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Acting- improvisation- Chris S + Liam D


Int.- Adams office- day- Adam on phone to judge.

Yep, yep thanks for letting me know, cheers, bye.
Joseph knocks and enters
Hey Jo

Ive got something to tell you

Phils dead.

Yeah I know, the judged called.

What did he call you for? I was the one covering the case

Yeah I know, I took the case against him.

You what? What the fuck did you think you were doing?

I was offered 5O grand, its my biggest case and I needed the money, what did
you expect me to do?

I cant believe you; youve already turned your back on him once, now look what
youve done.

Dont turn this on me, we all knew he was going to prison either way, he fucked
up Adam.

No Jo, you fucked up. You fucked up 5 years ago when you cut contact with Phil
and I was the one to stay around to pick up the pieces.

Come on Adam, you knew he was a lost cause from when he got that girlfriend.

Acting- improvisation- Chris S + Liam D
Shut the fuck up Jo, when was the last time you spoke to him ha? I know damn
right you dont give a shit, so man up for god sake, no one wants to see you
sulking like this.

Take a look at yourself, your friends just died and you sit here acting like the
world hasnt changed, wake up, wake the fuck up.

Me wake up? Youre the one who took up Tracey Thompsons case; you
practically dug his grave for him. I could of kept him out of prison.

No matter what you did Adam, how hard you worked or how hard you fought, no
one gets out on manslaughter charges.

I would have worked a damn sight harder than you ever have, always getting
mummy and daddy to pay your way through life. All the way through school,
they gave you everything; at least Phil and I worked for what we wanted. Your
fucking fancy car, fancy apartment, and shit they even pay for your suits

SHUT UP! SHUT THE FUCK UP. At least you and Phil had each other; I was an
outcast among the crew.

Outcast? You were like a brother to us. And yet you chose not to speak to him for
5 fucking years.

I tried I swear, you have no idea how hard I tried. If I could go back in time, Id
change things I really would, and now all of this has happened because of me,
and nothings ever going to bring him back.

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