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Republic of the Philippines

G.R. No. L!"#"$ %u&ust '() '(*$
,%N-ING CORPOR%TION) petitione/s
Re6ulla) Est/ella 1 %ssociates an. S7cip) Sala8a/) 4eliciano) +e/nan.e8 1 Castillo La9
Offices fo/ petitione/s.
The Solicito/ Gene/al fo/ /espon.ent NLRC.
Villa/u8) Pa.illa 1 %6ansec La9 Offices) fo/ /espon.ent National Mines an. %llie.
2o/:e/s Union.
Luis M. E/6itano fo/ /espon.ent %tlas Consoli.ate. Minin& an. De0elop6ent
,%RREDO) ;.<'=9ph>'.?@t
Petition fo/ ce/tio/a/i file. on %p/il $A) '(B( to annul an. set asi.e the o/.e/ of %p/il '*)
'(B( of the National Labo/ Relations Co66ission issue. in N.L.R.C. Case No. R,IV
AA$$B!) th/u Labo/ %/bite/ Manuel +. Lo/en8o) p/a7in& at the sa6e ti6e that this Cou/t
o/.e/ the sai. /espon.ent Co66ission to stop .eli0e/7 of the chec: of P#)$(*)A"B.BB of
p/i0ate /espon.ent %tlas Consoli.ate. Minin& an. De0elop6ent an.Co/ fo/ Us to stop
pa76ent to the /espon.ent Union on the &/oun. that the issuance of sai. o/.e/ of %p/il
'*) '(B( 9as a &/a0e abuse of .isc/etion an.Co/ in eDcess of the Co66issionEs
On Ma7 #) '(B() 2e issue. the follo9in& /esolution< '=9ph>'.?@t
On Dece6be/ $$) '(B! the National Mines 1 %llie. 2o/:e/sE Union obtaine. in NLRC
Case No. R,VIAA$$B! a Fu.&6ent o/.e/in& the Philippine I/on Mines) Inc. to pa7 the
union P#)$(*)A"B.BB as se0e/ance pa7) etc. The Fu.&6ent beca6e final an. eDecuto/7 on
;anua/7 G) '(BG.
On %p/il '*) '(B( the NLRC) th/ou&h a Labo/ %/bite/) &/ante. the unionEs eD pa/te
6otion of %p/il 'G) '(B( fo/ the &a/nish6ent of the a6ount of P#)$(*)A"B.BB .ue f/o6
%tlas Consoli.ate. Minin& an. De0elop6ent Co/po/ation to the Philippine Co66e/cial
an. In.ust/ial ,an: an. the Manila ,an:in& Co/po/ation) as pa/t of the p/ice fo/ 9hich
the 6inin& 6achine/7 an. eHuip6ent of the Philippine I/on Mines 3acHui/e. un.e/
fo/eclosu/e sale b7 the t9o ban:s5 9as sol. b7 the t9o ban:s to %tlas. 3The total p/ice
9as thi/t7 6illion pesos.5
On that sa6e .ate) %p/il '*) %tlas co6plie. 9ith the 9/it of &a/nish6ent an. .eli0e/e. to
the she/iff a chec: fo/ P#)$(*)A"B.BB.
The o/.e/ of &a/nish6ent an. %tlasE co6pliance 9ith it a/e assaile. in this ce/tio/a/i
p/ on the &/oun. of lac: of Fu/is.iction since the t9o ban:s 9e/e not pa/ties in
the labo/ case an. the fun.s &a/nishe. 9e/e not .ue to the Fu.&6ent .ebto/) Philippine
I/on Mines.
%fte/ .elibe/atin& on these facts) the Cou/t Resol0e. 3'5 to REIUIRE the /espon.ents
9ithin ten 3'"5 .a7s f/o6 notice to %NS2ER the petition 3not to file a 6otion to .is6iss5
an. 3$5 to ISSUE a 2RIT O4 PRELIMIN%RJ IN;UNCTION afte/ the petitione/s ha.
file. a satisfacto/7 bon. in the su6 of one hun./e. thousan. pesos 3P'"")"""5. It shoul.
be specifie. in the 9/it that %tlas is .i/ecte. to stop pa76ent on the sai. chec:) that
/espon.ent Union is enFoine. f/o6 cashin& the chec: an.) if the chec: has not 7et been
.eli0e/e. to the union) then /espon.ent she/iff is .i/ecte. to /etu/n the chec: to %tlas. If
the chec: has been .eli0e/e. to the Union) the latte/ is enFoine. f/o6 .ist/ibutin& the
p/ocee.s the/eof to its 6e6be/s an. to /etu/n the chec: to %tlas. 3Vol. ') Reco/..5 9ith
the co// 9/it of p/eli6ina/7 inFunction afte/ the /eHui/e. bon. 9as file. on Ma7
() '(B() afte/ petitione/s file. thei/ supple6ental petition of %p/il $#) '(B( an. U/&ent
Motion of %p/il A") '(B(.
