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Location- South America
Amazon Rainforest, large, Tropical Rainforest occupying the drainage basin
of the Amazon River and its tributaries in northern South America.
Comprising about 40 percent of Brazils total area, it is bounded by the
Guiana Highlands to the north, the Andes Mountain Ranges to the west, the
Brazilian central plateau to the south, and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.

We live in tree houses, that are made out of the
trees that we cut down (high enough so that
predators dont attack us).
Culture Description
In our culture we accept other religions and
cultures, anyone can play sports, women can
vote and be hunters, and we have our very own
Food Source
Fish, Spider Monkey, Jaguar, Macaw, Sloth,
Capybara, Amazon Pink River Dolphin.

We wear versace shirts , True
Religion jeans , And
Jordan shoes. We trade
animals for clothing
to last us a year, we get them from other
People, what are they like as a culture
Our people are well respected and will only
turn hostile if anyone has any type of weapon
that could be harmful. People work together to
make laws and, help other people like building
houses helping to hunt,and act like a family
In our tradition we dress up as any of our gods,
celebrate for being thankful for them and cook
out and jump/ dance around a fire. Some
traditions we celebrate are
-make wake (when we dance around and
thank the gods)
-Feezguma sharum (some what like christmas)
- egg time (easter)
We have a democratic government where only
people can vote who the best leader is and can
vote bad leaders off.

No killing other human beings.
The government must always be democratic.
Everyone helps everyone.
Women have equal rites.
Everyone must have a job(Except children under 7)
to help the community. No guns/ illegal weapons
allowed. No littering in water supply/food supply.
No convicts/ people who have done terrible things

We dont have the technology to build a actual
bike but we have built one that looks like one
and has some of the same stuff for it.
We made this to tell people what kind of
animals that we hunted and ate. This skull were
one of our ancient gods skull we've made
customizations to it so that it won't
Written Language
This is what our alphabet looks like and we
write letters like this, it is similar to Americas
writing but looks more different.

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