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Willard C.

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Willard Carlisle Butcher (born October !, "#$, in %ron&ville, 'ew (ork) died *u+ust !, ,", in -obe
.ound, Florida/ was chairman and 01O of 0hase 2anhattan %ank from "#3, to "##".
%utcher 6oined 0hase 'ational %ank, predecessor to 0hase 2anhattan, in "#78 and spent his early career in
0hase9s midtown 2anhattan branch system. -e later headed 0hase9s retail and corporate business for midtown
and moved to the international department in "#$#, where he headed operations in 1urope and sub:.aharan
*frica, before becomin+ e&ecutive vice president in char+e of 0hase9s international operations. *fter a short
tenure as 0hase9s vice chairman for worldwide plannin+, e&pansion and diversification, %utcher was named
president and chief operatin+ officer, reportin+ to ;avid <ockefeller, then chairman and 01O.
>nder <ockefeller and %utcher, 0hase e&panded into more than !, countries,includin+ <ussia, 1+ypt and
0hina, where *merican banks hadn9t previously operated.
*s a result of the e&pansion, The New York Times
said at the time of %utcher's death 0hase was beset by hundreds of millions of dollars in losses from poorly
performin+ loans in developin+ countries such as %ra?il.
%utcher was active with the *merican 1nterprise @nstitute, and served for two years as member of President
<onald <ea+an9s Arace 0ommission. -e served on the boards at 0el+ene 0orp., Firestone Tire B <ubber 0o.,
@nternational Paper 0orp. and Te&aco @nc., and was a board member of the 2useum of 2odern *rt and the 'ew
(ork Coolo+ical .ociety.
%orn October !, "#$ in %ron&ville, '(, %utcher be+an his hi+her education in "#77 at 2iddlebury 0olle+e in
Dermont. ;ischar+ed from the >... 'avy in "#7$, he enrolled at %rown >niversity, +raduatin+ in "#78 with a
%.*. de+ree, ma+na cum laude, and as a member of Phi %eta Eappa. -e was awarded honorary ;octor of Faws
de+rees from %rown, Pepperdine and Tulane >niversities and an honorary ;octor of -umane Fetters from Pace
%utcher died of cancer on *u+ust !, ,", at the a+e of 3!.

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