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Urquidis Writing Rubric

6 5 4 3
Content Consistently focused with
ideas that are purposeful,
specific, sophisticated leading
to fully developed writing.
Clear focus with ideas that
usually support the topic and
are usually purposeful,
specific and usually
Generally focused with ideas
that may be developed but
tend to be predictable.
A focus can be identified but
ideas are poorly-developed;
sometimes list-like.
Structure (org.) Organization enhances the
central theme. Opening and
closure provide unity and
outstanding resolution.
Arrangement of ideas is
purposeful. Transitions are
Organization reinforces the
central theme. Opening and
closure provide unity and
clear resolution. Arrangement
of ideas and transitions are
Organization satisfactorily
develops central theme. Clear
opening and closing
contribute to unity but
resolution is obvious.
Arrangement of ideas and
transitions tend to be
Organization minimally
develops central theme; may
be erratic. Opening and
closing may be formulaic or
too weak to tie the piece
together. Few or formulaic
Stance (voice) Distinctive tone or style that
adds interest and
demonstrates a clear
Formality/informality suits
audience and purpose.
Tone or style adds interest
and demonstrates a
Formality/informality suits
audience and purpose.
Tone or style is adequate to
demonstrate a perspective.
Formality/informality is
adequate for audience and
Tone or style unevenly
demonstrates a perspective.
Formality/informality may be
inappropriate for audience or
Sent. Fluency Sophisticated rhythm and flow
with a variety of sentence
structure and length.
Fragments are stylistic with
relationships among ideas
smoothly established.
Usually has rhythm and flow
with a variety of sentence
structure and length.
Fragments are stylistic with
relationships among ideas
Some rhythm and flow but
more mechanical. Some
variety of sentence structure.
Fragments are purposeful.
Relationships among ideas are
usually established.
Little rhythm or flow: rigid.
Little variety of sentence
structure and fragments are
not purposeful. Relationships
are only somewhat
established, may be illogical or
Diction (word choice) Words and expressions are
powerful, vivid, varied, and
precise but natural. Lively
verbs and precise nouns.
Words and expressions are
vivid and precise but not
always natural. Active verbs.
Words and expressions are
often clear, precise, and
varied. May contain bland
verbs and commonplace
Words and expressions are
sometimes clear and precise,
but yet simple and general.
Conventions Outstanding control of wide-
range of age-appropriate
standard writing conventions.
Almost error-free; almost
editing needed.
Effective control of age-
appropriate standard writing
conventions. Minimal editing
Reasonable control of age-
appropriate standard writing
conventions. Minor editing
Limited control or reasonable
control of a limited range of
conventions. Moderate
editing needed.

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