SPE 37131 A Review of Horizontal Drilling and Completion Techniques For Recovery of Coalbed Methane

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SPE 37131

A Review of Horizontal Drilling and Completion Techniques for Recovery of

Coalbed Methane
Samuel O. Osisanya, The University of Oklahoma, SPE and Robert F. Schaffitzel, Texaco Exploration and
Production Inc., SPE
XW1- *- c #Polrdwm EngkOm,lnc.
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3s3s, W&A,* 01.214-9s2.9s3s.
In the last few years the oil and gas indusby has been turned
around with respect to gas production and availability. Clean
burning and abundant natural gas resources have caused high
demand, and because of the tax incentives, coalbed methane is
a popular gas source. Coalbed reservoirs are much different
from conventional natural gas reservoirs because drilling and
completion considerations are not the same due to the rock
properties. Horizontal wellbores are considered to be vesy
effective in reservoirs that are relatively thin, naturally
fi-actured, and anisotropic with regard to permeability.
Coalbed reservoirs have all of these features. The concern
today is how to get the gas out of the coalbeds in an economic
manner. Coalbed cleat systems are made up of natural
fractures, hence vertical wells drilled in the reservoir must be
fractured. Horizontal well drilling and completion is an
alternative technique to overcome low production as well as
reservoir heterogeneities in coalbed reservoirs. Some authors
have shown that a properly drilled and completed horizontal
well can increase production by about seventy-five percent
over that of a fractured vertical well.
This paper discusses coalbed properties essential to the
application of horizontal drilling and completion. Several
techniques used to drill and complete horizontal wells in
coalbed reservoirs are discussed and compared with each
other to distinguish their application.
The US Bureau of Mines has demonstrated that methane
drainage by horizontal and directional boreholes is a safe and
effective method of removing methane in advance of mining
and of controlling methane emissions during mining-2.
Horizontal holes were found to have the advantages of
relatively low drilling costs and the ability to intersect the
coalbed cleat or tlacturc system, thus increasing permeability
to gas flow. Hydraulically stimulated vertical holes on the
other hand had the disadvantages of requiring large numbers
of surface sites, higher costs, and production and maintenance
problems. The concept of directionally drilled degasification
holes was originally considered by the Bureau of Mines as a
means of combining the best elements of the surface vertical
borehole and underground horizontal drilling techniques.
In the past few years the oil and gas industry has been
turned around to be called the gas and oil industry. The clean
burning, easily accessible, and overly abundant natural gas
resource has created a high demand. For many years, coal
mines were degasified and most operators thought little of the
value of the gas. But recent demand and tax incentives have
made coalbed methane gas a popular item. It is believed there is
a large amount of gas stored in coalbeds throughout the United
States with current estimates of 400 trillion cubic feet of gas
being stored in coalbeds (Fig. 1, Table lY.
Todays concern is how to get the gas out of the coalbeds in
an economical manner. Recovesy of gas from coalbeds occurs
in the presence of the low porosity and very low permeability
inherent to these beds. The permeability is made up of natural
fractures which are am-anged in a cleat system. There are two
cleat systems: the face cleat and the butt cleat. The face cleat is
continuous throughout the reservoir and provides the largest
permeability. Vertical wells drilled in the reservoir must be
fractured to be in contact with the cleat system and maximize
Coalbeds are much different than conventional natural gas
reservoirs in that drilling and completion considerations are not
the same due to the unique coalbed propetiies. Drilling vestical
wells in coalbeds has become a very simple process in Alabarn%
Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Improvements in vertical
well applications to coalbeds in the past few years have been
centered on completion techniques. It has been shown that a
vertical unli-actured well in a coalbed is difllcult to justify
economicall~. However, with the help of hydraulic fracturing a
vertical well can become economically feasible, Fig. 24. The use
of a horizontal wellbore, however, allows control of the
direction, so that the borehole can intersect the face cleat at right
The objective of this paper is to review the various
horizontal drilling and completion techniques being used for
the recovery of coalbed methane. Firs! a discussion of coalbed
properties essential to drilling and completion of horizontal
wells in coalbeds is discussed. The various techniques used are
discussed and compared to one another. Finally, the advantages
and disadvantages of the various techniques are enumerated.
