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Tank Storage Association Tank Storage Association

Conference & Exhibition 22

September 2011
Innovative solutions using bentonite materials to address Innovative solutions using bentonite materials to address
secondary and tertiary containment issues
Steve Flynn
Rawell Environmental Ltd
Bentonite for COMAH Containment Issues
A natural clay which when hydrated forms a barrier to the passage of liquids
Supplied in rolls called a GCL laid like a carpet buried with 300mm fill Supplied in rolls called a GCL , laid like a carpet, buried with 300mm fill
Easily fixes to concrete structures
Self heals minor punctures
Minimal maintenance as membrane always below ground
2 types of GCL Dry needs to be carefully hydrated on site to function yp y y y
Prehydrated already functions just need to overlap
Bentonite Lining options Dry or Prehydrated
Dry Bentonite Dry Bentonite
Needs water to hydrate for bentonite to swell and form an impermeable seal
If hydrated with contaminated (site) water - bentonite will not function
Impurities in ground/water can prevent swell and cause failure
Therefore need to import inert material below and above membrane Therefore need to import inert material below and above membrane
Failure = Cation Exchange = causes change from Na
to Ca
= shrinks/cracks
Bentonite Lining options Dry or Prehydrated
Prehydrated Bentonite
Prehydrated bentonite is already a formed barrier ie 2.8 x 10
Prehydrated Rawmat

HDB does not need more water to form seal

Liquid polymer protected bentonite unaffected by hydrocarbons
Cation Exchange does not break down Rawmat

HDB polymer protected

Fast simple installation with general contractors
Can be laid onto contaminated ground no need for removal to landfill
Simple strip earth, lay membrane, replace earth to form conforming barrier
Cost effective system fraction of cost of concrete/clay
Examples of Issues to Consider
Bund walls Vertical Concrete, Earth Berms, Composite Hybrids , , p y
Concrete Supports Pipe Supports, Staircases, Ring Beams
Tank Bases Concrete Ring Beams, Compacted Stone Donuts
Tank Floor Upgrades Jacked Tanks, Replacement Floors
Bund Floor Drainage Rawdrain & PolyStorm, ACCO Drain,
Pi P t ti T ll T il / F d i / i th h E th W ll Pipe Penetrations Tell Tails / Feed pipes /pipes through Earth Walls
Tank Chimes Corrosion Protection to Tank Floors
Sealing to Concrete Bund Wall
Bund wall
Rawmat HDB Type P terminated a minimum
of 50mm below ground level and finished with
a Rawmat termination bar fixed at 250mm
centres with Rawmat soft washer fixings
300mm imported
cover material Rawpaste Mastic applied in interface
between Rawmat and concrete bund wall
Compacted sub - base Rawseal TR35 angle fillet Rawmat HDB Type P laid white
t til t non - woven geotextile uppermost
Earth Bund Wall Sealing Options
Rawmat HDB
Rawcell filled with concrete at top of bund
Finish Level
Concrete cap forming anchor trench
Rawcell cellular confinement
200mmthick layer
of stone in Rawcell
Rawmat HDB Type PP
of stone in Rawcell
Sealing to Concrete Structures
Rawmat HDB Type P terminated a minimum
300mm Imported cover material
Rawpaste Mastic applied in
interface between concrete sleeve,
Rawmat HDB and Rawseal TR35.
Existing concrete
of 50mm below ground level and finished with
a Rawmat termination bar fixed at 250mm
centres with Rawmat soft washer fixings
Compacted sub - base
Rawseal TR35 angle fillet Rawmat HDB Type P laid white
non - woven geotextile uppermost
Tank Base Donut
Rawdrain 444
Rawmat HDB Type PP
Tank Base Concrete Ring Beam
Tank Tank
Rawmat HDB
Ring Beam
Rawmat HDB
Tank Floor Upgrades Jacking & Letterbox
Bund Floor Drainage
50mm Stone Layer

