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DAY2- THE TEN SICK IvEN (opening)

Welcome Back! Good to see allof you here. Yesterdaywe leamed about how Jesus made the
blind man see and that Jesus is the Savior God
promised to send. What was your choice?
CHOOSE TO BELIEVE. Say it with me... Do you all remember that storf
Todals choice is that you
can Follor Jesus' example by caring for others. So we can CHOOSE
TO ACT. What is your choice? (Chmse to Act,)
l'tave you ever been so sick that no one wanted to be around you? lt is very hard when you want
bts of hugs, but everyone is afraid to get your sickness.
ln bible times some men had a tenible skin disease that caused tenible sores allovertheir hdy.
The docto/s in those days couldn't help people
with this disease. lt was awful. The law said that
people with this disease couldn't even go
NEAR other people. They had to stay fur away from
healthy people.
One man who had this disease wanted to get well more than anything else in the world. He lived
with 9 other men who also had the disease. (There were 10 men aftogether.)
One day, the 10 sick men heard that Jesus was coming! They had heard about all the wonderful
things Jesus had done.
Jesus willhelp us!" theythought.
But how would they get
Jesus to come to them? They had this tenible disease ffrat kept them
awayfrom people.
When they saw Jesus walking down the road they shouted, "Jesus! Jesus! Please help us!"
What do you think Jesus did? lwill let you hear the rest of the story as you go around the sites
today. We will meet back and you can tellme what happened.
Before we dMde up, lefs practice the songs we learned yesterday. Today
will learn more.
And by F+iday,
you will harre a lot to sing for your parents
and friends.
Sing songs. Ood't forget, today's choice is CHOOSE TO ACT.
(Divide up and send to sites)
DAY 2- THE TEN SICK lvEN (closing)
Welcome Back! Did pu have tun? What is
choice? (CHOOSE TO ACT)
What did Jesus do when he heard the men yelling? l-b said he loved them and said, "You
well!" The men looked at their hands and legs and feet and noticed they were healed.
What did the men do? Ran down the road.
What did one of the men do? l'{e turned around and went backto Jesus. He knelt down in front of
Jesus and said,
Jesus, thank pu! Thank
for making me well!'
What did Jesus say? "lmade '10
men well, Where are the other 9 men?'The man looked arourd
in surprise. l-te was the only one who came to thank Jesus.
Jesus smiled kindly and said,
up now. You may go. Your faithl6 lr4e had made you well!"
The man was very happy.
Jesus loved all of the men and made them well. We must remember to ffilortr Jesus' example
and love ever)CIne. We CHOOSE TO ACT by loving everyone.
Here is*cftffG# today's bible verce' Lef us tove uith actions.ffi
Let's practice the songs we leamed today. (sing songs)
See you alltomonow!

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