A Dog Named Duke

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Rivivo 2014

A Dog Named Duke

1. It was like lighting a fuse. Duke shimmered himself U-shaped in anticipation. Explain
The line refers to the effect that Chuck had on duke, when he hooked the leash to Dukes collar.
Duke jumped in anticipation that his master would take him for a walk. The dog was excited as
Chuck was not responding for weeks for his nudging and poking.
2. Do you think that the story of Duke and Chuck is an inspiration for those who give up without
The story of Duke and Chuck is true inspiration for those who give up without trying. Chuck's entire
left side had paralyzed due to a subdural haemorrhage. Most people would have given up life after
such an incident and would have died eventually. Chuck Hooper was almost going to do the same if
Duke wasnt there. With Duke's help he slowly got himself back in shape to work, and thus got a
second chance at his life. If he had given up he would have died in some time but since he tried he
succeeded. Therefore the story conveys that, When all is lost, future still remains we should not
give up without trying as there is always a chance for success.
3. What special qualities did Duke exhibit to become an extraordinary dog?
4. Duke was an extraordinary ordinary dog. What special qualities did he exhibit to justify this?
Duke was a rough playing Doberman Pincher, with incalculable enthusiasm. He is was full of life and
loved to have boisterous fun. When he realized that his master was in a grave problem, he took up
on himself the responsibility to bring him back to normality. His extraordinary intelligence, sincerity
and support helped Chuck a return to his life.
5. Why was 4 January an eventful day for Chuck Hooper?
January was an eventful day for Chuck Hooper because that day he walked 200 meters without
Dukes support from the clinic to his office after recovering from a paralyzed state.
6. What kind of a man was Charles Hooper before the tragic accident?
7. In 1953, Hooper was a favoured young man. Explain.
Charles Hooper had everything in life; he was a favoured young man with a smiling face. He was the
Zonal Manager of a chemical company. He was ambitious and cheerful. He lived with his wife Marcy
and his pet dog Duke.
8. Write a character sketch of Hooper.
9. Give a character sketch of Chuck Charles Hooper in your own words citing examples from the
lesson A Dog Named Duke.
10. Give a brief character sketch of Charles Hooper.
Hooper was a well-civilized favoured young man with a smiling face. He was cheerful and ambitious.
He loved dogs. When an accident leaved him paralyzed, he felt depressed and lost. With his dog
Dukes help, he was able to recover back to his normality with his strong determination, courage,

Rivivo 2014
faith, and hard work. After his recovery he went on to become Assistant National Sales Manager. He
gave the credit of his success to Duke who is an integral part of his life.
11. How did Chuck and Marcy differ in their views regarding dogs?
Chuck loved dogs while Marcy did not have much liking for them. Hooper brought Duke, a
Doberman Pincher much against the wishes of Marcy, who preferred Pomeranian. Marcy took long
time to adjust with and get along with Duke.
12. How did Marcy react after Duke met with fatal accident?
13. How did Marcy react when Duke was run over by a car?
Marcy was not really a dog lover, but seeing Dukes effort to help her husband come back to
normality she developed a soft-corner for Duke. She was worried and distressed when she saw
dukes pathetic condition after the accident. She asked the people around her to call the vet. She
refused others help, and picked him up and drove him to the animal hospital.
14. Why do you think Charles Hoopers appointment as Assistant National Sales Manager is
considered as a tribute to Duke?
15. Discuss the significance of the promotion given by the company headquarters to honour Duke?
Charles Hoopers appointment as Assistant National Sales Manager is considered a tribute to Duke
because of the support he got from Duke to fight the grave problem. Duke had assumed
responsibility for leading him back to his office desk. He had bought back a hope in Hooper and had
taught him to cope with the challenges successfully.
16. Duke lay down with a reproachful eye on Hooper. What is Duke trying to convey to Hooper?
Duke looked at Hooper critically as if he was trying to convey his unhappiness at Hoopers weakness,
his inability to fight his condition.
17. What led Marcy to limit the course of physiotherapy?
Duke was working very hard with Hooper in-order to make him fight his condition. He took him for
walks, and waited very patiently for each of Hoopers step. Marcy seeing this immediately realized
that physiotherapy wouldnt be as helpful as compared to Dukes efforts. So she limited the course
of physiotherapy.
18. Why did Chuck feel more lonely at home?
When Chuck was being treated for paralysis in the hospital, there were other injured people too,
and so he was not lonely there. But at home, each morning when his wife, Marcy, went out to work,
he was left all alone with his thoughts.
19. How did the dog help Chuck come out of his critical condition?
20. Who do you think was responsible for Chucks progress in getting back on his feet?
Chuck had met with an accident and was paralysed. He was bedridden, and when he had lost all
hopes of his recovery, it was his dog, Duke, who had played a very significant role in getting him
back to his feet. Duke even though he was dog, understanding that his master was in grave problem,
assumed the responsibility to bring him back to normality and helped Chuck to get over his
paralysation. He took the initiative and forced his master to walk, set goals for him every day and
waited patiently when chuck struggled to walk.

