Art Lesson Plan

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Art Lesson Plan

Title: Symmetrical African Mask Unit: African Art

Grade level (s): 3-4 Medium: Paper Manipulatin
Su!!ested Time: "-"#$ %urs
Instructional Objectives (2-3):
Students &ill use: "' (lement and principles and use t%em t prduce art&rks
$' Makin! art&rk frm ima!e frm t%er surces
Elements of Art ("-3) line) clr) s%ape) frm) space) te*ture) value
Principles of Desin ("-3) repetitin) pattern) mvement) +alance) emp%asis) cntrast) unity
!aterials an" E#uipment:
Scissors, pencil, eraser, construction paper (8 1/2 x11) and a half of the construction
$ocabular% (&-'):
!"o dimensional,
Art Pro"uction (+ased n Madeline ,unter mdel)
"'anticipatry set $' state +-ectives 3' .nput: art %istry) instructins 4'demnstratin) mdelin!
/' c%eck fr understandin! 0' !uided practice 1' independent practice 2' clsure
"' Mask' Put t%e Mask n face' ,k t%e student in' (African) 3emnstrate prper use'
$' 4elcme tday yu &ill +e makin!55555' (Symmetrical African Masks) s%&
e*ample' 4rite n t%e &%ite+ard'
3' 4%at t%ese masks frm' S%& ima!es f t%e masks' (6utu+e) PPT) etc')
4' 4ander) lk ver s%ulders) and c%eck upn pr!ress' S%& e*amples'
/' Ask if t%ey understd' Ans&er 7uestins
0' 3em place smaller paper n t%e tp f +i!!er ne'
1' 3ra& n t%e smaller piece a %alf f a face' 8ut ut t%e pieces' Place t%e cut pieces
n ne side' 9rm t%e +i!!est piece yu flip t%em n t%e t%er side' Glue t%en t%en +y
tp t +ttm flip eac% piece and !lue t%em n t%e t%er side' (:rin! students arund
&%en s%&in! %& t cut and !lue) let students d t%eir t%in!
2' Grup criticism t%en !ive revie& f ne*t class pr-ect'
Art (istor% ) *esources (2-&):
$hy do "e "ear Hallo"een mars%
&s Mas art%
Aest+etic ,uestions (--2):
4%y d &e &ear ,all&een marks;
.s Mask art;
Grup <uestins'
.ndividual <uestin
Get students t +e interested in t%e pr-ect'
Art .riticism ) Anal%sis ,uestions (3-'):
9ind 9acial e*pressin =er+al 8ritic'
Gallery 4alk
Evaluation .riteria (s+oul" relate to objectives):
'u(ric, )ui**es, portfolio, performance tas, setch etc.
!o"ifications ) /pecial 0otes ) Dra1in

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