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Formulas Learned

For calculating the longevity of sty period in a company

(NOW() signifes the current date ( the date as on you are inserting the formula)
Then you deduct the employees DOJ, the answer you would get is no. of day he is with the company
till current date, to convert the days into months your divide the formal by 30, and 365 in case you
need answer in terms of no. of years, the end answer would be in a date format so need to format
that particular cell into general format and you will then get no. of months or years as the case may
be in a decimal format.
Formula to Separate Name and Surname into two separate columns
First select all the names in column and the In Data bar on top of excel, select Text to column
and do delimited
Formula for Combining the name and surname in two diferent columns into one,
In excel functions fx =, go to CONCATENATE and frst select the Name Cell and in the next
selection give a space as and in third selection select the Surname Cell the result name
and surname would appear in the same cell (=A1 & - & B2)

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