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An adjective tells us what something or someone is or seems like. It is used to

describe nouns or pronouns.
Lindas sister is a good person.
The vet was trying very hard to save the dying dog.
Marilyn is a very forgetful person.

1) Descriptive adjectives - Describes the quality of a person or a thing.
They saw a huge elephant in the zoo.
The dining table is round.
The girl is slim as she exercises regularly.
He is in a happy mood.

2) Adjectives of quantity or number - An adjective of quantity or number
shows the quantity, amount or number of objects.
Do not put too many eggs into the basket.
Add a few drops of lemon juice into the batter.
Can I have some sugar in my coffee?
The three boys were caught for stealing.

3) Possessive adjectives - Used to show ownership or possession.
This is my house.
He lent me his car.
We cannot lose our confidence during the contest.
Where is your pen?
Her brother has gone to Singapore.
They are late for their tuition class.

4) Demonstrative adjective - Shows whether it is located near to or far from the
speaker or writer.
This hat is made from straw.
These books are interesting.
That car belongs to Mrs. Smith.
Those children are very naughty.

5) Distributive adjectives It point out that the object named is to be taken
A book will be given to each student in this class.
You may have either a green or a red dress.
I drink a glass of orange juice every morning.
Neither of the magazines you want is available.

6) Comparison of adjectives - Adjectives have three degrees of comparison.
They are the positive degree, the comparative degree and the superlative

The positive degree
The positive degree is used to show that the two persons or things that are
compared are equal. It is also used when no comparison is made.
Gina is as pretty as her sister.
Both the cakes are still hot.
Tony is as tall as his elder brother.
He is a strong boy.

The comparative degree
The comparative degree is used to show that the two persons or things that are
compared are not equal. We usually add -r or -er or use the word more
with an adjective to form the comparative degree.
She is younger than her sister.
This box is heavier than that box.
Tony is taller than his elder brother.
Kevin is more intelligent than Faizal.

The superlative degree
The superlative degree is used when three or more persons or things are
compared. We usually add -st or -est or use the word most with an
adjective to form the comparative degree.
Is Sally the youngest child in the family?
He is the bravest soldier I have ever seen.
Last Tuesday was the hottest day of the month.
Everybody says he is the heaviest man in the village.
Imran is the most intelligent employee in the company.

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