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Lyrics for Stick, Stuck, Stuck

The microphone I take (took, taken)

You shake (shook, shaken).
Wake (woke, woken)
to the style Im creating.
Think (thought, thought).
Seek (sought, sought).
Listen to the lesson
That I teach (taught, taught).
Dont sleep (slept, slept).
I creep (crept, crept).
I sneak (snuck, snuck up).
You leap (leapt, leapt).
I keep (kept, kept)
!a"ing #un.
Im ne"er $eat ($eat, $eaten).
I win (won, won).
Do (%i%, %one).
&egin ($egan, $egun).
Shoot (shot, shot)'
(o, I %ont own a gun.
I lea% (le%, le%)
so I can #ee% (#e%, #e%)
the knowle%ge you nee%,
Straight to your hea%.
When I $ring ($rought, $rought) it,
you catch (caught, caught) it.
Sit $ack. )ela*.
Dont #ight (#ought, #ought) it.
+lease %ont #ree,e (#ro,e, #ro,en)
when I speak (spoke, spoken).
Its real. You can #eel.
I %ont steal (stole, stolen).
I choose (chose, chosen)
the "ery $est rhymes
an% write (wrote, written)
them into my lines
an% into your min%.
When we meet (met, met)
Ill $et ($et, $et)
I will let you #orget (#orgot, #orgotten).
I get, got, gotten
-"ery hea% no%%ing
Dont think a$out stopping.
.ust come (came, come).
This is hip hop.
I %ont sing (sang, sung),
I sting (stung, stung).
I cling (clung, clung)
/n each an% e"ery wor%
You hang (hung, hung).
Its not enough to %ream (%reamt, %reamt).
You"e got to spen% (spent, spent)
Time on your goals
+lease len% (lent, lent)
0e your ear
1ome near
2n% Ill
Lay (lai%, lai%)
%own this new soun% that I
0ake (ma%e, ma%e).
I hope you %ont say that you think its 3unk.
I hope you %ont think that I stink (stank, stunk).
I# youre thirsty #or -nglish,
1ome %rink (%rank, %runk)
41u, I sink (sank, sunk)
2ll competition when they hear (hear%, hear%)
That I gi"e (ga"e, gi"en) encouragement.
When I spit (spat, spat),
(e"er 5uit (5uit, 5uit).
Dont sit (sat, sat).
Yeah, I like it like that.
Ill e"en kneel (knelt, knelt),
2n% $eg you to e*press
What you #eel (#elt, #elt).
I rise (rose, risen)
When I %ri"e, (%ro"e, %ri"en).
To the $eat,
Tap your #eet.
2s you ri%e (ro%e, ri%%en),
41u, they hi%e (hi%, hi%%en).
I #in% (#oun%, #oun%)
I# you #lee (#le%, #le%),
Then Ill track you %own.
(ow you see (saw, seen)
That I mean (meant, meant)
-"ery wor% o# the message that I
Sen% (sent, sent).
I show (showe%, shown)
I can #ly (#lew, #lown).
(ow you know (knew, known).
I shine (shone, shone).
I throw (threw, thrown)
you the $all.
Its your turn
6row (grew, grown)
with the "er$s
That you learn
6rammar through lyrics
I %raw (%rew, %rawn)
+eace to -LLs
(ow I go (went, gone).
Note that sneak, snuck, snuck is non-standard English.
The most correct way is SNEAK, SNEAKED, SNEAKED.
Lyrics for Stick, Stuck, Stuck
Note that sneak, snuck, snuck is non-standard English.
The most correct way is SNEAK, SNEAKED, SNEAKED.

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