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<marquee id="alertit" style="position:absolute;left:0px;top:0;background-color:#

FFFFE6" onMouseover="this.scrollAmount=1" onMouseout="this.scrollAmount=speed"><

<script type="text/javascript">
Alert-It Scroller script- By JavaScript Kit
For this and over 400+ free scripts, visit
This notice must stay intact
//Customize your message here. Use any HTML desired:
var themsg='<span style="font:italic 22px Arial;color:red;"><b>Breaking News: Mi
crosoft Stock up 10 points! Source: <a href="" target="_new">CNN</
var speed=6 //speed of scroller (1-10 or more)
var loops=2 //specify number of times message scrolls across screen (an integer
or "infinite")
function iecompattest(){
return (document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.
if (document.all && document.getElementById){
<p align="left">This free script provided by<br />
<a href="">JavaScript Kit</a></p>
Credit: JavaScript Kit

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