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Peter started (to smoke) when he was 15, but

he stopped (to smoke) three years ago.
2. I enjoy (to get up) late on weekends, but I
also dont mnd (to get up) early durng the
!. I suggest (to go out) ths weekend " would
you lke (to jon)#
$. I %rst wanted (to sell) my old &ar. 'ut then I
re(used (to sell) t and de&ded (to keep)
5. )*en a(ter losng the job, he &ontnued (to get
up) early.
+. Id lo*e (to meet) but I pre(er (to see) us
on ,uesday.
-. .e o/ered me (to &hoose) the date (or the
meetng and I suggested (to opt) (or 0onday.
1. I (orgot (to swt&h) o/ the lght, we need (to
go) ba&k.
2. 3uddenly, she started (to &ry).
14. .e promsed (to &all) on&e n 5ew 6ork.
11. .e tred (to &on&entrate) on hs work but
kept on thnkng about her.
12. I lo*e (to ha*e) a &up o( &o/ee early n the
1. Peter started to smoke/smoking !en !e as 1"# $%t !e
sto&&ed smoking t!ree years ago.
'. I en(oy getting %& )ate on eekends# $%t I a)so don*t mind
getting %& ear)y d%ring t!e eek.
+. I s%ggest going o%t t!is eekend , o%)d yo% )ike to (oin?
-. I .rst anted to se)) my o)d /ar. 0%t t!en I re1%sed to se)) it
and de/ided to kee& it.
". E2en a1ter )osing t!e (o$# !e /ontin%ed getting %&/to get %&
3. I*d )o2e to meet $%t I &re1er seeing/to see %s on T%esday.
4. 5e o6ered me to /!oose t!e date 1or t!e meeting and I
s%ggested o&ting 1or Monday.
7. I 1orgot to sit/! o6 t!e )ig!t# e need to go $a/k.
8. 9%dden)y# s!e started to /ry//rying.
1:. 5e &romised to /a)) on/e in Ne ;ork.
11. 5e tried to /on/entrate on !is ork $%t ke&t on
t!inking a$o%t !er.
1'. I )o2e !a2ing/to !a2e a /%& o1 /o6ee ear)y in t!e

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