory of fiscal
sta#ili(ation and its effectiveness. "ransmission mechanism. Comparison of the
Classical and 5eynesian models and policy conclusions.
E. I4lat%o a# ,*!+lo"!*t: "ypes of inflation, Supply shoc- and demand
Shoc-. &nflation as a monetary phenomena. Stagflation. "he theory of PhilipHs Curve.
"he short run and the long run Philips curve. "he e$pectations augmented PhilipHs
curve. Adaptive e$pectations. 4nemployment. %rictional, structural and cyclical
unemployment. !-unHs la1. ,ysteresis and the natural rate hypotheses.
J. Cos,!+t%o t$*or%*s a# t$*%r %!+l%'at%os: 5eynesian a#solute income
hypothesis, Simon 5u(nets findings, Duesen#uryHs hypothesis, Permanent income
hypothesis, life cycle hypothesis, Ro#ert ,all and the Random- 1al- hypothesis.
1. ,i*sey ) Chrystal' "(onomi(s' ?xfor #ni.ersity Press.
2. 0anki-' G.B.' 0a(roe(onomi(s' Worth Pu9lishers' Be- Hork.
!. 3royen' &.T.' 0a(roe(onomi(s' Theories an Poli(ies' Pearson eu(ation.
7. Glahe' 3.&.' 0a(roe(onomi(s' Theory an Poli(y' %ar(ourt Bra(e 1o.ano.i(h In(.
=. E'oo!%' -*0*lo+!*t
Economic Development versus Economic Gro1th. 'easurement of economic
development. Characteristics of a developing economy. !#stacles to economic
development. Determinants or Pre-re/uisites of economic development. "he state of
Pa-istanHs economy and its comparison 1ith other economies of the 1orld.
<. Strat*&%' S*'tors8
&mportance and pro#lems of the agricultural, industrial and foreign trade sectors of the
economy. 9"! and its implications. %oreign direct investment, foreign de#t #urden and
de#t servicing pro#lems of Pa-istan.
>. Mo*tar" a# F%s'al +ol%'%*s8
"he role of monetary and fiscal policies in promoting economic gro1th and tac-ling the
pro#lems of inflation and unemployment in Pa-istan. Deficit financing and the annual
1. Basir' 0.S. an 6amal S. %yer' "(onomy of Pakistan.
2. Iaii' S. $k9ar' Issues of Pakistan;s "(onomy. ?xfor #ni.. Press.
!. Pakistan "(onomi( Sur.ey' Pu9lishe 9y the Go.ernment of Pakistan.
7. Toaro. 0.P.' "(onomi( 2e.elo*ment in the thir -orl. ,atest eition. %einemann.
Total Marks: 100
18 E#,'at%o % Pak%sta
=.= ,istory of Education in Pa-istan
=.< Aims of Education
=.> System of Education in Pa-istan
=.? Educational Policies and Development Plans
=.?.= All Pa-istan Education Conference =L?E
=.?.< ational Commission on Education =LCL
=.?.> "he Education Policy =LE<-=LJF
=.?.? ational Education Policies3 =LEL, =LL<, =LLJ-<F=F,
=.?.C .arious development plans
=.C Roles and Responsi#ilities in Education
=.C.= Role of Pu#lic Sector in Education
=.C.< Role of Private Sector in Education
=.C.> Role of G!s and philanthropists in Education
=.C.? Role of foreign donor agencies in Education
=.C.C Role of various sta-eholders in Education
=.C.D Role of Glo#ali(ation in Education
:8 Fo,#at%o o4 E#,'at%o
<.= Educational Process
<.< Role of education in
<.<.= ation *uilding
<.<.< ational cohesion and integration
<.<.> Character #uilding
<.<.? ,uman resource development
<.<.C 9orld peace and prosperity
<.> Philosophical %oundations of Education
<.? Psychological %oundations of Education
<.C Sociological %oundations of Education
<.D &slamic Concept of Education
=8 C,rr%',l,! -*0*lo+!*t a# I!+l*!*tat%o
>.= Elements of Curriculum.
>.< %oundations of Curriculum. Philosophical %oundations:
Psychological %oundations: Sociological %oundations: Economic
%oundations and "echnological %oundations.
>.> Relationship of Education and Curriculum
>.? Curriculum Development Process
>.?.= eed Assessment
>.?.< %ormulation of Aims and !#0ectives "a$onomies of
Educational !#0ectives
>.?.> Selection of Content
>.?.? Development of Curricular 'aterials
>.?.C Selection of "eaching-2earning Strategies
>.?.D &mplementation of the Curriculum
>.?.E Evaluation of Curriculum
>.C Process of Curriculum Development in Pa-istan
>.D Process of Development of "est #oo-s and ational "e$t#oo-
@8 L*ar%& a# t$* Pro'*ss o4 L*ar%&
?.= Principles of Gro1th and Development
?.< "ypes of Development3 Cognitive: 'oral: Emotional: Social
?.> "he process of 2earning
?.? "heories of 2earning
?.?.= *ehaviouristic theories3 Classical Conditioning:
!perant Conditioning
?.?.< Cognitive "heories3 ;ean PiagetHs "heory: David Ausu#elHs
"heory: Ro#ert GagneHs "heory
?.C %actors affecting 2earning
38 Pro'*ss o4 T*a'$%& a# T*a'$%& Strat*&%*s
C.= Process of Classroom Communication
C.< %actors affecting Classroom Communication
C.> *arriers to Classroom Communications
C.? 4se of &nstructional 'aterials and 'edia
C.?.= Role of &nstructional 'aterial and 'edia
C.?.< Audio-'aterials3 Radio and "ape-Recorder
C.?.> .isual 'aterials3 .arious *oards, Charts, 'odels, Posters
C.?.? Pro0ected 'aterials3 !pa/ue, !verhead, Slide, %ilmstrip,
C.?.C on-Pro0ected 'aterials
C.?.D 'otion Pictures, "..., Computer
C.C &nformation and Communication "echnologies )&C"s+
Total Marks: 100
18 P$%loso+$" o4 E#,'at%o
=.= Scope of Philosophy
=.< 9estern Schools of General Philosophy
=.<.= &dealism
=.<.< Realism
=.<.> aturalism
=.<.? Pragmatism
=.<.C E$istentialism
=.> Schools of Educational Philosophy
=.>.= Perennialism
=.>.< Essentialism
=.>.> Progessivism
=.>.? Reconstructionism
=.? "houghts of 'uslim Philosophers3 &mam Gha(ali: &#ne-5haldun:
Shah 9aliullah: Sir Syed Ahmad 5han: Allama &/#al
:8 E#,'at%oal Ass*ss!*t a# E0al,at%o
<.= Concept of Classroom Assessment and Evaluation
<.< Distinction #et1een Assessment, Evaluation and 'easurement
<.> Approaches to Evaluation3 %ormative Evaluation: Summative
<.? "ypes of "ests3 Essay "ype: !#0ective "ype3 'ultiple Choice, "rue-
%alse &tems, 'atching "ype: Principles of Construction of these
<.C Achievement "ests
<.D Standardi(ed "ests
<.E Characteristics of a Good "est3 .alidity, Relia#ility, !#0ectivity,
=8 Co!+arat%0* E#,'at%o
>.= ,istory of Comparative Education
>.< Development of Comparative Education
>.> Purposes of Comparative Education3 &ntellectual: Planning:
Practica#ility: Educational Pro#lems in 9orld Perspective:
&nnovation: &nternational 4nderstanding
>.? %actors of Comparative Education3 Economic %actor : Racial
%actor: 2inguistic %actor: Philosophical %actor: 'oral %actor:
Religious %actor
>.C 'ethods of Comparative Education3 Descriptive: ,istorical:
Sociological: 8ualitative: Analytical: Synthesis
>.D Comparative Systems of Education in Selected Countries 4SA, 45,
;apan, Canada, China, &ndia, 'alaysia, Pa-istan
>.E &ssues and Pro#lems of Education in Pa-istan related to3 relevance:
Access: E/uity: 8uality: ,uman Resources: %inancial Resources:
'adrassa Education: 'edium of &nstruction.
@8 R*s*ar'$ M*t$o#s % E#,'at%o
?.= Scientific 'ethod and its Application in Education
?.< Sampling "echni/ues
?.<.= Pro#a#ility Sampling "echni/ues3 Random Sampling:
Stratified Sampling: Cluster Sampling
?.<.< on-Pro#a#ility Sampling "echni/ues3 Systematic Sampling:
Convenience Sampling: Purposive Sampling:
?.> Research &nstruments3 8uestionnaire: &ntervie1: "ests:
!#servation: Rating Scale
?.? "ypes of Research3 *asic6Applied Research: ,istorical Research:
Descriptive Research: Correlation Research: Causal-Comparative
Research: E$perimental Research: Action Research: 8ualitative
and 8uantitative Research
?.C Research Proposal and Report
?.C.= Preparing a Research Proposal
?.C.< 9riting a Research Repot
?.C.> Distinction #et1een a Research Proposal and a Report.
38 E#,'at%oal A#!%%strat%o a# S,+*r0%s%o
C.= "he Concept of Administration
C.=.= Process of Administration
C.=.< Relationship #et1een Administration and Supervision
C.< Educational Planning and !rgani(ation in Pa-istan
C.<.= !rgani(ational Pattern of Education in Pa-istan
C.<.< Role of %ederal 'inistry of Education
C.<.> Role of Provincial 'inistry and its .arious Agencies
C.<.? Educational Statistics and its Role in Planning
C.<.C %inancing Education in Pa-istan
C.<.D Educational Administration 4nder Devolution Plan
C.> Approaches to Educational Administration3 Democratic:
Authoritarian: 2aisse(-faire
C.? %unction of Administration
C.?.= 2eadership in &mprovement of Educational &nstitution
C.?.< 2eadership in &mprovement of Staff in Educational &nstitution
C.?.> 2eadership in Parents and Community Relations
C.?.? 2eadership in improving the Educational Programme
C.?.C 2eadership in the Evaluation of Educational &nstitution
C.C Educational Supervision
C.C.= Process of Supervision
C.C.< &mportance of Supervision
C.C.> Principles of Supervision
C.D Agencies and !rgani(ations promoting Education in Pa-istan
C.D.= ational Commission for human development )C,D+
C.D.< ational "echnical and .ocational Education Authority
C.D.> ,igher Education Commission ),EC+
1. ?rnstein. 3ounations of "u(ation @
e. 200<.
2. 3raenkel. %o- to 2esign an ".aluate &esear(h in "u(ation <
e. 200<.
!. Briggs. 0anaging "ffe(ti.e ,earning an Tea(hing 200<.
4. 2ennis. Chil Psy(hology ) the Tea(her' =
eition. 2007.
5. 1W Best. &esear(h in "u(ation' =
eition. 2007.
6. $V 6elly. The Curri(ulum Theory ) Pra(ti(e' :
eition. 2007
7. &o9lyer. Integrating "u(ational Te(hnology into Tea(hing' 2
e. 2000
+. 1.". Cohen. "u(ating $ll Chilren P $ Glo9al $gena. 200<.
@. &o9ert ,. "9el. "ssential "u(ational 0easurement' Prenti(e %all. 1@@1.
10. ,ouis Cohen. &esear(h 0ethos in "u(ation' &outlege. 200=
11. Bloom' B.S.' %astings' 1.T.' ) 0aaus' G.3. E1@=1F. %an9ook on formati.e an
summati.e e.aluation of stuent learningD Be- HorkG 0(Gra-A%ill.
12. Gagne' &.0. E1@=7F. "ssentials of learning for instru(tion. Be- HorkG 2eyen Press.
1!. Goola' 1.I.' ) $sso(iates. E1@=@F. Curri(ulum In/uiryG The stuy of (urri(ulum
*ra(ti(e. Be- HorkG 0(Gra-A%ill.
14. %ass' G. E1@+=F. Curri(ulum PlanningG $ ne- a**roa(h E:
e.F. BostonG $llyn )
15. Saylor' 1.G.' $lexaner' W.0.' ) ,e-is' $.1. E1@+1F. Curri(ulum Planning for 9etter
tea(hing an learning. E7
e.F. Be- HorkG %olt' &inehart ) Winston.
16.' &o9ert' "u(ational Psy(hology' Theory an Pra(ti(e' =
e. BostonG $llyn
an Ba(on' 200!.
17. Woolfolk' $nita' "u(ational Psy(hology' @
e. BostonG $llyn an Ba(on' 200:.
Total Marks: 100
-*s'r%+t%o: "he readings in this paper focus on selected creative 1or-s )Drama and
Poetry+ 1ritten or translated into English language. "hese readings are 1ide in scope,
offering de#ate over the contemporary cross-genre and cross-disciplinary
interpretations. &n general, the candidates are e$pected to3
=. Display some #ac-ground historical -no1ledge and prove their interest in literary
<. "al- a#out some #asic elements6features of drama and poetry through a
comprehensive and understanda#le e$pression and relate it to the composition
of literary sensi#ility.
>. Comprehend and comment critically and analytically a#out the suggested
?. Dra1 on comparisons and contrasts #et1een the classical and the popular, the
real and the fantastic, the different and the common, or even #et1een elusive
versus illusive and @goodA versus @not goodA.
C. %orm and e$press and independent vie1point a#out these readings.
SELECTE- REA-IN1S 5Pr%!ar" T*(ts7
1. So*ho(lesG ?ei*us &ex
2. William Shakes*eareG The Tem*est an &omeo an 1uliet
!. G.B. Sha-. Pygmalion
7. 1ohn ?s9orneG ,ook Ba(k in $nger
:. "ugene ?; BeilG The %airy $*e
<. $rthur 0illerG 2eath of a Salesman
=. 0arsha BormanG ?; Bight 0other
1. William Shakes*eareG ,ike as the make to-ars the *e99le' Sonnet !0
2. 1ohn 2onneG 2eath 9e Bot Prou
!. 1ohn 6eatsG ?e to Bightingale
7. William Wors-orthG ?e to Immortality
:. Samuel ColerigeG 6u9la 6han
<. Walt WhitemanG ?ne;s Self I Sing
=. W.B. HeatsG The Se(on Coming
+. T.S. "liotG The Wastelan
@. 0aya $ngelouG Women Work
10. &o9ert 3rostG 0ening Wall' The &oa not Taken
11. Sameus %eaneyG 2igging
12. Syl.ia PlathG 0orning Song
1!. Taufee/ &afatG The Stone Chat
17. 2au 6amalG The Water Carrier
1:. $lamgir %ashmiG $utumnal' Pakistan 0o.ement
Total Marks: 100
F%'t%o a# No/F%'t%o
-*s'r%+t%o3 "he readings in this paper focus on selected creative 1or-s )%iction
Movel and Short StoryN and on-fictionMProse)Essays+ and 2iterary Criticism+ 1ritten or
translated into English 2anguage. "hese readings offer de#ate over the contemporary
cross-genre and cross-disciplinary interpretations. &n general, the candidates are
e$pected to3
=. Display some #ac-ground historical -no1ledge and prove and interest in 1ide
<. "al- a#out some #asic elements6features of fictions and non-fictions through
comprehensive comments.
>. E$press creative and critical ideas a#out these readings
?. Dra1 on comparisons and contrasts #et1een the classical and the popular, the
real and the fantastic, and the different and the common.
C. %orm an independent vie1point a#out these readings.
SELECTE- REA-IN1S 5Pr%!ar" T*(ts7
F%'t%o: No0*lA S$ort Stor"
1. 2aniel 2efoeG &o9inson Crusoe
2. 1onathan S-iftG;s Tra.els
!. 1ane $ustenG Prie an PreCui(e
7. Charles 2i(kensG $ Tale of T-o Cities
:. Virginia WoolfG To the ,ighthouse
<. &uyar 6i*lingG 6im
=. "arnest %eming-ayG $ 3are-ell to $rms
+. Chinua $(he 9eG Things 3all $*art
@. %ar*er ,eeG To 6ill a 0o(king Bir
10. Ba*si Sih-aG I(e Cany 0an
11. Paulo CoelhoG The Pilgrimage
12. ?s(ar WileG &ose an the Bightingale EShort StoryF
1!. Bagui9 0ahfou>G The 0ummy $-akens EShort StoryF
17. Guy e 0au*assantG The String EShort StoryF
1:. 6ate Cho*inG The Story of an %our EShort StoryF
No/F%'t%o: Pros* 5Essa"s7 A L%t*rar" Cr%t%'%s!
1. $ristotleG The Poeti(s
2. 3ran(is Ba(onG ?n Stuies
!. Charles ,am9G Chimney S-ee*er
7. Bgugi Wa Thiong; ?G ?n $9olition of "nglish 2e*artment
:. 2ale S*enerG 0an 0ae ,anguage
<. 3rant> 3anonG 4 ?n Bational Culture5 from The Wret(he of the "arth
=. "-ar SaiD 4Introu(tion5 to Culture an Im*erialism
1. Boris 3or' The Be- Peli(an Guie to "nglish ,iterature. Vol. 1A@. ,ononG
2. William %enry %uson' $n Introu(tion to the Stuy of ,iterature' ,onon' 1@<!.
!. &ene Wellek an $ustin Warren' Theory of ,iterature. ,ononG Penguin' 1@+2
7. 6itto' %.2. 3. Greek Tragey' ,onon an BHG &outlege'2002.
5. Braley' $.C. Shakes*earean TrageyE22
".F ,ononG1@2@
<. Gassner' 1ohn. 3orm an Iea in 0oern Theatre. BHG1@:7
=. 0.%. $9rams' e.' "nglish &omanti( PoetsG 0oern "ssays in Criti(ism'1@<0
+. $llen' Walter' The "nglish Bo.el. ,ononG Penguin
@. Brogan' %. Peli(an %istory of the #S$' 1@+<
10. ,oom9a' $nia. Colonialism KPost(oloialism. ,ononG &outlege'1@@+
11. Booker' 6eith 0.$. Pra(ti(al Introu(tion to ,iterary Theory an Criti(ism. BHG
12. ,ongman' 1@@<
1!. 2. Pirie' %o- to Write Criti(al "ssays. 0ethuen' 1@+:.

Pa+*r / I
M*#%a: F,'t%osB Cot*ts a# H%stor" Total Marks: 100
=. e1s3 Definition, Structure, 2anguage, Reporting and Su#-Editing
<. %eature, Column and Editorial3 Difference of o#0ectives, structure, style and
>. !rgani(ational Structures of national ne1spapers and ne1s agencies
?. Ethics of ;ournalism and %reedom of the Press
C. Press 2a1s in Pa-istan and Government 'edia Relationship
D. Role of Sir Syed Ahmed 5han, 'aulana Bafar Ali 5han, 'uhammad Ali ;ohar,
,asrat 'ohani and ,ameed i(ami in 4rdu Press of the Su#-Continent
E. Role of Radio, "elevision, print media and internet in Pa-istan
J. Social and Developmental Responsi#ilities of Pa-istani 'edia
L. &mportance of Radio ". Documentary and 2ive Programmes
=F. Difference #et1een the ne1s of print media and electronic media
Co!!,%'at%oB A#0*rt%s%& a# P,)l%' R*lat%os Total Marks: 100
&. Process of Communication3 source-message-channel- Receiver-oise and
<. *arriers to Communication
>. Principles of Effective Communication
?. Development Communication and Development ;ournalism
C. Difference #et1een 'ass Communication, Development Communication,
Development ;ournalism and Development Support Communication
D. "1o step flo1 of communication and !pinion 2eaders
E. Pu#lic Relations3 Definition and Scope- "ools of Pu#lic Relations- Pu#lic
Relations in Pa-istan- Difference #et1een PR, Propaganda. Advertising and
J. Advertising3 Definition-'erits and Demerits- Advertising #usiness in Pa-istan-
Departments of an Advertising Agency.