Characteristic Properties of Coalbeds Essential to
Horizontal Drilling and Completion
The properties of a coalbed essential to evaluate its drilling
and completion are dual-porosity, permeability, gas
adsorption, stratigraphy, bottom-hole pressure, and water
Dual-porosity: One of the most important properties of the
coalbeds is dual-porosity which is described by the macropore
and micropore structures. With this type of porosity, the gas is
held in the reservoir in three possible ways: (I) as adsorbed
methane molecules on the surface of micropores, (2) as free gas
within the fracture of the pores, and (3) as dissolved gas in the
formation wate?. The fmt of the three, the adsorbed methane, is
the primary source of the gas volume. The free gas that is
contained in the natural fractures is a very small portion of the
volume, and the ilactures themselves are known as the cleat
system. The cleat system is the network of primary flow
channels that provides the permeability of the coalbeds. This
system consists of a butt cleat and a face cleat where the butt
and face cleat systems are orthogonal to each other.
Permeability: Formation permeability is the critical parameter
that controls production. The primary concern of the
completion engineer is to devise a completion method that
will etllciently connect the coal cleat system to the wellbore.
Many coalbed reservoirs simply do not have enough
permeability to produce gas at economic flow rates. In order
to obtain the best estimate of formation permeability in a
specific coalbed reservoir, well tests, core analysis, and
production data must be conducted, gathered, and analyzed. If
the permeability is not above a certain critical value, then the
coalbed may not be an economical reservoir. Thus, in many
cases, hydraulic fracturing treatments serve to create a
pathway that will comect the coal cleat system to the
If the permeability in a particular coalbed is too high, the
coalbed cannot be properly de-watered, In cekin high
permeability coalbeds that are connected to strong aquifers, it
may be impractical to produce water at the high rates
necessary to effectively drawdown the reservoir so that
desorption can occur. Since the gas flow rate in coalbeds
increases in a non-linear manner as pressure decreases and in
order to obtain high gas flow rates (maximum gas desorption),
the bottom hole pressure must be minimized. In general, the
explorationist should look for coalbeds with permeabilities
between lmd and 100 md$. In that permeability range, the
pressure can be reduced enough to begin gas desorption and
still have the high permeability necessary to flow gas at
commercial flow rates.
In coalbeds, permeability is a function of the effective
stress6. The effective stress is the total stress minus the seam
fluid pressure. Reducing the fluid pressure tends to C1OSCthe
coalbed cleats thus reducing permeability. The permeability
of coalbeds may be directionally-controlled by predominant
cleat sets. The cleat spacing varies over a wide mnge, horn a
few millimeters to tens of meters. Therefore, the coalbed is a
fractured system with anisotropic low permeability.
Permeability variations brought about by variations in fluid
pressures will be anisotropic, depending on the nature,
frequency, and direction of the cleats6. Such opening and
closing of the cleats is also likely to change the phase
permeabilities and capillary pressures within the coal.
Gas Adsorption: Another important parameter of a coalbed is
the amount of gas that is adsorbed to the surface of the coal.
The volume of adsorbed gas must be determined by cutting a
core and running gas content experiments with the core. This
information is critical for completion optimimtion of a
horizontal well in a coalbed, especially in new exploration
areas. With the dual-porosity, there must be a primary and
secondary porosity. The primary porosity is considered to be
the micropore system. It is assumed that the micropore system
openings are not accessible by water and this system contributes
the largest portion of storage for the gas. The gas in the
micropore system is stored as free gas and adsorbed gas. It has
been shown that coalbed can store as much as 2000 SCF of
methane per ton of coal by means of adscnptiorf. It is also
assumed that virgin coalbeds are filly saturated with water and
the volume of free gas in the micropore system is negligible
compared to the amount of gas adsorbed.
Stratigraphy of Coalbeds: The coalbed should be
continuous over the drilling area and be free of faults and rolls
so that horizontal holes may be more easily kept in the
coalbed. It is also desirable for the horizontal holes to be
drilled perpendicular to the face cleat to maximize gas
production. Horizontal drilling in a specific coal bed is based
on analysis of mined-out areas of the coalbed where the size,
shape, orientation, and distribution of discontinuities are
known. A more complete geologic evaluation of drill sites, to
include the drilling of a core hole at the proposed initial
coalbed intercept is essential to coalbed drilling. The core hole
would confum the thickness and exact elevation of the coal
for accumte drill path projections. In most coalbed reservoirs,
hydraulic fracturing must be used to stimulate production.
