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614 W. Monroe St.
Kokomo, IN
Hebrew Prayer Book
Apostle Roosevelt Solomon, Jr.
Messianic Rabbi
ytyvm ybr
The Hallmarks of the Messianic YAHUDIM
The Messianic YAHUDIM believes that YAHUSHA is the Messiah.
The Messianic YAHUDIM believes in the redemptive works of YAHUSHA HA MA-
The Messianic YAHUDIM believes that the TORAH is still in effect.
The Messianic YAHUDIM believes that the New Covenant empowers one to fulfill the First
The Messianic YAHUDIM practices Judaism in harmony with the ensample of YAHUSHA
The Messianic YAHUDIM employs both the TANAKH and the BRITH CHADASHAH when
preaching the word.
The Messianic YAHUDIM prays the SHAMA daily and other prayers that are written Jewish
Prayer Book.
The Messianic YAHUDIM emphasizes the special relationship between ELOHIYM and the
YAHUDIM based upon the Abrahamic covenant.
The Messianic YAHUDIM observes the SHABBATHS instructed in the TORAH.
The Messianic YAHUDIM BAR-MITZVAH their sons and BAT-MITZVAH their daughters.
A Jewish person who converts to Protestantism or Catholicism is not a Messianic YAHUDIM.
The Messianic YAHUDIM uses the same scriptures as the Protestants.
The Messianic YAHUDIM employs the principle doctrines of (MASHIYACH as its founda-
tional teaching.
One cannot be a Messianic YAHUDIM in name only, participation in the commonwealth of Is-
rael is essential.
Rather than to use the English word God, we use the Hebrew transliteration YAH.
Rather than to use the English word Jehovah, we use the Hebrew transliteration YAHUAH.
Rather than to use the English name Jesus, we use the Hebrew transliteration YAHUSHA.
Rather than to use the English word Christ, we use the Hebrew transliteration MA-
Rather than to use the English title The Holy Spirit, we use the Hebrew transliteration RU-
Rather than to use the English word Jew, we use the Hebrew transliteration YAHUDIM.
Sabbath Prayer

Ha-ra-cha-man, Hu yan-chi-le-nu yom she-ku-lo
the Merciful (One ), He will bestow on us a day that all of it

Sha-bat u-me-nu-chah le-chai-ye ha-o-la-mim.
(is) Sabbath and a place of rest for life of the eternities .
(eternal life)
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
The Blessing upon Rising
Modeh-modah ani le-fa-nei-cha
Thank (m) - thank (f) I to face (presence) your
Melech chai ve-ka-yam She-he-che-za-ta bi
King living and enduring Who caused to return in me
Nish-ma-ti be-chem-lah ra-bah E-mu-na-te-cha
Soul my in pity, compassion Great (is) Faithfulness Your
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Blessing for wearing the Tallit

Ba-re -chi naf-shi et Adonai ,
bless (f,imp.) soul my (d.o.) Adonai
Adonai e-lo-ha i, ga-dal-ta me -od;
Adonai G-d my, You were (and are) great very

hod ve -ha-dar la-vash-ta,
beauty and honor You wore, were clothed in
o-teh or ka -sal -mah,
You are wrapped in light like a mantle, garment

no-teh sha-ma-yim ka-ye-ri-ah.
You stretch out, spread out heavens like a curtain

Ba-ruch A-tah, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Me-lech ha- o-lam,
blessed (are) You Adonai G-d our, King (of) the universe

A-sher kid-sha-nu be -mits-vo-tav
Who sanctifies us with commandments His

ve -tsi-va-nu le- hit-a-tef ba-tsi-tsit.
and commanded us to wrap, cover ourselves with the fringe, tassel

Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
The Shema
EL Me-lech ne-e-man.
G-d king trustworthy, steadfast, faithful, reliable

She-ma Yis-ra-el, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Adonai E-chad.
Hear Israel Adonai G-d our Adonai (is) One .

Ba-ruch shem ka-bod Mal-chu-to le-o-lam va-ed.
blessed (is) name of glorious Kingship His to eternity/universe and for-

