Javier Prueba de Nivel

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1. John is going to the party with________.

a) I
b) We
c) Us
d) He

2. Where is the book? ______ i son the table.
a) He
b) She
c) It
d) The

3. Whose house is it? It is ______ house.
a) Him
b) Maria
c) He
d) Marias

4. What color is your car? _____car is blue.
a) It
b) My
c) Me
d) I

5. I want ____ apple and two oranges.
a) An
b) A
c) --
d) The

6. I live in an apartament. ____ apartament is big.
a) An
b) A
c) --
d) The

7. The cat is ___ the box.
a) At
b) In
c) --
d) To

8. Where is Jonh? He is ____ home.
a) At
b) In
c) On
d) To

9. He runs ___ Mondays and Fridays.
a) At
b) In
c) On
d) To

10. There ____ three glasses of water.
a) Is
b) Are
c) Am
d) Its

11. There is not ____ milk.
a) Much
b) Many
c) Some
d) None

12. There doesnt ____ money.
a) Some
b) Many
c) Any
d) None

13. There ___ got a car.
a) Not
b) Do not
c) No
d) Have not

14. _____ she like ice cream?
a) Do
b) Do not
c) Does

15. He never ____ vegetables.
a) Eats
b) Eat
c) Is eating
d) Are eating

16. What are yo doing now? _______
a) I study
b) I be studing
c) I am study
d) Im studying

17. Elige la respuesta correcta:
a) You perfectly speak English.
b) You speak English perfectly.
c) Perfectly you speak English.
d) You speak perfectly English.

18. New york is ______ than los Angeles.
a) More big
b) The biggest
c) Big
d) Bigger

19. She enjoys ______ in the mornings.
a) Running
b) to run
c) runs
d) run

20. Elige la respuesta correcta:
a) Where she work?
b) Where work she?
c) Where does she work?
d) Where do she work?


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