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International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

2013; 2(3): 130-132

Published online June 30, 2013 (!/i!rse
doi: 10.11"#$/!.i!rse.20130203.1$

Harvesting energy from r
Aashay Tinaikar
%ech&nic&l 'ngineering, (id)&*&rdhini+s ,ollege o- 'ngineering .nd /echnolog)
Email adress:
h&rsh#00g& /in&i1&r)
To cite this article:
.&sh&) /in&i1&r. 2&r*esting 'nerg) -ro 3&in-&ll
pp. 4120-132. doi: 10.11"#$/!.i!rse.20130203.1$
Abstract: /he go&l o- this pro!ect is to utili5e energ)
situ&ted in the regions, &--ected b) power cuts during suer. /his c&n be &chie*ed b) &1ing use o- & structured dispos&l
pipeline s)ste, use o- indi*idu&l s&ll sc&le gener&tor turbine,
energ) o- -&lling w&ter. /his pro!ect de&ls with the re6uired piping design needed -or &4iu power output.
&lso highlights the &d*&nt&ges &nd the shortcoings o- the proposed design
Keywords: 3enew&ble, Pie5oelectric
1. Introduction
7&st production de&nds -&st utili5&tion o- resources.
8ne such &!or resource is electricit). 'lectricit) is the
li-eline -or &ll the industri&l wor1. 3ising st&nd&rd o- li*ing
&nd de*elopent o- technolog) h&s &de use o- &ppli&nces
iper&ti*e in our d&) to d&) li-e. /hus there is &lso & *&st
rise in power consuption in residenti&l &re&s. 9n order to
su--ice the growing power de&nds, we &re now l&rgel)
dependent on the e4tr&ction o- power -ro
non-con*ention&l, renew&ble sources o- energ).
/his p&per -ocuses l&rgel) on the &re&s recei*ing o
er&te to he&*) r&in-&ll. :ol&r &nd wind energ) &re the &!or
-ors o- renew&ble energ) our &n1ind loo1 -orw&rd to.
.p&rt -ro these, high r&in-&ll regions c&n &lso utili5e
the r&in to gener&te power on residenti&l
could be considered &s & good &ltern&ti*e to power s)stes
in r&ining outdoor en*ironents where sol&r energ) is di
-icult to e4ploit ;2<. 7ollowing -igure shows the brie- bloc1
di&gr& o- this pro!ect.
Figure 1.
International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy!/i!rse)
Harvesting energy from rainfall
(id)&*&rdhini+s ,ollege o- 'ngineering .nd /echnolog), %ub&i, 9ndi&
2&r*esting 'nerg) -ro 3&in-&ll. International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
/he go&l o- this pro!ect is to utili5e energ) stored in r&in w&ter to pro*ide power to the buildings, which &re
situ&ted in the regions, &--ected b) power cuts during suer. /his c&n be &chie*ed b) &1ing use o- & structured dispos&l
pipeline s)ste, use o- indi*idu&l s&ll sc&le gener&tor turbine, &nd use o- pie5oelectric gener&tors to h&rness the 1inetic
/his pro!ect de&ls with the re6uired piping design needed -or &4iu power output.
&lso highlights the &d*&nt&ges &nd the shortcoings o- the proposed design &nd &lso its -e&sibilit).
Pie5oelectric, 9nel&stic, P(=7
7&st production de&nds -&st utili5&tion o- resources.
8ne such &!or resource is electricit). 'lectricit) is the
li-eline -or &ll the industri&l wor1. 3ising st&nd&rd o- li*ing
&nd de*elopent o- technolog) h&s &de use o- &ppli&nces
to d&) li-e. /hus there is &lso & *&st
rise in power consuption in residenti&l &re&s. 9n order to
su--ice the growing power de&nds, we &re now l&rgel)
dependent on the e4tr&ction o- power -ro
con*ention&l, renew&ble sources o- energ).
ocuses l&rgel) on the &re&s recei*ing od-
er&te to he&*) r&in-&ll. :ol&r &nd wind energ) &re the &!or
-ors o- renew&ble energ) our &n1ind loo1 -orw&rd to.
.p&rt -ro these, high r&in-&ll regions c&n &lso utili5e
the r&in to gener&te power on residenti&l b&sis. /his wor1
could be considered &s & good &ltern&ti*e to power s)stes
in r&ining outdoor en*ironents where sol&r energ) is di--
. 7ollowing -igure shows the brie- bloc1

