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The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian ~ Chapters 3 & 4 ~

e-read Chapter 3 !pa"es #$ to %4 & e'en"e is (y (iddle Name)*
Ans+er the follo+in" ,uestions on a separate pie-e of lined paper* .se
full senten-es/
#* 0hat do you learn about 1unior2s best friend o+dy3
%* Des-ribe o+dy2s family4home life*
3* Do you thin5 o+dy2s beha'iour is a6e-ted by this home life3 78plain*
4* 0ho drin5s al-ohol on the re93
$* 0hat happens to 1unior +hen he "oes to the po+-+o+3
:* ;o+ does o+dy "et his re'en"e3 0hy3 0hat does this demonstrate about
his friendship +ith 1unior3
<* In four senten-es= des-ribe a really "ood friend* Identify +hy you are friends*
ead Chapter 4 !pa"es %$ to 3# & >e-ause ?eometry is not a Country
@ome+here Aran-e)* Ans+er the follo+in" ,uestions on a separate
pie-e of lined paper* .se full senten-es/
#* 0hat happened to 1unior2s sister (ary after she
%* 0hat in-ident sets 1unior o6 durin" his "eometry
3* 0hat does 1unior do +ith the "eometry boo53
4* Choose one of 1unior2s dra+in"s !(ary or (r* P)= and
+hat sorts of -lues -an you pi-5 up about (r* P* or (ary2s -hara-ter based on
the pi-ture3
$* 0hy does 1unior li5e -ur'es so mu-h3 0hy does he lo'e an"les3
:* A--ordin" to 1unior= +here is the re9 lo-ated3 0hy does he say this3

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