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1st Grading Period- Summative Test No. 1

I. A. Underline the word that is synonymous to the italized words/ phrases.
1. Two small stones were chiseled and formed into little figurines.
2. A beautiful lady approaced her pretty sister upon entering the hall.
3. Philippine heroes imposed heroic deeds and showed how brave they were.
4. The girl found the suspect insincere so she did not forgive his deceitful acts.
5. The pressing news released was proven to be needing urgent attention.

B. Copy the antonym of the following given words:
6. genuine
a. false b. Real c. Sturdy
7. cautious
a. careful b. Difficult c. Careless
8. cheap
a. pretty b. Expensive c. Lengthy
9. early
a. punctual b. Late c. On time
10. disciplined
a. well-behaved b. Clean c. Stubborn

II. Follow these directions on your paper.
11. write your complete name in capital letters.
12. draw a square.
13. draw a circle fitted inside the square
14. write inside the circle the name of your best friend.
15. write a one sentence description of your best friend outside your artwork.

III. Fill out the details required from a given announcement:

There will be a miting de avance of all the student council parties at the
school gynasium on Friday July 4, 2014 at 2 oclock in the afternoon. This is in
preparation for the coming student council election on July 20. All students are
required to attend. Agenda of each party will be discussed and questions from the
audience will be entertained.

16. WHAT:
17. WHERE:
18. WHEN:
19. WHO:
20. WHY:

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