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SGHS Chemistry Grade Recovery Program

As we near our rsL unlL exam ln ChemlsLry, Lhe SCPS ChemlsLry deparLmenL would llke Lo make sure all parenLs are
aware of our pollcy concernlng grades and remedlauon. lL ls Lhe core bellef of our deparLmenL LhaL a sLudenL's nal
grade should reecL Lhelr learnlng, and noL be dependenL on Lhe speed aL whlch Lhey learn.
8aLher Lhan provldlng onllne Cycle 8ecovery (whlch your sLudenL may have paruclpaLed ln lasL year), ChemlsLry sLudenLs
wlll have Lhe ablllLy Lo reLake exams and lab assessmenLs Lo ralse Lhelr grade. ln conLrasL Lo onllne Cycle recovery,
sLudenLs who show 100 masLery wlll be able Lo ralse Lhelr grade Lo a 100. 1hls opporLunlLy ls avallable Lo ALL
sLudenLs who are noL saused wlLh Lhelr course grade. lor example, a sLudenL who earns a 73 on Lhelr exam may come
and reLake lL for full credlL. AL Lhe same ume, a sLudenL who earns a 30 may do Lhe same - also for full credlL.
1here are Lwo Lypes of assessmenLs sLudenLs may Lake Lo recover Lhelr grade. lnformauon abouL Lhose ls provlded
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SLudenLs who dld noL successfully
compleLe Lhe lab experlmenL musL redo
Lhe lab wrlLe-up (Leacher wlll provlde
daLa) prlor Lo reLaklng Lhe assessmenL.
Lab Crades (40 of course grade)
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SLudenLs musL show proof of remedlauon
- elLher Lhrough LuLorlal auendance,
compleuon of addluonal pracuce, or
evldence of noLes revlew/correcuon of
1esL Crades (23 of course grade)
Culz Crades (10 of course grade)
ually Crades (23 of course grade)
*Culz and ually grades wlll be ad[usLed based on
masLery of speclc Loplcs on Lhe LesL
SLudenLs may reLake assessmenLs 3, 3+" #&0+, durlng Lhe year. Powever, once grades for a cycle have been submlued,
$<0=0:0<0," '&1 ;>9 $?$+,) 0) 011$?$1)0:<$. ln oLher words, a sLudenL who falls Lhe rsL gradlng perlod, and Lhen compleLes
reLakes Lhe followlng week, wlll sull remaln lnellglble unul Lhe nexL progress reporL.
lf you have any quesuons, please feel free Lo conLacL me aL [apershl[garlandlsd.neL.
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1$8&14) &+8$ )0=+3,/1$) 31$ )/:*0G$4D @@@
SLudenL name: _________________________________ SLudenL SlgnaLure: ______________________________
arenL SlgnaLure: _______________________________ uaLe: ________________

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