L. &mportance of research in Advertising and Pu#lic Relations
=F. Advertising as the life#lood of media

R*'o!!*#*# Books
1. %iCa>i an Ba//ashG 0ass Communi(ation Theory an Pra(ti(e' ,ahore' 200:
2. ,oren>G Be-s &e*orting an Writing. Be- Hork. 200:
!. VilanilamG $.ertising Basi(sG ,onon'. 2007
7. Trea-ellG Pu9li( &elations Writing. Be- Hork. 200:
:. Tee9le e.G Print 1ournalism. Be- Hork. 200:
<. S(h-art>G $sso(iate Press &e*orting %an9ook. Be- Hork. 2002
=. %iCa>i an IftikharG 0ass Communi(ationG Skills' uses an IssuesG ,ahore.200<
+. Shafi/G 1ournalism an Communi(ation ,ahore. 200<

Pa+*r I
Total Marks: 100
Candidates 1ill #e as-ed to attempt three /uestions from Section A and t1o /uestions
from section *.
S*'t%o A
2imits, Continuity, Differentia#ility and its Applications, General theorems )RolleKs
"heorem, 'ean value theorem+, Asymptotes, Applications of 'a$ima and 'inima.
Definite and &ndefinite integrals and their Application, 8uadrature, Rectification,
umerical methods of &ntegration )"rape(oidal and Simpson rule+, 'ultiple integrals and
their Applications. Areas and .olumes, Centre of 'ass, Reimann-Sti0les &ntegral,
!rdinary Differential E/uations )!.D.E/s+ and their Applications in Rectilinear motion
and Gro1th6Decay pro#lems. <nd !rder Differential E/uations 1ith Applications )Spring
'ass and Simple ,armonic !scillator Pro#lems+.
S*'t%o B
Se/uences and Series, Convergence tests, Po1er Series, Radius and &nterval of
Convergence. Comple$ Analysis, %unction of Comple$ .aria#le, DemoivreKs "heorem
and its Application. Analytic %unction, Singularities, Cauchy theorem, Cauchy &ntegral
Conic Sections in Cartesian coordinates, Plane Polar Coordinates and their use to
represent the straight line and Conic section. .ector e/uation for plane and space
curves. "angents and ormals and *inormals, Curvature and torsion, Serre %renetKs
R*'o!!*#*# Books:
1. $nton' %' Cal(ulusG $ Be- %ori>on' ". <' 1ohn Willey' Be- Hork' 1@@@.
2. Thomas' G. B. 3inney. $. &.' Cal(ulus' ". @' 1ohn Willey' Be- Hork' 200:.
!. Husuf' S.0. $min. 0.' Cal(ulus -ith $nalyti( Geometry' Ilmi 6ita9 6hana' ,ahore.
7. Iill' 2. G. ' Cullen' 0.&.' 2ifferential "/uations -ith Bounary Value Pro9lems'
". !. PWS Pu9lishing Co.' 1@@=.
:. $9ell' Braselton' 0oem 2ifferential "/uations ". 2' Thomas ,earning In(.
#S$' 2001.
<. Cur(hill' &.V.' Bra-n 1.W.' Com*lex Varia9les an $**li(ations' ". :' 0(Gra-
%ill' Be- Hork' 1@+@.
=. Ghori' 8.6.' 0e(hani(s. Ilmi 6ita9 6han' ,ahore.
+. Weather 9urn' C.".' 2ifferential Geometry' The "nglish ,anguages Book So(iety
an Cam9rige #ni. Press. 1@<7.
@. Guggenheinerar' %.W.' 2ifferential Geometry' 0(Gra- %ill' 1@@0.
Pa+*r II
Total Marks: 100
S*'t%o A
1ro,+s: Definition and e$amples of Groups, !rder of a Group, !rder of an element of
a Group, A#elian and non-A#elian Groups and Cyclic groups. 2agrange theorem and
applications, ormal su#groups, Characteristic Su#groups of a group, ormali(er in a
group, Centrali(er in a group. %undamental "heorem of ,omomorphism, &somorphism
theorems of groups, Automorphisms
R%&sB F%*l#s a# V*'tor S+a'*s: E$amples of Rings, Su#rings, &ntegral domains,
%ields, .ector spaces, 2inear independence6 dependence, *asis and dimension of
finitely generated spaces, E$amples of %ield e$tension and finite fields, E$amples of
finite and infinite dimensional vector spaces.
S*'t%o B
M*tr%' S+a'*s a# To+olo&%'al S+a'*s: Definition and E$amples of 'etric spaces
and topological spaces, Closed and !pen Spheres, &nterior, E$terior and %rontier of a
Set, Se/uences in 'etric Spaces, Convergence of Se/uences. Definition and e$amples
of ormed Spaces. &nner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt Process of !rthonormali(ation
Matr%'*s a# L%*ar Al&*)ra: 2inear transformations, 'atrices and their alge#ra,
Reduction of matrices to Echelon and Reduced Echelon form. Solution of a system of
homogenous and on-,omogenous e/uations, umerical methods of solving
e/uations )Gauss-Siedal method, ;acco#i method+ Properties of Determinants,
Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors and the Diagonali(ation of the Symmetric 'atrices.
R*'o!!*#*# Books:
1. Bi(holson. W.6.' "lementary ,inear $lge9ra -ith $**li(ations' ". 2' Prenti(e
%all' "ngle-oo' #S$.
2. %erstein' I.B.' To*i(s in $lge9ra' 1ohn Willey an Sons EBe- HorkF 1@<7.
!. &o-en' ,.' &ings EI ) IIF. $(aemi( Press' Ins.
7. 2ar' 6.%.' 3irst Ste* to $9stra(t $lge9ra' 3ero> Sons Pu9lishers' ,ahore E1@@<F.
:. Husuf' S.0.' 0aCee $.' $min. 0.' 0athemati(al 0ethos' Ilmi 6ita9 6hana'
<. $tkinson' 6. ".' $n Introu(tion to Bumeri(al $nalysis' ". 2 1ohn Willey' Be-
Hork' 1@+@.
=. $hma. 3 an $f>al. 0' Bumeri(al $nalysis' Bational Book 3ounation'
+. Simmons' 3.1.' To*ology' 0(Gra- %ill Com*any' Be- Hork.
@. 6reys>ig' ".' Introu(tory 3un(tional $nalysis -ith $**li(ations' 1ohn Willey an
Sons' Be- Hork' 1@=+.
10. 0aCee' $. "lements of To*ology an 3un(tional $nalysis' Ilmi 6ita9 6hana'
Total Marks: 1
A8 H%stor" o4 P*rs%a La&,a&* 10 Marks
a. Avesta
#. !ld Persian
c. Pahal1i
d. Dari
e. 'odern Persian
B8 P*rs%a a# Pak%sta 10 Marks
a. PersianHs &nfluence on 4rdu
#. PersianHs &mportance for Pa-istan
c. PersianHs &mpact on Culture and Civili(ation of the su#-continent
C8 H%stor" o4 P*rs%a L%t*rat,r* % Ira :0 Marks
a. Samanids
#. Gha(navids
c. Sal0u/ues
d. 'angols
e. "aimurids
f. 8a0ars
g. Safvids
-8 H%stor" o4 P*rs%a L%t*rat,r* % t$* S,)/'ot%*t 10 Marks
a. Gha(nvids
#. Sultanates
c. 'ughuls
E8 S+*'%al St,#" o4 Ira%a Po*ts a# Pros* >r%t*rs 13 Marks
a. Po*ts:
i. %irdousi
ii. ;alal-ud-Din Rumi
iii. Saadi Shira(i
iv. ,afi( Shira(i
v. Parveen &etesami
#. Pros* >r%t*rs:
i. Attar isha#uri )"a(-art-ul-Aoulia+
ii. Saadi Shira(i )Gulistan+
iii. Sadi/ ,idayat )As a modern short story 1riter+
F8 S+*'%al St,#" o4 t$* s,)/'ot%*tCs P*rs%a +o*ts a# Pros* <r%t*rs 13 Marks
a. Po*ts:
i. 'asood Saad Salman
ii. Amir 5hursrou
iii. Asad 4llah 5han Ghali#
iv. Allama &/#al
#. Pros* >r%t*rs:
i. 'uhammad Aoufi );a1am-e-ul-,i-ayat+
ii. ,assan Sa0(i )%ai1aid-ul-%a1ad+
18 S$ort ;,*st%o a# as<*rs 4ro! all t$* 'o,rs* o4 t$* DAE +a+*r :0 Marks
Pa+*r I
Total Marks: 100
>*st*r P$%loso+$"
=. Itro#,'t%o3 ature and .alue of Philosophy
<. 1r**k P$%loso+$*rs3
a+ Plato3 'etaphysics, "heory of 5no1ledge, "heory of State
#+ Aristotle3 'etaphysics, "heory of 5no1ledge and 2ogic
>. Mo#*r P$%loso+$*rs3
a) Descartes3 Dou#t as a -ey to certainty, Dualism
b) Spino(a3 Doctorine of su#stance, Ethics
c+ 2oc-e3 Representative Realism
d+ *er-eley3 Su#0ective &dealism
e+ ,ume3 S-epticism
f+ 5ant3 "ranscendental &dealism
g+ ,egel3 Dialectical 'ethod, A#solute &dealism
h+ iet(sche3 Superman, 9ill to Po1er
?. Cot*!+orar" P$%loso+$%'al Mo0*!*ts3
a+ E$istentialism3 ;ean Paul Sartre
b) 2ogical Positivism3 Criterion of .erifia#ility, Refutation of 'etaphysics
c+ eo-Pragmatism3
Richard Rorty3 !#0ectivity, Relativism and "ruth
1. Brooke Boel 0oore ) 6enneth Bruer Q2002R Philoso*hyG The Po-er of Ieas' :
"ition' 0(Gra- %ill' ,onon.
2. Bertran &ussell Q200!R %istory of Western Philoso*hy' &outlege' ,onon )
Be- Hork.
!. &oger S(ruton Q2002R $ Short %istory of 0oern Philoso*hy' &outlege.
7. 3reeri(k Co*leston Q1@@!R %istory of Philoso*hy' &e*rint eition' Image.
:. 3rank Thilly Q1@@!R $ %istory of Philoso*hy' Sa9har-al Book Whole.
<. 1eanAPaul Sartre Q1@==R "xistentialism ) %umanism' 0.S.G. %ouse
=. $.1. $yer Q1@=+R ,ogi(al Positi.ism' Green-oo Press
Pa+*r II
Total Marks: 100
M,sl%! P$%loso+$"
=. Genesis and Development of "heological and Philosophical "hought in &slam
<. M,sl%! T$*olo&"3
a+ 'uta(ilites3 %ive Principles, aturalistic Ethics
#+ Asharites3 Divine Atti#utes, Createdness 6 4ncreatedness of the 8uran,
,uman %reedom
>. S,4%s%!3
a+ !rigin of Sufisim and its Characteristics
#+ 'etaphysics3 9ahdat al 9a0ud and 9ahdat al Shuhud
?. M,sl%! P$%loso+$*rs3
a+ &#n Sina3 Concept of *eing, Doctrine of Emanation, Psychology
#+ Al Gha(ali3 'ethod, Refutation of Philosophers
c+ &#n Rushd3 Reconciliation #et1een Philosophy and Religion, "heory of
d+ &#n 5haldun3 Concept of ,istory, Refutation of 'etaphysics
C. Mo#*r R*'ostr,'t%o%sts o4 Isla!%' T$o,&$t3
a+ Shah 9aliullah3 'etaphysics, Social Philosophy
#+ Sir Syed Ahmed 5han3 God, 'an and 4niverse, Concept of Religion and
c) Allama 'uhammad &/#al3 Epistemology, Doctrine of Ego, Concept of
D. Cot*!+orar" -*)at*s3
a+ Religious 'odernism
#+ Religious %undamentalism
c+ &slami(ation of 5no1ledge
1. Seyye %ossein Basr ) ? ,eaman Q1@@<R %istory of Islami( Philoso*hy' Vol.
I ) II' &outlege' ,onon ) Be- Hork.
2. 0aCi 3akhari Q2007R $ %istory of Islami( Philoso*hy' !
"ition' Colum9ia
#ni.ersity Press' Be- Hork.
!. 0. 0. Sharif Q1@@<R $ %istory of 0uslim Philoso*hy Vol. I ) II' &oyal Book
Com*any' 6ara(hi.
7. $9ul 6hali/ Q2000R Pro9lems of 0uslim Theology' Vi(tory Book Bank' ,ahore.
:. $9ul 6hali/ Q1@<<R Sir Sayyi $hma 6hanG ?n Bature' 0an an Go' Ba>mAeA
I/9al' ,ahore.
<. 1. 0. S. BalCon Q1@+<R &eligion an Thought of Shah Waliullah 2ihla-i' ,eianG
".1. Brill.
=. 0ansoor 0oael ) 6amran Talattof Q2002R 0oernist an 3unamentalist
2e9ates in Islam' Palgra.e 0a(millan.
+. Ismail &aCi P al 3aru/i Q1@++R Islami>ation of 6no-legeG Pro9lems' Prin(i*les
an Pros*e(ti.e' International Institute of Islami( Thought' %ernon' Virginia'
@. 0ustansir 0ir Q200<R I/9al' I/9al $(aemy' Pakistan.
Total Marks: 100
Co,rs* O,tl%*:
1. T$* U%0*rs*3-
"he solar system and the Earth. EarthHs !rigin, shape and si(e, rotation and revolution,
distri#ution of land and 1ater. Geological time scale.
2. L%t$os+$*r*3-
Composition and internal structure of the Earth, Roc-s-origin, formation and types
) igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic+, plate tectonics, mountain #uilding
geomorphic processes internal and e$ternal, earth/ua-es, volcanic activity, 1eathering,
mass 1asting, erosion and deposition, cycle of erosion: landforms produced #y surface
1ater, ground 1ater, 1ind and glaciers.
=8 El*!*ts o4 <*at$*r a# 'l%!at*:/
&nsolation, glo#al radiation and heat #alance, atmospheric temperature, compositon and
structure of atmosphere, atomosheric pressure and 1inds air masses and fronts
)classification, distri#ution and associated 1eather+, cyclones, tornadoes, thunderstorms
and 1eather distur#ances. ,ydrological cycle. Atmospheric moisture and precipitation.
Climatic classification3 5oppenHs classification 1ith special reference to the follo1ing
types3 Af, Am, *sh, Csa and Dfc. Atmospheric pollution glo#al 1arming.
4 H"#ros+$*r*3-
Configuration of ocean floor, ocean deposits. Composition, temperature and salinity of
ocean 1ater, movements of the ocean 1ater, 1aves, currents and tides.
5 B%os+$*r*3-
!rigin and evolution of life on Earth )1ith reference to Geological time scale+. %ormation
and types of soils. Eco-Systems and 1orld ma0or *iomes.
D. St,#" o4 Ma+s
"opographical 'aps, Aerial Photographs and introduction to Remote Sensing, 9eather
maps of Pa-istan.
'ap pro0ection general principles, classification of net1or- #y simple graphic methods
of the follo1ing pro0ections.
Cylindrical, Simple, E/ual Area and 'erCatorHs )1ith ta#le+ Conical 1ith one and t1o
standard parallelHs and *onneHs pro0ections.Benithal, Gnomonic Stereographic and
orthographic )Polar Cases+.
E. S'al*s: t"+*s a# t$*%r ,s*:/
J. M*t$o#s o4 r*+r*s*tat%o o4 r*l%*4:/
Dra1ing of composite contour maps 1ith the help of given data and information
preparation of distri#ution maps 1ith the help of sym#ols line-#ar-shade dot and circle.
Simple /uantitative techni/ues and their use in geography. Study of fre/uency
distri#ution averageHs )mean median and mode+, 'ean deviation, standard deviation
and correlation. &nde$ num#ers and time series.
1. Strahler' $.B. E2007F 40oern Physi(al Geogra*hy5 Be- HorkG 1ohn Wiley.
2. Ga99ler' &."' Sager' &.1 an Wise' 2., E1@@=F 4"ssentials of Physi(al Geogra*hy5
3ourth "ition. Sauners College Pu9lishing' Be- Hork.
!. S(ott' &.C. E1@@<F 4 Introu(tion to *hysi(al geogra*hy5 West Pu9lishing Co.' Be-
7. 0iller' G.T. E1@@<F 4, in the "n.ironment' Prin(i*les' Conne(tions an
solutions5' Binth "ition' Was-orth.
:. Thurman' %.V. ) 0exrill E1@@<F 4 "ssentials of ?(eanogra*hy5 0anson' ,onon.
<. 2i-an $.P. ) 2.6. $rora E1@@:F 4 ?rigin of the ?(ean5 $nmol Pu9lisher' 2elhi.
=. 0(u.een E1@@2F 43unamentals of Weather an Climate5 Prenti(e %all Be- %rsey.
+. 6enre- E1@<1FG 4Climate of the (ontinents5 ,ongman' ,onon. Be- Hork.
@. ThornA9ury' W.2. E1@<@F 4Prin(i*les of Geomor*hology5 1ohn Willy ) Sons' Be-
10. Christo*herson' &.W. E2000F 4GeoASystems5 #S$' Prenti(eA%all' In(.
11. 0onkhouse' 3.1. E1@@<F 4Prin(i*les of Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ,onon %oer )
12. 2e BliC' %.1. an 0uller' P.?. E1@@<F 4Prin(i*les of Physi(al Geogra*hy of the Glo9al
"n.ironment5 #S$' 1ohn Wiley an Sons In(.
1!. Taylor' 1. E1@@!F 4 Integral Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ,onon ,ongman.
17. Small' &.1. E1@+@F 4Geomor*hology an %yrology5 ,onon' ,ongman.
1:. Thom*son' &.2. et. $l E1@+<F 4Pro(ess in Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ,onon' ,ongman.
1<. 0iller' ".W. E1@+:F 4 Physi(al Geogra*hy5 Colum9us' Charles ". 0errill.
1=. 6ing' C$0 E1@+0F 4Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ?xfor' Basil Bla(k-ell.
1+. Srahlar' $.B. ' Strahlar' $.%. E2007F 4Physi(al "n.ironment Be- Hork5 1ohn Wiley.
1@. Christo*herson' &.W. E2000F 4GeoASystems5 #S$' Prenti(e P%all' In(.
20. Well ) Well an B. E1@@+F 4$tmos*here an ?(eans5 ,onon' ,ongman.
21. Taylor' 1. E1@@!F 4Integral Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ,onon' ,ongman.
22. 0(li.een' 1.3.&. E1@@1F 43unamentals of Weather an Climate ,onon5 Cha*man
) %all.
2!. Thom*son' &.2. et. $l E1@+<F 4Pro(ess in Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ,onon' ,ongman.
27. 0iller' ".W. E1@+:F 4Physi(al Geogra*hy5 Colum9us' Charles ". 0errill.
2:. 6ing C$0 E1@+0F 4 Physi(al Geogra*hy5 ?xfor' Basil Bla(k-ell.
Total Marks: 100
Co,rs* O,tl%*:/
'an and his ha#itat3 Concepts of Environmentalism and Possi#ilism, population gro1th,
dynamics, )fertility, mortality, I migration+, 1orld society and culture, races, languages
and religions, natural resources. 9orld population, distri#ution, density and gro1th.
Population structure, population change )atural increase I migration+ 'igration factors
)pull and push+ types of migration Settlements3 types of settlement, ur#ani(ation, rural
ur#an characteristics ur#an hierarchy, 4r#an function and pro#lems of ur#an places the
Central Place theory.
1. &o-ntree' ,. et. $lE2007F 4Glo9ali>ation an 2i.ersityG Geogra*hy of a Changing
Worl5 Be- HorkD Prenti(e %all.
2. Beu-irth' &. E2007F 4Shao- CitiesG $ Billion S/uatters' $ Be- #r9an Worl5'
,onon &outlege.
3. %ar*er' %.,. E200!F 4"n.ironment an So(ietyG %uman Pers*e( on
"n.ironmental Issues5 E!
