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Submitted to :

Maam Asmaara
Human Resource Managment
Hrm Functions Of Unilever
Submitted by:
M. Qamar Adeel
Comsats Institute Of Information Technolo! Islama"ad
All the #raise is for Allah$ the most merciful and
"eneficent$ %ho "lessed me %ith the &no%lede$ a'e me
the courae and allo%ed me to accom#lish this tas&. I am
es#eciall! inde"ted to m! teachers for instillin in me
enouh &no%lede to "e a"le to carr! m!self efficientl!
durin m! studies.
I dedicate this re#ort to m! #arents and friends es#eciall!
Shamra teac(er in reconition of their %orth and to m!
teachers %ho are the uidin force for me and it is their
effort and hard %or& that sho%ed me the #ath of success
and #ros#erit! %hich %ould "e there for me for the rest of
m! life.
()ee# !our dreams ali'e. *nderstand to
achie'e an!thin re+uires faith and "elief
in !ourself$ 'ision$ hard %or&$
determination$ and dedication.
,emem"er all thins are #ossi"le for
those %ho "elie'e.--
Organi)ational C(art of Unilever
Human Resource Management at Unilever:
On the entr! le'el the ., /e#artment is mostl! ta&in MBA raduates.
Accordin to *nile'er their "elief is that 0Their #eo#le are their reatest
asset-. The ., team ta&es reat #ride in ac&no%ledin the contri"ution of
each em#lo!ee. *nile'er focuses a lot on ., /e'elo#ment and for that the
., team ensures1
2taff of *nile'er consists of %orld class 3rofessionals and ensures that
the riht s!stems are in #lace to encourae #eo#le to de'elo# to their
full #otential
Colla"orati'e and mutuall! su##orti'e %or& en'ironment is created
that encouraes #eo#le to ro%.
Team of #rofessionals is "uilt %hich deli'ers e4#ertise "! #artici#atin
in "usiness decisions.
3erformance Manaement and ,e%ard 2!stems are de'elo#ed %hich
underlies the Business strate! of *nile'er.
A clearl! defined ,ecruitment 5 2election #olic! is defined.
The need for Trainin 5 /e'elo#ment of em#lo!ees is assessed.
Com#ensation 5 Benefit #lan is de'elo#ed %hich ensures that
em#lo!ees are moti'ated.
*nile'er is "asicall! e+ual em#lo!ment o##ortunit! orani6ation. Almost 708
of its em#lo!ees are male and 908 are female. The :o" descri#tion of each
and e'er! em#lo!ee is #redefined. 3erformance a##raisal is done on annual
"asis. A'erae ae of *nile'er em#lo!ee is 9; !ears. This sho%s that the!
#refer !oun and eneretic #eo#le for their middle and lo%er le'el
manaement. .ih #rofile %ell e4#erienced #ersons are considered for to#-
le'el manaement. A'erae 2alar! is 1;000 for an em#lo!ee.
In *nile'er the hierarch! is 'er! lean$ in eneral the %hole setu# is
centrali6ed$ all the matters are to "e re#orted to the head office and all the
#olicies and tarets are a##ro'ed at the hiher le'el. But at the "ranch le'el
the structure is decentrali6ed.
All of the em#lo!ees ser'in at *nile'er are 'er! de'oted as the! are i'en a
%onderful learnin en'ironment to %or&$ #a! offered to them is also 'er!
attracti'e and am#le chance of #roress moti'ates them to %or& more. The
:o" anal!sis is done on tarets assined and dail! routines. The em#lo!ees
are indeed 'er! satisfied and moti'ated.
Recruitment + Selection:
,ecruitment is the #rocess of atherin a #ool of candidates for an
orani6ational 'acanc!. 2election is the #rocess of short listin onl! the
+ualified candidates %ho are fit for the :o". In terms of recruitment and
selection it is im#ortant to consider carr!in out a thorouh :o" anal!sis to
determine the le'el of s&ills<technical a"ilities$ com#etencies$ fle4i"ilit! of the
em#lo!ee re+uired etc. And ., at *nile'er follo%s these criteria. *nile'er
#olic! of recruitment is 'er! sim#le$ if at an! time there is a 'acanc!$ due to
retirement$ resination$ if em#lo!ees o#ted for the olden handsha&e or the
death of an em#lo!ee$ the manaement of the "ranch %ill inform the head
office a"out the 'acanc!. The head office %ill #lace an ad'ertisement in all
ma:or ne%s#a#er %ith the all necessar! information re+uired to "e furnished
"! the a##licant.
