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Subject code : ML0007

(2 credits)
Set 1
Marks 30
Subject Name : Advertising Management & Sales Promotion

Q.1 Describe an ad that you have seen recently. Analyze the ad in terms of its
effectiveness in generating Attention, Interest, Desire and Action as per the AIDA
model. (10 Marks).

Q. 2 Select an ad of your choice and describe its creative execution. What is the
advertising strategy behind the ad in terms of a) Objective b) Target audience c) Key
consumer benefit d) Reason to believe e) Proof and f) Tone and manner? (10 marks)

Q.3 Prepare an outline of a media plan for a newly launched soft drink. Include a)
Media objective(s) b) Media mix c) Allocation of budget among media mix and d)
Media scheduling.


Subject code : MK0007

(2 credits)
Set 2
Marks 30
Subject Name : Advertising Management & Sales Promotion

Q. 1 Describe an ad which you feel is not so effective in terms of its creative

execution. Give suggestions on how to make the ad more effective ( include
suggestions on copy, creative concept, visual aspects, etc.) (10 marks)

Q. 2 What are some of the advantages of Advertising as compared to Sales

Promotion? Which types of products lend themselves to sales promotions? (10

Q. 3 Caselet

Social Awareness Advertising

S.R. Iyer and Tara Sinha, two famous Indian advertising personalities, have
expressed their views on Social Awareness Advertising as follows –

Social awareness advertising promotes ideas. However, for these ideas, creativity
will be of a different kind. A product is out there in a shop. A bar of soap is an
investment of small consequence. But trying to sell an idea such as a free cancer
check up, or family planning, or keeping the Ganges clean, is a totally different

Social awareness advertising has the potential to accelerate the process of change
in the urban and rural society and to do a public relations job. Also known as Public
Service Advertising, it should bear a stamp of professional excellence that moves
people to action. The voluntary and non voluntary organizations, together with the
makers of advertising and planners of media form a part of the team. There must be
an agreed statement of on the specific and measurable action which the advertising
should generate among groups of people. Social awareness advertising should also
be viewed on a campaign basis and adequate time must be given for advertising to


What are the differences and similarities between social awareness advertising and
advertising of products and services, based on what is mentioned in the above
caselet? (10 Marks)

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