"itionF Be- HorkD Prenti(e %all.
4. 6nox' P.,. ) S.$. 0arston E200!F 4Pla(es an &egions in Glo9al ContextG %uman
Geogra*hy5 E!
"itionF Be- HorkD Prenti(e %all.
5. Be(ker' $.) Se(ker E2002F 4 %uman Geogra*hyG Culture' So(iety an S*a(e5 E=
"itionF Be- HorkD 1ohn Wiley an Sons.
6. 2eBliC' %.1. E2002F 4 %uman Geogra*hyG Culture' So(iety' an S*a(e5 E=
Be- HorkD 1ohn Wiley an Sons.
=. ,e-is' C.P. 0it(hellA3ox ) C. 2yer E2001F 4 Village' %amlet an 3ielG Changing Settlements in Central "nglan5 ,ononD Wingather Press.
+. %agget' P. E1@@=F 4Geogra*hyG $ 0oern Synthesis5 ,onon. %ar*er International.
Co,rs* O,tl%*:/
&ntroduction3 Definition, scope, approaches to study and relationship 1ith other
E'oo!%' a't%0%t%*s3 Classification and general distri#ution.
Pro#,'t%o a# 'os,!+t%o3 producer and consumer, decision ma-ing, primary,
secondary, tertiary, /uaternary, /uinary.
H%stor%'al E0ol,t%o o4 >orl# E'oo!%'s S"st*!s3 'edieval feudal
economics, industrial revolution, economic #enefits from colonialism. 'odern
1orld system.
.arious types of agriculture and their distri#ution, su#sistence, primitive,
gathering, hunting, herding, cultivation, intensive farming, gathering commercial
grain farming, fishing, dairying, mi$ed farming and plantation farming.
Agriculture conditions of agriculture, the physical constraints on agriculture.
2and factor in agriculture, 1orld agricultural system, pro#lems and policies in
"he role of selected commodities e.g., 1heat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, etc.
%orest resources3 1orld distri#ution, environmental and economic.
'ineral resources, distri#ution of important minerals, metalliferous minerals, the
non-metalliferous minerals, economic factors in mining.
Po1er resources, form of po1er, solid fuels, oil I natural gas, non-e$hausti#le
sources of energy.
'anufacturing3 light and heavy industries, locational factors and locational
theories, locational analysis of selected industries, iron and steel, te$tile )cotton,
0ute, 1oolen, synthetic+ petro-chemical, 1orld industrial regions.
"rade and service function, tertiary activities, distri#ution of services service
"ransport and trade3 significance and characteristics of transport system,
net1or-, modes of transport, speciali(ation and international trade.
'ultilateral and #ilateral trade, free trade areas and common mar-ets, #alance of
trade, factors of trade, 1orld pattern of trade.
1. $lexaner' 1.W.' E1@<!F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy5 Prenti(e %all Be- 1ersey.
2. $lexanerson' G. E1@7=F 4Geogra*hy of 0anufa(turing5 "ngle-oo Cliffs.
!. $ln-i(k' %. E1@+1F 4Geogra*hy of Commoities5 %arr* ,onon.
7. Boes(h' %. E1@<7F 4$ Geogra*hy of Worl "(onomy5 Prin(etonG 2. Van Bostran.
:. Carlson $. S' E1@:<F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy of Inustrial 0aterials5 &einhol
*u9lishing Cor*oration Be- Hork.
<. 3ryer' 2.W. E1@<:F 4Worl "(onomi( 2e.elo*ment5 0(Gra- %ill Be- Hork.
=. %arthorn' T.$. an $lexaner' 1.W.E1@++F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy5 Toay. Be- 2elhi.
+. %artshorne T.$. ) $lexaner 1.W. E1@++F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy5 Prenti(e %all' In(.
"ngle-oo Cliffs' Be- Hork.
@. %ighsmith &.0. E1@<!F 4Geogra*hy of Commoity Prou(tion5 Philael*hia'
10. %oer' B.W. ) 2ogar ,ee E1@=7F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy5 0ethuen ,onon.
11. 1ones. C.3. ) 2arken' E1@<:F 4"(onomi( Geogra*hy5 0a(millan Be- Hork.
12. 6han 3.6. E1@@=F 4$n introu(tion to "(onomi( Geogra*hy5 Sir' Sye $(aemy'
1!. ,onon' C.". E1@!@F 4 Inustrial Geogra*hy5 1ohn 0urray E*u9lishersF ,t.
17. Borman P. E1@+1F 4Su((ess in "(onomi( Geogra*hy5 1ohn 0urray E*u9lishersF ,t.
1:. Thoman' Conklin ) Heats E1@++F 4The Geogra*hy of "(onomi( $(ti.ity5 0(Gra-A%ill
Book Com*any' Be- Hork' In(.
1<. 0iller ".W. E1@<2F 4$ Geogra*hy of 0anufa(turing5 Prenti(e %all International In(.
,onon. 2+.
1=. #.B.?. Statisti(al Hear Books. ,atest "itions.2@.
1+. ,u(kas. 0.&. E1@@1F 4"(onomi( $(ti.ity; ,ongman grou* #6 ,imite. Williams. T.&.
1@. "(onomi( Geogra*hyG ,ongman grou*' Be- Hork stam*' ,.2. ) S Carter !1.
20. Gilmour E1@<0F 4$ %an9ook of Commer(ial Geogra*hy5 ,ongman ,onon.!2.
21. %o-ar G. &oe*ke E1@<=F 4&eaings in "(onomi( Geogra*hy5 1ohn "iley an
Sons' Be- Hork. !!.
22. &ogen W.". ) B.$. Bengtson E1@<7F 43unamentals of "(onomi( Geogra*hy5
Prenti(e %all. !7.
2!. Tomes' &.S. ) &.1. %agget E1@+0F 40oels in Geogra*hy5 %ar*er an &o-
Pu9lishers ,onon.
Co,rs* O,tl%*:
Scope, Status and the significance of the regional approach and concept in Geography
SAARC Countries 1ith special reference to Pa-istan, Environmental setting3 physical
and climatic. atural and cultural resources3 .egetation and agriculture, population,
hydrology and irrigation, mineral and po1er resumes, industries )ma0or industries e.g.
&ron I Steel te$tile, cement, chemical, sugar+ trade and communication.
=. 2e9liC' %.1.2. ) 0uller' Peter ?A200! 4 Geogra*hyG &ealms' &egions an
Con(e*ts5 1ohn Wiley an Sons.
2. 6nox' P.I. ) S$' 0arstonA200! 4Pla(es an &egional in Glo9al ContextG %uman
Geogra*hy5 Prenti(e an %all.
!. 2e9liCi' %.1.2200: 4Con(e*ts an &egions in Geogra*hy5 1ohn Wiley.
7. 1ames' Preston' "' 1@=7 4?ne Worl 2i.ie5 1ohn Wiley an Sons.
:. 1ames an 1ones' 1@<: 4$meri(an Geogra*hy5 In.entory an Pros*e(ts
$sso(iation of $meri(an Geogra*hers #S$.
<. 2a.ison' $.P. 0unir $hma E200!F 4Pri.ati>ation an Crisis of $gri(ultural
"xtensionG The Case of Pakistan E6ing;s Soas Stuies in 2e.elo*ment
Geogra*hyF5. $shgate Pu9lishing.
=. $9ul %amee E1@=2F 4%istori(al an 2es(ri*ti.e geogra*hy of Water
e.elo*ment in West PakistanG $ (ase stuy of the 0ile Inus Basin5 San
3ran(is(o State College.
+. 1onson B.,.C. E1@<@F 4South $siaG Sele(ti.e Stuies of the essential geogra*hy
of Inia5 Pakistan an Ceylon. %einemann "u(ational.
@. $hma' 6.S. E1@<7F 4Geogra*hy of Pakistan5 ?xfor #ni.ersity Press.
10. Tayye9' $. E1@@<F 4$ Politi(al Geogra*hy of Pakistan5 ?xfor #ni.ersity Press.
11. S*ate' ?.%.6.' E1@+7F 4Inia an Pakistan5 0unshiram 0oharlal Pu9li(ations P.t.
12. 6han 3.6. E1@@1F 4Geogra*hy of Pakistan5 ?xfor #ni.ersity Press' 6ara(hi.
1!. Burkey' 1.S.E1@@1F 4Pakistan the (ontinuing sear(h for nationhoo5 Western
Press' ?xfor' #6.
Pa+*r /1
Total Marks: 100

.ectors -Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications. Curl of
a vector field: GaussKs "heorem: Sto-es theorem
e1tonian la1s of motion: motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields:
'otion in a circle, 2a1 of conservation of energy: Conservation of linear and angular
momentum: Dynamics of rigid #ody: spin and precession: gyroscope: Gravitation:
planetary motion including satellite 1or- energy theorem.
Special theory of relativity. 'ischelson - 'orley e$periment, EinsteinKs postulates:
2orent( transformation: time dilation, length contraction: e/uivalence of mass and
Fl,%# M*'$a%'s
Surface tension: .iscosity: elasticity: fluid motion and *ernoulliKs theorem.
>a0*s a# Os'%llat%o
%ree oscillation 1ith one and t1o degrees of freedom: free and forced oscillations,
2issagous figure, Coupled oscillations, "ravelling 1aves and transmission of energy:
Phase and Group velocity: Standing 1aves 2ongitudinal 1aves.
Reflection, Refraction, &nterference, Diffraction and Polari(ation of 1aves: interfero-
meter and e1tonKs rings: Diffraction Gratings and their resolving po1er:
Spectrometers. Electromagnetic 1ave e/uation: ormal and anamolous dispersion:
Coherence, lasers and its application.
H*at a# T$*r!o#"a!%'s
Perfect gas and .ander 9aals e/uation: "hree 2a1s of "hermodynamics: Entropy,
entropy of an ideal gas: ,elm#rolt( function, Gi##s function: 'a$1ellKs e/uations:
Enthalpy, "hermal properties of Simple system: Production and measurement of lo1
temperatures: 5inetic theory of gases: 'a$1ellian distri#ution of molecular velocities:
*ro1nian motion: "ransport phenomena. Classical 'a$1ell-*olt(mann Statistics and its
applications, 8uantum *ose-Einstein and %ermi-Dirac Statistics.
Pa+*r ll
Total Marks /100
El*'tr%'%t" a# Ma&*t%s!
Electric field due to point charges, GaussK la1 Electric potential and Poisson and
2aplaceKs e/uation Dielectric medium and Polari(ation: Capacitance: 'oving charges
and magnetic field AmpereKs la1: .ector potential: 'agnetic properties of matter:
"ransient current: %aradayKs la1 of electromagnetic induction: Alternating current and
2R! circuit. 'a$1ellKs e/uations: poynting theorem and poynting .ector.
"hermionic emission: Space charge: Diode. "riode "etrode: Pentode and their static
and dynamic characteristics: Amplitude modulation and demodulation or detection:
.arious #asic circuits for rectification, amplification modulation and detection connected
1ith radio receivers and transmission: n and p type semiconductors: *iased function:
"ransistors: Common #ase, common emitter and common collector configurations !P
Amplifier: characteristics, modes of operation, applications num#er systems3 decimal,
octal and ,e$adecimal: *inary code, *inary arithmetic, *CD code, and parity logic
gates *oolean identities: De 'organKs theorems3 logic simplification: Com#inational
logic circuits3 decoders, parity generator and chec-er circuits, flip flops3RS, ;5 and D-
Ato!%' P$"s%'s
*ohr theory and /uantum num#ers including electron spin: PauliKs e$clusion principle:
Spectra of simple systems 1ith one or t1o valence electrons. Photo electric effect
Compton scattering: pair production: 2andeKs g factor and Beeman effect: 9aves and
particles and De *roglieKs ,ypothesis: Schrodinger 1ave e/uation and its application to
one dimensional harmonic oscillator. ,eisen#ergKs uncertainly principle.
N,'l*ar P$"s%'s
Structure of uclei: Radioactivity , ' and decay. 'ethods of detection, 'ass
Spectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission: reactor and nuclear po1er, nuclear
fusion and its application: uclear models: Elementary particles and their properties.
1. Pers*e( of 0oem Physi(s' $.Beiser.
2. 3unamentals of Physi(s' %alliay ) &esni(k.
!. Introu(tion to "le(tromagneti( fiels an 2. Corson ) P .,orrain.
7. "ngineering "le(troni(s. 1.2. &yer.
:. Semi(onu(tor "le(troni(s. 1.3.Gi99ons.
<. Physi(s Course. Berkley.
=. %eat an Thermoynami(s. W. Iemanasky.
+. Bu(lear Physi(s' W.". Bur(ham.
@. Bu(lear Phys(is' 6a*lan
10. 3unamentals of igital ele(troni(s' 3loy
11. ) Vi9rations' Pain
Pa+*r /1
Total Marks: 100

.ectors -Dots, Cross and triple products, Gradient, divergence and applications. Curl of
a vector field: GaussKs "heorem: Sto-es theorem
e1tonian la1s of motion: motion of charged particles in electric and magnetic fields:
'otion in a circle, 2a1 of conservation of energy: Conservation of linear and angular
momentum: Dynamics of rigid #ody: spin and precession: gyroscope: Gravitation:
planetary motion including satellite 1or- energy theorem.
Special theory of relativity. 'ischelson - 'orley e$periment, EinsteinKs postulates:
2orent( transformation: time dilation, length contraction: e/uivalence of mass and
Fl,%# M*'$a%'s
Surface tension: .iscosity: elasticity: fluid motion and *ernoulliKs theorem.
>a0*s a# Os'%llat%o
%ree oscillation 1ith one and t1o degrees of freedom: free and forced oscillations,
2issagous figure, Coupled oscillations, "ravelling 1aves and transmission of energy:
Phase and Group velocity: Standing 1aves 2ongitudinal 1aves.
Reflection, Refraction, &nterference, Diffraction and Polari(ation of 1aves: interfero-
meter and e1tonKs rings: Diffraction Gratings and their resolving po1er:
Spectrometers. Electromagnetic 1ave e/uation: ormal and anamolous dispersion:
Coherence, lasers and its application.
H*at a# T$*r!o#"a!%'s
Perfect gas and .ander 9aals e/uation: "hree 2a1s of "hermodynamics: Entropy,
entropy of an ideal gas: ,elm#rolt( function, Gi##s function: 'a$1ellKs e/uations:
Enthalpy, "hermal properties of Simple system: Production and measurement of lo1
temperatures: 5inetic theory of gases: 'a$1ellian distri#ution of molecular velocities:
*ro1nian motion: "ransport phenomena. Classical 'a$1ell-*olt(mann Statistics and its
applications, 8uantum *ose-Einstein and %ermi-Dirac Statistics.
Pa+*r ll
Total Marks /100
El*'tr%'%t" a# Ma&*t%s!
Electric field due to point charges, GaussK la1 Electric potential and Poisson and
2aplaceKs e/uation Dielectric medium and Polari(ation: Capacitance: 'oving charges
and magnetic field AmpereKs la1: .ector potential: 'agnetic properties of matter:
"ransient current: %aradayKs la1 of electromagnetic induction: Alternating current and
2R! circuit. 'a$1ellKs e/uations: poynting theorem and poynting .ector.
"hermionic emission: Space charge: Diode. "riode "etrode: Pentode and their static
and dynamic characteristics: Amplitude modulation and demodulation or detection:
.arious #asic circuits for rectification, amplification modulation and detection connected
1ith radio receivers and transmission: n and p type semiconductors: *iased function:
"ransistors: Common #ase, common emitter and common collector configurations !P
Amplifier: characteristics, modes of operation, applications num#er systems3 decimal,
octal and ,e$adecimal: *inary code, *inary arithmetic, *CD code, and parity logic
gates *oolean identities: De 'organKs theorems3 logic simplification: Com#inational
logic circuits3 decoders, parity generator and chec-er circuits, flip flops3RS, ;5 and D-
Ato!%' P$"s%'s
*ohr theory and /uantum num#ers including electron spin: PauliKs e$clusion principle:
Spectra of simple systems 1ith one or t1o valence electrons. Photo electric effect
Compton scattering: pair production: 2andeKs g factor and Beeman effect: 9aves and
particles and De *roglieKs ,ypothesis: Schrodinger 1ave e/uation and its application to
one dimensional harmonic oscillator. ,eisen#ergKs uncertainly principle.
N,'l*ar P$"s%'s
Structure of uclei: Radioactivity , ' and decay. 'ethods of detection, 'ass
Spectrometer. Accelerators. Phenomenon of fission: reactor and nuclear po1er, nuclear
fusion and its application: uclear models: Elementary particles and their properties.
1. Pers*e( of 0oem Physi(s' $.Beiser.
2. 3unamentals of Physi(s' %alliay ) &esni(k.
!. Introu(tion to "le(tromagneti( fiels an 2. Corson ) P .,orrain.
7. "ngineering "le(troni(s. 1.2. &yer.
:. Semi(onu(tor "le(troni(s. 1.3.Gi99ons.
<. Physi(s Course. Berkley.
=. %eat an Thermoynami(s. W. Iemanasky.
+. Bu(lear Physi(s' W.". Bur(ham.
@. Bu(lear Phys(is' 6a*lan
10. 3unamentals of igital ele(troni(s' 3loy
11. ) Vi9rations' Pain
PART: A Pol%t%'al T$*or"
"his part of the course relates to the traits of political thought as presented historically
#y the 9estern and 'uslim philosophers.
=. 9estern Political "hought3 Plato: Aristotle: 'achiavelli:
,o##es: 2oc-e: Rousseau:
'ar$ism: 2eninism: 'aoism
<. 'uslim Political "hought3 A&-%ara#i: A&-'a1ardi: A&-Gha(ali:
"usi: &#n-e-5haldoon: Allama &/#al
PART: B Stat* a# I#%0%#,al
"he &nstitution of State and its attri#utes for human 1elfare have #een highlighted here.
>. 9elfare State Perceptions3 9estern and &slamic
?. *asic Concepts3 Sovereignty: Constitutionalism: Po1er Distri#ution:
2a1: 2i#erty: E/uality: Rights and Duties
C. 'odes of Participation3
Demands: Decisions: Pu#lic !pinion:
Political Parties: Pressure Groups: Representation
D. &nstitutions and 2eadership3
i+ 2egislature: E$ecutive: ;udiciary
ii+ Competing Elites3 Political: 'ilitary: *ureaucratic
E. %orms of Government3
'onarchy: Democracy: Dictatorship: 4nitary: %ederation:
Confederation: Parliamentary: Presidential: Authoritarian
PAPER / II Total Marks: 100
"a-ing contemporary state as a dynamic phenomenon, having its o1n system
structures and assigned functions, a comparative analysis of some outstanding
developed and developing state systems is made here. "he emphasis is e/ually on
Pa-istan as an emerging political system of the 1orld.
PART: A Pol%t%'al S"st*!s
J. Concept of Political System3 i+ Easton on *ehaviorism
ii+ Almond on %unctionalism
L. Developed Political Systems3 'ain constitutional features
of 4SA, 45, %rance and former 4SSR
=F. Developing Political Systems3 'ain constitutional features
of "ur-ey, &ndia and China.