However, in certain basins, several thin coalbeds that spread
over several hundred feet may be encountered. For such
coalbeds, it may be diflicult to create long, propped fractures.
Also, under certain well conditions there may be problems
with diversion of the fracture treatments.
Bottom-hole pressure and water production: As the coalbed
reservoir is penetrated and completed, it is possible to produce
water and reduce the reservoir pressure. This pressure reduction
allows the adsorbed gas to desorb from the micropore system
and diffhse to the macropore system. With the increase in
desorption, the five gas within the fracture network increases.
Once the gas has diffused through the coal matrix, it may then
migrate through the cleat system to the wellbore. Dewatering of
a coalbed is essential for efficient and effective degasification.
Vertical dewatering is presently considered the best method to
accomplish this task in a directionally drilled degasification
Horizontal Drilling Options And Strstegy
Horizontal wellbores were considered to be very effective in
reservoirs which were: (I) relatively thin; (2) naturaily
fractured; and (3) known to have anisotropic permeability.
Knowiedge of just these properties can iead to the use of
horizontal wellbores in coalbeds. Coalbeds were ve~ seldom
found that are greater than 100 ft in thickness and are cioser to
the 30 fl average. Natural ffactures are the basis of the coai
matrix and offer an ideal opportunity for a horizontal borehole.
Another consideration was the anisotropic permeability of the
thin coaibeds.
Coalbeds appear to be the perfect formation for a horizontal
wellbore, but there are other considerations to look at prior to
making a decision. Several core samples should be tested to
determine the minimum and maximum stress directions and
determine how weak and fkiable the coal is. This information is
needed to determine if the coal will be stable enough in the
lateral section. The core samples should also be tested to
determine the criticai range of driliing fluid weight required to
maintain horizontal weilbore stability. After the horizontal
weilbore has been drilied, it is common to use a siotted liner in
the wellbore to maintain stability for testing or production.
Current horizontal drilling techniques are used to drili
horizontal wellbores in coaibeds. The most commonly
employed technique is the medium radius using the speciaily
designed mud motors. With the medium radius technique, the
original objective of drilling perpendicular to the face cleat, or
the greatest permeability, can be controlled and monitored whiie
driihng with MWD techniques. One consideration in drilling
the coalbeds is that the curve section must be built prior to the
entry of the coalbed due to the low rock strength in the coal.
Rotary Drilling Technique: Verticai bit trajectory is
maintained by varying combinations of bit rotation, thrust, and
placement of centralizers on the driil string. Strategic
placement of centralizers on the drill string results in a force
being applied vertically on the drill big which determines the
direction the driil bit wiii cut. The most effective drili string
configuration is generaily determined by triai and error
causing a loss in chili time. The primary objective during
rotary drilling is to maintain bit trajectory within the coalbed
by keeping bit inclination to within 1 of coalbed dip. Short-
collared drilling assemblies have been used successflily to
drill the Beckley coalbed compared to the iong-colhsred
assemblies. The configurations of the short-collared
assemblies, ailow gravity to act and make these assemblies
drili either upward or downward. This predictable behavior
makes them usefhi in the controi drilling technique, where
certain short-coihred assemblies are used to make large
changes in the vertical trajectory of the hole. Figure 3 shows
various rotary driil string configurations.
IrI general, it has been obsemed that a fiiabie coalbed is
very soft and that the overbreak of the hole can cause the
trajectory to iower unpredictably. The strategy which was
adapted for a relatively thin undulating coalbed was to let the
assemblies drill to the roof or floor rock and make them
deflect or bounce along the rock contact in coal. Vertical
surveys, which are made with the downhoie surveying
instrument are used in control drilling to monitor hole
inclination so that bit trajectory can be maintained parallel to
the bedding plane. This impiies that direction and dip of the
coalbed bedding plane must be known. Holes driiied in
coalbed or against the floor rock tend to arc to the right
because of right-hand bit rotation. Generally, the left-hand
trajectories are smaller than right-hand ones. Holes that arc to
the left apparently only occur because of deflection of the bit
off coalbed inclusions or the roof rock. Hence, because of bit
rotation, left-hand trajectories are much less frequent, and
usually iess in magnitude than right-hand trajectories.
Long coalbed methane drainage hoies have been drilled
with substituted short-collared assemblies for the iong-
collared assembly normally used to rotary driil horizontal
hoies. These assemblies drilled wideiy arcing hoies aiong the
roof or floor rock, depending on their configuration, but never
left the coaibed. Simple adjustments to the drilling parameters
made deflections of the bit that foliowed the contact easier.
