The Frog Prince by Brian Ozil and Kemas Muhammad Fahri

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The Frog Prince

Brian Ozil
Kemas Muhammad Fahri
Character :
The King : the father of the
The Princess: the kings
youngest daugther
The Prince (The Frog) : a young
man that turned into a ugly frog.
person against person
the princess against the frog.
Person against self.
The princess against her self.
The Ending
the ending of the story is a
happy ending.
The story
the story is unpredictable.
The way the story tell
the story tell with flash back.

Plot Summary
- There was once a handsome young
prince who had the unlucky life that he
offend a wicked fairy. And the fairy turned
him into an ugly frog.
- One day, the princess threw the ball up so
high that when she stretched out her hand
to catch it the ball bounced on the stones
and fell with a splash into the water. But
the golden ball had stuck at the bottom of
the well.

- The frog appear and ask a priza for take the golden
bal for the princess. And the princess said she will
give him every thing.
- But the frog just ask, a promise that the princess will
love him, let him eat from the princess plate, drink
from the princess glass and sleep on the princess bed.
- But the princess just agree with the promise and
think the frog is silly because she think the frog cant
get out from the well.
- the next day, the frog come to the dinner and ask
for the promise answer. But the princess shocked and
dont trust the frog. The king heard about this and
give an advise to the princess that she must fulfil her
- After the dinner, the frog eat with the
princess, drink with the same glass, and
sleep on the princess bed.
-The next morning, the frog is missing and
found a handsome prince in her room.
- The prince is the frog who was enchanted
by a fairy, the price tell the princess that
she has broke the spell.
- After that the prince bring the princess to
his father kingdon and marry her and lived
happily ever after.
Setting/Theme/Moral Lesson
place setting :- the princess

Moral massage
from the story, we can learn that we
cant judge a person from what she or he
look like. And we can learn that a promise
that we make, must be fullfil and should
not break it.

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