It appea/s) ho9e0e/) as state. in the ans9e/ of /espon.ent Union .ate. Octobe/ '") '(B()
that Kthe chec: tu/ne. o0e/ b7 the She/iff of the NLRC to he/ein /espon.ent on %p/il $")
'(B( 9as encashe. on %p/il $A) '(B( an. the p/ocee.s the/eof 9e/e .ul7 .ist/ibute. to
its 6e6be/sCclai6ants on the sa6e .a7 3%p/il $A) '(B(5 an. e0e/7.a7 the/eafte/) until the
.ist/ibution 9as finishe. on Ma7 !) '(B(. In fact) on Ma7 '") '(B() /espon.ent union
file. 9ith the Labo/ %/bite/ a KRepo/t of Co6pliance an. Motion fo/ %.6ission an.
%pp/o0al of Sche.ule of Dist/ibutionK .ate. Ma7 '") '(B() a cop7 of 9hich is he/e9ith
attache. an. 6a.e pa/t he/eof as %nneD K'*K. % co// o/.e/ app/o0in& the
afo/esai. .ist/ibution 9as issue. b7 Labo/ %/bite/ Manuel ,. Lo/en8o on Ma7 '$) '(B()
a cop7 of 9hich is he/e9ith attache. an. 6a.e pa/t he/eof as %nneD K'(K. Un.e/ the
p/esent ci/cu6stances) /espon.ent union can onl7 in0o:e the follo9in& le&al p/inciple<
The establishe. p/inciple is that 9hen the e0ents sou&ht to be p/e0ente. b7 inFunction o/
p/ohibition ha0e al/ea.7 happene.) nothin& 6o/e coul. be enFoine. o/ p/ohibite. because
nothin& 6o/e coul. be .one in /efe/ence the/eto. 3%/a&ones 0s. Subi.o) L$#A"A) Sept.
$A) '(G*) $! SCR% (!5 3Pp. ##$ ##A) Vol. II) Reco/..5
Thus) in the li&ht of the p/a7e/ of the petition he/ein 9hich /ea.s< '=9ph>'.?@t
2+ERE4ORE) petitione/s /espectfull7 p/a7 that<
'. This Petition is &i0en .ue cou/seL
$. .ete/6ination of the 6e/its of this Petition) a 2/it of P/eli6ina/7 Man.ato/7
InFunction upon such bon. as this +ono/able Cou/t 6a7 fiD) be issue. o/.e/in& the %tlas
Consoli.ate. Minin& an. De0elop6ent Co/po/ation to stop pa76ent of the chec:
.eli0e/e. to the NLRC She/iff) the National Labo/ Relations Co66ission 3Re&ional
,/anch No. IV5) pa/ticula/l7 the She/iff the/eof) f/o6 .eli0e/in& sai. chec: to the Union)
an. the National Mines 1 %llie. 2o/:e/sE Union 3N%M%2UMI45 f/o6 .ist/ibutin& the
p/ocee.s of the sai. chec: to its 6e6be/sL an. to /etu/n the p/ocee.s of the choc: fo/
P#)A#')$(".*# to the petitione/sL
A. %fte/ app/op/iate p/ Fu.&6ent be /en.e/e. 6a:in& the 2/it of P/eli6ina/7
Man.ato/7 InFunction pe/6anent an. settin& asi.e the NLRC O/.e/ .ate. '* %p/il '(B(.
Petitione/s li:e9ise p/a7 fo/ such othe/ /elief as 6a7 be .ee6e. Fust an. eHuitable un.e/
the p/e6ises. 3Pa&e '*) Vol. I) Reco/..5
it 9oul. see6 that this case is no9 6oot an. aca.e6ic) the p/ohibito/7 inFunction p/a7e.
fo/ bein& al/ea.7 i6possible of enfo/ce6ent) the acts sou&ht to be enFoine. ha0in& been
al/ea.7 consu66ate..
