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Client: Example

WP - 1

Organizational Recognition
Current Situation(s) Potential Solution(s) Thing(s) To Remember
1) Based in Example , GA Expand to counties
surrounding Example, GA
Organize to where
organization can function
smoothly with the founder in
a different state
2) Right now assistance is as
Eventually assistance will be
more transitional including
temporary housing assistance

3) Example and financial
secretary only staff
Build a staff and a board of
Will the staff be volunteer or
Where is the funding coming
from if paid staff?
4) Last board composed of
family and friends
Board made up of members
who donate/support
financially on a regular basis
Maintain an odd number of
members for tie breaking in
5) Only point of contact is
Create uniform branding
across all forms of media and
contact information
Ex. website:
Facebook: Example
Email: Example@???
6) Community outreach and
events recognized through
Make Example organization
the forefront of the events
and make sponsors remember
Strongly maintain the list of
current, future, and potential
sponsors, partners, and
7) Follow up with supporters
is not consistent
Supporters need public
acknowledgment where
possible and personal thank
you from the organization
All correspondence should be
uniform as far as branding,
but personal to each
Ex. Thank Example at
Example by name in a letter
or on a card not just a
random document that says
thank you as one of many

Client: Example
WP - 2

Organizational Knowledge and Documentation
Current Situation(s) Potential Solution(s) Thing(s) To Remember
1) Message is only apparent
on pamphlet
Example should be
apparent on everything that
the organization participates
Organization has limited
exposure on Example website
2) Files and documentation
are stored on a USB drive and
in binders maintained by
founder and financial
All files should be maintained
in at least 2-3 places: Hard
copy, USB drive, and cloud or
email storage these will be
accessed by 2-3 staff/board
There is currently no staff or
cloud storage
3) There are limited resources
and no products
Resources, donor, and
sponsor relationships must be
maintained in order to grow
finances and create swag to
wear/give out at events
More financial assistance is
dependent upon nonprofit

Organizational Growth
Current Situation(s) Potential Solution(s) Thing(s) To Remember
1) People find the organization
on their own or through
community outreach
Create multi-level branding that
is available for people to search
in media or pick up from sources
connected to the organization
Application needs to be created
Qualifications for assistance
need to be established (find out
what organization(s) in the area
provide similar services for the
same groups of people)
2) Name would suggest
example only
Make sure documentation
addresses eligibility for example
Not a religious organization;
believers in healing of their
3) Very few recurring members,
sponsors, donors, and partners
Create relationships with
members, sponsors, donors, and
partners that can provide in kind
services, resources, or financial
Recognize those who have been

Providing Services
Current Situation(s) Potential Solution(s) Thing(s) To Remember
1) Purpose, mission, vision, Purpose, mission, vision, and Purpose: example
Client: Example
WP - 3

and values not apparent values need to be apparent at
all events and on all branding
Mission: example
Vision: (needs creating)
Values: example
2) Only affecting those who
find the organization
Create more outreach, events,
classes, and presentations
that put the help on display
Financial assistance is a
priority dependent on non-
profit status
3) Events are at founders
Create a calendar of events,
outreach, presentations that
the community can expect
and look forward to attending
every year
Also based on funding
Opportunity for supporters to
sponsor these events
4) Offering them help paying
for medication, medical bills,
utilities, rental assistance,
Continue writing checks and
giving cash(vouchers in the
Create a standard list of
available services (or specific
uses for voucher assistance
ex. Is counseling specific to
dealing with example)
Opportunity for
supporters/sponsors to offer
these services as gifts in kind
to conserve organization

Achieving Nonprofit Status
Current Situation(s) Potential Solution(s) Thing(s) To Remember
1) No non-profit status Non-profit status granted by
December 2014
Many documents have to be
created or updated for this
Financial funding is necessary
for the application process
2) Lack of non-profit status
impedes funding
Once non-profit status is
established more connections
for funding can be established
Donors and organizations feel
more secure when tax issues
are not an issue
3) Only deadline as of now
December 31, 2014 for non-
profit status
Create deadlines for the
entire work plan and action
steps that will move the
organization forward
Base the timeline on the
actions that affect each other
Ex. branding design and
contact information must be
established as uniform before
it can be publicized on

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