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Roy Lichtenstein Exhibition Storyboard

This is my storyboard on Roy Lichtenstein’s exhibition. The idea is that it starts with dot
and finishes with dot, which is one of the main elements for the artist’s works. I choose
two subjects out of the artist’s works. I focus on women on the first half and on the
second half, combat flying. Because Roy painted a lot of women and woman is the sub-
ject of his many famous artworks. The reason I choose jet planes, shooting is they look
graphically strong and interesting. I thought it is better to use them over landscapes and
still life not to bore audience.
I had to have many frames to show the flow because I am using many paintings.

1. Camera zooms out, a dot ap- 2. Camera keeps zooming out, 3. (zoomed out) the girl gets 4. camera keeps moving backward 5. another painting of Roy Lichten- 6. zoomed out, dots around the 7. That was a cheek of the drown
pears on white space. now you can recognize that the smaller and she is in a yellow dot. and the yellow dot is in an eye. . stein is now recognizable. painting show up. woman.
dot on frame1 is one of dots in an (the background of the original
eye. painting is yellow)

8. It gets blue and other elements 9. from her eye, it is zoomed out. 10. frame 9 becomes a dot in eye. 11. As camera zooms out, red 12. From here, the other half 13. frame 12’s explosion in his eye. 14. it gets small as camera zooms
appear background is seen and the dot begins with different subject. I out.
becomes reddish. use this painting with explosion
sound, thinking it might help get-
ting audience’s attention and give
notice that something will be dif-
ferent from here.

15. 16. from a hole, it is zoomed out. 17. it gets bluish and smaller. 18. zoomed out from the blus 19. another jet painting comes up. 20. get smaller and smaller and 21. the event information. camera
shade of plane. becomes one of dots on frame21. pauses for about 3 seconds and
the black dot becomes small and
Roy Lichtenstein Exhibition Reference
Roy Lichtenstein Exhibition Reference: Olympic Spirit by Johnny Kelly

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