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Family Service

We enjoyed a lovely Family Service at

St. Peters Church this Sunday. Revd
Anne used the story of Jeremiah to
relate to the children how they can be
moulded by God to have purpose and
do good. Here are Alice and Poppy with
the pots that all the children got to
Whats been happening in school this week?
Newsletter - 17th September 2014
St Peters
Church of England Primary School
Too much to celebrate!
Wow! Ive had such a steady stream
of people sent to me for awards this
week. It seems the children have
started the new term with an
excellent attitude! Check out all of
our winners below.
Poppys brave act!
Lots of famous pupils to celebrate this week. My office has
never been so busy!! What is important is that these children
have worked hard and put in added effort. They were:
Finlay for his enthusiasm and great attitude; Chelsea for her
maths; Raif, Oscar, Marni, Poppy, and Jack for their super
space work; Harvey, Joshua, Cleo, Lilly, Thalia-Rose, Jonathan
and Felix - some cracking writing; Otto, for his maths (and in
particular challenging himself); Imogen, Frank and Ruby
looking proud for some super science; Maybel and Lois for
their home learning (did you know cavemen wrote with
poo!?!); Eliza and Ashley for their Tour of Britain art work
wow!! Evelyn and Lola for their puppet show; Shay and Ayla
for their Maths; Miia, Thomas, Ollie and Lois (again!! New
record!!) for their good RE work
on feelings; Ryan for making
cavemen weapons (and
threatening to get me!!); Marliyah
for her home learning on
cavemen; and George for his
logical maths work. Well done to you all!
Tour of Britain excitement!
A big thanks to our parent volunteers who enabled us to
take the whole school down to the town to watch the Tour
race by. It was very exciting, inspiring and also enabled the
children to come back to school and produce some great
learning. A big well done to our racers too. They
represented the school superbly.
I was extremely proud of Poppy when I
discovered that she has done something
quite amazing. For the whole week of
Sidmouth Folk Festival she busked to
raise money for Clic Sargent, a charity
very close to her heart. Well done
Poppy: she raised far.... :)
Mythical Maze stars
Take a look at all these children
who completed the Devon Library
Summer Reading Challenge. Its a
lovely way to encourage a love for
reading, and a nice way to earn a
medal! We praised everyone in
our Celebration Worshipso well
Sport Stars
Well done to all
these children who I
rewarded for their
summer holiday
achievements. Keep
them coming!!
Headteacher awards
Please keep checking this
section for upcoming dates
and events.
Next Messy Church at
St Peters hall:
Thurs 16th Oct at 3:45pm.
Next Family Service at
St Peters Church:
Sunday 12th October for
Harvest Festival.
Clubs begin wb/ 15th Sept
Thurs 25th Sept - SPSA
Committee Meeting
Second Hand Uniform Sale -
26th Sept 3:20pm - 3:45pm
Tue 30th Sept -
Coffee Morning - In the
School Hall - Every First
Friday of the Month - 3rd
October 9am-10am
Parents Evening 22nd/23rd
Wed 12th NovLetters and
Sounds tea party FSU
21st Nov - Non-Uniform Day
28th NovChristmas Fayre.
Term starts again on
Tuesday 6th January.
Wed 10th DecKS1 Xmas
Thurs 11th DecKS2 Xmas
concertSt Peters Church
Whats going on soon?

Moor Lane, Budleigh Salterton,
Devon, EX9 6QF.
01395 443167

Headteacher: Steve Hitchcock
Contact details
Did you know about?
The Podour eco team needs your help!
St. Peters have recently joined an EDF initiative called 'The Pod' which offers an online space
where children can take part in eco challenges and share their work online via our own blog
page. The Pod runs three national campaigns each year to help engage schools, parents and
local communities in green projects. If anyone feels they may be able to offer some support to
our green team please see Miss Back in Year 3. The first of these projects is energy month
in November. We will update the blog page regularly so keep checking to see what we have
been doing to make our school greener.
Swim time!
Fun swims 1 per person:
Saturdays 10:30am12:00pm
Thursdays 3.30pm-4.30pm
Stockland Scamper
Stockland Primary Academy and Axe Valley Runners are hosting the first
Stockland Scamper at 10:00am on Sunday 28th September 2014. There
will be a 3K multi-terrain event (open to children) and a 10K multi-terrain
event. The primary school who has the fastest three children in the 3K race
will receive a trophy. An entry form and further details can be
Some important information
You will have noticed that we are now lining up in a different place to make life easier.
When the whistle goes could you give your children a nice goodbye and then move away,
so it is easier to line them into class please. Thank you!
Please do see me or the other leaders with any messages on the playgroundI can take
these into classes or other staff to save you the time of having to go into the office.
We have a skip in to have a good clear out....which will include any bikes or scooters that
have been abandoned for a while. Any unclaimed by Monday will be thrown out!
Please note: Jigsaw Club starts after half term and not next week.
Premier Sport After School Football Club
This club will start on Thursday from 3.30-4.30pm and will run until Thursday 18th December. The cost
of the 13 week course will be 52 (13x4). You can book these sessions directly online
via Premier Sport apologises for not providing leaflets but they have had problems
with the printing and they are currently waiting for them to arrive.
KS2 gym starts
Friday before school.
Year 5/6 netball
starts Friday after
KS1 gym will start in
a few weeks.
Budleigh Food Bank
I would like to remind parents that we are collecting for Budleigh food bank. Anything you can
spare will be gratefully receivedwe really do need to support those in our community that
may at times, for whatever reason, run into difficulties through no fault of their own.
Food can be handed to Steve on the playground any day, or dropped into the box Ill leave
outside the hall (on the playground) on a Thursday. Many thanks in advance.
Following on from the success of previous years bags2school collection we have organised
another textile collection with Bags2school in order to raise money for the SPSA. Look out for
the blue bag in your child's book bag this week!
Go ride! Cycling club
Unfortunately, Mr Lee's Go Ride Cycling club for pupils in Year 4/5/6/ was omitted from the
recent club list.
The Go Ride cycling club will take place on a Monday starting at 15:45 and ending at
16:30. Pupils will need to bring their own bicycle (in good working condition) and their own
helmet. The club will involve a mix of cycle skills, cycling games and some cyclo-cross racing
on the school field. If you would like to join this club, please e-mail Mr Lee: psidaway-
Stay and Play dates:
Reception/Year 1: Mon 22nd and Fri 26th Sept 9-
10am (Reception children/parents only)
Nursery: Tues 23rd Sept 9-10am or 2-3pm
Reception (Mrs Jenkins) Wed 24th Sept 9-10 or 2-3pm

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