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The Perfect Soil - Forget about compost

1.- What are the qualities of perfect soil?
+ Full of life
+ Antiseptic
+ Airy and soft
+ Good drainage
+ Full of nutrients
+ Very fresh smell
+ Good water retention
+ Free from unwanted seeds
.- !ayers of soil
+ "rganic #atter
+ $opsoil %umus
+ &lay' (ilt. (and' )oc* + ,edroc* +Acid or Al*aline
+(alty - (weet - .ungent
+#ineral &ontent
/.- )eal life e0ample1
+ $opsoil
+ &lay
+ (and
+ Forest topsoil
+ .erfect soil
2.- %ow can 3 ma*e perfect soil?
1 - &ollect grass' lea4es and organic material
- Find a way to shred into small si5ed particles 6remo4ing roc*s or hard to 7rea*
/ - 9estroy unwanted 7acteria and seeds
2 - 3noculate with 7eneficial 7acteria
: - #aintain warm temperature
; - Wait for se4eral months-year until the 7eneficial 7acteria ta*e o4er
< - A4oid rainwater so that nutrients are not lost
= - )epeat this process many times to continuously feed your plants
#ethod >1 - #an made machinery
+!awn mowers
+#echanical sifters
+&omposting tan*s or 7ins
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#ethod > - $raditional &ompost pile
+!a7or intensi4e
+!ong waiting times
+)ainwater protection
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#ethod >/ - ,uy Fertili5er
+Aot ali4e
+Aot scala7le
+$oo e0pensi4e
+Aot homemade
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:.- What is the 4edic way of ma*ing perfect soil?
$he &ow1 $he perfect soil generator
1.- &ollect and shreds huge amounts of organic matter
.- 3noculate with 7eneficial 7acteria
.- Automatically filters roc*s and 7igger particles
2.- Generates antiseptic seedless single units of perfect soil
;.- .rocedure
1.- &ollect the cow dung
.- 9ry it on a wall
/.- &rush when dry
<.- 3nnumera7le 7enefits
+?asy to maintain
+Gentle and peaceful
+Get perfect soil 4ery quic*ly
+)eproduce to increase output
+Wor* e4ery day of the year non-stop
+As an e0tra gift you get mil*' yogurt' 7utter' etc.

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