PART: B Pak%sta
==. Pa-istan as a ation-State3 Rise of 'uslim ationalism in South
Asia under the dynamic leaderships of
Sir Syed Ahmad 5han, Allama &/#al and
8uaid-e-A(am 'ohammad Ali ;innah
=<. Political System of Pa-istan3 Comparative and critical analysis of the
Constitutions of =LCD, =LD< and =LE>
)1ith amendments+
Paper3 & P!2&"&CA2 SC&ECE3 *AS&C PR&C&P2ES
Part: A Pol%t%'al T$*or"
1. 0.0. Sharif' %istory of 0uslim Philoso*hy
2. &osenthal' Politi(al Thought in Islam
!. %aroon 6han Sher-ani' 0uslim Politi(al Thought an $ministration
7. George %. Sa9ine' %istory of Politi(al Thought
:. 1u %armon' Politi(al ThoughtG 3rom Plato to Present
Part: B I#%0%#,al a# Stat*
<. &oee an $nerson' Introu(tion to Politi(al S(ien(e
=. 0a>harul %a/' Theory an Pra(ti(e in Politi(al S(ien(e
+. &osenthal' 0oern Islami( State
@. Samuel Beer an $am #llam' Patterns of Go.ernment
10. V.?. 6ey' Politi(s' Parties an Pressure Grou*s
11. "arnest Barker' &efle(tions on Go.ernment
Part: A Pol%t%'al S"st*!s: -*0*lo+*# a# -*0*lo+%&
12. $lmon an Po-ell' Com*arati.e Politi(s
1!. $lmon an Coleman' Politi(s of 2e.elo*ing $reas
17. &oy C. 0a(riis' Com*arati.e Politi(s
1:. 0a(riis an Wars' 0oern Politi(al Systems E$siaF
1<. 1. 0. Coleman' Politi(al Institutions in "uro*e
1=. P. G. Co(ker' Contem*orary British Politi(s an Go.t.
1+. Thomas Patterson' The $meri(an 2emo(ra(y
Part: B Pak%sta
1@. 6eith Callar' PakistanG $ Politi(al Stuy
20. 6hali Bin Sayee' PakistanG The 3ormati.e Phase
21. 6hali Bin Sayee' Politi(s in Pakistan
22. ,a-ren(e Iiring' Pakistan in the T-entieth Century
2!. G. W. Chauhry' Constitutional 2e.elo*ment in Pakistan
27. Pakistan %istori(al So(iety' %istory of Pakistan
2:. 1amilAuA2in $hma' S*ee(hes an Writings of 0.$. 1innah
2<. 0. Saee Sheikh' $llama I/9alG The &e(onstru(tion of &eligious Thought in
2=. 0ushta/ $hma' Go.ernment an Politi(s in Pakistan
F,#a!*tals o4 E&%**r%&
Total Marks: 100
= A++l%*# P$"s%'s:
Classical mechanics3 Density, Dimension, Gravity, 'otion, Position, .elocity,
Acceleration, 'ass, 'omentum, %orce, Energy, Angular momentum, "or/ue,
Conservation la1, 9ave, 9or-, Po1er.
8uantum mechanics3 'atri$ 'echanics, Planc-Hs constant, 8uanta, 8uanti(ation,
8uantum harmonic oscillator, 8uantum num#er, Spin, 9ave-function, 9ave mechanics,
9ave-particle duality, Bero-point energy, Pauli E$clusion Principle, ,eisen#erg
4ncertainty Principle.
"heory of relativity3 General principle of relativity, Gravity, &nertial frame of reference,
&nvariance, 2ength contraction, Principle of Relativity, Reference frame, Rest energy,
Rest mass, Speed of light, Stress-energy tensor, "ime dilation.
!ptical Physics3 A#errations, Diffraction, Dispersion, !ptical Resolution, Polari(ation,
Ray )optics+, Reflection, Refraction, Scattering, 9ave, 2enses, 'irrors, !ptical
instruments, Prisms
Particle Physics3 %undamental force )gravitational, electromagnetic, 1ea-, strong+,
Elementary particle, Spin, Antimatter, 8uantum gravity, .acuum energy
Solid State Physics3 Amorphous solid, Crystal Structure, %ree electron model, Energy
#and gap, conduction #and, electron hole, e$citation, valence #and, Superconductivity,
crystal optics.
1. Sears an Iemansky;s #ni.ersity Physi(s 9y %ugh 2. Houng' &oger $.
3reeman' T.&. Sanin an $. ,e-is 3or
2. Basi( Physi(s 9y 6arl 3. 6uhn
<. A++l%*# C$*!%str":
Electro-Chemistry3 Electrolysis, Electrolytic conductance, 'igration of ions,
Galvanic Cells, reversi#le and &rreversi#le cells, Standard electrode potentials,
*uffer solutions.
Solutions3 &deal and nonOideal solutions, RoultHs and ,enryHs 2a1s, Solu#ility
curves, ,eat of solutions.
2i/uids and their properties3 .apor pressure, vapor pressure and #oiling point,
surface tension, viscosity, Refractive inde$ and its measurement, Polarimetery,
&ntermolecular and intermolecular forces amongst li/uid molecules.
Solid State3 Crystalline structure, different properties of crystals, 7-rays and
crystal structures, production of 7-rays, ,eat capacities of solids.
Gases3 *oyleHs 2a1, CharlesHs 2a1, Gas constant, DaltonHs 2a1 of Partial
Pressure, GrahamHs 2a1 of Diffusion, 5inetic theory of *ases, ,eat Capacity of
>. A++l%*# El*'tr%'%t" 6 El*'tro%'s:
Electricity I 'agnetism: Electrical potential, Resistance, 2a1s of resistance,
Conductance, Conductivity, &mpedance, !hm la1, Resistance in series and in
parallel, practical resistors, 1or-, po1er, Energy, ;ouleHs la1 of electric field
intensity, GaussHs "heorem, Capacitor, Capacitance, Capacitors in parallel and
series. %orce on a conductor in a magnetic field, electrical and magnetic circuits,
lea-age flu$, Relation #et1een magnetism and electricity, &nduced emf, induced
current and directions, %aradayHs la1s of electromagnetic inductions, 2en(Hs la1,
dynamically induced emf, Self inductance, mutual inductance and inductance in
series6parallel, magnetic hysteresis, Energy stored in magnetic field, Generation
of alternating currents and voltages.
El*'tr%'al Ma'$%*s:
DC 'otors3 Shunt, Series and Compound 'otors, Speed and "or/ue Relations.
"ransformers3 Principle, Construction, .oltage transformation ratio, Step-up6step-
do1n transformers, Copper I &ron 2osses, "ransformer connections: delta and
AC 'otors3 &nduction motor, Synchronous motor, Performance, Efficiency. Single
phase and three phase 'otors.
Generators3 Principle, Construction, Different components of generators. AC
Generators, DC Generators.
-type material, P-type material, diodes, 0unctions, P- 0unction, for1ard #ias, reverse
"ransistors3 types, calculations of voltages and currents in simple transistor circuits.
Amplifier I !scillators3 9or-ing and classification of amplifiers, Class A and Class *
Amplifiers, %eed#ac- Amplifiers, "ypes of %eed#ac-, RC !scillators.
&ntegrated circuits3 !P Amps, timers, flip flop, converters, filters.
"elecommunications3 E' theory, antennas, antenna gain, free space loss, fading.
'odulations )A', %', P', P9', Delta, %S5, AS5, PS5+, Error correction,
Demodulation, Detectors, "ransmitter, Receivers.
DSP and Controls: filters, sta#ility, B-transform, y/uist criteria, S domain, transfer
&ntroduction to Computing: ,istory and evolution of computers, central processing unit,
data storage, input6out put devices, multimedia, operating systems, programming
languages, net1or-ing, the internet, system analyses and design, management
information system, electronic commerce, security and privacy issues, ethical issues
and the computing profession,
Po<*r S"st*!s: po1er net1or- analysis, Polyphase circuits, "ransients, "ransmission
2ines, 2osses.
1. "le(tri(al Te(hnology 9y B.,. TharaCa
2. "le(troni( 2e.i(es an Cir(uits 9y Bogart.
!. 2C 0a(hines 9y P.C. Sen
7. Semi(onu(tors 9y 0an>ar Saee
:. 0oern 2igital an $nalog Communi(ation 9y B.P.,athi
<. Introu(tory "le(troni( 2e.i(es an Cir(uits 9y Paynter
=. Bet-ork analysis' 9y Van Belkern9erg.
+. Wireless Communi(ation 9y Willium Stallings.
9. Com*uters' tools for an information age' +
e. %.,. Ca*tron' $ison Wesley'
?. M*'$a%'al E&%**r%& F,#a!*tals
'echanics and Strength of 'aterials3 Concept of Stress and Strain, #ending,
torsion, geometric properties of areas, principal stresses, "ensile testing, Stress-
Strain curve, Difference #et1een Engineering and "rue stress I Strain, Shear
Stress I Strain, Concept of elastic and plastic deformation, Gield I ultimate
"ensile strengths, Elongation, "oughness and Resilience, Ductility and
'allea#ility, ,ardness "esting, *rinell and Roc- 1ell ,ardness test, #ending
%luid 'echanics: Properties and #asics of fluid mechanics, loss of head, po1er
transformation #y fluids, pumps, tur#ines. %luid staticHs, %luid dynamics, "ypes of
flo13 "ur#ulent and 2aminar, ReynoldHs num#er.
"hermodynamics and ,eat "ransfer. )*asics of thermodynamics, properties of
fluids and steam, steam tur#ines, po1er plants. %irst and second 2a1s of
"hermodynamics, Enthalpy, Entropy, ,eat Capacity, Carnot cycle, Gi##s free
energy, E/uili#rium, P. O diagrams, Refrigeration and Air conditioning, principle
and models of heat transfer, Evaporators, Condensers, ,eat engines, Engines )<
and ? stro-es +.
'anufacturing3 Different manufacturing processes li-e Casting, %orging,
'achining, Rolling, E$trusion, 9ire-dra1ing, 1elding, "urning)lathe+, 'illing,
Shaping, Gear cutting, Drilling, %itting.
1. S(haum ?utline SeriesD Strength of 0aterials 9y Williym $. Bash !
" 1@@7'
0(Gra- %ill "ition.
2. 3lui 0e(hani(s 9y ,e-itt
!. 3lui 0e(hani(s 9y 2augherity
7. "ngineering 0e(hani(s EStati(sF 9y 1.,. 0erriems.
:. "ngineering 0e(hani(s Esynami(sF9y 1.,. 0erriems
<. Strength of 0aterials 9y Singer for 0e(hani(s of 0aterials
=. Testing of metals 9y 3a>al 6arim
+. 0anufa(turing Pro(esses for "ngineering 0aterials 9y 6al*akgCian
C. Mat*r%als E&%**r%&:
&ntroduction to 'aterials: "ypes of 'aterials. Structure of an atom, 'etallic
#onding, Crystal Structures and geometry,
'etallic 'aterials3 'echanical properties of 'etals and alloys, %errous and non-
ferrous metals I alloys, Applications of Different metals and alloys in industry
Polymeric and Ceramic 'aterials3 Polymeri(ation, General purpose and
Engineering thermo-plastics, thermosetting plastics, Ru##ers.
"raditional and engineering ceramics, Processing of ceramics, Electrical
properties of ceramics, 'echanical properties of ceramics, "hermal properties of
ceramics, Glasses.
1. Prin(i*les of 0aterials S(ien(e an "ngineering 9y William 3. Smith
2 Introu(tion to Physi(al 0etallurgy 9y Syney %. $.ner
F8 C%0%l E&%**r%& F,#a!*tals:
Structures: stress, strain, shearing force and #ending moment concepts, #eams,
columns, footing. Simply supported and Cantilever #eams, Pulleys and gears.
Tras+ortat%o E&%**r%&: &ntroduction, high1ay administration, scheme
preparation, traffic appraisal, environmental appraisal, high1ay geometry, drainage,
lighting, signing, communications and safety, roads and traffic in ur#an areas,
high1ay maintenance, lo1 cost roads in developing countries.
E0%ro!*tal E&%**r%&: Environmental impacts on 1ater resources pro0ects,
transportation engineering pro0ects, 1aste 1ater treatment and management, 1ater
supply and distri#ution.
F,#a!*tals o4 H"#ra,l%' E&%**r%&: Properties of fluid mechanics, pressure
measuring devices, flo1 measuring devices, losses in pipelines, open channels,
#arrages and dams.
1. Pro*erties of Con(rete 9y $.0. Be.ille.
2. Plain an reinfor(e (on(rete 9y Bilson.
!. Strength of material 9y $nre- Pytel an Singer.
7. Trans*ortation "ngineering' Planning an esign 9y Paul Wright.
5. "ngineer;s &eferen(e Book 9y ,S Blake 7
<. Sur.eying an ,e.eling 9y T.P 6anetaker.
=. Pu9li( %ealth "ngineering 9y ST"",.
+. 3lui me(hani(s -ith engineering a**li(ations' 10
" 9y 3innemoreK3ran>ini.
Paper && 1ill comprise E&G," /uestions including !ne Compulsory 'C8 type
/uestion containing <F parts of one mar- each )=6< mar-s 1ill #e deducted for each
1rong ans1er+. Candidates 1ill #e re/uired to attempt total %&.E /uestions including
the compulsory /uestion. Each /uestion 1ill carry <F mar-s.
1! E&%**r%& E'oo!%'s: cost analysis, purchasing po1er parity, supply and
demand, macro economics, monopoly and oligopoly.
"! Cost%&B A''o,t%& a# B,#&*t%&: et p resent value, et future value,
cash flo1s, auditing, income statement, #alance sheet, ta$ation, financial ris-
management, cost analysis.
#! T*sta)%l%t" a# T*st Pla%&: *lac- #o$ testing, 9hite #o$ testing, test plans,
test e$ecutions, regression testing, destructi#le and non destructi#le testing, test
$! ProG*'t Maa&*!*t: time lines, milestones, resources allocation, dependency,
Gant Charts,
%! %0*tor" Maa&*!*t: %&%! models, 2&%& models, &dentification Schemes,
&nventory management systems.
&! 9,al%t" Maa&*!*t S"st*!s: 8A modles. Deming, ;uran Cros#y, 8uality
circles, management responsi#ility, /uality planning, purchasing, design process
and design validation, /uality audit, corrective and preventive measures.
'! T%!* aal"s%s a# Ma,4a't,r%& Maa&*!*t: 'anagerial issues,
manufacturing systems, process optimi(ation, mathematical modeling, time
management, resource allocation, ra1 material, production analysis.
(! Pro)l*! aal"s%s a# -*'%s%o tr**: decision support system, decision tree,
design of e$periments.
H8 Production and operation management
108 'anagement tools
1. %an9ook of "ngineering 0anagement 9y 2ennis ,o(k.
2. Total 8uality 0anagement 9y 2ale %. Besterfiel' Carol BesterfielA0i(hna' Glen
%. Besterfiel' 0ary GesterfielASa(re
!. 0anufa(truing Pro(esses an systems 9y ?st-als
7. %an9ook of &elia9ility "ngineering an 0anagement 9y W. Grant Ireson' Clye
3. Coom9s' &i(har H. 0oss.
Total Marks : 100
I8 Itro#,'t%o to Ps"'$olo&"
Definition, Evolution and Scope of Psychology
Schools of Psychology3 *ehaviorism, Psychoanalysis, ,umanistic6 E$istential,
Cognitive and *iological School
Recent "rends and Specialties in Psychology
II8 S*sat%o a# P*r'*+t%o
Sensory Processes
"heories of .ision and ,earing
"heories of "aste Smell and Position
Senses of "ouch Position and *alance
ature of Perceptual !rgani(ation
Perception of Distance, 'ovement, Space, Depth, Color
Perceptual Constancy
Perception and !ptical &llusions
E$trasensory Perception
Perceptual Development
III8 L*ar%&B M*!or" a# It*ll%&*'*
Different "ypes of 2earning3
Classical Conditioning
!perant Conditioning
!#servational 2earning
Short "erm and 2ong "erm memory
&nformation Processing "heory
Encoding, Storage and Retrieval
E$tremes of &ntelligence3 'ental Retardation and Giftedness
"heories of &ntelligence
&ntelligence and Psychological "esting
IV8 B%olo&%'al Fo,#at%os o4 B*$a0%or
Components of ervous System
Structure and %unctions of the *rain
*rain and *ehavior
Endocrine System
Genetic &nfluences on *ehavior
ature, urture and ,uman Diversity
V8 C$%l# -*0*lo+!*t
&ntroduction to Child Development
,istorical and 'odern .ie1s
Domains of Development
"heories of Child Development
*iological Development
Cognitive Development
Psychological Development
VI8 Mot%0at%o
ature of 'otives
eeds, Drives and 'otivations
Concept of ,omeostasis
"ypes of 'otivation
"heories of 'otivation
Role of Culture in 'otives
VII8 E!ot%os
ature and "ypes of Emotions
"heories of Emotions
*iological and Psychological Changes in Emotions
Role of Endocrine Glands
Situational &nfluences and Cultural Practices
%rustration and Conflict
1. Psy(hologyD Themes an Variations :
".'Wayne Weiten
2. Psy(hology :
".' BenCamin 9. ,ahey
!. Psy(hology ) ,ife 1=
".' &i(har 1. Gerrig') Phili* G. Iim9aro
7. Introu(tion to Psy(hology <
".' Cohn W. Santro(k
:. Psy(hology ) ,ife =
".' 3loy l. &u(h
<. ,ifeAs*an 2e.elo*ment @
".' 1ohn W. Santro(k
=. #nerstaning Psy(hology <
".' &. S. 3elman
+. Psy(hology <
".' 2a.i G. 0yers
@. $9normal Psy(hology 7
".' Barlo- ) 2uran
10. So(ial Psy(hology =
".' 2a.i G. 0yers
11. Prin(i*les of %uman Beuro*sy(hology' G. 2ennis &ains
12. $n introu(tion to the %istory of *sy(hology' %ergenhahn
Total Marks: 100
I8 H*alt$B Str*ss a# Co+%&
,ealth &mpairing *ehaviors3
Smo-ing, Alcoholism, Poor utritional ,a#its, 2ac- of E$ercise, *ehavioral Aids.
Stress and its &mpact on ,ealth
'a0or "ypes of Stress
Physiological I Psychological Reactions to Stress
II8 P*rsoal%t" T$*or%*s a# Ass*ss!*t
Definition of Personality
"heories of Personality Development
Psychoanalytical "heory
Social 2earning "heory
,umanistic "heory
"raits "heory and Situations
,uman Diversity
Personality Assessment
III8 Ps"'$olo&%'al -%sor#*rs a# t$*%r tr*at!*t
A#normal *ehavior: 'yths, Realities and Controversies
Criteria of A#normal *ehavior
"he Classification of Disorders
Diagnostic and Statistical 'anual of 'ental Disorders )DS'+
An$iety Disorders, 'ood Disorders and Personality Disorders
Tr*at!*t a# It*r0*t%o
Stages of Psychotherapy
Goals of Psychotherapy
%amily I Group "herapies
IV8 So'%al Pro'*ss*sB So'%*t" a# C,lt,r*
Social Roles and Rules
Social orms and Conformity
"he Process of Sociali(ation and Attitude Development
Situational Effects on Social *ehavior
Social Cognition and Relationships
V8 B*$a0%or a# 1ro,+ -"a!%'s
2eaders, Groups and Decision 'a-ing
Aggression, Altruism and Pro-social *ehavior
Situational &nfluences and Cultural Constraints
Pre0udice and Stereotypes
"he Psychology of Conflict and Peace
VI8 R*s*ar'$ M*t$o#s % Ps"'$olo&"
Scientific Research in Psychology
"ypes of Research3
E$perimental Studies3 Place#o Effect and 4se of Place#os in E$periments
Correlational Studies
Descriptive Studies
Case Studies
VII8 Et$%'al %ss,*s % Ps"'$olo&"
&nformed Consent
Relationships 1ith .ulnera#le &ndividuals
A General Concern for Ethical Practice
1. Clini(al Psy(hology' ".G. Plante
2. Introu(ing Psy(hology 7
".' &ex 6night
!. Psy(hology ) ,ife 1=
".' &i(har 1. Gerrig') Phili* G. Iim9aro
7. Introu(tion to Psy(hology <
".' Cohn W. Santro(k
:. Psy(hology ) ,ife =
".' 3loy l. &u(h
<. Psy(hologyD Themes an Variations :
".'Wayne Weiten
=. #nerstaning Psy(hology <
".' &. S. 3elman
+. Psy(hology <
".' 2a.i G. 0yers
@. $9normal Psy(hology 7
".' Barlo- ) 2uran
10. So(ial Psy(hology =
".' 2a.i G. 0yers
11. $.an(e So(ial Psy(hology' $9raham Tesser
12. %ealth *sy(hology 7
".' Shelly Tylor
Total Marks: 100
=. P,)l%' A#!%%strat%o: -*4%%t%oB Co'*+tsB A++roa'$*s a# Cot*(t
Definitions: Role and Scope of Pu#lic Administration in Society: &ssues in Pu#lic
Administration "heory and Practice O Democracy versus *ureaucracy, Politics versus
Administration, Efficiency versus E/uity: Core .alues of Pu#lic Administration O Rule of
2a1, Efficiency, E/uity and %airness, Responsiveness: "raditional Pu#lic Administration:
e1 Pu#lic 'anagement: e1 Pu#lic 'anagement: e1 Pu#lic Service: Governance
Approach to Pu#lic Administration: &slamic Concept of Pu#lic Administration.