,ut it is ob0ious f/o6 the alle&ations of the petition that the 6ain an. /eal /e6e.7 ai6e.
at b7 petitione/s is fo/ the6 to be consi.e/e. as in no 9a7 liable fo/ the 6one7 pai. to the
labo/e/s of /espon.ent Philippine I/on Mines b7 0i/tue of the 9/it of eDecution an.
&a/nish6ent in Huestion an. that the obe.ience o/ co6pliance the/eto b7 /espon.ent %tlas
9as uncalle. fo/) hence %tlas shoul. be hel. still liable to the6 fo/ the a6ount
afo/e6entione. it ha. .eli0e/e. to the She/iff in o/.e/ to co6plete the PA" M pu/chase
p/ice of the PIM p/ope/ties sol. b7 the6 to %tlas.
To co6plete the 6ate/ial facts su66a/i8e. in ou/ abo0eHuote. /esolution of Ma7 #)
'(B() 2e ha0e onl7 to a.. the follo9in&<
'. That the Fu.&6ent obtaine. b7 the /espon.ent Union f/o6 the NLRC on Dece6be/
$$) '(B! 9as the /esult of an unfai/ labo/ p/actice case file. b7 sai. Union a&ainst PIM
because of its failu/e to co6pl7 9ith the con.ition i6pose. upon it b7 the Ministe/ of
Labo/ 9hen it 9as &/ante. clea/ance to shut .o9n its ope/ation an. la7 off all its
pe/sonnel .ue to its ban:/uptc7 to the effect that sai. clea/ance 9as KsubFect to such
/i&hts an. benefits acc/uin& to the 9o/:e/s an. e6plo7ees of 7ou/ co6pan7 un.e/ 3the5
eDistin& collecti0e ba/&ainin& a&/ee6ent an. /ele0ant p/o0isions of the Labo/ Co.e.K
$. That PIM 9as a 6o/t&a&e .ebto/ sepa/atel7 of the De0elop6ent ,an: of the
Philippines an. of he/ein petitione/s)
A. On account of the failu/e of PIM to pa7 its obli&ations Fust /efe//e. to) PCI, an.
Manila ,an: fo/eclose. all 6o/t&a&es in thei/ fa0o/ on Dece6be/ $") '(B! an. as the7
9e/e the onl7 bi..e/s at the auction sale) the7 e0entuall7 secu/e. final con0e7ances in
thei/ fa0o/ of sai. p/ope/ties.
#. To be su/e) /espon.ent Union ha. al/ea.7 been able to le07 on ce/tain p/ope/ties of
PIM 9hich alle&e.l7 9e/e not co0e/e. b7 the 6o/t&a&es to petitione/s) an. so the/e a/e
no9 in the lo9e/ cou/ts suits 9he/ein petitione/s an. the Union a/e contestin& as to 9ho
of the6 ha0e the supe/io/ /i&ht o0e/ sai. p/ope/ties. %..itionall7) the/e is a p/
fo/ conte6pt in the NLRC because petitione/sE 6en 9oul. not allo9 the She/iff
to enfo/ce eDecution of so6e of sai. p/ope/ties.
2e .o not see an7 nee. to clutte/ this opinion 9ith the .etails of those suits an. conte6pt
p/ consi.e/in& the 0ie9 2e a/e ta:in& of the p/i6o/.ial issue as to 9hethe/ o/
not petitione/s) as auction pu/chase/s of the p/ope/ties of PIM 6o/t&a&e. to the6 an. as
selle/s the/eof to %tlas a/e subFect to the clai6s of the Union finall7 a.Fu.&e. b7 the
The/e a/e) to Ou/ 6in.) at least t9o in.ubitable &/oun.s 9h7 petitione/s a/e liable to the
Union fo/ the Fu.&6ent a&ainst PIM.