*nile'er has this #olic! of not mentionin the name of the com#an! in a :o"
ad'ertisement. *suall! hirin ta&es #lace throuh outsourcin %ith a hel# of
a third #art!. Final selection ta&es #lace after the candidate has "een
inter'ie%ed "! the
Manaer of the de#artment %ho re+uires the ne% em#lo!ee and then the .,
Manaer. On the :oinin da!$ the em#lo!ee has to su"mit the follo%in
documents to the ., /e#artment1
=oinin ,e#ort
Co#ies of educational and #rofessional derees<certificates
,eference >etter
Three co#ies of recent #ass#ort si6e #hotora#hs
&raining + $evelo,ment:
Trainin 5 /e'elo#ment in'ol'es im#ro'in the &no%lede$ s&ills and
a"ilities of the indi'iduals. A continuous trainin is conducted inside the
orani6ation to im#ro'e the #erformance of the em#lo!ee. There are t%o
t!#es of trainins conducted at *nile'er1
In-house Trainin
?4ternal Trainin
In-house trainin is customi6ed trainin %hich is onl! for *nile'er em#lo!ees.
?4ternal trainin is carried out throuh trainers in trainin institutes.
?m#lo!ees at
*nile'er are usuall! trained throuh ,amee6 Allah%alla @in )arachiA$
3ossi"ilities and Intec @t%o %ell-&no%n trainin institutesA.
Before trainin (Trainin Beed Anal!sis- @TBAA is conducted "! the manaer
of the de#artment. And after the trainin feed"ac& from the em#lo!ee is
Com,ensation + -enefits:
A 'er! effecti'e %a! to retain an em#lo!ee is to i'e him com#ensation and
"enefits. At *nile'er follo%in "enefits are i'en1
Medical Facilit! to em#lo!ee and his<her #arents
3aid Cacations
Accommodation Facilit! to eneretic em#lo!ees.
A ne%l! hired em#lo!ee is oriented so that he can et an idea a"out the
orani6ational setu# so that he ma! feel at home. At *nile'er orientation
#lan co'ers the follo%in #oints1
Cisits to different de#artment of the com#an!
Com#an!Ds 3olicies$ ,ules and ,eulations
Human Resource 'nformation System .HR'S/:
At *nile'er #rofiles of all the em#lo!ees containin data relatin their
#a!roll$ lea'es$ "enefits etc is sa'ed in a data"ase &no%n as .,I2. *nile'er
uses a locall! #rocured .,I2 %hich is to "e u#raded usin ?nter#rise
,esource 3lannin @?,3A.
Human Resource *lanning:
3lannin #ro'ides a uideline to accom#lish an acti'it!. At *nile'er the .,
team #lans e'er!thin so that the outcomes and results can "e #ercei'ed
"efore the #lan is actuall! im#lemented. This ma&es the #lannin more
accurate and efficientE it also sa'es time and mone!.
Means of 'nternal Communication:
*urc(ase Re0uest .*R/:
Fhene'er an em#lo!ee re+uires somethin from the admin$ his re+uest %as
#ut for%ard "! fillin a sim#le form %hich includes name of the entit!$ its
+uantit!$ sinature of the de#artment etc. This is &no%n as 3urchase
&ravel Re0uest .&R/:
If an em#lo!ee needs to tra'el on an official :o"$ he has to i'e a Tra'el
,e+uest "! fillin a form. The form includes #ur#ose of tra'el$ destination$
time and distance.
1isiting Card Re0uest .1CR/:
In order to #rint 'isitin cards an em#lo!ee needs to send a Cisitin Card
,e+uest to admin de#artment after "ein authori6ed "! the ., de#artment.
Medical Reimbursement Form .MRF/:
Fhen an em#lo!ee desires to et his medical "enefit from the com#an!$ he
needs to fill in a Medical ,eim"ursement Form so that his re+uest can "e #ut
2oining Re,ort .2R/:
Fhen a ne% em#lo!ee :oins the orani6ation$ he has to deli'er a =oinin
,e#ort to the ., /e#artment.
Means of #3ternal Communication:
Throuh Mail.
Throuh letters.
Throuh 3ost 5 other related ser'ices.
Throuh fillin the sur'e! forms from the #u"lic.
B! conductin the %or&sho# 5 2eminars for the #romotion of *nile'er
Throuh 2ocietal mar&etin 3ractices.G etc etc.

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