<. P,)l%' Or&a%2at%o: Class%'al a# Cot*!+orar" T$*or%*s a# Co'*+ts
*ureaucracy: Scientific 'anagement: "he ,uman Relations: 2eadership,
'otivation, et1or-: Governance: Strategic 'anagement: Pu#lic Choice: Administrative
Culture: "ypes of !rgani(ational Structure: !rgani(ation of %ederal, Provincial, and
2ocal Government: Administrative Culture.
>. P,)l%' Pol%'" Pla%&B I!+l*!*tat%o a# E0al,at%o
Strategic Planning and 'anagement: Planning Process: Policy Analysis: Policy
&mplementation: Program Evaluation: Planning 'achinery: Role of Donors and
&nternational &nstitutions in Pu#lic Polity and 'anagement.
?. B,#&*t%& a# F%a'%al Maa&*!*t
"he *udget as a Policy "ool: "he *udget as a 'anagerial "ool: Principles of
*udgeting, Auditing and Accounting in Government: "he 2ine-&tem *udget: "he
Performance *udget: Program *udgeting: Bero-*ase *udgeting: !utcome-*ased
C. Maa&%& H,!a R*so,r'*s
Spoil versus 'erit System in Pu#lic Employment: Personnel versus ,uman
Resources 'anagement: Close versus !pen System of Pu#lic Employment: %unctions
of ,uman Resources 'anagement: Challenges of Adopting ,R' in Pu#lic Sector.
D. P,)l%' Maa&*!*t Sk%lls
Communication: Decision 'a-ing, Conflict 'anagement: 2eading, Administrative
*uffering: 'anaging Change: 'anaging Diversity: Stress 'anagement: Delegation and
'otivation: Creativity and Pro#lem Solving: &ssues of Pu#lic 'anagement.
E. 1o0*ra'* a# A#!%%strat%0* R*4or!s
"heories of Administrative Reforms: "ypes of Administrative Reforms O
Privati(ation, Regulation, De-regulation, Decentrali(ation, *usiness Re-engineering,
8uality Assurance.
J. P,)l%' A#!%%strat%o a# C%t%2*s
*ureaucratic Responsiveness: Representative *ureaucracy: Citi(ens
Engagement in Pu#lic Service: "he Concept and Approaches to Pu#lic Accounta#ility of
Pu#lic Service: &nstitutional %rame1or- for Administrative Accounta#ility: Administrative
Corruption: Role of Civil Society in Good Governance.
L. P,)l%' A#!%%strat%o a# -*0*lo+!*t
Role of Pu#lic Administration in Development: Concept of Development
Administration: Difference *et1een Development Administration and Development
'anagement: Changing Role of Pu#lic Administration in Development.
Total Marks: 100
1 / Or&a%2at%oal Str,'t,r* o4 F*#*ral 1o0*r!*t a# A#!%%strat%o
Constitutional %rame1or- for %ederal Government: !rgani(ation and %unctions of
%ederal Secretariat: !rgani(ation and %unctions of %ederal Agencies Relationship
#et1een 'inistries and %ederal Agencies6Authorities: &nter-ministerial Coordination:
!rgani(ation and %unctions of Regulatory Agencies.
: / Or&a%2at%o o4 Pro0%'%al a# Lo'al 1o0*r!*t
Governance Structure of Provincial Administration: !rgani(ation of Provincial
Secretariat: !rgani(ation and %unctions of Provincial Authorities and Agencies and their
Relationship 1ith Government Departments: Post-devolution 2ocal Governance:
!rgani(ation and %unctions of District Government and Administration: !rgani(ation
and Structure of City District Government: &ssues and Challenges of 2ocal Governance.
= / It*r&o0*r!*tal R*lat%os$%+
Administrative Relationship #et1een %ederal Government and Provincial Government:
%iscal Relationship #et1een %ederal Government and Provincial Government:
Administrative and %iscal Relationship #et1een Provincial Government and District
@ / T$* C%0%l S*r0%'*
,istorical *ac-ground of Civil Service, "he Structure of civil Service: ,istory of Civil
Service Reform: 'anagement of Civil Service: &nstitutional and Cultural Conte$t of Civil
Service: Role of Civil Service in Good Governance, 9omen and Civil Service.
3 / P,)l%' Pol%'" a# Pla%&
&nstitutional %rame1or- for Policy Coordination and Planning: Policy and Planning
Process: Role of Planning Commission in Policy and Planning: Strategic Planning in
%ederal, Provincial Government and 2ocal Government: Role of &nternational Donors in
Policy %ormulation: Pu#lic Policy and &mplementation in 5ey Sectors )i.e., ,ealth,
F / F%a'%al A#!%%strat%o
Structure and %unctions of Revenue Administration: *udgetary Process in the %ederal,
Provincial and 2ocal Government: "a$ Administration: Accounting and Auditing System:
&ssue and Challenges of %iscal Decentrali(ation.
I / Maa&%& H,!a R*so,r'*s
&nstitutional %rame1or- for Recruitment and "raining of Government Employees: 2a#or
2a1s: "he System of Compensation, and Performance Evaluation of Government
Employees: 'anagement of ,uman Resources in Pu#lic Enterprises.
J / -*0*lo+!*t 1o0*ra'* a# Maa&*!*t
Approaches to 'anaging Development: ,istory of Development and Pu#lic
Administration 1ith Particular Reference to Pa-istan: Changing Role of *ureaucracy in
Development: Role of Civil Society in Development: Role of &nternational &nstitutions in
Development Policy and 'anagement.
1. 2enhart' &.' Pu9li( $ministration' Belmont' C$G Was-orth' 1@@:.
2. 2a.i %. &osen9loom' Pu9li( $ministration P #nerstaning 0anagement'
Politi(s an ,a- in the Pu9li( Se(tor' Se(on "ition' 1@+@.
!. Caien' Geral. "' Pu9li( $ministration. 1@+2.
7. Coo*er et al' E1@@+F Pu9li( $ministration for the T-entyA3irst Century.
:. %armon' 0i(hael 0. ) 0ayer. &i(har T' ?rgani>ation Theory for Pu9li(
$ministration' ,ittle Bro-n an Com*any 1@+<.
<. Bi(holas %enry' Pu9li( $ministration an Pu9li( $ffairs' Sixth eition
=. Shafrit>' 1. an %ye' $.' Classi(s of Pu9li( $ministration' Pa(ifi( Gro.eG Brooks
P Cole' 1@+=.
+. Canler' &. ) Plano' 1.' E1@+!F Pu9li( $ministration 2i(tionary' 1ohn Wiely' Be-
@. ?s9ourne' 2. an Gae9ler' I. E1@@2F &ein.enting Go.ernment' &eaing' 0$G
$ison Wesly.
10. Wilson' 1. 8.' E1@+@F Bureau(ra(y' Basi( Books' Be- Hork.
11. Brai9anti' &al*h E1@+=F ".olution of Pakistan;s $ministration System. E1ameelur
&ehman e.F Go.ernment of Pakistan Pu9li( $ministration &esear(h Centre.
12. 6haiCa 0ah9ugAulA%a/ue E1@@@F %uman 2e.elo*ment in South $siaG The
Crises of Go.ernan(e' ?xfor #ni.ersity Press' 6ara(hi.
1!. 6enney' Charles %.' E1@+=F Bureau(ra(y in Pakistan' ?xfor #ni.ersity Press'
Bom9ay' Inia.
17. Be(kett' 1ulia ) 6oenig %eii ?.' E200:F Pu9li( $ministration an ,a-' 0.".
Shar*e' ,onon.
15. %eay' 3errel. E2001F Pu9li( $ministrationG $ (om*arati.e Pers*e(ti.e' <
0ar(el 2ekker' Be- Hork.
1<. ,ane' 1anA"rik E200:F Pu9li( $ministration an Pu9li( 0anagementG The
Prin(i*le $gent Pers*e(ti.e' &outlege' ,onon.
1=. %asnat $9ul %ye' E2001F Go.ernan(eG South $sian Pers*e(ti.e' ?xfor
#ni.ersity Press' ,onon.
1+. $9us Sama. E1@@!F Go.ernan(e' "(onomi( Poli(y an &eform in PakistanG
essays in *oliti(al e(onomy' Vanguar Book' ,ahore.
1@. Go.ernment an $ministration in Pakistan E1@+=F. 1ameelur &ehman 6han
E".F Pakistan Pu9li( $ministration &esear(h Centre ? ) 0 2i.ision' Ca9inet
20. Sultan 6han. E200<F Pu9li( $ministrationG -ith s*e(ial referen(e to Pakistan.
3amous Books' ,ahore.
21. %oshiar Singh. E1@@:F Pu9li( $ministration in Inia. Sterling Pu9lishers. #6.
22. 6alyanaraman Srini.asan E1@@1F Pu9li( $ministration in $sia' Vol. I' II $shish
Pu9lishing %ouse' Be- 2elhi' Inia.

Total Marks: 100
18 Itro#,'t%o To So'%al >*l4ar*
a+ Definition and Scope
#+ ,istorical Perspective of Social 9elfare in Pa-istan
:8 Pak%sta% So'%*t"
a+ Definition and description of the term @SocietyA
#+ Characteristics of Pa-istani Society
c+ Comparison of Rural and 4r#an Communities
=8 C,lt,r*
a+ Definition and description of the term @CultureA and its importance
#+ Characteristics of Pa-istani Culture
c+ &nfluence of allied cultures on Pa-istani Culture
d+ Social norms-definition and stages )i.e. fol-1ays, more and la1s+
e+ Sociali(ation-definition and description and factors of sociali(ation
)i.e. %amily, eigh#orhood, Peer group, Religious &nstitute.
Educational &nstitutions, 'ass media and Communication.
@8 So'%al Ist%t,t%os
a+ Definition and description of @Social &nstitutionsA
#+ "ypes of Social &nstitutions3 Primary, Secondary
c+ %unctions of the follo1ing3
- %amily &nstitution - Religious &nstitution
- Political &nstitution - Economic &nstitution
- Educational &nstitution - Recreational &nstitution
d+ &mportance of social institutions.
38 So'%al C$a&*
a+ Definition and area of @Social ChangeA
#+ Process and effects of social change on Society
c+ %actors 1hich promote and hinder social change
F8 So'%al Pro)l*!s o4 Pak%sta
a+ 'a0or and e$planation of social pro#lems
#+ General causes of social pro#lems
c+ 'a0or social pro#lems of Pa-istan )An orientation+
- Drug addition - &lliteracy
- !ver population - *eggary
- ;uvenile delin/uency - Environment
- Crime - .iolence
- Child la#or
- Child a#use and neglect
- *onded la#or
- Poverty
- 4nemployment
1. W.A. Friedlander, Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, U.S.A.
2. A.S. i!ingston, Social Wor" in Pa"istan, a#ore, West Pa"istan Social welfare Council.
$. Art#ur C. Fin", %#e field of Social wor", new &our, Hold, 'ine#art, (
Ed. 1)*+.
+. S"id,ore %#ac"era-, Introduction to Social Wor", .ew /erse-, Prentice-Hall, 1)(+.
0. Eli1a2et# A. Ferguson, Social Wor", an Introduction. .ew &or", i33inco H. 1)().
(. 4g2urn .i,"off, Hand 5oo" of Sociolog-, ondon 'out ledge and 6egan Pai,.
*. Sociolog- and Social C#ange, A,anda Coffe-, o3en Uni!ersit- Press, Celftic Court 22
5all ,oor 5uc"ing#a, 76 18 I9W.
8. Paul. 5. Horton, %#e Sociolog- of Social Pro2le,s, .ew &or" Prentice Hall.
). Prof. A2dul Ha,eed %aga, 1))), Sociolog- : Pro2le,s, A2dul Ha,eed : Sons,
Pu2lis#er, a#ore.
1;. 7. 6#alid, Social Wor" ,et#ods and Practical, 6ifa-at Acade,- 6arac#i, 1))0.
Pa+*r II
Total Marks: 100
18 Nat,r* a# P$%loso+$" o4 So'%al >ork
a. Definition and philosophical #ase of social 1or-
#. !#0ectives of social 1or- practice
c. *asic principles of social 1or-
d. Professional and voluntary social 1or-
:8 Isla! a# So'%al >ork
a. &slamic concept of social 1elfare and professional social 1or-.
#. 9orth and dignity of individual.
c. Rights and responsi#ilities of individuals in &slamic Society.
d. Social relationship in &slam i.e. %amily, eigh#orhood, 'os/ue.
=8 M*t$o#s o4 So'%al >ork
%8 So'%al Cas*<ork
a+ Definition and description of social case 1or-
#+ Elements6Components of social case 1or- )person,
pro#lem, place, professional person and process+
c+ Principles of social case 1or-
d+ Phases6steps in social case 1or-
e+ %ields of application of social case 1or- practice
f+ Role of Professional 1or-er in case 1or- practice
%%8 So'%al 1ro,+ <ork
a+ Definition and description of social group
#+ "ypes of social groups )primary and secondary, formal
and informal groups+
c+ Stages of group development
d+ Definition of social group 1or- and its philosophy
e+ !#0ectives of social group 1or-
f+ Components of social group 1or- )group, agency, and
group 1or-er+
g+ Principles of social group 1or-
h+ %ields of application of group 1or- practice
i+ Role of professional 1or-er in-group 1or- practice
%%%8 Co!!,%t" -*0*lo+!*t
a+ Definition and description of community
#+ Definition of community organi(ation and
c+ !#0ectives of Community Development
d+ Phases6steps in community development )study of
monitoring and evaluation+
e+ Principles of community development
f+ Role of professional 1or-er in community
%7 So'%al R*s*ar'$
a+ Definition and description of social research
#+ Phases6steps in social research
c+ "ools of data collection )/uestionnaire, intervie1ing
schedule, &ntervie1 guide and o#servation+
%%7 So'%al A't%oB Pol%'" a# A#!%%strat%o
a+ Definition and description of social 1elfare
#+ &mportance of social 1elfare administration in social
%%%7 So'%al A't%o
a+ Definition and description of social action
#+ &mportance of social action in social 1elfare
@8 F%*l#sAAr*a o4 So'%al >ork
a+ School social 1or-
#+ 'edical social 1or-
c+ Community development
d+ Child 1elfare
e+ Gouth 1elfare
f+ 9omen 1elfare
g+ 9elfare of the Physically disa#led
h+ 9elfare of the mental retarded
i+ 9elfare of the socially dis-advantaged
0+ 9elfare of the ;uvenile Delin/uents and Adult Criminals
38 Rol* o4 Vol,tar" So'%al >*l4ar* A&*'%*s % So'%o/E'oo!%' -*0*lo+!*t
a+ Definition and description of social 1elfare agency
#+ "ypes of social 1elfare agencies )government, semi-government,
c+ Role of the voluntary social 1elfare agencies, socio-economic
1. 3rienlaner 0. 2er. Con(e*ts an 0ethos of so(ial -ork' Prenti(eA%all' B.W.
2. %amilton' Goron' Prin(i*les of Case' &e(oring' Be- Hork Colum9ian #ni.ersity
!. Perelman' %alen' So(ial Case Work' $ Pro9lem *ro(ess' Chi(ago The
#ni.ersity of the Chi(ago Press.
7. &i(hmon' 0ary' ". So(ial 2iagnosis' Be- Hork' &ussell 3ounation
:. 2ouglas Tom' Grou* Work Pra(ti(e' Cam9rige' Tailsto(k *u9li(ation' 1@=<
<. $rthur 2unham' 1@:+' Community Welfare ?rgani>ation Prin(i*les ) Te(hni/ues
Pra(ti(es. Thomas H. Cro-ell Com*any' Be- Hork' *A17
=. $rthur 2unham' 1<0. Community 2e.elo*ment' *.*. 1=+A1+< in so(ial Work Hear
Book' "ite 9y &ussell %. 6urt>' Be- Hork' national $sso(iation of So(ial Workers.
Total Marks: 100
18 Itro#,'t%o To So'%al >*l4ar*
c+ Definition and Scope
d+ ,istorical Perspective of Social 9elfare in Pa-istan
:8 Pak%sta% So'%*t"
d+ Definition and description of the term @SocietyA
e+ Characteristics of Pa-istani Society
f+ Comparison of Rural and 4r#an Communities
=8 C,lt,r*
f+ Definition and description of the term @CultureA and its importance
g+ Characteristics of Pa-istani Culture
h+ &nfluence of allied cultures on Pa-istani Culture
i+ Social norms-definition and stages )i.e. fol-1ays, more and la1s+
0+ Sociali(ation-definition and description and factors of sociali(ation
)i.e. %amily, eigh#orhood, Peer group, Religious &nstitute.
Educational &nstitutions, 'ass media and Communication.
@8 So'%al Ist%t,t%os
e+ Definition and description of @Social &nstitutionsA
f+ "ypes of Social &nstitutions3 Primary, Secondary
g+ %unctions of the follo1ing3
- %amily &nstitution - Religious &nstitution
- Political &nstitution - Economic &nstitution
- Educational &nstitution - Recreational &nstitution
h+ &mportance of social institutions.
38 So'%al C$a&*
d+ Definition and area of @Social ChangeA
e+ Process and effects of social change on Society
f+ %actors 1hich promote and hinder social change
F8 So'%al Pro)l*!s o4 Pak%sta
d+ 'a0or and e$planation of social pro#lems
e+ General causes of social pro#lems
f+ 'a0or social pro#lems of Pa-istan )An orientation+
- Drug addition - &lliteracy
- !ver population - *eggary
- ;uvenile delin/uency - Environment
- Crime - .iolence
- Child la#or
- Child a#use and neglect
- *onded la#or
- Poverty
- 4nemployment
1. W.A. Friedlander, Introduction to Social Welfare. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, U.S.A.
2. A.S. i!ingston, Social Wor" in Pa"istan, a#ore, West Pa"istan Social welfare Council.
$. Art#ur C. Fin", %#e field of Social wor", new &our, Hold, 'ine#art, (
Ed. 1)*+.
+. S"id,ore %#ac"era-, Introduction to Social Wor", .ew /erse-, Prentice-Hall, 1)(+.
0. Eli1a2et# A. Ferguson, Social Wor", an Introduction. .ew &or", i33inco H. 1)().
(. 4g2urn .i,"off, Hand 5oo" of Sociolog-, ondon 'out ledge and 6egan Pai,.
*. Sociolog- and Social C#ange, A,anda Coffe-, o3en Uni!ersit- Press, Celftic Court 22
5all ,oor 5uc"ing#a, 76 18 I9W.
8. Paul. 5. Horton, %#e Sociolog- of Social Pro2le,s, .ew &or" Prentice Hall.
). Prof. A2dul Ha,eed %aga, 1))), Sociolog- : Pro2le,s, A2dul Ha,eed : Sons,
Pu2lis#er, a#ore.