Drilling along the contacts was abetted by the presence of
shaley roof and floor rock, the fliabie nature of the coalbed,
and by using a dulled drag bit. This strategy might have
application to other sofi coalbeds with similar geology.
Downhoie Motor Drilling Teehnique: Downhole motor
driliing of horizontal boreholes for methane drainage in coal
offered many advantages compared with rotary driiling.
Inherently, driliing productivity was observed to be greater
with downhoie motor drilling because it was not necessary to
pull the drill string out of the borehoie to change borehole
direction or to sidetrack. Figure 4 shows the major
components of a typical downhole motor. The downhole
assembly is used to maintain horizontal borehoie trajectory.
Drilling Program
Most horizontal drilling techniques for coaIbed methane were
developed from the mining industry based on modified
directional drilling techniques developed for crude petroleum.
The general technique used in drilling a horizontal well
through a coalbed is to first drill a vertical pilot hole to certain
depth above the coalbed. This depth depends on whether the
drilling technique is short-radius or medium-radius, The
vertical hole is then reamed to the actual hole size. Casing is
then set and cemented before drilling the horizontal hole. A
typical hole size/casing configuration for the pilot hole is 3 in
pilot hole reamed to 8-3/4 in hole in which a 5-3/4 in casing is
set. Usually the casing is set through the curved section. The
horizontal hole is then drilled using a 2-3/8 in diameter dyna-
drill downhole motor and a 3-inch diameter diamond drill bit.
The size of the horizontal wellbore is based on the casing
program rather the reverse. A carefid hole size and casing
configuration eliminates problems such as insufficient tubing
size which prevents effective dewatering the coalbed reservoir
and limits the ultimate recovery of methane. Also, insufficient
casing size limits the injection rate needed for effective fracture
treatment, and causes ineffective drilled cutting removal.
Control of the pilot hole is accomplished by the use of
3/4 and 1/2 bent housing (with or without standoff rings) on
the dyna-drill motor. Azimuth is controlled by rotation of the
tool face. The smaller diameter horizontal holes cidled in coal
tlom within mines, have consistently been found to stay open
for a long time, except when drilled in stressed zones near
mine openings. In some cases these horizontal holes were
ddled to follow the regional dip of the coalbed to prevent
caving. Drilling parameters which include pump pressure,
mud volume pumped, penetration rates, and pulldown
pressure are recorded using a geolograph.
Mud and Hydraulic Programs: Water-based mud systems
are generally used. On one occasion, two types of low-solids
polymer mud systems (Dexrid and XC-polymer) were used.
One to prevent fluid loss and the other to provide gel strength
and aid in removal of drill cuttings9. In order to slow down
fluid loss, such additives as cottonseed hulls, cellophane
flakes, and ground walnut shells are added to the mud
systems. Attempts have been made also to treat the lost-
circulation problem with cement and later with gunk
squeezes. The gunk squeezes were observed to be diflicult to
drill through by the dyna-drill motor. It was found that irr
horizontal drilling, some type of drilling fluid additives were
required for removal of cuttings and higher flow rates than can
reasonably be run through the dyna-drill were required for
cleaning the hole. It was recommended that a bypass valve
capable of delivering 25 to 30 gallons per minute to the dyna-
drill at differential pressures of 500 to 700 psi and bypassing
an additional 60 gallons per minute be used to improve
cuttings removal. Air/mist drilhtg fluids have been used in
some areas. These fluids provided required circulation
velocity and also prevented hole erosion and enlargement.
Bits: In general diamond bits were used for all of the ddling
operations irr coalbeds. In particular the 3-in diameter
diamond deep cone bit was found to be very effective for
horizontal drilling and allowed rapid sidetracking. The
diamond bits were more efficient because of their long life
and lower overall cost, due to their high salvage value. Testing
of tricone bits or hole openers for reaming work was also
found to be worthwhile since the diamond reaming bits were
observed to be inefficient and expensive. A drag bit was
recommended for drilling coalbed because of its penetration
rate and its usefulness for contact drilling. In contact drilling,
a worn stepped drag bh was recommended because it has lost
some of its ability to penetrate floor or roof rock and is still
able to drill coal. The same success could be achieved by
dulling a drag bit in the shop before putting it into service.
