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at Saturday 10th January 2015: Growing soft fruit and tree fruit (JD)
atu Saturday 14th February: Pruning mature fruit trees (JD)
atu Saturday 14th March: Growing Vegetables soil preparation and plant basics
(JD, MP)
atu Saturday 11th April: Growing fromseeds, what, when and how? (JD, MP)
atu Saturday 9th May: Growing fromseeds, plant care (JD, MP)
atu Saturday day 13th June: Looking after your plants (JD, MP)
atu Saturday 11th July: Pest and disease, identification and control (JD, MP)
atu Saturday 8th August: Harvesting and preserving fruit and vegetables (MP
and others)
atu Saturday 12th September: Plant propagation/taking cuttings (JD)
atu Saturday 10th October: All about herbs (DW)
atu Saturday 14th November: Gardening with nature (GI)
at Saturday 12th December: Sustainable gardening practices (JD, MP)
Duration of the training 3 hours, from10 amto 1 pm
including refreshments
@ Marlpit Community Garden, NR5, Norwich.
Course fee:
15 for first session, 10 for subsequent sessions;
reduced rates for GO2members
&free for GO2 regular volunteers
Jon Darby (JD), Lecturer Easton College
George Ishmael (GI), Chartered Landscape Architect
Dan Wheals (DW), Medical Herbalist M.N.I.M.H.
Mahesh Pant( MP), Programme Manager, GO2, Norwich.
Sustainable Gardening:
a practical training course

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