a. The .ee. of Sale 3%nneD M) Petition5 b7 9hich petitione/s con0e7e. thei/ /i&hts to
%tlas) contains the follo9in& uneHui0ocal an. una6bi&uous 9a//anties< '=9ph>'.?@t
'. 2a//anties of Selle/s. M Selle/s 3the petitione/s in the case at ba/5 9a//ant that 3'5
the7 ha0e full an. sufficient title o0e/ the PROPERTIES an. that 3$5 the PROPERTIES
a/e f/ee f/o6 all liens an. encu6b/ances) 3A5 the ,UJER 3%tlas5 bein& he/eb7 sa0e. f/ee
an. ha/6less f/o6 all clai6s in inci.ental actions of National Mines 1 %llie. 2o/:e/sE
Union 3N%M%2U5 its action fo/ annul6ent of the She/iffs sale 9ith /espect to
the contents of a ce/tain bo.e&a 3Ci0il Case No. $B$B of ,/anch II of the Ca6a/ines
No/te C4I5L 3#5 the SELLERS ha0e full /i&hts an. capacit7 to con0e7 title to an. effect
peaceful .eli0e/7 of these p/ope/ties thei/ autho/it7 to .o so ha0in& been obtaine. f/o6
the &o0e/n6ent of the Republic of the Philippines) cop7 of 9hich is enclose. an. 6a.e
an inte&/al pa/t he/eofL an. taDes an. cha/&es the/eon ha0e been full7 pai. an. shoul.
an7 be acc/ue. on the plate of these p/esents) the sa6e shall be fo/ SELLERS account.
3E6phasis supplie..5 3Pa&e B*() Vol. '') Reco/..5
%s %tlas 0e/7 aptl7 puts it in its /epl76e6o/an.u6 .ate. ;une 'A) '(*"< '=9ph>'.?@t
To the eDtent of bein& /epetitious but if onl7 to b/in& ho6e the point) un.e/ the abo0e
Huote. Dee. of Sale uncon.itionall7 an. unHualifie.l7 p/otecti0e of %tlas) the petitione/s)
as the selle/s) le&all7 an. 0ali.l7 9a//ante. unto %tlas) as the bu7e/) 3'5 full an. 3$5
unencu6be/e. title to the subFect p/ope/ties) 3A5 that the7 ha0e full /i&hts an. capacit7 to
con0e7 title to an. effect peaceful .eli0e/7 of these p/ope/ties to %tlas) an.) 0e/7
i6po/tantl7) 3#5 that the7 shall hol. %tlas Kf/ee an. ha/6less f/o6 all clai6s an.
inci.ental actions of National Mines 1 %llie. 2o/:e/s Unions 3N%M%2U5K inclusi0e of
N%M%2UEs action fo/ annul6ent 3Ci0il Case No. $B$B) ,/anch '') C4ICa6a/ines
The abo0e 9a//anties of the petitione/s in fa0o/ of %tlas nee. no fu/the/ inte/p/etation.
2ith .ue /espect) this +ono/able Cou/t 6ust instea. appl7 an. enfo/ce these 9a//anties
a&ainst the petitione/s) p/istinel7 an. uneHui0ocall7 clea/ as these 9a//anties a/e.
Clea/l7) the facts of the instant petition 0ie9e. 0isa0is the abo0e Huote. le&al an.
cont/actual 9a//anties) &ua/antees an. .uties of the petitione/s in fa0o/ of %tlas sho9 that
the fo/6e/ ha0e no cause of action a&ainst the latte/. 3Pa&e B(") Vol. II) Reco/..5
b. 2e cannot but a&/ee 9ith the Solicito/ Gene/al that< '=9ph>'.?@t
4ou/thl7) since the .ecision of Dece6be/ $$) '(B! in the afo/e6entione. NLRC case 9as
b/ou&ht about b7 the cessation o/ shut.o9n of business b7 PIM) its 9o/:e/s enFo7 fi/st
p/efe/ence as /e&a/.s 9a&es .ue fo/ se/0ices /en.e/e. p/io/ to the ban:/uptc7 o/
liHui.ation) as a&ainst othe/ c/e.ito/s) li:e he/ein petitione/s) an7
p/o0ision of la9 to the cont/a/7. Thus) %/ticle ''" of the Ne9 Labo/ Co.e) as a6en.e.)