Specially designed tri-con~ bits used in the oil and gas
industry were also found to be applicable for rotary drilhng of
horizontal wellbore. However, they are more susceptible to
corrosion if drilling with aidmist drilling fluid.
Borehole Trajectory and SuNey Techniques: In general,
the boreholes exhibited arcing in the right-hand or clockwise
direction, as have the majority of previously rotary drilled
boreholes. A single-shot survey instrument was generally used
to determine borehole inclination during rotary drilling. The
magnetic single-shot survey instrument was also used to
determine inclination, bearing, and tool face direction during
drilling with the in-hole motor.
Problems: Most of the drilling problems encountered were
usually mechanical in nature and involved directional control.
Mechanical problems included rig, dyna-drill, and mud pump
breakdowns. In some cases, problems in maintaining the
proper well path required setting plug backs and redrills prior
to the fwt intercept of the coalbed. Other specific problems
were caving of the holes drilled in shale and depth correlation
between the horizontal well bores and the vertical holes. In
the former case, if the shale formation was near the bottom of
the casing, recentering of the holes was likely to be difficult.
Correlation was diflicult because the accumcy of most well
surveying equipment is at best * 2 to 3 t? vertically at the
measured depth and many coalbeds are irr the range of 3 to 10
tt in thickness. In addition, experience with survey data fi-om
several directional holes indicated that the vertical depths
shown by the survey were usually deeper than the actual
vertical depth of the holes. This made correlation with the
vertical hole dlfflcult. Indication of coal tops obtained horn
dyna-drill drilling rate changes and horn cuttings was also
likely to be misleading, especially when drilling nearly
horizontally across a formation. This problem was solved by
drilling the well into it or even completely through it. The
new geosteering tool can now be used to eliminate this
probleml 1.
Completion Options And Strategy
The methods for completing horizontal coalbed wells have
evolved fkom completion experience with vertical coalbed wells
and conventional oil and gas wells. However, these methods
must be modified to accommodate the unique properties of
coalbed reservoirs. In order to successfidly complete a
horizontal wellbore in a coalbed reservoir there are a few
properties of coal that must be understood. Some of the major
properties are: (1) the coal cleat system must be effectively
connected to the wellbore, (2) the coalbed must be dewatered
before gas production can occur, and (3) the well should be
produced at minimum bottomhole pressure to maximize gas
desorption12. The strategy concerning which completion
method to choose for a particular well depends upon the
stratigraphy of the coal reservoirs, the depth to the coal, the
permeability in the coal, in-situ stresses, the amount of coal
frees that are expected to be produced, and the problems
associated with lifting and disposing of water that is produced
tlom the coalbeds. The three completion techniques that have
been commonly used for coalbed reservoirs are open-hole
completion method, a stable cavity completion method, and a
perforated casing completion methods, Fig. 5-.
Open-hole Completion Method: Initially vertical coalbed
wells were completed openhole during which the casings were
set and cemented above the coal formation to prevent damage to
the formation. This method allowed wellbore contact with the
cleat system of the formation. This method also was determined
to be troublesome due to the extensive cleaning required as a
consequence of coal sloughing. The open hole can further be
divided into true open-hole, slotted or pre-perforated
hner/casing or segmented uncemented liner/casing completion.
Generally, an uncemented completion was used when a
completion with little or no stimulation was anticipated.
True open-hole completions were generally used in
medium to high permeability competent coalbeds with little
water. No effective production control can be obtained with
open holes or slotted liner completions. The advantages of true
open hole completions were low cost, no production loss, and
providing superior injection with the least flow resistance, with
no effective control of flow into the appropriate zones. Pseudo
open-hole perforated or slotted liner completions can be used to
protect the borehole from collapse. The slotted liner provided a
convenient method of maintaining a flow through the zone as
well as the ability to keep the hole open. Limited frees control
was achieved by choosing appropriate dimensions of slots and
drilled holes. However, the liners were susceptible to plugging.
Stable Cavity: In this method, a cavity was created by jetting
the well with gas over a long period of time until coal frees
were no longer being circulated from the well. This method
was generally recommended for a thick coalbed with
permeability greater than 50 md. That is, if high permeability,
geopressured, thick coalbeds were encountered, one may
select the stable cavity completion as the optimum method for
a particular well. That choice will be highly dependent on
factors involved with jetting out the well and disposing the
fluids. To complete a well properly, data must be obtained and
the completion must be properly designed.