/his s)ste con*erts the energ) o- -&lling r&in drops in
two w&)s.
A. Utilizing the potential head available at building tops
%ulti-store) buildings h&*ing l&rge terr&ce &re&s &ct c&n
&ct &s w&ter reser*oirs. /he w&ter &ccuul&ted c&n be &de
to p&ss through & turbine situ&ted &t
result in gener&tion o- electricit).
B. Utilizing the kineti energy of falling raindrops
/hese consist o- using pie5oelectric &teri&ls to con*ert
the ech&nic&l energ) o- -&lling drops into electricit).
Pie5oelectric &teri&ls e4hibit the uni6ue propert)
1nown &s the pie5oelectric e--ect. >hen these &teri&ls &re
sub!ected to & copressi*e or tensile stress, &n electric -ield
is gener&ted &cross the &ter
ence resulting in current -low. /his e--ect
&s)etric n&ture o- their unit cell when & stress
.s seen in 7igure, the unit cell cont&ins & s&ll positi*e
ch&rges p&rticle in the centre. >hen & stress is &pplied this
p&rticle becoes shi-ted in one direction which cre&tes &
ch&rge distribution, &nd subse6uent electric -ield. /hese
&teri&ls coe in se*er&l di--erent -ors. /he ost co
on is cr)st&ls, but the) &re &lso -ound &s pl&stics &nd c
Figure 2. !attie struture of piezoeletri rystal

International Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. (ol. 2, ?o. 3, 2013,

stored in r&in w&ter to pro*ide power to the buildings, which &re
situ&ted in the regions, &--ected b) power cuts during suer. /his c&n be &chie*ed b) &1ing use o- & structured dispos&l
&nd use o- pie5oelectric gener&tors to h&rness the 1inetic
/his pro!ect de&ls with the re6uired piping design needed -or &4iu power output. /his pro!ect
&nd &lso its -e&sibilit).

the energ) o- -&lling r&in drops in
Utilizing the potential head available at building tops
store) buildings h&*ing l&rge terr&ce &re&s &ct c&n
&ct &s w&ter reser*oirs. /he w&ter &ccuul&ted c&n be &de
to p&ss through & turbine situ&ted &t ground le*el. /his will
result in gener&tion o- electricit).
Utilizing the kineti energy of falling raindrops
/hese consist o- using pie5oelectric &teri&ls to con*ert
the ech&nic&l energ) o- -&lling drops into electricit).
e4hibit the uni6ue propert)
1nown &s the pie5oelectric e--ect. >hen these &teri&ls &re
sub!ected to & copressi*e or tensile stress, &n electric -ield
is gener&ted &cross the &teri&l, cre&ting & *olt&ge di--er-
current -low. /his e--ect is due to the
&s)etric n&ture o- their unit cell when & stress is &pplied.
, the unit cell cont&ins & s&ll positi*el)
. >hen & stress is &pplied this
p&rticle becoes shi-ted in one direction which cre&tes &
ch&rge distribution, &nd subse6uent electric -ield. /hese
&teri&ls coe in se*er&l di--erent -ors. /he ost co-
the) &re &lso -ound &s pl&stics &nd ce-

!attie struture of piezoeletri rystals
9ntern&tion&l Journ&l o- 3enew&ble &nd :ust&in&ble 'nerg) 2013; 2(3): 130-132 131