1;. 7. 6#alid, Social Wor" ,et#ods and Practical, 6ifa-at Acade,- 6arac#i, 1))0.
Pa+*r II
Total Marks: 100
18 Nat,r* a# P$%loso+$" o4 So'%al >ork
a. Definition and philosophical #ase of social 1or-
#. !#0ectives of social 1or- practice
c. *asic principles of social 1or-
d. Professional and voluntary social 1or-
:8 Isla! a# So'%al >ork
a. &slamic concept of social 1elfare and professional social 1or-.
#. 9orth and dignity of individual.
c. Rights and responsi#ilities of individuals in &slamic Society.
d. Social relationship in &slam i.e. %amily, eigh#orhood, 'os/ue.
@8 M*t$o#s o4 So'%al >ork
%8 So'%al Cas*<ork
g+ Definition and description of social case 1or-
h+ Elements6Components of social case 1or- )person,
pro#lem, place, professional person and process+
i+ Principles of social case 1or-
0+ Phases6steps in social case 1or-
-+ %ields of application of social case 1or- practice
l+ Role of Professional 1or-er in case 1or- practice
%%8 So'%al 1ro,+ <ork
0+ Definition and description of social group
-+ "ypes of social groups )primary and secondary, formal
and informal groups+
l+ Stages of group development
m+ Definition of social group 1or- and its philosophy
n+ !#0ectives of social group 1or-
o+ Components of social group 1or- )group, agency, and
group 1or-er+
p+ Principles of social group 1or-
/+ %ields of application of group 1or- practice
r+ Role of professional 1or-er in-group 1or- practice
%%%8 Co!!,%t" -*0*lo+!*t
g+ Definition and description of community
h+ Definition of community organi(ation and
i+ !#0ectives of Community Development
0+ Phases6steps in community development )study of
monitoring and evaluation+
-+ Principles of community development
l+ Role of professional 1or-er in community
%7 So'%al R*s*ar'$
a+ Definition and description of social research
#+ Phases6steps in social research
c+ "ools of data collection )/uestionnaire, intervie1ing
schedule, &ntervie1 guide and o#servation+
%%7 So'%al A't%oB Pol%'" a# A#!%%strat%o
c+ Definition and description of social 1elfare
d+ &mportance of social 1elfare administration in social
%%%7 So'%al A't%o
c+ Definition and description of social action
d+ &mportance of social action in social 1elfare
@8 F%*l#sAAr*a o4 So'%al >ork
-+ School social 1or-
l+ 'edical social 1or-
m+ Community development
n+ Child 1elfare
o+ Gouth 1elfare
p+ 9omen 1elfare
/+ 9elfare of the Physically disa#led
r+ 9elfare of the mental retarded
s+ 9elfare of the socially dis-advantaged
t+ 9elfare of the ;uvenile Delin/uents and Adult Criminals
38 Rol* o4 Vol,tar" So'%al >*l4ar* A&*'%*s % So'%o/E'oo!%' -*0*lo+!*t
d+ Definition and description of social 1elfare agency
e+ "ypes of social 1elfare agencies )government, semi-government,
f+ Role of the voluntary social 1elfare agencies, socio-economic
1. 3rienlaner 0. 2er. Con(e*ts an 0ethos of so(ial -ork' Prenti(eA%all' B.W.
2. %amilton' Goron' Prin(i*les of Case' &e(oring' Be- Hork Colum9ian #ni.ersity
!. Perelman' %alen' So(ial Case Work' $ Pro9lem *ro(ess' Chi(ago The
#ni.ersity of the Chi(ago Press.
7. &i(hmon' 0ary' ". So(ial 2iagnosis' Be- Hork' &ussell 3ounation
:. 2ouglas Tom' Grou* Work Pra(ti(e' Cam9rige' Tailsto(k *u9li(ation' 1@=<
<. $rthur 2unham' 1@:+' Community Welfare ?rgani>ation Prin(i*les ) Te(hni/ues
Pra(ti(es. Thomas H. Cro-ell Com*any' Be- Hork' *A17
=. $rthur 2unham' 1<0. Community 2e.elo*ment' *.*. 1=+A1+< in so(ial Work Hear
Book' "ite 9y &ussell %. 6urt>' Be- Hork' national $sso(iation of So(ial Workers.
Total Marks: 100
i. Definition of Sociology
ii. Culture and Society
iii. Sociali(ation, orms, .alues, Status and Roles
iv. Sociological Perspectives
a. Structuralism
#. &nterpretive theories
c. 'odernism And Postmodernism
i. Sociological perspectives on the family
a. "he functionalist perspective
#. "he traditional 'ar$ist perspective
c. 'ar$ist feminist and radical feminist perspective on the family
ii. %amily ideology
iii. Politics, Social Policy and the family
iv. &s the family a declining social institutionP
i. Se$3 A *iological Distinction
ii. Gender3 A Cultural Distinction
a. Gender in glo#al perspective
#. Patriarchy and se$ism
iii. Gender Sociali(ation
a. Gender and the family
b. Gender and the peer group
c. Gender and schooling
d. Gender and the mass media
iv. Gender Stratification
a. 9or-ing men and 1omen
b. ,ouse1or-3 1omenHs @second shiftA
c. Gender, income and 1ealth
d. Gender and education
e. Gender and politics
f. Gender and the 'ilitary
g. Are 1omen a minorityP
h. 'inority 1omen
i. .iolence against 1omen
v. "heoretical analysis of gender
a. Structural-%unctional Analysis
#. Social-conflict analysis
vi. %eminism
a. *asic feminist ideas
b. .ariations 1ithin feminism
c. !pposition to feminism
@8 H*alt$
i. 9hat is meant #y QhealthH, QillnessH and QdiseaseHP
ii. Disa#ility
iii. "he medical and social models of health
a. "he medical )#iomedical+ model of health
#. "he social model of health
iv. *ecoming a health statistic
v. 'edicine and social control: the sic- role
a. %eatures of the sic- role
vi. "he po1er of the medical profession
a. Protecting the patient
#. Criticisms of the medical professions
c. "he erosion of medical po1erP
vii. 'ar$ist approaches to health and medicine
viii. ,o1 society influences health
a. &mprovements in health in the nineteenth and early t1entieth
i$. "he ne1 Qdisease #urdenH
a. 9hat are the causes of these ne1 diseasesP
$. &ne/ualities in health
a. Social class ine/ualities in health
#. Gender differences in health
$i. &ne/ualities in health
a. %unding
#. Geography
c. Social Class
d. Disa#ility
$ii. 'ental illness
a. 9hat is mental illnessP
#. Care in the community
c. "he #iomedical approach to mental illness
d. "he social construction of mental illness
=+ "he po1er of the media
<+ !1nership of the mass media
>+ "he mass media and ideology
?+ Do the o1ners of the media control their contentP
a. "he manipulative or instrumentalist approach
#. "he dominant ideology or hegemonic approach
c. "he pluralist approach
C+ .iolence and the media
D+ 9hat affects the content of the mediaP *ias in the media
a. "he o1ners
#. 'a-ing a profit
c. !rgani(ational constraints
d. Agenda-setting
e. Gate--eeping
f. orm-setting
7) "he presentation and social construction of the ne1s
a. &naccurate and false reporting
#. e1s values and Qne1s1orthinessH
c. "he assumptions and activities of 0ournalists
8) "he media, crime and deviance
L+ 'edia Representation and Stereotyping
a. 'edia representations of age
#. 'edia representations of social class
c. 'edia representations of ethnicity
d. 'edia representations of gender
e. 'edia representations of disa#ility
10) "he mass media and mass culture
a. Q'ass cultureH
#. Q,igh cultureH
c. A 'ar$ist vie1 of mass culture
d. Criticism of the idea of a Qmass cultureH
=. "he %unction of Schooling
a. Sociali(ation
#. Culture &nnovation
c. Social &ntegration
d. Social Placement
e. 2atent %unctions of Schooling
2. Schooling and social &ne/uality
a. Social control
b. Standardi(ed testing
c. School trac-ing
d. &ne/uality among schools
e. Access to higher education
f. Credentialism
g. Privilege and personal merit
1. 2ocali(ed Collectives3 Cro1ds
a. 'o#s and riots
b. Cro1ds, mo#s and social change
c. E$plaining cro1d #ehavior
2. Dispersed collectives3 mass #ehavior
a. Rumor and gossip
b. Pu#lic opinion and propaganda
c. Panic and mass hysteria
d. %ashions and fads
>. Social 'ovement
a. "ypes of social movements
b. E$plaining social movements
c. Gender and social movements
d. Stages and social movements
e. Social movements and social change
f. Social engineering
1. Ecology3 "he study of the natural environment
a. "he role of sociology
b. "he glo#al dimension
c. "he historical dimension
d. Population increase
e. Cultural patterns3 gro1th and limits
<. Environmental &ssues
a. Solid 1aste3 the disposa#le society
b. Preserving clean 1ater
c. Cleaning the air
d. Acid rain
e. "he rain forests
3. Society and the environment3 theoretical analysis
a. Structural-functional analysis
b. Cultural ecology
c. Social-conflict analysis
d. Alternative dispute resolution
e. Environmental racism
a. Sociological theories and ideas
a. Sociological study of religion
#. "heories of religion
#. Real 1orld religions
a. "otemism and animism
#. ;udasim, Christianity and &slam
c. "he religions of the %ar East
d. Religious organi(ations
c. Seculari(ation and religious revival
=. Po1er and Authority
i. "raditional authority
ii. Regional-legal authority
iii. Charismatic authority
2. Politics in glo#al perspective
i. 'onarchy
ii. Democracy
iii. Authoritarianism
iv. "otalitarianism
v. A Glo#al political systemP
3. "heoretical analysis of po1er in society
i. "he pluralist model3 the people rule
ii. "he Po1er-elite model3 a fe1 people rule
iii. "he 'ar$ist model3 #ias in the system itself
4. Po1er #eyond the rules
i. Revolution
ii. "errorism
C. 9ar And Peace
i. "he causes of 1ar
ii. "he costs and causes of militarism
iii. uclear 1eapons
iv. "he pursuit of peace
1. Demography3 the study of population
i. %ertility
ii. 'ortality
iii. 'igration
iv. Population gro1th
v. Population composition
<. ,istory and "heory of Population Gro1th
i. 'althusian theory
ii. Demographic transition theory
iii. Glo#al population today3 a #rief survey
Total Marks: 100
=+ &nfluences on the choice of research method
a. Positivism and research methods
#. &nterpretive research methods
c. !ther influences on the choice of research methods
<+ 5ey issues in social research
a. .alidity
#. Relia#ility
c. Ethics
>+ Primary and Secondary data
?+ 8ualitative secondary sources
a. "he advantage and uses of /ualitative secondary sources
#. "he disadvantages and limitations of /ualitative secondary sources
c. Content analysis
C+ 8ualitative secondary sources
a. "he advantages and uses of official statistics
#. "he pro#lems and limitations of official statistics
D+ "he e$perimental )la#oratory+ methods of research
a. Pro#lems of using the e$perimental method in sociology
#. %ield e$periments
E+ "he Comparative methods
J+ Surveys and sampling methods
a. 9ho uses the survey methodP
#. Representativeness and sampling
c. "he stages of a survey
d. Pro#lems of the social survey
L+ 8uestionnaires
a. "he nature and use of /uestionnaires
#. 8uestionnaire design3 principle and pro#lems
c. "ypes of /uestionnaires
d. "he validity of /uestionnaire research
a. Structure of formal intervie1s
#. 4nstructured or informal intervie1s
c. General pro#lems of intervie1s
d. Concluding remar-s on intervie1s
==+ Participant o#servation
a. "he theoretical conte$t of participant o#servation
#. "he stages of participant o#servation and related pro#lems
c. "he strengths and 1ea-ness as of participant o#servation
d. &nternal and e$ternal consistency in participant o#servation
=<+on-participant o#servation
=>+2ongitudinal studies
=?+Case studies and life histories
=C+'ethodological pluralism and triangulation
=D+Doing your o1n research
a. ,ypothesis or aim
#. Conte$t and concepts
c. 'ain research methods and reasons for their use
d. Potential pro#lems
=E+An e$ample of course1or- proposal
=. Glo#ali(ation
i. %actors contri#uting to glo#ali(ation
ii. "he glo#ali(ation de#ate
iii. "he impact of glo#ali(ation
iv. Glo#al &nterdependence
<. 9hat is Social ChangeP
a. Glo#ali(ation3 Essential %eatures
b. Causes and conse/uences of social change
c. %actors contri#uting to glo#ali(ation
d. "he glo#ali(ation de#ate
e. "he impact of glo#ali(ation
>. &nnovations
i. &nternational tourism
Changes in the 1ays people relate to information
"he cultural #ase and the rate of change
Cultural lag
Revolutionary ideas
ii. Conflict
"he cold 1ar origin of the internet
iii. "he pursuit of profit
9orld system theory
Responses to economic stagnation
=. Glo#al economic ine/uality
i. ,igh-income countries
ii. 'iddle-income countries
iii. 2o1-income countries
iv. &s glo#al economic ine/uality increasingP
<. 2ife in rich and poor countries
v. ,ealth
vi. ,unger, malnutrition and famine
vii. Education and 2iteracy
>. Can poor countries #ecome richP
i. "heories of development
ii. Evaluating theories of development
iii. "he role of international organi(ations and glo#al ine/uality
iv. Glo#al economic ine/uality in a changing 1orld
?. 9orld population gro1th
i. Population analysis3 demography
ii. Dynamics of population change
iii. 'althusianism
iv. "he demographic transition
v. Prospects of change
=. *asic concepts
<. E$plaining crime and deviance3 sociological theories
i. %unctionalist "heories
ii. &ntegrationist theory
iii. Conflict theories3 Qthe ne1 criminologyH
iv. Control theories
v. "heoretical conclusions
>. Patterns of crime in Pa-istan
i. Crime and crime statistics
?. .ictims and perpetrators of crime
i. Gender and crime
ii. Gouth and crime
iii. 9hite-collar crime
iv. !rgani(ed crime
v. Cy#er crime
C. Prisons3 is it the ans1er to crimeP
D. Conclusion3 deviance and social order
2ist of Readings
1. Bro-ne' 6en. E200<F. Introu(ing So(iology for $S ,e.el. 2
"ition. Polity
2. Cohen' Ste*hen Phili*. E200:F. The Iea of Pakistan. Vanguar Books E*.t.F ,t.
!. 3errante' 1oan. E200!F. So(iologyG $ Glo9al Pers*e(ti.e. :
"ition. Thomson
Was-arth' $ustralia.
7 Giens' $nthony. E200<F. So(iology. :
"ition. Polity Press.
:. %a//ani' %usain. E200:F. PakistanG Bet-een 0os/ue an 0ilitary. Vanguar
Books E*.t.F ,t.
<. 0a(ionis' 1ohn 1. So(iology. =
"ition. Prenti(e %all' #**er Sale &' Be-
=. &a>a' &afi. E2001F Pakistan in Pers*e(ti.eG 1@7=A1@@=. 1
"ition. ?xfor
#ni.ersity Press
+. Talha' Baureen. E2000F. "(onomi( 3a(tors in the 0aking of Pakistan E1@21A
1@7=F. ?xfor #ni.ersity Press
@. Chakra.arti' $shok. E200:F. $i' Institutions an 2e.elo*mentG Be- $**roa(hes
to Gro-th. Go.ernan(e an Po.erty. ?xfor uni.ersity Press' Be- 2elhi' Inia.
10. We9ster' $nre-. E1@@0F. Introu(tion to So(iology of 2e.elo*ment. 0a(millan
"u(ation ,t.
11. Craig' Baxter. E2001F. Pakistan 2000. ?xfor #ni.ersity Press.
12. $hma' $k9ar S. E1@+<F. Pakistan So(ietyG Islam' "thni(ity an ,eaershi* in
South $sia. ?xfor #ni.ersity Press' Be- Hork.
1!. 0erton' &o9ert 6. E1@<1F. Contem*orary So(ial Pro9lems. %ar(ourt' Bra(e )
Worl' In(.
17. Beuman' W. ,a-ren(e. E2000F. So(ial &esear(h 0ethosG 8ualitati.e an
8uantitati.e $**roa(hes. $llyn an Ba(on.
1:. %amilton' 0al(olm. E20000. The So(iology of &eligion. 2
"ition. &outlege'
Be- Hork
1<. Chauhry' 0. I/9al. E1@+0F Pakistan So(ietyG $ So(iologi(al Pers*e(ti.e. $>i>
1=. &iter>' George. E1@@2F. So(iologi(al Theory. 0(Gra- %ill.
Total Marks: 100
-*s'r%+t%0* Stat%st%'s: 513M7
ature and scope of Statistics. !rgani(ing and classification of data. Population and
sample. .aria#les, 'easurement scales. Descriptive and &nferential Statistics.
Description of data #y fre/uency ta#les and graphs. Stem and leaf plot and *o$ and
1his-er plot. Arithmetic 'ean, Geometric 'ean, ,armonic 'ean, 'ode, 'edian,
8uartiles. Properties of 'ean 1ith proofs. Relative 'erits and Demerits of various
averages. 9eighted Arithmetic 'ean. Empirical Relation #et1een 'ean, 'edian and
'ode. A#solute and Relative 'easures of dispersion3 Range, Semi-&nter 8uartile
Range, 'ean Deviation, .ariance, Standard Deviation, Coefficient of .ariation,
Coefficient of 'ean Deviation, Coefficient of /uartile Deviation. Properties of .ariance
and Standard Deviation 1ith proofs. Standardi(ed .aria#les. 'oments, 'oments
Ratios, SheppardHs Correction, S-e1ness and 5urtosis. Che#echevHs theorem and its
Co'*+ts o4 Pro)a)%l%t": 503M7
!peration in sets. Cartesian product set. Random e$periment. Sample space and
events. Rules of counting. &ntroduction to pro#a#ility and a$ioms of pro#a#ility,
emphasising to concepts, facts, interpretation and illustrating e$amples. *asic la1s of
pro#a#ility. Conditional and marginal pro#a#ilities. &ndependence of events. *ayeHs
theorem and its application.
Ra#o! Var%a)l*: 513M7
Discrete random varia#le. Pro#a#ility function, pro#a#ility distri#ution function.
'athematical e$pectation and its properties. ;oint distri#ution of t1o discrete random
varia#les. 'arginal and conditional distri#utions. 'ean, variance, moments, covariance
and correlation of t1o discrete random varia#les. 'oment generating function and its
Continuous random varia#le. Pro#a#ility distri#ution of a continuous random varia#le.
Pro#a#ility density function and pro#a#ility distri#ution function. ;oint distri#ution of t1o
continuous random varia#les. 'arginal and conditional distri#utions. 'athematical
e$pectation and its properties. 'oment generating function. Covariance and correlation
of t1o random varia#les. 'ean, 'edian, 'ode, Geometric mean, ,armonic mean,
'ean deviation, variance and moments of simple continuous functions.
-%s'r*t* Pro)a)%l%t" -%str%),t%os: 513M7
4niform *ernoulli, *inomial, 'ultinomial, ,ypergeometric, Poisson, egative *inomial
and Geometric distri#utions 1ith their derivations, applications and fitting to statistical
data. Poisson appro$imation to the #inomial distri#ution.
Cot%,o,s Pro)a)%l%t" -%str%),t%os: 513M7
4niform, E$ponential and ormal distri#utions. "heir properties, applications and fitting
to statistical data. ormal appro$imation to the *inomial and Poisson distri#utions.
B%0ar%at* Nor!al -%str%),t%o 510M7:
Derivation, conditional density function, conditional e$pectation and moment generating
function R<F, RF< and R==.
M*t$o# o4 L*ast S;,ar*s: 513M7
Scatter diagram, Principle of least s/uare. Deduction and solution of normal e/uations
of general linear model. Curve fitting. E/uations of appro$imating curves #y the method
of least s/uares up to third degree polynomials. %itting of e$ponential of the type
)<+ y S a#
)>+ y S a$
. Graphic representation of the curves.