Rivivo 2014
21. What problem did chuck present when he returned to the company headquarters?
22. What was the problem presented by Chuck in his company?
Chuck worked hard for a comeback, but when he reached the office asking for work, the staffs were
quite shocked. Chucks step presented a tough problem because nobody had the courage to tell him
that in his condition, he wouldnt be able to handle the job. They didnt know what to do with a
person who couldnt move around, and could only work for an hour a day.
23. Charles Hoopers life is much a source of inspiration for the normal people as it is for the
physically challenged ones. Do you agree? What values can be learnt from his life?
24. Discuss the message conveyed in the story, A Dog named Duke.
The life of Charles Hooper is truly an inspirational story. The story conveys the message that coping
up with challenges of life and accepting them as they come can solve the most complex problems of
life. Life is a continuous journey, a mixture of sweetness, bitterness, joy and sorrows. Some cannot
stand up at the time of adversity and they give up without trying but those who maintain courage
and endurance tries to face the problem and successfully overcomes the grief. Chuck could have
chosen to remain paralysed and not to respond to Dukes helping gestures, but he keeps the hope
alive and with his strong will-power and hard work he overcomes his problem.
25. What did the people wonder about Charles Hooper after the death of Duke?
People had observed Duke helping Hooper to walk, which was an amazing sight for them. Now
when had Duke died, Hooper walked alone day after day, the people wondered how long he would
continue with the walk. They were curious to know how far he would walk, and whether he would
be able to walk all alone in the absence of Duke.
26. How was Chuck injured in the accident?
One evening in the autumn, Chuck Hooper was returning home after the days work in his car.
Suddenly, another car in the front banged into him. Hopper suffered severe brain injuries.
Consequently, the left side of his body got paralysed.
27. When a person loses something, he is shocked and gets into a state of denial leading to anger. In
such a situation coping well leads to acceptance and changed way of living in view of loss. Taking
clues from what happened or what might have happened with Hooper, write your views in the
form of an article about Coping with Loss in 150-170 words.
Loss is inevitable part of life. During our lifetime we experience a variety of losses coming with grief.
It becomes a very stressful phase of life. It depletes our energy and emotional reserves very quickly
and gets us into a shock and stated of denial leading to anger. The most important thing is not to let
the sorrow to control your life. Most people give up without facing the challenge. But trying to cope
up the challenge could help us to achieve success.
Chuck Hooper was having a fortunate life, but an accident stole his ability to walk and made
him paralysed. He was then hit by pain and grief and felt depressed. He had lost the hope to
recover, but when Duke supported him, he tried to coping with loss he had and became successful
returning back to happiness. His life gives us a inspiration that we should remain firm and strong in
the challenging times.

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