/he power gener&ted -ro &bo*e ethods &re then
stored in stor&ge b&tteries. /his power c&n be used during
suer when there &re l&rge power cuts.
2. Components and Desin
2.1. Turbines
7or utili5&tion o- the potenti&l he&d o- the &ccuul&ted
w&ter, the w&ter is ch&nneled through pipes &nd &de to
p&ss through turbine situ&ted &t the ground le*el. /he dis-
ch&rge out -ro the guiding pipe will be in the r&nge o-
se*er&l liters/ in.
/his is & low disch&rge condition &nd hence Pelton wheel
will result in higher e--iciencies. 7or ulti-store) buildings
@2+ t&ll. /he potenti&l energ) o- *olue (
o- w&ter
&ccuul&ted will be e6u&l to
Potenti&l energ)A dB(Bg 2
>here, dA densit) o- r&in w&ter
gA &cceler&tion due to gr&*it) (C.$1 /s
7or regions recei*ing he&*) r&in-&ll during onsoon o-
&bout 100 per d&), the potenti&l energ) &*&il&ble per
d&) -or the buildings with terr&ce &re& o- 100
P.' &*&il&ble/d&)AdB(0.1B100)BC.$1B2
/he &ccuul&ted w&ter is &de to p&ss through & no55le
on the turbine bl&des. /he power gener&ted per d&) with &n
o*er&ll e--icienc) o- @n
+ is
Power gener&ted/d&)An
,onsidering densit) o- w&terA10001g/3, 2e&d 2AD0
with n
A0.E. /he tot&l power output -ro the turbine will
be PA3.# %J/ d&). /hus power gener&ted in the entire r&in)
se&son will be &bout 3#0%J -or & building o- D0 height
&nd roo- &re& o- 100
2.2. Piezoelectric Generators
/his ethod &is &t utili5ing the 1inetic energ) o- the
-&lling drop, to gener&te electricit). :cientists -ro
,'./Feti-%in&tec, &n 3G= institute in Hrenoble, 7r&nce,
speci&li5ing in icroelectronics, h&*e recentl) de*eloped &
s)ste th&t reco*ers the *ibr&tion energ) -ro & pie5oelec-
tric structure ip&cted b) & -&lling r&indrop ;#<.

Figure 3.
/he r&indrop -&lling -ro the s1) is &cceler&ted &long its
otion. /his tends to incre&se its *elocit). .t the s&e tie
the =r&g -orce o--ered b) the &ir incre&ses &s its *elocit)
incre&se. .t & cert&in point the drop e4periences e6uili-
briu &nd the drop continues to -&ll with & const&nt speed
c&lled &s terin&l *elocit). 9t is this 1inetic energ) o- the
drop which gets con*erted into electricit) due to pie5oelec-
tric &teri&ls.

Figure 4. "iezoeletri effet in #uartz
>hen & r&indrop ip&cts & sur-&ce, it produces & per-
-ectl) inel&stic shoc1. ;#< 7or &pplic&tion in our r&in drop
scen&rio we h&*e to consider & ebr&ne &teri&l sensiti*e
to sur-&ce ip&cts. 3e-er to di&gr& below -or & sipli-ied
represent&tion o- our s)ste. /o c&pture the r&indrops+
ech&nic&l energ), we c&n use & P(=7 (pol)*in)lidene
-luoride) pol)er, & pie5oelectric &teri&l th&t con*erts
ech&nic&l energ) into electric&l energ). >hen & r&indrop
ip&cts the 2D-icroeter-thic1 P(=7, the pol)er st&rts
to *ibr&te. 'lectrodes ebedded in the P(=7 &re used to
reco*er the electric&l ch&rges gener&ted b) the *ibr&tions