The San Juan Basin has had the best results with the cavity
completion techniqut?3-lb. Here, casing was set above the main
coal target, then the coalbeds were jetted from the well until a
stable cavity was created. Normally, a slotted liner was run in
the well. The cavity completion technique creates a cavity with
a radius of up to five feet in some wells. San Juan wells with the
cavity completions have produced, on average, ten times more
gas than the hydraulic fractured wells~
Other operators have tried this technique outside San Juan
coalbeds and have found that they were not as successful. With
the open cavity, there was the long-term concern of stability.
There was also a problem with the production of coal frees
which carmot drop to the rathole (or sump) below the lowest
target zone. The cavity appeared to be more successfid in the
San Juan because of its localized coalbed properties. The
reservoir was over-pressured and the permeability was high.
These were likely to be the properties responsible for the
success. The reason that cavity completions appeared to be
more successful seems to be that the cavity enhanced the
permeability around the wellbore by (1) a tensile fhcture
induced during air/water irjection phases, and (2) shear failure
zones induced during blow-down phases of the cavitation
process, Fig. 6.
Perforated Casing: Due to the sloughing problem during
open-hole and stable cavity completions, operators began using
perforated cemented casing. This was the premium completion
approach. Implicit in the decision to case and cement was a
commitment to perforate and stimulate the well. This was a very
expensive completion, Early wells had problems due to low
strength casing and improper fluid and cements which created
large amounts of formation damage. Hydraulic fracturing was
required in both of the above scenarios. The openhole
completion technique did not prove acceptable for hydraulic
ti-acturing techniques. The perforated casings were too weak at
fmt to complete a successful fracture job. Operators soon
created casing strong enough to withstand the pressures
associated with the hydraulic fractures. Today, hydraulic
fracture jobs are done in the cased holes with great success.
Problems such as the creation of a complex fracture network
near the bore-hole, the creation of coal frees that may block
portions of the fracture, high poroelastic effects, and slip at the
fi-acture tip, can cause the magnitude of the tiacture
propagation pressure to increase substantially. Table 2 shows
a summary of drilling and completion techniques used in
some coalbed basins. Table 3 shows some advantages and
disadvantages of the various completion techniques.
Hydraulic Fracturing in Coalbeds
In the SanJuan coalbeds, the cavity technique has been proven
to be the most prolific technique used, while in most other areas
hydraulic fracturing still remains the best. Hydraulic bxturing
for coalbeds has been under study for a great amount of time
and much improvement has been made. Hydraulic fracturing
requires that the horizontal well be cased and cemented for best
results. The concept behind the fiacturirtg is to create a flow
path perpendicular to the greatest permeability, the face cleat.
With this objective in mind, studies are done on the coalbed to
determine the maximum and minimum stresses and other rock
properties. With the determination of the direction of the face
cleat, the casing can be perforated so that the fractures will be
propagated perpendicular to the face cleat. This approach is the
best possible scenario for horizontal coalbed wells with low and
anisotropic permeabilities. The horizontal wellbore then will
penetrate the reservoir perpendicuhrto the face cleat and can be
propagated further, Fig. 7. A horizontal well drilled normal to
the maximum horizontal stresses will benefit from the
maximum horizontal permeability. It has been shown through
simulation that a properly drilled and completed horizontal well
may increase production by 75 0/0 over that of a fkactured
vertical well, Fig,8S.
Based upon the review of the literature, the following
conclusions are presented.
Horizontal well drilling and completion is an alternative
technique to overcome low production as well as
reservoir heterogeneities in coalbed reservoirs. Horizontal
wellbores are very effective in coalbed reservoirs which are
relatively thin, naturally ti-actured, and exhibit anisotropic
Most horizontal drilling techniques for coalbed methane
were developed from the mining industry based on
modified directional drilling techniques developed for
crude petroleum. The general technique used in drilling
horizontal well through a coalbed is to fnt cldl a vertical
pilot hole to certain depth above the coalbed. This depth
depends on the ddlirtg technique whether short-radius or
medium-radius. Core samples are taken and tested in the
pilot hole to determine the critical range of drilling fluid
weight required to maintain horizontal wellbore stability.
