MacMillan Coffee Morning 2014

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MacMillan Coffee,

Cake and Croissant

Friday 26
September is to be held as a MacMillan Coffee
Morning in our main school hall. This day, however, is also
European Languages Day.
We would like to invite you to come and enjoy cake,
croissant and a cup of coffee with us throughout the
morning, from 9 oclock to 12pm.
The year 6 children will be serving you and reception to
year 6 will be invited to attend throughout the morning.
The children are preparing and learning French phrases
and will hopefully be having conversations with the year 6
children as they are served. Children can bring no more
than 1 to spend for the morning.
You are most welcome to speak a little French if you wish,
but there is no pressure!
We would very much welcome you contributing towards
this valuable charitable event, by preparing and bringing
cakes, croissants or pain au chocolat for this morning. We
do hope you will able to join us in order
so we can raise enough funds to make a
substantial contribution towards
MacMillan Cancer Support.

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