And - But - Because - So

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Summer days are hot and sunny. In Summer, I like to sail because the weather is nice.
Sailing in summer is great, but I don't have a sailing boat so I am going to save to buy a yacht
and: links two ideas that are related, "I like tea and coffee"
but: links a positive and a negative idea, "I like swimming, but I don't like dancing"
so: gives a result, "I was very tired so I went to sleep"
because: gives a reason, "I went to the party because I wanted to see eter"
Frogs can hop, ....they can't fly
Peter has a fever ..a terrible headache.
You have to speak louder .he can't hear well.
Tom studied hard, he failed the test.
They like to watch soap operas .films on T.
!im is happy he won the race.
"enry is worried he is late for an important meeting
#he bought vitamins ..forgot to buy aspirin.
$t was e%pensive, .they gave me a discount.
Paul can't go to work .he has the flu.
Complete these sentences using: AND, BUT, SO, BECAUSE.
&. #he wants to go to the cinema, ..$ don't like that film.
'. (y wife plays tennis
). $ can't sleep, $'m going to drink a glass of hot milk.
*. #he went to the disco, ..she didn't dance.
+. $'m studying ,nglish ..$ love languages.
-. #he danced a little .talked to her friends.
.. "e doesn't play the guitar, .he plays the drum.
/. "e is sad .he saw an accident.
0. #he didn't invited me, .$ didn't go to her birthday party.
&1. #he can draw well, .she can't cook.

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