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Task: Through group collaborations and investigations into water filtering methods, students are to identify the most

effective solution to filter

dirty water to produce clean water. Students are to use observations, predictions and problem solving skills to make changes throughout the unit.
Students are required to write a simple procedural text on their chosen filtering method. Learners then share their conclusions, images and
procedural texts with the class and parents as an oral presentation in the final lessons.

Collaboration with
Almost always listens to,
shares with, and supports the
efforts of the group during the
investigation process.
Contributes positively to the
productivity of work and
responds to thoughts and
ideas from group members.
Frequently listens to, shares
with, and supports the efforts
of others in the group during
the investigation process.
Engages with ideas and
thoughts from peers and
responds appropriately.
Listens to, shares with, and
supports the effort of the
group during the
investigation process and
occasionally shares ideas
and responses.
Rarely listens to, shares
with, and supports the
efforts of the group. Little or
no input to the progress of
conclusions formed by the
Content/ Conclusions Shows a deep understanding
of the topic. Understands that
water comes from a range of
sources and can be filtered to
form clean water. Identifies
and justifies an effective and
accurate way to filter water
based on observations, testing
and analysis of investigations.
Shows a good understanding
of the topic. Understands that
water comes from a range of
sources and can be filtered to
form clean water. Identifies
and justifies an effective way
to filter water based on
observations, testing and
analysis of investigations.
Shows a good
understanding of parts of
the topic. Understands that
water comes from a range
of sources and can be
filtered to form clean water.
Provides a basic
justification of a way in
which water can be filtered.
A couple of connections to
observations, testing are
Limited understanding of
the topic. Effective ways to
filter water are not provided
and a limited knowledge of
testing results is evident.
Makes little to no
connections between
observations and
Oral Presentation Stands up straight, looks Stands up straight and Sometimes stands up Slouches and makes little to
The Search for Clean Water
Teacher Name: Miss. Eyles

Student Name: ________________________________________

relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact with
everyone in the room during
the presentation. Uses a very
confident tone and speaks
clearly. Varies Pitch well to
evoke and expression
establishes eye contact with
most people in the room
during the presentation. Uses
an appropriate tone and
speaks clearly for most of the
presentation. Utilises pitch to
portray emotions.
straight and establishes eye
contact. Speaks relatively
clearly about topic.
Alternates pitch every now
and then.
no eye contact with
audience. Does not speak
clearly, often mumbling and
does not alternate pitch.
Knowledge of
Procedural Texts
Deep knowledge of the
structure and purpose of a
procedural text. Identifies an
accurate; title, purpose,
materials and steps to support
the investigation conducted.
Thorough knowledge of the
structure and purpose of a
procedural text. Identifies an
appropriate; title, purpose,
materials and steps to support
the investigation conducted.
Satisfactory knowledge of
the structure and purpose of
a procedural text. Identifies
a title, purpose, materials
and steps about the
investigation conducted.
Little to no understanding of
the structure and purpose of
a procedural text. Does not
identify a title, purpose,
materials and steps to
support investigations.

Result: A B C D


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