&nterpolation and E$trapolation graphically. Criteria for fitting a suita#le curve.
R*&r*ss%o a# Corr*lat%o Aal"s%s: 510M7
2ogic of regression and correlation, scatter diagram. Regression models. Simple linear
regression, least s/uare estimates and their properties. Properties of 2east S/uare
regression line, standard error of estimate, co-efficient of determination. 'ultiple linear
regression 1ith t1o regressors, co-efficient of multiple determination. Partial and
multiple correlation up to three varia#les. 2inear correlation . Correlation co-efficient and
its properties. Correlation of #ivariate fre/uency distri#ution. Partial and multiple
correlation for three varia#les. Ran- correlation. "ied ran-s.
Total Marks: 100
Sa!+l%& a# Sa!+l%& -%str%),t%os: 513M7
Advantages of sampling. Pro#a#ility and non-pro#a#ility sampling. Sampling and non-
sampling errors. Sampling designs of simple random, stratified, systematic, and cluster
sampling. ;udgment and /uota sampling. Random num#ers and their use in sampling.
Calculation of sample mean, proportion and variance of simple and stratified random
samples. Sampling distri#ution of a statistic and its standard error. Distri#utions of
sample mean 6 proportion and difference #et1een t1o sample means 6 proportions 1ith
properties. Central limit theorem 1ith illustrations. Sampling distri#ution of sample
variance and ratio of t1o sample variances. Concept of t,
and % O distri#utions.
Est%!at%o: 510M7
Estimate and estimator. Point estimation #y moments and ma$imum li-elihood methods.
Properties of point estimators3 un#iasedness, consistency, efficiency and sufficiency.
&nterval estimator and its interpretation. &nterval estimation of the mean 6 proportion,
difference #et1een t1o means 6 proportions, of populations 1ith -no1n and un-no1n
variances. Determination of sample si(e. &nterval estimation of population variance and
ratio of t1o population variances. &nterval estimates of regression parameters, mean
and individual prediction.
H"+ot$*s%s T*st%&: 513M7
ull and alternative hypotheses. Simple and composite hypotheses. "1o types of
errors, level of significance, p-value and po1er of the test. Acceptance and re0ection
regions, one sided and t1o sided tests. "esting of hypothesis for mean 6 proportion,
difference #et1een t1o means 6 proportions.
"esting of hypothesis )#ased on small samples and un-no1n population variance+ for
the mean, difference #et1een t1o means for paired and independent o#servations.
"esting of hypothesis a#out the variances and e/uality of t1o variances.
"esting of hypothesis a#out regression and simple correlation: partial and multiple
correlation. "ests of hypothesis a#out regression parameters, mean and individual
prediction. PearsonHs test for goodness of fit. Contingency ta#les and tests for
independence and homogeneity. Co-efficient of mean s/uare contingency and its
ma$imum value. Gates correction for continuity. Chi-S/uare test for the multinomial
No/Para!*tr%' T*sts: 53M7
Sign test, Run test. 'ann-9hitney 4-test, 9ilco$on Signed Rand test, 9ilco$on Ran-
sum test and 5rus-al-9allies "est.
Aal"s%s o4 Var%a'* a# E(+*r%!*tal -*s%&s: 513M7
Definition, importance and assumptions of Analysis of .ariance. Partitioning of sum of
s/uares and degrees of freedom in one and t1o-1ay classification. "esting the e/uality
of means for one and t1o-1ay classification. 'ultiple comparison tests3 2east significant
difference test, DuncanHs and e1man-5euls 'ultiple range tests.
Principles of e$perimental design. Completely randomised, randomised complete #loc-
and 2atif s/uare designs. Description, layout, statistical analysis, advantages,
disadvantages, relative efficiency and applications of these designs.
T%!* S*r%*s: 510M7
Decomposition of "ime Series. 'easurement of "rend, Seasonal )Additive and
multiplicative models+, and Cyclical variations. Seasonal indices. Deseasonalisation of
I#*( N,!)*rs: 510M7
Simple and composite indices. Pro#lems in construction of inde$ num#ers. 2aspayre,
Paasche, 'arshall-Edg1orth, %isher ideal, 9alsh and Palgraves indices. Shifting of
#ase. 8uantity inde$ num#ers. "heoretical tests for inde$ num#ers. Consumer Price
inde$. Construction and uses of inde$ num#ers in Pa-istan. Sensitive Price &ndicator.
O44%'%al Stat%st%'s: 510M7
&ntroduction, 1or-ing of statistical organi(ations in Pa-istan, main sources of Statistical
Data in Pa-istan, Documents produced #y Statistical !rgani(ations in Pa-istan.
Census, registration system of deaths and #irths in Pa-istan.
Applications of statistics in social, economic and political pro#lems. Pu#lic health
crimes, 2a1, social innovations, economic development and socio-political ine/uality.
V%tal Stat%st%'s: 510M7
.ital events. 4ses and shortcomings of vital statistics. Sources of demographic data.
Gender and child 1oman ratio. .ital &nde$, Crude, specific and standardised death 6
#irth rates. General and specific fertility rate. Gross and net reproduction rates.
1. Clark' G.0. an Cooke' 2. E1@@+F' $ Basi( Course in Statisti(s' 7
e' $rnol'
2. Clark' G.0. an 6em*son' &. ". E1@@=F' Introu(tion to the 2esign ) $nalysis of
"x*eriment' $rnol' ,onon.
!. 3reeman' 2D Pisani' &D Parues' & an $hikari' $ E1@@=F. Statisti(s !
Borton' Be- Hork.
7. 3reun' 1." E1@@0F. 0oern elementary Statisti(s. Prenti(e %all' In(. Be- 1ersy.
:. Gray9ill' I an Buri(k E1@@+F. $**lie Statisti(sG $ first (ourse in inferen(e.
Prenti(e %all' Be- 1ersy.
<. ,i*s(hut>' S an S(hiller' 1 E1@@+F. Introu(tion to Pro9a9ility an Statisti(s'
0(Gra- %ill' Be- Hork.
=. 0ittelhammer' &' C. E1@@<F. 0athemati(al Statisti(s for "(onomi(s an
Business' S*ringer Verlag' Be- Hork.
+. 0oo' $.0.' Gray9ill' G.$.an Boes' 2.( E1@=7F. Introu(tion to the Theory of
Statisti(s' 0(Gra- %ill Book Com*any In(. Be- Hork.
@. Pollan' $.%D Housaf' 3 an Pollar' G.B. E1@+1F. 2emogra*hi( Te(hni/ues.
Se(on "ition' Pergaman Press' ?xfor.
10. S*eigal' 0.& an Ste*hens. ,.1. E1@@@F. Statisti(s' !
"ition. 0(Gra- %ill' Be-
11. S*eigal' 0.&D S(hiller' 1.,D Srini.asan' &., E2000F. Pro9a9ility an Statisti(s 2
"ition. S(hamus out line Series' 0(Gra- %ill' Be- Hork.
12. Wal*ole'&." E1@+2F. Introu(tion to Statisti(s. 0a(millan Pu9lishing Com*any'
Be- Hork' ,onon.
1!. Wal*ole' &.".' 0yers' &.%.' 0yers' S. ,. an He' 6. E2007F Pro9a9ility an
Statisti(s for "ngineers an S(ientists' =
"ition Prenti(e %all' Be- Hork.
17. Weiss' B.$. E1@==F' Introu(tory Statisti(s' 7
e. $isonAWesley Pu9.
Com*any' In(.
1:. Wonna(ott' T.%. an Wonna(ott' &.1 E1@+1F. Introu(tory Statisti(s' 1ohn Wily )
Sons. Be- Hork.
Total Marks: 100
I0*rt*)rat* a# C$or#at* Loolo&"
S*'t%o A
I0*rt*)rat*: &ntroduction General organi(ations )Structure, function, mode of
life, Reproduction, life cycles, adaptation, distri#ution and Economic
&mportance+ of the %ollo1ing groups 1ith special reference to the
"opic mentioned in each group3-
Proto2oa: Animal O li-e Protists3
!rigin and Phylogenetic relationship of proto(oa, parasitism,
2ocomotion, utrition, Reproduction, Economic &mportance and
,armful Proto(oa.
Por%4*ra: 'ullticellular and "issue level of organi(ation3 origin and
Evolutionary perspeetive, Evolutions of canal system, s-eleton and
Reproductive System in Porifera.
Co*l*t*rata: *oy 1all and ematocysts, Polymorphism, Coral and Coral reefs,
Economic &mportance of Coral reefs.
Plat"$*l!*t$*s: "he "riplo#lastic Acoelomate *ody plan3 Evolutionary perspective,
Parasitic adaptation, life cycle of %asciola ,epatica )liver flu-e+
N*!ato#a "he Pseudocoelomate *ody Plan3
5As'$*l!%t$*s7: Evolutionary Perspective, General characteristic, Economic
&mportance. Parasitic ematodes of man.
A!!*l%#a: "he 'etameric *ody %orm3
Evolutionary relationship 1ith other animals, 'etamerism and
"agmati(ation, Phylogenctic Consideration.
Moll,s'a: !rigin of Coelome, Diversity in Gastropods, *ivalve and
Cepholopods, "orsion, shell in 'ollusca, modification of foot in
Art$ro+o#a: E#olutionary Perspeetive, 'etamarphosis, Ecdysis, Appendages
feeding, Respiration, Social insect, Economic &mportance of
&nsects, 2arvae in various Classes of Arthropoda.
E'$%o#*r!ata: S-eletion, 9ater vascular System, 2arval farms and their
evolutionary significance, Phylogenetic Consideration.
S*'t%o B
C$or#ata: !rigin and #asic plan of chordate, #asic plane of verte#vrate #ody,
Earliest -no1n verte#rate, Primitive 0a1ed verte#rate, Evolution of
0a1 in verte#rate, S1im#lader in %ishes, E$cretion and
A!+$%)%a: %irst terrestrial verte#rates3
Evolutionary perspective, E$cretion and !smoregulation,
Reproduction and development.
R*+t%l*: "he %irst Amniotes
Evoluion of Reptile, Rise and %all of Reptile, E$tinction of
Dinosaurs, E$eretion and !smoragulation, Poisonous apparatus
and #iting mechanism of poisonous sna-e.
A0*s: *irds, %eathers, %light and Endothermy3
Phylogenetic Relationship and evolution of *irds, Evolution of flight
in Aves, Aerial adaptation and 'igration of *irds.
Ma!!al%a: Speciali(ed teeth, Endothermy3
!rigin of mammals, Evolutionary perspectives, Diversity among
mammals, adaptation in E$ternal Structure and 2ocomotion,
verte#rate E$cretion, osmoregulation, Reproduction and
development, Dentition in verte#rae, Comparative account of
Evolution of ,eart, gridles S-ull, development, nervous system,
Stomach in the verte#rate and urinogenital ducts in verte#rates:
1. Barrington ". 1. W.' 1@<@ In.erte9rate Stru(ture an 3un(tion. The "nglish
,anguage Book So(iety an Belson ,onon.
2. Willmer'P. 1@@1 In.erte9rate &elationshi*s E*attern in animal e.olutionF Cam9rige
#ni.ersity Press.
!. Barnes' &.2.E1@+0F. In.erte9rate Ioology E7th e.F' Sauners' Philael*hia.
7. %egner an "ngemann. In.erte9rate Ioology 0a(millan Pu9lishing Com*any In('
Be- Hork.
:. Parker an %as-ell. $ Text Book of Ioology. EVol.SF 0a(millan ,onon.
<. Borreaile' ,.$.' Potts' 3.$. "astham' ,.".S.' Sauners' 1.T. an 6erkut' G.$.
E1@<1F. The In.erte9rata. Cam9rige #ni.ersity Press.
=. %yman ,.%' The In.erte9rates. 0(Gra- %ill Book Com*any In(.
+. Bhatti' %.6. an %ashmi' T .%. In.erte9rate Ioology Book Cor*oration'
@. 2hami an 2hami. Com*arati.e In.erte9rate 0or*hology.
10. 3. %ar.ey Pough' 1ohn' Bheiser' William B. 0(farlan Verte9rate life. 2n "ition'
1@+:.' an !r "ition' 1@@0.
11. G.C. 6ent' 1@+=. Com*arati.e $natomy of .erte9rates.
12. Hong' 1. I. 1@<:. The life of 0ammals.
1!. Houng' 1.I. 1@+1. The ,ife of Verte9rate.
17. &omer ) Parson' The .erte9rate 9oy. <th "ition.
1:. "-in % Col9ert. 1@+0. ".olution of the .ertt9rates. !r eition.
1<. 0iller. $.S. an %arley. 1.B.' E1@@@F ) 2002D Ioology. 7th ):th "ition EInternationalF.
Singa*oreG 0(Gra- %ill.
1=. %i(kman' C.P.' &o9erts. ,.S. an ,arson. $. 2001. Integrate Prin(i*les of Ioology.
11 th "ition EInternationalF. Singa*oreG 0(Gra- %ill Pe(henik' 1 .$. E2002F Biology
of In.erte9rate. 7th "ition EInternationalF. Singa*oreG 0(Gra- %ill.
1+. Cam*9ell' B.$. E2002F. Biology Sixth "ition. 0enlo Park. CaliforniaG
BenCaminKCummings Pu9lishing Com*any. In(.
Total Marks: 100
1**ral Loolo&"
C*ll B%olo&":
Generali(ed Structure of Pro-ayotic and Eu-aryotic Cell, 'orphology, chemical
composition and %unctions of cellular organelles, En(ymes Catalysis, Regulation I
&nhi#ition, 'eta#olic Path1ays,Glycolysis, 5re# cycle and Electrons "ransport chain.
ucleic acid, 'echanism of Protein synthesis, "ranscription and "ranslation, 'itosis,
1**ral P$"s%olo&":
E$cretion and ,omeostasis, osmoregulation, verte#rate nephrone as osmoregulatory
organ, "hermoregulation in Animals, 'ovements and 'uscle, ultra structure of 'uscle
fi#ril, mechanism of contraction, Physiological anatomy of digestive "ract, Potential and
movement in Gastrointestinal "ract, Respiration, Respiratory 'echanism, Respiratory
Pigments, "ransport of !< and Co<: cardiovascular 'echanism, electrical activity of
,eart, *lood Pressure, Coordination in animals, ervous coordination and chemical
coordination, ervous system, nerve &mpulses, ,armones and their *iological action.
'echanism of Active mem#rane Potential and Resting mem#rane Potential,
1**t%'s: 'endelian Principles, 'ultiple alleles, &nteraction of genes, 2in-age and
crossing over, maping of genes, Se$-determination and Se$-lin-age, 'utations, gene
concept, Chromosomal a#errations, DA as a genetic material, genetic Code, DA
Recom#inant "echnology, Application of genetic Engineering, "ransgenic animals.
S*'t%o /-
E0ol,t%o: "heories of origin of 2ife, *iochemical origin of life, 2amarc-ism, Dar1inism
and eo-Dar1inism, ,ardy 9ein#erg Principle, 'utation Pressure, Selection Pressure,
Genetic drift species concept, 'echanism of evolution, modern concept of atural
Selection, Adaptive radiation.
Concept of Ecosystem. *iogeochemical cycle, Animal adaptation to ma0or
,a#itats, Energy flo1 in the Ecosystem, %ood chain, %ood 1e#, Productivity of
Ecosystem Environmental Pollution, 9ater Pollution and 2amo Pollution.
BOO.S RECOMMEN-E- 5Lat*st E#%t%o7:
1. Watson' 1.2.' %o*kin' B.%' &o9erts' 1.W.' Streit>' 1.$. an Weiner' 0.$.
E1@@0F. 0ole(ular Biology of the Gene. BenCamin' California.
2. Turner' P.C.' 0(lennon' $.G.' Bates' $.2. an White' 0.&.%. E1@@+F.
!. 6ar* G. E2002F. Cell an 0ole(ular Biology. 1ohn Wiley ) Sons' In(. Be-
7. T-yman. &.0. E1@@+F. $.an(e 0ole(ular Biology. Bios S(ientifi(
:. &.3. E1@@@F. 0ole(ular Biology' WCBK0(Gra-A%ill Be- Hork.
<. $ams' &.,.P.' 6no-ler' 1.T. an ,eaer' 2.P. E1@+<F. The Bio(hemistry of
the Bu(lei( $(is. Cham*an an %all.
7. Cell an 0ole(ular Biology E+
"itionF 2e P &o99ertis ) 2e &o9ertis
+. 0oern Geneti(s 9y $yala' 3.1. an 6iger' 1a$.1r.
@. ,oe-y' $.G. an>. Cell stru(ture an fun(tion' %olt &inehart B.H.
10. ,e.ine' &.P. Geneti(s. %olt &inehart an Winston' B.H.
11. &o9ert 3.' Phili* W. %ei(k' Basi( Geneti(s.WCB.
12. General 6ar*' Cell an 0ole(ular Biology' 1ohn Weley ) sons.
1!. Stri(k9erger' 0.W.' Geneti(s. 0(0illan Co.' Be- Hork.
17. Win(hester' $.0. Geneti(s. %augtonA0iffin Co.
1:. S(heeler' P. an Bian(hi' 2.' Cell an 0ole(ular Biology.
1<. Gagong' W.3. 1@+=' Prenti(e %all' In(. & of 0ei(al Physiology.
1=. Goron 0.S.' Bartholome-' G.$. Grinnel $.2.' 1orgensen' C.B..' an 3.B.'
$nimal PhysiologyG Prin(i*les an $a*tations' B.H.
1+. Guyton' $.C.' Text9ook of 0ei(al Physiology' W.B. Sauners Com*any'
1@. Prosser' C.,. Com*arati.e $nimal Physiology' Sauners Philael*hia.
20. %oar' W.S.' General an Com*arati.e Physiology' In(' Be- 1erse..
21. Saar' 0.%. an Smith' 0.S.' 1@@!. "I$ 0ethos an Pro(eure. Im*a(t
$ssessment Institute' Carleton #ni.ersity' ?tta-a' Canaa.
22. Smith' &.,.' "(ology an 3iel Biology' %ar*er an &o-.
2!. 0i(hael' I. 0(kinney an &o9ert' m S(ho(h' 1@@+. "n.ironmental
S(ien(e' %ones an Bartett Pu9lisher' International.
27. Cha*man' 1., an &eiss' 0.1.' 1@@=. "(ology EPrin(i*les an
a**li(ationsF' Cam9rige #ni.ersity Press.
2:. 6ormony' ".1.' 1@@<. Con(e*ts of "(ology. Prenti(e %all' Inia.
2<. "(kert an &anall' $nimal Physiology.
2=. ?um' ".P.' 3unamentals of "(ology. W.B. Sauners.
2+. 0a(fayen' $nimal "(ologyG $ims an 0ethos.
2@. Prosser' C.,.' Coo*erati.e animal *hysiology. W.B. Sauners.
!0. %oar' W.S.' General an Com*arati.e Physiology. Prenti(e %all In(.
!1. Be9el' B.1.' "n.ironmental S(ien(e. Prenti(e %all In(.
!2. Can' $.1.' $nimal s*e(ies an their e.olution. %ut(hCinson;s #.,. ,onon.
!!. 0ooy' P.$.' Introu(tion to ".olution. %ar*er an &o-.
Total Marks: 100
,istory3 .arious Concepts of perceiving ,istory.
'odern3 Connotation of the terminology.
9orld3 ,o1 the idea of 1orld is perceived. &mplications of 1orld history.
!ld Regimes and Archaic Glo#ali(ation3 Peasants and 2ords, Dynamics of e1
Politics, Archaic and Early 'odern Glo#ali(ation.
