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Welcome Back! Did you have fun today? What types of choices did you have to make? What
was your choice? (l Choose to Believe)
Did you hear the rest of the story today? What happened to the Blind tvhn? What happened
when he washed the mud off his face? (l-le could see.) The man could see the water, the grass,
the sky...everything! (Clap hands, smile)
Later the man told the people, "lwas
blind. But now I can see!" The man was so happy.
Dld the people believe that Jesus helped the man see? Not allpeople believe that Jesus could do
this wonderfulthing. Butthe blind man believed that Jesus was the Savior &d had promised to
send. You may not know rery much about Jesus, or might know a lot about Him. But as you get
to know the amazing things that only Jesus can do,
know how important it is to CHOOSE
TO BELIE\IE that Jesus is God's promised Savior. What is your choice? (l CHOOSE TO
As you go home today, tell your family and friends about how Jesus made the blind man see and
that you choose to believe! Here is a*HEEffitoday's bible vetse- God sent Hrs Son fo
be the Savior of the World.
As lwas walking around today, lheard some songs. Did you leam some new songs today? How
aboutwe allgettogether and sing them?
On Thursday we will be inviting your family and friends to come and hear and see what you have
leamed. (Sing Songs)
That was wonderful! Thank you for coming today. Will you be back tomorrow? What do you think
choices will be tomonow? Come back and see.
you leave, girc*r goue leadct'. fffitffi'
Please pick up a note about the Glosing Program and take it home
br your parents. Feel free the invite all of pur relatives to the Closing Program. See you all
DAY 1- THE BLIND ItrtAN (opening)
Welcome to SonWorld Mventure ParkVacation Bible School. ItIy name is Becky.
How many of you have ever visited a theme park? (Six Flags, trft. Olympus, etc.) Avisit to a
theme park
is a day of choices. Which ride do
you go on first? Second? Which one do you save
for last? What do you want to eat? Lemonade? l-btdog? be Cream? There are lots of choices!
The choices we make in the theme park
determine the kind of day we will have. But the big and
litUe choices we make every day will help us with our friendships and relationship with C"od.
ln a liftle while, we will divide up into groups
and go to different sites to learn about Jesus and the
choices we have (and to have fun.) Today's choice that you can believe that Jesus is the Savior
God promised
to send. So we can CHOOSE TO BELIE\G. Say it with me....Site leaders will
ask you throughout the day about choices. When they ask, lwant you all to say loudly
CHOOSE TO BELIEVE." Let's try it (What is your choice? lChoose to Believe.)
Let me start telling a story from the bible about a Blind lvhn.
A blind man carefully inched his way through the streets of Jerusalem, one hand touching the
rough walls to feel his way along. Can you imagine what it would be like to be blind? Close
eyes and think about the things you wouldn't be able to see. You cant see the green grass, the
blue sky, or
best friend. The blind man found a familiar spot where he would sit down to
bq. Some people gave him crusts of bread; others gave him a few small coins. ln bible times,
people who were blind couldn't get a
All they could do was beg.
As Jesus was walking through the town, he saw the blind man. Jesus loved the blind man. Jesus
spit on the ground and made mud. Jesus put the mud on the man's eyes.
Jesus told the man,
and wash this mud offi."
What do you think happend next? I'lllet you find out the rest of the story as you go throughout
the day. We will meet back here later and you
can tel! me what happened to the Blind tUan.
Don't forget, vvhen the site leaders ask you about your choice you will loudly say
"Choose to
(Divide into smallgroups and have leaders take students to designated areas.)

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