The most commonly used technique is the medium radius
using the specially designed mud motors. With the
medium radius technique, the original objective of drilling
perpendicularto the face cleat, or the greatest permeability,
can be controlled and monitored while drilling with MWD
Downhole motor drilling of horizontal boreholes for
methane drainage in coalbeds offers mmy advantages
compared with rotary drMng. Inherently, drilling
productivity is observed to be greater with downhole
motor drilling because it is not necessary to pull the drill
string out of the borehole to change borehole direction or
to sidetrack.
The size of the horizontal wellbore must be based on casing
program rather the reverse. A caretlrl hole size and casing
configuration eliminates problems such as insufficient
tubing and casing size, and ineffective drilled cutting
6. The methods for completing horizontal coalbed wells have
evolved from completion experience with vertical coalbed
wells and conventional oil and gas wells. However, these
methods must be modified to accommodate the unique
properties of coalbed reservoirs.
7. The three completion techniques that have been
commonly used for coalbed reservoirs are open-hole
completion method, a stable cavity completion method,
and a perforated casirtg completion method.
8. The properties of a coalbed essential to its completion are
dual-porosity, permeability, gas adsorption, stratigraphy,
bottom-hole pressure, and water production. Core samples
should be taken and tested to determine the minimum and
maximum stress directions and determine how weak and
friable the coal is. This information is needed to determine
if the coal will be stable enough in the lateral section.
The authors gratefully acknowledged the editing and
suggestions of Elise StriL the typing skills of Hyun Cho and
Kayode Aremu. Financial support from School of Petroleum
and Geological Engineering, The University of Oklahoma and
NSF through the NSF Faculty Career Award Grant made
possible the research and preparation time for this work.
Deul, M. and Cervik, J.: Methane Drainage in the Pittsburgh
Coalbed; Paper presented at the I ~ International Conference of
Mining Safety Research, Vama, Bulgaria,Oct. 3-7, 1977; pp 9-15.
Presser, L. J., Finfinger, G.L. and Cervik, J.: Methane Drainage
Study Using Underground Pipeline, Mariarma Mine 58V US
Bureau of Mines RI# 8577,1981.
The United States Coalbed Methane Resourcej an article in&
@mrterlv Review of Methane From Coalbeds Technology
Volume 7, #3, March 1990, published by the Gas Resewch
Institute, Chicago, Illinois.
Deimbacher,F.X., Economides,M.J., Heinernann, Z. E., and
Brown, J. E.: Comparison of Methane Production From Coalbeds
Using Vertical or Horizontal Fractured Wells,SPE21280, 1990.
Ertekin, T., Sung W., and Schwerer, F.C.: Production
Performance Analysis of Horizontal Drainage Wells for the
Degasification of Coatbeds, SPE 15453,1986.
Gray, I. Reservoir Engineering in Coalbeds: Part 1 - The
Physical Process of Gas Storage and Movement in Coalbeds,
SPERE (Fe. 1987), 28-34.
Kravits, S. J., Sainato, A., and Finfinger, G. L.: Comparison of
Rotaty and In-hole Motor techniques for Drilling Horizontal
Boreholes in Coal, US Bureau of Mines, RI# 8933, 1985.
Oyler, D.C. and Diamond, W. P.: Drilling a Horizontal Coalbed
Methane Drainage System From a Directional Surface
Borehole, US Bureau of Mines RM 8640, 1982.
Oyler, D. C., Diamond, W. P., and Jeran, P.W.: Directional
Drilling For Coalbed Degasification, US Bureau of Mines RI #
8380, 1978.
Goodman, T. W.: Rotary Drilling Techniques Used in Beckley
Coalbed: US Bureau of Mines, RM 9238, 1989.
Maurer, W.C.: Recent Advances in Horizontal Drilling, JCPT,
NOV. 1995, pp. 25-33.
12. Holditch, S.A.: Completion Methods in Coalbed Reservoirs,
SPE 20670, paper presented at the 65* Annual Technicrd
Conference and Exhibition of the Society of Petroleum
Engineers held in New Orleans, LA, September 23-26, 1990.
13. Logan, T. L., Clark, W. F., and McBane, R.A: Comparing
Openhole Cavity and cased Hole Hydraulic Fracture Completion
Technique, San Juan Basin, New Mexico; SPE 19010, paper
presented at the Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting in Denver,
CO, March 6-8, 1989.
14. Logan, T. L.: Horizontal Drainhole Drilling Techniques Used for
Coalbed Resource Exploitation,SPE 18254,1988.
