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Exhibit 1


I, J ohn T. McNeil, declare as follows: 2
1) I am an Assistant United States Attorney currently serving as the First 3
Assistant United States Attorney for the District of Massachusetts. I also serve as the successor 4
commissioner of this Court directed to execute the Treaty Request from the United Kingdom 5
pursuant to the Courts order dated March 31, 2011, in M.B.D. No. 11-mc-91078-WGY, [D.3], 6
and subsequent notifications pursuant to that order. [D.81]. 7
2) I have been in communication with law enforcement authorities in the United 8
Kingdom in relation to the MLAT request which gave rise to M.B.D. No. 11-mc-91078-WGY. I 9
have also been in communication with members of the United States Department of J ustice 10
Office of International Affairs, and through them, with the Central Authority in the United 11
Kingdom which submitted the original MLAT request. 12
3) Law enforcement authorities in the United Kingdom have informed me that 13
they remain engaged in the investigation and prosecution of matters arising from the MLAT 14
request in this case. Among other things, one individual has been charged in connection with the 15
abduction and murder of Mrs. J ean McConville and another individual has been referred to the 16
prosecutors office for possible prosecution. I have also been informed that the release of 17
information about this investigation, including the identities of suspects and witnesses connected 18
with the crimes, and yet-to-be proven allegations contained in summaries of the investigation, 19
could interfere with the administration of justice in the United Kingdom. Moreover, the release 20
of such information could unfairly impugn the reputation of those witnesses and suspects, or 21
subject them to retribution. 22
4) Authorities in the United Kingdom have also indicated that they take efforts 23
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Exhibit 1


to protect law enforcement officers who have been engaged in this investigation, and who have 1
filed affidavits in support of this MLAT, by, among other things, referring to them only by 2
number in public documents, rather than using their true names. They have requested that this 3
Court accord those officers the same protection. 4
I declare the foregoing under pains and penalties of perjury. 5
September 15, 2014 s/ John T. McNeil 6
Date J ohn T. McNeil 7
Assistant United States Attorney 8
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