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State TWO ( 2 ) important methods for the determination of the in-situ unit weight

on site.
Nyatakan DU ( 2 ) kaedah penting untuk menentukan !erat unit di tapak.
( 2 marks )
a) Sand rep"a#ement method
$aedah gantian pasir
!) %ore #utter method.
$aedah pemotongan teras&
During a 'a""ing (ead Test& the fo""owing data were re#orded )
*nitia" head of water + ,-.. mm
Final head of water = 605 mm
Duration of test = 281 mm
Sample length = 150 mm
Sample diameter = 100 mm
Stand-pipe diameter = 5 mm
Determine the #oe/#ient of permea!i"ity of the soi".
Area of stand-pipe = 196! mm
Area of sample = "85!98 mm

#oeffi$ient of permea%ilit&' (
03 m)s
-m depth of sand o0er"ies a 1m "ayer of #"ay& the water ta!"e !eing at the
surfa#e2 the permea!i"ity of the #"ay is 0ery "ow. The saturated unit weight of
the sand is ,3 kN4m5 and that of the #"ay is 2. kN4m5. 6m depth of 7""
materia" of unit weight 2. kN4m5 is p"a#ed on the surfa#e o0er an e8tensi0e
area. Determine the e9e#ti0e 0erti#a" stress at the #entre of the #"ay "ayer
(a) immediate"y after the 7"" has !een p"a#ed& assuming this to take p"a#e
rapid"y and (!) many years after the 7"" has !een p"a#ed.
( 6 marks )
: + ( - 8 3)2) ; ( 5 8 ,..2 )+<1.1 kN4m
: + (6 8 2.) ; ( - 8 3.2 );( 5 8 ,..2 )+ ,-1)1 kN4m
During a test using fa""ing head
Determination of coefficient of permeability
Constant Head

Duration of test = * min
+uantit& of water $olle$ted = !00 ml
,ead differen$e in manometer = 50 mm
Distan$e %etween manometer tappings = 100 mm
Diameter of test sample = 100 mm

Area of sample = "85!98 mm
flow rate' - = 125 ml)se$

$oeffi$ient of permea%ilit&' ( = 0.000318 m)se$

k =
K = Coefficient of permeability
V = Collected volume of water
L = Length of oil column (13.25 cm)
! = !rea of the oil column (31.65 cm2)
h = "ead difference (34.3 cm)
t = #ime re$uired to get V volume

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