as 9ell as Section '") Rule VIII) ,oo: II) of the Rules an. Re&ulations I6ple6entin& the
Ne9 Labo/ Co.e p/o0i.e< '=9ph>'.?@t
%/t. ''". 2o/:e/ P/efe/ence in case of ban:c/uptc7. M In the e0ent of ban:c/uptc7 o/
liHui.ation of an e6plo7e/Es business) his 9o/:e/s shall enFo7 fi/st p/efe/ence as /e&a/.s
9a&es .ue the6 fo/ se/0ices /en.e/e. .u/in& the pe/io. p/io/ to the ban:c/uptc7 o/
liHui.ation) an7 p/o0ision of la9 to the cont/a/7 Unpai. 9a&es shall be
pai. in full befo/e othe/ c/e.ito/s 6a7 establish an7 clai6 to sha/e in the assets of the
e6plo7e/. 3Ne9 Labo/ Co.e5
Section '". Pa76ent of 9a&es in case of ban:c/uptc7. M Unpai. 9a&es ea/ne. b7 the
e6plo7ees befo/e the .ecla/ation of ban:c/uptc7 o/ Fu.icial liHui.ation of the e6plo7e/Es
business shall be &i0en fi/st p/efe/ence an. shall be pai. in full befo/e othe/ c/e.ito/s 6a7
establish an7 clai6 to a sha/e in the assets of the e6plo7ees. 3Rules an. Re&ulations
I6ple6entin& the Labo/ Co.e) ,oo: III) Rule VIII5
It 6ust be note. that the 9o/. E9a&eE pai. to an7 e6plo7ee is .efine. as Kthe
/e6une/ation o/ ea/nin&s) ho9e0e/ .esi&nate.) capable of bein& eDp/esse. in te/6s of
6one7) 9hethe/ fiDe. o/ asce/taine. on a ti6e) tas:) piece) o/ co66ission basis) o/ othe/
6etho. of calculatin& the sa6e) 9hich is pa7able b7 an e6plo7e/ to an e6plo7ee un.e/ a
9/itten cont/act of e6plo76ent fo/ 9o/: .one o/ to be .one) o/ fo/ se/0ices /en.e/e. o/
to be /en.e/e.) an. the fai/ an. /easonable 0alue) as .ete/6ine. b7 the Sec/eta/7
of Labo/) of boa/.) lo.&in& o/ othe/ facilities custo6a/il7 fu/nishe. b7 the e6plo7e/ to
the e6plo7ees.K 3%/t. (B) pa/. f) Title II) Chapte/ I) Ne9 Labo/ Co.e5. State. .iffe/entl7)
E9a&esE /efe/ to all /e6une/ations) ea/nin&s an. othe/ benefits in te/6s of 6one7 acc/uin&
to the 3e6plo7ees o/ 9o/:e/s fo/ se/0ices /en.e/e..
Thus) all benefits of the e6plo7ees un.e/ a Collecti0e ,a/&ainin& %&/ee6ent) li:e
se0e/ance pa7) e.ucational allo9ance) acc/ue. 0acation lea0e ea/ne. but not enFo7e.) as
9en as 9o/:6enEs co6pensation a9a/.s an. unpai. sala/ies fo/ se/0ices /en.e/e.) fan
un.e/ the te/6 E9a&esE 9hich enFo7 fi/st p/efe/ence o0e/ all othe/ clai6s a&ainst the
e6plo7e/. %s such) the/efo/e) e0en if the e6plo7e/Es p/ope/ties encu6be/e. b7 6eans of a
6o/t&a&e cont/act) still the 9o/:e/sE9a&es 9hich enFo7 fi/st p/efe/ence in case of
ban:c/uptc7 o/ liHui.ation a/e .ul7 p/otecte. b7 an auto6atic fi/st lien o0e/ an. abo0e all
othe/ ea/lie/ encu6b/ances on the sai. p/ope/ties. Othe/9ise) 9o/:e/sE9a&es 6a7 be
i6pe/ille. b7 fo/eclosu/e of 6o/t&a&es) an. as a conseHuence) the afo/ecite. p/o0ision of
the Ne9 Labo/ Co.e 9oul. be /en.e/e. 6eanin&less. 3Pp. BG"BG$) Vol. II) Reco/.
The /eason behin. the p/o0isions of the Labo/ Co.e &i0in& p/efe/ence to clai6s of labo/
in the liHui.ation of a business o/ in.ust/ial conce/n is patent an. 6anifest. It is but
hu6ane an. pa/ta:es of the .i0ine that labo/) as hu6an bein&s) 6ust be t/eate. o0e/ an.
abo0e chattels) 6achine/ies an. othe/ :in.s of p/ope/ties an. the inte/ests of the
e6plo7e/ 9ho can affo/. an. su/0i0e the ha/.ships of life bette/ than thei/ 9o/:e/s.
