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Results from my questionnaire

16 17 18 19+
Male Female
Sports Music Film
Technology Reading Fashion
what would you like to see in a
college magazine
Info about the college
Info about Norwich
Gig info
Special offers in norwich and the college
This Chart shows the gender and amount of people
that I asked. I tried to get and even amount of males
and females so that I could get a load of mixed views
from both genders.
This chart shows the age of participants that were questioned. I
can also how old my target audience is, this will help because
now I can base the magazine for more mature students.
I asked people what their interests where
so I could get a clear view of what a
majority of people are into. This is useful
information to me because I can use it to
plan out what type of things will go on my
This chart will also help me to plan out the front
cover because again it asks what people want to
see in a magazine, and with this information I can
decide the cover lines on the front.

how much would
you pay for a
50p 1 1.50 2
what is a sutiable
colour for the front
Blue black
Dark colours Light colours
This chart helps me to see
what people are willing to pay.
From these results I can see what colours people
like and what they would expect to see on a front
cover of a magazine. It seems that people want
and expect to see dark colours on a magazine.
Are you employed
yes no looking for job
This also helps me to see how much
the magazine should cost. Because I
can now see if the target audience
has the money to spend on a
magazine. This question links in to
find out there financial stability
along with how much they would
how offten do you read
A couple hours a week Everyday Never
This shows me that there are a lot of
people who read. To get the people
who dont I need to put stuff in they
like and also make the front cover
look interesting for them to buy it.

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