15. Logan, T.L., Schwoebel, J.J., and Homer, D. M.: Application of
Horizontal Drainhole Drilling Technology for Coalbed Methane
Recovery, SPE/DOE 16409, 1987
16. Palmer, I. D., Mavor, M.J., Seidle, J.P., Spitler, J. L., and VOIZ
R. F.: Openhole Cavity Completions in Coalbed Methane Wells
in the San Juan Basin, SPE 24906, 1992.
17. Schraufiagel,R.A, SpafTord, S. D. and Saulsberry, J. L.: Multiple
Seam Completion and Production Experience at Rock Creekfl
Table 1- United States Coalbed Methane Resources (ref. 3)
Arkoma Basin OklahomL Arkansas 2t04
Black Warrior Basin Alabama. Mississimi 20
Cahaba Coal Field Alabama 2
Central Appalachian Basin Tennessee, Kentucky, West Virgini& Virginia 5
Coosa Coal Field Alabama 1
Greater Green River Coal Wyoming, Colorado 1 to 30
Illinois Basin Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky 5t021
Northern Appalachian Basin Pennsylvani~ Maryland, West Virgini% Ohio, 61
Pemsylvania Anthacite Fields Pemsylvania NQ
Piceance Basin Colorado 84
Powder River Basin Montan~ Wyoming 30
Raton Basin Colorado, New Mexico 8to 18
Richmond and Deep River Virgini% North Carolina 2t03
San Juan Basin Colorado, New Mexico
Fruitland formation 50
Menefee Formation 22 to 34
Valley Coa
Uinta Basin Utah, Colorado lto5
I Fields Virginia NQ
n Coal Washington 1 to 24 Western Washingto]
Wind River Basin I Wvomirw lto2
TOTAL 296 to 394
NO - Not quantified I I
SPE 37131
San Juan Basin
Black Warrior
Table 2- Summary of Drilling and Completion Techniques
Drilling Techniques
and Data
Mud drilling
Air drilling;
cement casing with
light weight slurry
Air/ Mud drilling
Techniques and Data
Perforated casing
stable cavity
Perforated liner
completion, lower
portion of the
coalbed (0.6 to 0.8
psihl )
Same as for Warrior
Thick, high
permeability, high
messure coalbeds.
To prevent
sloughing of the
hole and caving.
Same as for
Warrior Basin
High fracture
Difllculty in
pumping fracture
Same as for
Warrior Basin
Table 3- Advantages and disadvantages of various completion techniques
Type of Completion
Advantage Disadvantage
Open-hole completion I Reduce formation I Frequent clean out due to wall sloughing.
I damage. I Require tlacturing due to low permeability, but
I this is diff]cult
Perforated Casing I Prevents sloughing hole and I Difllculty in pumping ffacture treatment
casing. through perforations.
Requires high fracture treatment pressure
unique to coalbeds (use strong casing; use fluid
that will cause minimum damage)
I Expensive.
Stable Cavity I Usefil in high permeability, I Not understood
I hi~ messure and thick coalbed I Mav be costlv
24 lCF w4yT:rWf POWDER alvc n
---7 I T Y!++
sow OAtlQ,.
I \ [1{
Fig.1 - Principal United States coalbed basins and latest accepted estimates on in-place
coalbed resources (Ref. 3)
--- .. .--- ....
Froctured Vertical Well !
Un(roclured Vert!cal Well ~
-. ....-
2- .
. ..
o :00 500 Iwo
t (days)
Fig. 2- Increased flow rates of fractured vertical well over unfractured well
SPE 37131
.. .....
NoI !O stol e
.70 cosiw 2~6-inOD
10-in cen!rolizcr, 3 IG-in OD
8il, 3 /2-inOD,
Fig. 3- Various rotary drill string configurations (ref, 7)
~Orienting sub
Lower bearintjhousing
Fig. 4 - Major components of a typical downhole motor (ref. 7)
..-. .
-.. .
Fig. 5- Illustration of three different completion methods used in coalbed reservoirs (ref. 13)
GM -1 501
\ 128
rc = 5
Fig. 6- Artists conception of permeability enhancement around cavity well: (1) tensile
fracture, (2) shear failure zones.
SPE 37131
I 1
bu~ cleat
butt cleat
Fig. 7- Principal permeability directions and positioning of horizontal boreholes in a typical
coalbed (plan view)
0 ~
0 100 500 woo
t (days)
Fig. 8- Increased flow rates of a horizontal well over a fractured well (ref. 5)

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