Uni0e/sal sense of hu6an Fustice) not to spea: of ou/ specific social Fustice an. p/otection
to labo/ constitutional inFunctions .ictate the p/efe/ential lien that the abo0e p/o0isions
acco/. to labo/.
Petitione/s a/e t/7in& to 6a:e 6uch of the ci/cu6stance that the fo/eclosu/e sale in thei/
fa0o/ ante.ate. b7 t9o .a7s the Fu.&6ent of the NLRC. In this connection) 2e hol. that
the /i&ht of the Union 6e6be/s o0e/ the p/ope/ties o/ assets of PIM beca6e 0este. f/o6
the .ate the Ministe/ of Labo/ app/o0e. PIMEs application fo/ clea/ance on Ma7 B) '(B!.
In the 6ost le&al sense an.) a&ain) consonant 9ith the p/inciples of social Fustice an.
p/otection to labo/ un.e/ the Constitution of the Philippines abo0e /efe//e. to the NLRC
.ecision 9as onl7 confi/6ato/7 of such /i&ht) not unli:e the Fu/i.ical effect of the
issuance of a To//ens title o0e/ a piece of lan. al/ea.7 co0e/e. b7 a le&iti6ate Spanish
title. %n. so) 9hen petitione/s acHui/e. the p/ope/ties of PIM in the fo/eclosu/e sales)
those p/ope/ties 9e/e al/ea.7 encu6be/e. in fa0o/ of the Union 6e6be/sCclai6ants b7
fo/ce of la9. 2o/se) petitione/s 9e/e 9ell a9a/e the7 9e/e fo/eclosin& on p/ope/ties of a
6o/t&a&e .ebto/ 9ho ha. al/ea.7 secu/e. f/o6 the Minist/7 of Labo/ a co//
clea/ance fo/ shut.o9n .ue to liHui.ation) an.) nee.less to sa7) petitione/s a/e p/esu6e.
to :no9 the la9 on the 6atte/ al/ea.7 /efe//e. to abo0e. f/o6 9hate0e/ point of 0ie9 2e t/7 to loo: at the situation of petitione/s) it
al9a7s co6es out that the7 cannot cheat the Union clai6antsC6e6be/s of 9hat is .ue
the6 b7 la9 fo/ 9o/: actuall7 .one b7 the6 an. othe/ benefits. The7 bou&ht the
p/ope/ties in Huestion 9ith open e7es.>tNOl4P The7 sol. the sa6e :no9in& the7 9e/e
sa..le. 9ith the /i&hts of the labo/e/s of PIM un.e/ the clea/ance of the Minist/7 of
Labo/. The .ee. of sale inclu.e.) as it shoul.) a 9a//ant7 that the p/ope/ties a/e f/ee f/o6
all liens an. encu6b/ances. %TL%S ha. the /i&ht to /ecei0e the p/ope/ties f/ee f/o6 an7
lien an. encu6b/ance) an. 9hen the &a/nish6ent 9as se/0e. on it) it 9as pe/fectl7 in the
/i&ht in slashin& the P#)$(*)A"B.BB f/o6 the PA"M it ha. to pa7 petitione/s in o/.e/ to
satisf7 the lon& eDistin& an. 0este. /i&ht of the labo/e/s of financiall7 6o/ibun. PIM)
9ithout an7 liabilit7 to petitione/s fo/ /ei6bu/se6ent the/eof.
2ith this .ecla/ation of the /especti0e /i&hts of the pa/ties) it follo9s that all p/
o/ suits in the lo9e/ cou/ts a/e subo/.inate. to such .ecla/ation) if the7 6a7 not
be .ee6e. al/ea.7 6oot an. aca.e6ic.
PREMISES CONSIDERED) Fu.&6ent is he/eb7 /en.e/e. .is6issin& the petition an.
settlin& the /especti0e /i&hts of the pa/ties he/eto as abo0e .ecla/e.) 9ith costs a&ainst
%Huino) Gue//e/o) De Cast/o an. Escolin) ;;.) concu/.'=9ph>'.?@t
Concepcion) ;/. an. %ba. Santos) ;;.) too: no pa/t.

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