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Name 8ev Penry Date March 14, 2014

Lesson 1|t|e: SLaLes of MaLLer

Grade]Sub[ect Area 9
8r|ef Lesson Summary: SLudenLs wlll show and explaln Lhe arrangemenL, moLlon, and spaclng
of molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas.
Lstab||shed Goa|s (State ] Common Core Standards): Ceneral Sclence: 4.p1, 4.p1A, 4.p18,
3.p1A ChemlsLry: 82.28, 84.28

Stage 1Des|red kesu|ts
(What understand|ngs are des|red?)
1ransfer Goa|s
SLudenLs wlll be able Lo lndependenLly use Lhelr learnlng Lo undersLand why a solld, llquld, and gas behave Lhe way
Lhey do uslng Lhe movemenL of Lhelr molecules.

SLudenLs wlll undersLand:
Pow Lhe molecules move ln a solld.
Pow Lhe molecules move ln a llquld.
Pow Lhe molecules move ln a gas.
Pow Lhe molecules are arrangemenL ln a solld.
Pow Lhe molecules are arrangemenL ln a
Pow Lhe molecules are arrangemenL ln a gas
1he number of molecules wlll noL change
Lhrough a phase change, [usL Lhe arrangemenL
and spaclng beLween each molecule wlll

Lssent|a| uest|ons
WhaL essenLlal quesLlons wlll be consldered?
1. WhaL ls your word made up of?
2. WhaL ls maLLer?
3. WhaL are Lhe 3 sLaLes of maLLer?
4. WhaL ls Lhe relaLlve moLlon of Lhe molecules ln
a solld, llquld, and gas subsLance?
5. WhaL ls Lhe arrangemenL and relaLlve spaclng
of Lhe molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas
6. Show LhaL Lhe number of molecules ln a
subsLance doesn'L change as lL goes Lhrough a
phase change?
7. uslng whaL you know abouL molecules and Lhe
sLaLe of maLLer, explaln how lce cream ls

Acqu|s|t|on of know|edge and Sk|||
SLudenLs wlll know..
WhaL Lhe arrangemenL, moLlon, and spaclng
beLween molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas.

Pow many molecules are ln a subsLance
Lhrough a phase change.

SLudenLs wlll be able Lo .
uraw Lhe relaLlve moLlon, spaclng, and
arrangemenL of molecules ln a solld, llquld, and

undersLand how lce cream goes from a solld Lo
a llquld.

uraw Lhe number of molecules ln a solld and
llquld, and ldenLlfy LhaL Lhe number of
molecules dldn'L change. (Maklng lce cream.
lce cubes (solld) Lo lce cream (llquld).

Stage 1wo - Assessment Lv|dence
(Students w||| need to show the|r |earn|ng by..)
1ransfer 1ask (s):
lL's !usL a hase: SLudenLs creaLe 3u models uslng approprlaLe lLems from home Lo show Lhe arrangemenL,
spaclng, and moLlon of molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas. SLudenLs wlll also lnclude Lyped explanaLlons of whaL ls
happenlng Lo Lhe molecules ln Lhelr 3u models. 1hey wlll need Lo explaln Lhe arrangemenL, spaclng, and moLlon of
molecules Loo.
Lva|uat|ve Cr|ter|a:
erformance ls [udged ln Lerms of Lhe properLles on Lhelr drawlngs. Are Lhe molecules ln all Lhree sLaLes of maLLer
spaced and arranged correcLly. Pave Lhey clearly explalned Lhe moLlon of Lhe molecules?

Cther Lv|dence (qu|zzes, tests, prompts, observat|ons, d|a|ogues, work samp|es, etc.)

CheckpolnLs (work sample)
Check your learnlng (work sample)

Student Se|f-Assessment and kef|ect|on
SLudenLs wlll be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo go back Lhrough Lhelr pro[ecL and reflecL on lL uslng Lhe suggesLlons l
made. 1hey wlll also be glven Lhe opporLunlLy Lo revlse lL uslng my suggesLlons Lo earn a hlgher proflclency level.

Stage 3Learn|ng |an
(Summary of key Learn|ng Lvents and Instruct|on)
1he teach|ng and |earn|ng needed to ach|eve the un|t goa|s.
Lxper|ence (ro[ect) 1: States of Matter
locus CuesLlons: WhaL makes a solld dlfferenL from a llquld, and gas?
Learnlng 1argeL: L4.p1A, L4.p18, L4.p1C, L3.p1A
Learnlng AcLlvlLles:

