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Fill in with a, an, some, any.

A Is there ___________ broccoli in the fridge?
B No, there isnt. We need ___________.
A So lets buy ___________ lettuce for the salad.
There is ____________ tomato in the fridge.
And there is ___________ apple and ____________ orange.
B Great idea! Lets make _______________ fruit salad.
A Yeah. Is there ____________ orange juice?
B No, and there isnt ___________ soda. But there is __________ banana.

Fill in with a, an, some, any.

1. I need _______________ oil for the salad.
2. I want _____________ fish and ____________ glass of wine for lunch.
3. There isnt _____ milk for the breakfast. But there is _______ cup of coffe.
4. Do we need ___________ pasta?
5. She wants _____________ cheese and ham for the sandwich.
6. Do you have _____________ tomato for the salad?
7. I want ____________ mango and __________ orange.
8. He always has ___________ bread and ___________ butter for the breakfast.
9. There isnt _____________ cereal in the supermarket.
10. My friend likes to eat _____________ apple in the morning.

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