Figure 5. she$ti diagra$ of vibration%eletrial onvertor asse$bly
(&rious tests conducted b) the *&rious rese&rches
showed th&t, the inst&nt&neous power con*erted per r&in
drop -or & con*erter &re& o- -ew s6.cs r&nges -ro -ew
icro w&tts &nd goes up to 12> ;2<.
/he reco*er&ble energ) depends directl) on the si5e o-
the pie5oelectric ebr&ne, the si5e o- r&indrops, &nd their
-re6uenc). /he &*&il&ble energ) per drop *&ries between
2 IJ -ro 1 %J depending on its si5e ;2<. 7ollowing t&ble
shows the *&ri&tion in power gener&ted -or *&rious drop
132 .&sh&) /in&i1&r: 2&r*esting 'nerg) 7ro 3&in-&ll

Table 1. &ariation in power generated for various drop sizes '()
Types o!
ble $oltae
ble electric"
al enery
ous power
=: 1
1."( 1.EnJ 1.$u>
3( DnJ 2.Du>
C$( 2DuJ 12.D>
J&sed on d&t& &*&il&ble, energ) gener&ted -or & sp&n o- #
onths in & region h&*ing r&in-&ll o- 100 per d&) will
be &ppro4i&tel) 21." 1J per s6. o- con*erter &re&. /hus
-or & con*erter &re& o- 100 s6., the energ) gener&ted will
be ne&rl) 2.1"%J -or the entire se&son.
2.3. Design of Rooftops
/he iport&nt -&ctor to be considered in ipleent&tion
o- this pro!ect is the design o- roo-tops. 3&in w&ter &1ing
cont&ct with the roo- tops will be used to gener&te electric-
it) in &bo*e entioned two w&)s.
Power gener&ted b) the turbine is due to the -low o- w&-
ter &ccuul&ted on the roo-tops o- buildings. 7or &4iu
power gener&tion, &!orit) o- the r&in w&ter -ro the roo-
top ust be ch&nneled down the pipe. 7or this, the roo-
sur-&ce ust be pro*ided with D-10 degrees o- inclin&tion
with the hori5ont&l. .lso, ultiple outlets ust be pro*ided
-or l&rge terr&ces so th&t there is &4iu out-low o- w&-
ter &nd iniu w&ter logging.
.lso -or &4iu power output -ro pie5oelectric ge-
ner&tors, r&in drops need to stri1e the sur-&ce e*er) single
tie. >&ter &ccuul&tion results in pie5oelectric sensors
getting suberged thus rendering the useless. 2ence
proper inclin&tion o- D-10 degrees ust be pro*ided.
%. &ene!its and Drawbacks
3.1. Benefits
1. /his s)ste c&n be considered &n &ltern&ti*e to power
s)stes in r&in) outdoor en*ironents where sol&r energ)
is di--icult to g&ther.
2. /his is & cle&n source o- energ) with 5ero pollut&nt
3. /his energ) gener&tion ethod is independent o- tie
o- the d&). 9t is -ull) -unction&l during d&) &s well &s night.
#. Kse o- new renew&ble sources o- electricit) is the
need o- the d&) &nd &d*&nceent in pie5o sensor industr)
will ipro*e the output c&p&cit).
3.2. Drawbacs
1. 'lectricit) produced b) these e&ns, &t present would
cost ore th&n electricit) gener&ted -ro -ossil -uels &t
their current costs.
2. /he Pie5oelectric sensors &nd turbine th&t is needed to
be inst&lled &re costl) coponents.
3. Power gener&ted is *er) low -or direct use. 7or e--ec-
ti*e utili5&tion in needed ties, the energ) gener&ted ust
be stored in b&tteries which &lso incre&se the s)ste cost.
#. :uch s)ste is onl) oper&tion&l during r&in) se&son.
/hus the p&)b&c1 period o- this pl&n is 6uite l&rge.
'. Conclusion
/he current power output o- this pro!ect is *er) less with
respect to the power consuption. /he in*estent cost is
high &nd returns &re low, thus currentl) it c&n+t be iple-
ented. Pie5oelectric technolog) c&n &lso be used to
epower obile ob!ects li1e c&rs &nd busses. ,onst&nt
rese&rch in the -ield pie5oelectric &teri&ls &ssures the po-
tenti&l o- this pro!ect.

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