1. lnLroduce drlvlng quesLlon (Pow does Lhe world exlsL?) Lo hook sLudenLs lnLo undersLandlng LhaL everyLhlng ln
llfe ls made up of maLLer
2. lnLroduce Lhe essenLlal quesLlons and dlscuss Lhe unlL performance Lask (lL's [usL a phase)
3. re-assessmenL- uslng Lhe worksheeL provlded sLudenLs wlll move around Lhe lab ln Lhelr group of 3 and plck
ouL lLems LhaL Lhey Lhlnk are made up of maLLer. 1hey wlll Lhen classlfy Lhose lLems as a solld, llquld, or gas and
explaln Lhelr classlflcaLlon wlLhln Lhelr group. 1hls dlscusslon wlll be recorded so l can hear whaL ls happenlng
wlLhln Lhelr groups as l evaluaLe Lhelr work onllne.
4. resenL parL 1 abouL whaL maLLer ls and whaL ls made up of maLLer.
3. SLudenLs wlll Lake anoLher look aL Lhelr pre-assessmenL and reclasslfy Lhelr lLems.
!lgsaw ll: SLudenLs wlll use Lhe resources LhaL are provlded on Lhe sLaLes of maLLer pro[ecL Lo research whaL sLaLes
of maLLer are and how Lhey are dlfferenL from one anoLher. SLudenLs are Lhen asked Lo flnd 2 oLher researchers
onllne Lo chaL wlLh and dlscuss Lhelr flndlngs wlLh Lhem. Lach sLudenL wlll share Lhelr lnformaLlon Lhrough a chaL
and Lake noLes uslng one anoLher's knowledge. ChaLs wlll be submlLLed Lo me for assessmenL .
6. resenL parL 2 abouL Lhe Lhree sLaLes of maLLer and Lhe arrangemenL, spaclng, and moLlon of Lhe molecules ln
each phase.
7. noLe: key vocabulary Lerms are lnLroduced.
8. AcLlvlLy: SLudenLs wlll be glven several plcLures. SLudenL wlll classlfy each lLem as solld, llquld, or gas and glve
Lwo explanaLlons as Lo why Lhey classlfled Lhem LhaL way.
9. CheckpolnL: SLudenLs wlll descrlbe 3 Lhlngs LhaL Lhey learned abouL solld, llquld, and gases durlng acLlvlLy and 3
quesLlons Lhey sLlll have abouL sLaLes of maLLer.
1hlnk-alr-Share: (ConLlnue of checkpolnL) SLudenLs wlll flnd 2 oLher researchers onllne and chaL wlLh Lhem Lo
dlscuss whaL Lhey have learned abouL solld llquld, and gas. 1hey wlll Lhen ask Lhelr group members Lo answer Lhe
quesLlons Lhey have developed. Cnce answered Lhey wlll Lhen have a dlscusslon abouL Lhelr answers. 1hey wlll
copy and pasLe Lhelr chaL lnLo a page documenL and submlL Lo me for assessmenL.
10. resenL more ln depLh lesson abouL Lhe way Lhe molecules ln each sLaLe of maLLer behave. (1hls ls done
Lhrough vldeos and webslLes presenLed on pro[ecL)
11. CheckpolnL: SLudenLs wlll demonsLraLe Lhrough a vldeo of Lhelr undersLandlng of Lhe dlfferenL sLaLes of maLLer,
Lhelr molecular properLles, and how Lhey change
1hree MlnuLe 8evlew- SLudenLs wlll ask a quesLlon Lhey developed Lhrough Lhelr learnlng of Lhe molecule
movemenL aL Lhe end of Lhelr vldeo from Lhe above checkpolnL. AnoLher sLudenL conducLlng Lhe same pro[ecL wlll
see Lhe sLudenL's vldeo and answer Lhelr quesLlon Lhrough chaL. All vldeos and answered wlll be submlLLed Lo me
for assessmenL.
12. 8ell Work: Answer any oLher quesLlons sLudenLs sLlll have abouL sLaLes of maLLer Lhrough emalls/chaLs
13. As a whole group Lhe sLudenLs wlll demonsLraLe Lhe arrangemenL of molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas. 1he
sLudenLs wlll be used Lo demonsLraLe how Lhe molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas are arranged. 1hey wlll work
LogeLher Lo arrange Lhelr body Lo show Lhe spaclng and arrangemenL. 1hls wlll be recorded.
14. resenL parL 3-phase change lesson.
13. SLudenLs compleLe a graphlc organlzer ldenLlfylng lf Lhe molecules change Lhrough a phase change. 1hey wlll
Lhen lnclude a drawlng Lo show LhaL Lhe molecules don'L change Lhrough a phase change.
16. Lxplaln whaL a 3u model ls and how Lo develop one.
17. Co over rubrlc for sLudenL's sLaLe of maLLer models.
18. SLudenLs bralnsLorm whaL maLerlal Lhey need for Lhelr models and how Lhey wlll make Lhem.
19. Lach sLudenL wlll develop 3 models Lo show Lhe molecules ln a solld, llquld, and gas. 1hey wlll Lhen presenL
Lhelr models Lhrough a vldeo.
21. SLudenLs models are dlsplayed Lhrough our program and ln labs.

22. SLudenLs wlll reflecL on Lhelr own work and whaL Lhey felL worked ln Lhe Lask and whaL Lhey needed more
undersLandlng of. 1hey wlll also have Lhe opporLunlLy Lo go back and revlse Lhelr work wlLh my suggesLlons Lo help
earn a hlgher proflclency.

kesources and Mater|a|s

SLaLes of MaLLer 8ap- hLLps://

SLaLs of MaLLer-Molecules- hLLp://

re-assessmenL acLlvlLy- ldenLlfylng dlfferenL maLLer.

SLaLes of MaLLer plcLures for classlflcaLlon acLlvlLy.

Cnllne Culz


Craphlc organlzer for phase change.

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