"he 2ast Great Domestication and &ndustrious Revolutions, e1 Patterns of Afro-
Asian 'aterial Culture, Production and "rade, "rade %inance and &nnovation3 European
Competitive advantages, the development of Asian and African Pu#lics.
Anatomy of the 9orld Crisis )=E<F-=J<F+, Sapping the legitimacy of the State3
%rom %rance to China &deological origin of the modern left and the modern state,
ationalities .S States and Empires. "he "hird Revolution3 Polite and Commercial
Peoples 9orld1ide.
9orld revolutions )=J=C-=JDC+, Emigration, e1 9orld !rder3 =J=C-=JDC, 9ars
of 2egitimacy in Asia, Economic and &deological Roots of Asian Revolutions, ,unger
and Re#ellion in Europe )=J?J-=JC=+, American Civil 9ar as a Glo#al Event.
&ndustriali(ation, and Cities "he Progress of &ndustriali(ation Poverty and the
A#sence of &ndustry, Cites as Centers of Production, Consumption, and Politics "he
4r#an &mpact of the Glo#al Crisis, =EJF-=J<F. Race and Class in the e1 Cities,
9or-ing-Class Politics, 9orld1ide 4r#an Cultures and their Critics.
"heories of ationalism, 9hen 1as ationalism *ornP Perpetuating
ationalisms3 'emories, ational Associations, and Print, %rom Community to ation3
"he Eurasian Empires 9here 1e Stand 1ith ationalism, Peoples 1ithout States3
Persecution or AssimilationP &mperialism and its ,istory3 "he 2ate ineteenth Century
Dimensions of the @e1 &mperialismA. A 9orld of ation-StatesP "he Persistence of
Archaic Glo#ali(ation %rom Glo#ali(ation to &nternationalism in Practice.
"he State and the ,istorians, Pro#lems of Defining the State, "he 'odern State
"a-es Root3 Geographical Dimensions Claims to ;ustice and Sym#ols of Po1er, "he
StateHs Resources, "he StateHs !#ligations to Society "ools of the State, State,
Economy, and ation.
Conte$tuali(ing &ntellectual ,istory, "he Corruption of the Righteous Repu#lic3 A
Classic "heme. Righteous Repu#lics 9orld1ide, "he Advent of 2i#eralism and the
'ar-et3 9estern E$ceptionalismP 2i#eralism and 2and Reform3 Radical "heory and
Conservative Practice, %ree "rade or ational Political EconomyP Representing the
Peoples Secularism and Positivism3 "ransnational Affinites "he Reception of Socialism
and its 2ocal Resonances. Science in Glo#al Conte$t. Professionali(ation at 9orld
Revolutionary &deas, Philosophical and social trends.
=F. Clas$ o4 C%0%l%2at%os
==. N*o/Cos*r0at%o
2!. 2orina ?utram' The Boy an the 3ren(h &e.olution
27. 3ren( 3eher' 3ren(h re.olution an the Birth of 0oernity
2:. % 6issinger' 2i*loma(y
2<. 1 0 Thom*son' Ba*oleon Bona*arteG %is &ise an 3all
2=. " 1 %o9s9a-n' The $ge of re.olution' 1=+@A1+7+
2+. " 1 %o9s9a-n' Bations an Bationalism sin(e 1=+0G Programme' 0yth'
2@. P Pil9eam' The 1+!0 &e.olution in 3ran(e
!0. Paul 6enney' The &ise an 3all of Great Po-ers
!1. ?-en Cha-i(k' The Se(ulari>ation of "uro*ean 0in in the Bineteenth
Century E1@=<F
!2. Peter Burke' Po*ular Culture in "arly 0oern "uro*e E1@=+F
!!. 0ar( Blo(h' 3eual So(iety
!7. 0 W Beresfor' Be- To-ns of the 0ile $ges E1@++F
!:. &osalin B an Christo*her Brooke' Po*ular &eligion in the 0ile $ges
!<. Carlo Gin>9urg' The Cheese an The WormsG The Cosmos of a SixteenthA
Century 0iller E1@+2F
!=. ,auro 0artines' Po-er an ImaginationD CityAStates in &enaissan(e Italy
!+. 6arl 0arx' 2as Ca*ital
!@. %er9ert Butterfiel' The ?rigins of 0oern S(ien(e' 1!00A1+00 E1@<:F
70. $ & %all' The &e.olution in S(ien(e' 1:00A1=:0G The 3ormation of the
0oern S(ientifi( $ttitue E1@+!F
71. ,ona S(hie9inger' The 0in %as no SexT Women in the ?rigins of 0oern
S(ien(e E1@@0F
72. Bar9ara Taylor' ".e an the Be- 1erusalemG So(ialism an 3eminism in the
Bineteenth Century E1@+!F
7!. 0i(hel 3ou(ault' 0aness an Ci.ili>ation
77. $sa Briggs' Vi(torian Peo*le E1@:7F
7:. Gertrue %immelfar9' 2ar-in an the 2ar-inian &e.olution E1@<+F
7<. &aymon Betts' The 3alse 2a-nG "uro*ean Im*erialism in the Bineteenth
Century E1@=:F
7=. Timothy 0it(hell' Coloni>ing "gy*t E1@++F
7+. "-ar Sai' ?rientalism E1@=@F
7@. W2 Smith' "uro*ean Im*erialism in the Bineteenth an T-entieth Centuries.
Fro! Pr*/$%stor%' to 1Jt$ C*t,r" A-
Total Marks: 100
Part I
=. Approaches to Ancient I 'edieval &ndia
<. &ndus .alley Civili(ation
> "he .edas I "he .edic Age
?. %oreign &nvasions and Dynasties3 "he Aryans, Con/uests of Ale$ander, "he
'auryans, ><=-=JC *C, "he Age of the Guptas and After, &ndo-European
C. *uddhism
D. Asho-a, 5anish-a and the Gandhara Art
E. Emergence and Development of Caste System
J. Economy )"rade, Commerce, &ndustry+
L. 2A9 AD AD'&&S"RA"&!3 Code of la1, values and tradition. Sharia, $khla/
as la1 system of governance.
=F. Sources of the 'ughal Rule in &ndia
==. *,A5"& '!.E'E"3Salient features of *ha-ti movement, main
proponents6saints, *hat-ti literature and revolt against religious orthodo$y and
central government6po1er.
=<. DE.E2!P'E" !% AR"S AD SC&ECES & ",E S4*C!"&E"3
Sans-rit, Persian, 4rdu, and Pra-rit )local languages+ literature 1ith particular
reference to humanist, political, regional and religious aspects. Relationship of
po1er and language in medieval &ndia.
=>. Development of the %ine Arts under the 'ughals.
5Fro! 1J/:1 C*t,r%*s7
=. Concepts of Colonialism I &mperialism
<. E$tracting land Revenue, Empire and Colonial Economy.
>. =JCE 9ar of &ndependence or 'utiny, Social and Religious Reforms.
?. *ritish Social life in &ndia, Changing *ritish attitudes to &ndian religion and society,
Architecture of the Ra0. Dynamics of Anglo-&ndian Society.
C. Sir SyedKs efforts for re-interpreting religion and moderni(ing the 'uslim Society
and resistance of 4lema. 4se of modem technologies #y various religious
revivalist6orthodo$ movements )e.g., Deo#andi 'ovement+ and displacement of
Sufi tradition.
D. Colonial pro0ect of assigning identities and Emergence of ationalism in &ndia3
Dividing &ndia in religious, communal6sectarian, regional, gender and racial6tri#al
E. 2egacies of *ritish Ra0. 'ilitary and *ureaucracy, Political and Constitutional
Development )=L?E-<FFD+, Dynamics of Authoritarianism and "otalitarianism in
Pa-istan 1ith reference to ' Ayu# 5han, ' Gahya, Biaul ,a/, and Pervai(
'usharrafs regimes.
J. ature of democracy in Pa-istan3 'uhammad Ali ;innah, 2ia/uat Ali 5han, BA
*hutto, *ena(ir *hutto, a1a( Sharif, Shau-at A(i(.
L. Religion and Polity contraction in the Society6State #uilding in Pa-istan.
=F. Pro#lems of federal politics, Ethnic and su#-national ideologies, use of language
as culture and ideology.
1. $>i> $hma' $n Intelle(tual %istory of Islam in Inia
2. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA' Stuies n Islami( Culture in the Inian "n.ironment
!. S0 Ikram' 0uslim &ule in Inia
4. 2aniel W Bro-ne' &ethinking Traition in 0oern Islami( Thought
5. 0u>affar $lam' The ,anguages of Politi(al Islam in Inia E(. 1200A1+00F
6. 1amal 0alik an %elmut &eifel EeF' &eligious Pluralism in South $sia an "uro*e
7. &i(har 0 "aton' "ssays on Islam an Inian %istory E2elhiG ?#P' 2001F
8. &i(har 0 "aton EeF' IniaMs Islami( Traitions E2elhiG ?#P' 200!F
9. Bernar ,e-is' The Politi(al ,anguage of Islam EChi(ago' #ni.ersity of Chi(ago
10. S$$ &i>.i' $ %istory of Sufism in Inia' 02 Volts E2elhi' 1@=+F
11. 3ran(is &o9inson' Islam an 0uslim %istory in South $sia E2elhi' 2000F
12. $nnemarie S(himmel' 0ysti(al 2imensions of Islam EBCG #ni.ersity of Borth
Carolina Press' 1@=:F
13. "ugenia Vanina' Ieas an So(iety in Inia
17. &omila Tha*er' "arly %istory of Inia
15. Irfan %a9ee9' $grarian System of 0ughal Inia
16. Sekhar Banyo*ahyay' 3rom Plessey to Partition
17. Chauheri 0ohamma $li' The "mergen(e of Pakistan
1+. 6hali 9in Saee' PakistanG The 3ormati.e Phase
19. 0ushta/ $hme' Go.ernment an Politi(s in Pakistan
20. Pane. Bayak' Pakistan So(iety an Politi(s
21. $yesha 1alal' 2emo(ra(y an $uthoritarianism in South $siaG $ Com*arati.e an
%istori(al Pers*e(ti.e
22. $yesha 1alal' The State of 0artial &uleG the ?rigins of PakistanMs Politi(al "(onomy
of 2efen(e
23. $yesha 1alal' Self an So.ereignty
27. 3arhat 0ahmu' PakA#S &elations
2:. Ste*hen Cohen' The Pakistan $rmy
26. &al*h Brai9anti' &esear(h on the Bureau(ra(y of PakistanG $ Criti/ue of Sour(es'
Conitions' an Issues
27. ?mar Boman' The Politi(al "(onomy of Pakistan' 1@7=A1@+:
28. ,a-ren(e Iiring' Pakistan in the 20
Total Marks: 100
P$"s%'al 1*olo&"3 Earth as a mem#er of the solar system: its origin, age, composition
and internal structure. Geomorphic processes
Str,'t,ral 1*olo&"3 Physical properties of roc-s and roc- #ehavior in different tectonic
environments: deformation #y fracturing and folding: interpretation of linear and planar
Pal*otolo&": Paleontological principles and techni/ues and their application to the
evolution of life, the ecological structure of ancient #iological communities, and the
history of the earth.
Strat%&ra+$" a# S*#%!*tolo&": Principles of stratigraphy: Stratigraphic record and
nomenclature, Geological time scale, Stratigraphy of Salt Range. !rigin, transportation
and deposition of sediments: #iostratigraphic dating and correlation: Sedimentary
processes and environments.
M%*ralo&"A P*trolo&": Crystal chemistry: crystal gro1th and mineral genesis,
physicochemical principles governing crystal structures. 'ineralogical, chemical,
te$tural, and structural properties of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary roc-s: their
origin and relations to evolution of the Earth crust and mantle including roc-s of #oth
the continents and ocean #asins.
1*o'$*!%str": chemical processes involved in the development of the earth and
distri#ution of the elements in the earthHs crust, atmosphere and ocean. Physical
chemistry of soils including soil mineralogy )formation, relative sta#ility, ion e$change
properties+ and surface chemistry. Principles of thermodynamics. Application of thermo
chemistry to high and lo1 temperature processes.
Pa+*r II
Total Marks: 100
Eart$ R*so,r'*s: %ossil fuels, uclear mineral resources, Rene1a#le energy
resources, hydropo1er and geothermal energy, 9ater cycle, Surface 1ater, Ground
1ater, construction materials including those for concrete and aggregate, sand gravels,
cement ma-ing and #uilding stones: %undamentals of 'atellogeny and plate tectonics
1ith reference to Pa-istan. 4ranium and strategic metals.
E&%**r%& 1*olo&": %undamentals of Engineering Geology. Soil and roc-
properties. 2andslides classification for slopes in roc- and soil, E$cavation principles in
roc- and soil. Sta#ility of slopes O analysis. Site investigation and instrumentation. Dam
sites of Pa-istan )elementary analysis+.
R*!ot* S*s%& a# 1IS: &ntroduction to the filed of remote sensing. Earth satellite
systems for remote sensing. Applications in geological mapping, mineral prospecting,
structural geology, geohydrology, engineering geology and geomorphology. Principles of
geographic information system )G&S+ including an overvie1 of data structure, data
types, methods of data analysis and cartographic modeling.
Cl%!at* a# Cl%!at* C$a&*: Scientific #ases of the climate change phenomenon,
climates of the past and theories of climate change. &mpacts of a changing climate in
different regions of the 1orld, and mitigation strategies. Earth as a planet, its origin and
composition. Roc- forming ma0or minerals. %undamental description and classification
of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic roc-s. Processes of Geomorphology #oth
internal and e$ternal. Peneplain concept. .alley formation and Drainage patterns.
Glacial landforms. %ossils, fossili(ation, modes of fossil preservation, geological
signification of fossils. Geological timescale. Principles of stratigraphy, stratigraphic
code and nomenclature, stratigraphy of Salt Range. Study of ma0or structures i.e. %olds,
%aults, ;oints, Cleavage and linear structure. %undamental concepts of Engineering
Geology and Geohydrology &ntroduction to the concept of Environmental Geology and
Glo#al Climate Change. %ossils %uels, hydropo1er, Geothermal Energy, uclear
minerals, Rene1a#le energy.
=. Al#arade, %., )<FF>+, Geochemistry3 An &ntroduction, Cam#ridge Press.
<. *arnes, ;.9. and 2isle, R.;. )<FF?+, *asic Geological 'apping, ;ohn 9iley I
>. *ell, %.G., )<FF?+, Engineering Geology and Construction, Spon Press, .G.
?. *ender, %.5. and Ra(a ,.A.)=LLC+, Geology of Pa-istan, Ge#ruder
C. *est, '.G. )<FF>+ &gneous and metamorphic Petrology, *lac-1ell Science
D. Davis, G.,. and Reynolds, S.;. )=LLD+, Structural Geology of Roc-s and
Regions, ;ohn 9iley I Sons.
E. Demers, '.. )<FFC+ %undamentals of Geographic &nformation System, ;ohn
9iley I Sons.
J. Do#rin, '.*. and Savit, Ch.,. )=LJJ+, &ntroduction to Geophysical
Prospecting, 'cGra1 ,ill.
L. Emery , D. and 'yers, 5.;. )=LLD+, Se/uence Stratigraphy, !$ford, *lac-1ell.
10. ,uda-, P.%. )<FFC+, Principles of ,ydrogeology, >
Ed. CRC Press
==. 5a(mi, A.,. and A##as, S.G. )<FF=+, 'etallogeny and 'ineral Deposits of
Pa-istan, !rient Petroleum &nc.
=<. 5a(mi, A.,. and ;an, '.8. )=LLE+ Geology and "ectonics of Pa-istan,
Graphic Pu#lishers.
=>. 5eary, P and .ine, %.;. )=LLD+ Glo#al "ectonics, *lac-1ell.
=?. 'ontgomery, C.9., )<FFC+ Environmental Geology, 'cGra1 ,ill.
=C. orth, %.5. )=LJC+ Petroleum Geology, Allen I 4n1in.
=D. Plummer, )<FFC+, Physical Geology, 'cgeay and Carlson.
=E. Raup, D.'. and Stanley, S.'. )=LJC+, Principles of Paleontology, 9.,.
%reeman I Co.
=J. Sam *oggs )=LJE+, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.
=L. Shah. S.&. )=LEE+ Stratigraphy of Pa-istan, Geological Survey of Pa-istan.
<F. Solomon, S., 8in, D., 'anning, '., )<FFE+ Climate Change <FFE3 "he
Physical Science *asics, &ntergovernmental Panel on Climate change
<=. "homas '.2, and Ralph, 9.5. )<FF>+ Remote Sensing and &mage
&nterpretation, ;ohn 9iley I Sons.
<<. 9illam ,.*. )=LLF+ Principles of 'ineralogy, !$ford 4niversity Press.
<>. Geung, 2o.C.P. and 2al, A.5. )<FF>+ Concepts and "echni/ues of Geographic
&nformation System, Prentice ,all.
Total Marks: 100
A. &ntroduction to Accounting, generally accepted accounting principles, accounting
cycle, cash #oo- and #an- reconciliation statement, 1or- sheet. Depreciation,
%inancial Statements, financial reporting, cash flo1 statement, financial analysis,
accounting for leasing, contract accounts.
*. Principles of cost account, cost accounting as a tool of management, cost
elements. Cost classification, cost accounting cycle, ;o# order costing, process
costing, factory overhead variances, standard costing, and #rea--even analysis.
1. 0eigs ) 0eigs' $((ounting
2. Ghani 0.$.' Prin(i*les of $((ounting.
!. Ghani 0.$. $.an(e $(ounting
7. #>air %ussain' $.an(e $((ounting
:. Shukla ) Gre-al' $.an(e $((ounting.
<. Bisar u 2in' Cost $((ounting
=. 0atg $. #sary' Cost $((ounting.
+. T. ,u(ey' Cost $((ounting.
@. S. Ba/.i $hma' Cost $((ounting
Total Marks: 100
A. Economic resources of Pa-istan. Pro#lems I Development of &ndustrial Sector,
E$ports I &mports, Economic Planning I *udgeting.
*. Salient feature of income ta$ la1 in Pa-istan. Calculation of total income and
income ta$ paya#le under the head of salary, &ncome from #usiness I profession
and income from house property. %irst I second schedule of income ta$
ordinance <FF=. Salient features of Sales "a$ Act. Registration under Sales "a$
Act, %urnishing of Returns 4nder Sales "a$.
C. Ris- management, e$ternal audit and su#mission of audit reports.
D. .arious forms of #usiness organi(ation. Sole proprietorship partnership, 0oint
stoc- Company, their formation I management, capital structure I capital
#udgeting, #usiness finance, its sources, short term I long term.
E. Role I functions of Commercial *an-s I Central *an-, 2etter of Credits, &slamic
'ode of %inance.
%. ature of *usiness 'anagement, %unctions of 'anagement, Planning,
!rgani(ing, Staffing, 'otivating, 2eadership I Controlling, %actory 2ocation,
2ayout, Scientific 'anagement.
1. 0. Saee Basir' "(onomi( Pro9lems of Pakistan.
2. 6h. $mCa Saee' "(onomi( Pro9lems of Pakistan.
!. Go.t. of Pakistan' Pakistan "(onomi(s Sur.ey' In(ome Tax ?rinan(e 2001'
Sales Tax $(t.
7. 6h. $mCa Saee' In(ome Tax ,a-.
:. 6h. $mCa Saee' $uiting.
<. 0. 0ua>>am 0oghal' In(ome Tax ,a-.
=. 0. 0ua>>am 0oughal' Sales Tax ,a-.
+. ,a-ren(e 1. Gitman' 3unamentals of In.estment.
@. 6ont> ) Weiri(k' 0anagement.
10. Ste*hen B. &o9ins' Prin(i*les of 0anagement.
11. ?-en &i(har B. 0anagement Inustrial "nter*rises.
12. $am' &onal ) "9art' Prou(tion ) ?*eration 0anagement.

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