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Education formalization of the teaching-learning process

Teaching involves the provision of the conditions that directly promote effective learning
Learning gaining knowledge, comprehension and mastery through experience or study
Teaching-Learning process a series of planned activities to facilitate comprehension and mastery of the knowledge,
skills and/or methods
Elements of the Teaching-Learning Process
Teacher selects and organizes instructional methods, consciously planning and controlling a situation directed to
achievement of optimum student learning
Series of Learning Objectives intended learning outcomes
Sequence of S-R situations affects the teacher and learner, resulting to persistent and observable changes in the
learners behavior
Reinforcement activity or something added to the learning situation by an individual other than the student
Monitoring and evaluation documentation and assessment of the learners changes in behavior towards the
objectives of the learning process
Education as a product what we receive through learning
-as a process act of educating
Psychology scientific study of behavior of living organisms with special attention to human behavior
Science systematized body of knowledge

Courtesy of Prof. Winfrieda Medina

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