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1.What did Mrs Brown send to her husband?

She sent a winter gloves for her husband

2.What are the instructions for in text C?
Are the instructions to connect the PS2 to the TV and play on it
3.Why did the doctor cancel the appointment in text E?
because the doctor would go to a national conference for a week
4.What is text B about?
The text details the historical event, when man first set foot on the moon in 19
69, after several failed attempts.
5.What can happen to the politicians from text F?
Many politician are under suspicion after Mancusos last week interview with AFA
Everyone will be investigated and the ones who are not clean will have to pay f
or their crimes
6.What do you have to connect to play a video game ?
I does Connect the PS2 to the energy outlet and the TV set, then With the remote
control, i do select video on my TV,
I have to Connect the PS2 to the energy outlet and the TV set, then With the r
emote control, I have to select video on my TV,
then if I go to play a video game,I have to insert the disc with the label up a
nd finally play a video game
7.What did Mrs Brown receive from her husband?
She received a letter from her husband
8.The origin of the word verbalize is the adjective _v e_ r_ b_ a_ l_
9.When did Dr. Jeckill call?
He will call when the conference ends
10.Why is 1969 so important in history for humans?
Because, the man first set foot on the moon

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