Polystormdrain wrapped in terram
and half filled with clean gravel
Rawpaste Mastic
250mm contaminated
fill layer
Rawdrain 444
400 - 450mmgraded
75mmClean Gravel
Drain Holes
Rawmat HDB Type P
400 450mmgraded
backfill placed over
Rawmat &Rawdrain
Rawmat Type PP Rawdrain 444 Compacted sub-base
Pipe Penetration through Earth Bund Wall
Main sheet of Rawmat HDB Type P
laid white side facing upwards
Patch of Rawmat HDB Type P. White geotextile removed from
and placed clay core side down. Patch must be a minimum of
200mm larger in all directions than diameter of pipe.
Rawpaste Mastic applied between
sheets and around penetration
Upper white geotextile to be cut back
in area to be overlapped by patch
300mm compacted
suitable fill material
Collar of Rawmat HDB Type P with the white non-woven
geotextile removed and the clay core placed directly to
the pipe and held in place by wire or cable ties.
Pipe penetration through earth bund that is no steeper than 1:2.5
Patch of Rawmat HDB Type P. White geotextile removed from
and placed clay core side down. Patch must be a minimum of
200mm larger in all directions than diameter of pipe.
Rawpaste Mastic applied between
sheets and around penetration
Collar of Rawmat HDB Type P with the white non-woven
geotextile removed and the clay core placed directly to
the pipe and held in place by wire or cable ties. the pipe and held in place by wire or cable ties.
Close-Up Isometric View
Sealing Leak Detection Pipes
Rawdrain 444 extended above pipe to protect the Rawmat
Main sheet of Rawmat HDB Type PP with the lower geotextile
removed in the area overlapping the first patch piece
Collar of Rawmat HDB Type PP with
the geotextile removed from both sides
Rawseal TR35 angle fillet placed
tightly around monitoring pipe.
Patch of Rawmat HDB Type PP
with the upper geotextile removed
Monitoring Pipe
Rawpaste Mastic applied between all
overlaps and applied to pipe
Tank Floor Corrosion Protection - Stopaq

Tank Floor Corrosion Protection - Stopaq

EZ Wrappingband
FN4200 sealant
Backer Rod
Concrete ring
S E l f Some Examples of
Prehydrated Bentonite Membranes
used to provide Secondary Containment Solutions used to provide Secondary Containment Solutions
Case Study: Linking Bund Wall to Floor
Irregular surface overlain with board and
loose material smoothed out behind board
which is then folded back to provide firm
smooth surface for Rawmat HDB Type PP
Concrete cap forming
anchor trench
150mmthick layer of
concrete in geocell
Rawmat HDB Type PP
concrete in geocell
150mmnails through
board into clay
Trench backfilled to
bund floor level
As dug backfill
Board extends frombase
of trench and over slope
Trench cut square and Rawmat
HDB Type PP buried in new clay
Imported clay
Case Study: Bund Wall Upgrade & Cut-Off Trench Dig
Case Study: Membrane Installation to Wall & Trench
Case Study: Cellular Confinement filled with concrete
Case Study: Installation to Corners & Completion of Bund
Case Study: Installation of membrane beneath Jacked tank
Case Study: Lapping, Covering of Membrane
Case Study: Extension of Bund - Singapore
Case Study: Installation in Heat, Humidity, Heavy Rainfall
Case Study: Sludge Lagoon Reconstruction - Australia
Case Study: Installation, lapping, Rawgrid
Case Study: Covering, Consolidation, Examination
Case Study: Membrane unaffected, Installation continues,
Case Study: Installation Continues..
Case Study: Sludge Lagoons Reinstated & Operational
US State of Florida
Dept of Environmental Protection
Unconditional Approval pp

HDB - Prehydrated Bentonite

Bund Floor & Berm Lining
Under Tank Lining
Use in Saline Environments
No Need to Test Ground Conditions
No Need to Flood Bund
Tank Storage Association Tank Storage Association gg
Conference & Exhibition 22
September 2011
Thank you for your attention Thank you for your attention
Questions? Questions?
To find out more, please visit our stand
Steve Flynn y
Rawell Environmental Ltd

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