Ve-a-hav-ta et Adonai E-lo-hei-cha, be-chol le-vav-cha ,
and you will love (d.o.) Adonai G-d your with all heart your
u-ve-chol naf-she-cha, u-ve-chol me-o-de-cha.
and with all soul your and with all strength your
ve-a-hav-ta et rey-ah ain.
And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Blessing before Torah Reading
Ba-re-chu et Adonai ha-me-vo-rach.
bless (d.o.) Adonai the (One Who)is blessed
Ba-ruch Adonai ha-me-vo-rach le-o-lam va-ed .
blessed (is) Adonai the blessed to eternity, universe and forever
Ba-ruch a-tah, Adonai el-o-hei-nu, me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You, Adonai G-d our, King (of) the universe
a-sher ba-char ba-nu mi-kol ha-a-mim
Who chose (in) us from all the peoples
ve-na-tan la-nu et to-ra-to, ha tanakh, va ha brit chadasha.
and gave to us (d.o.) Torah His (of him), the first covenant, and the re-
newed covenant.
Ba-ruch a-tah, Adonai , no-ten ha-to-rah, ha tanakh, va ha brit chada-
blessed (are) You , Adonai , You give the Torah, the first covenant, and
the renewed covenant.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Blessing after Torah Reading
Ba-ruch a-tah, Adonai El-o-hei-nu, me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You, Adonai G-d our, King (of) the universe,
a-sher na-tan la-nu to-rat e-met
Who gave to us (a) Torah, teaching, instruction of truth
ve-chai-yei o-lam na-ta be-to-che-nu.
and life of eternity (eternal life) He planted within, inside us .
Ba-ruch a-tah, Adonai , no-ten ha-to-rah.
blessed (are) You , Adonai , You give the Torah.
Ve-zot ha-to-rah a-sher sam mo-sheh lif-nei be-nei
and this (is) the Torah which placed Moses before children of
yis-ra-el, al pi Adonai be-yad mo-sheh.
Israel, on, upon mouth of Adonai with hand (of) Moses.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
To Be Prayed Morning and Evening
The Lords Prayer
Avinu shebashamayim, yitkadesh shimkha.
Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Tavo malkhutekha yeaseh rtzonekha baaretz kaasher naasah vasha-
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Ten-lanu haiym lechem chukeinu.
Give us this day our daily bread.
uselach-lanu et-ashmateinu kaasher solechim anachnu laasher ashmu
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
veal-tevieinu lidei massah, ki im-hatsileinu min-hara.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil:
Ki lekha ha-mamlakha ve-hagevurah veha-tiferet lolemei olamim.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach. Amen.
To Be Prayed at Bedtime
The Shema
EL Me-lech ne-e-man.
G-d king trustworthy, steadfast, faithful, reliable

She-ma Yis-ra-el, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Adonai E-chad.
Hear Israel Adonai G-d our Adonai (is) One .

Ba-ruch shem ka-bod Mal-chu-to le-o-lam va-ed.
blessed (is) name of glorious Kingship His to eternity/universe and for-

Ve-a-hav-ta et Adonai E-lo-hei-cha, be-chol le-vav-cha ,
and you will love (d.o.) Adonai G-d your with all heart your
u-ve-chol naf-she-cha, u-ve-chol me-o-de-cha.
and with all soul your and with all strength your
ve-a-hav-ta et rey-ah ain.
And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Kriat Shema u-vir-cho-te-ha
Reading of Shema and Blessing of it
Ba-re-chi et Adonai ha-me-va-rach
Bless d.o. Lord the one who is blessed
Ba-ruch Adonai ha-me-va-rach
Blessed is Lord the One who is blessed
Le-o-lam va-ed
To eternity and forever
Ba-ruch attah Adonai Eloheinu
Blessed are you Lord our God
Melech ha-olam yotzer or
King of the universe Creator of light
U-vo-re cho-shech o-seh
and creates darkness He makes
Shalom u-vo-re et ha-kol
Peace and creates d.o. the all
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Grace for Meals
Before eating or drinking:

Ba-ruch A-tah, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You Adonai God our King (of) the universe
she-ha-kol ni-he-yeh bi-de-va-ro.
that the all (everything) becomes, comes to exist by word His
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Grace after Meals
B'rich rahamana malka d'alma mareih d'hahy pita.
Blessed are you merciful One, the One that is everywhere always the
Creator of our bread.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
The Lords Supper
Blessing of the Washing of Hands
Ba-ruch A-tah, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You, Adonai G-d our, King (of) the universe,

A-sher kid-sha-nu be-mits-vo-tav ve-tsi-va-nu
Who sanctified us with commandments His and commanded us

al ne-ti-lat ya-da-yim .
about lifting up of both hands .
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
The Blessing Over Bread

Ba-ruch A-tah, Adonai El-o-hei-nu, me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You, Adonai God our, King of the universe,

ha-mo-tsi le-chem min ha-a-rets .
the (One Who) brings out bread from the earth.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Before drinking grape juice or wine made from grapes

Ba-ruch A-tah, Adonai E-lo-hei-nu, Me-lech ha-o-lam,
blessed (are) You Adonai God our King (of) the universe
bo-re pe-ri ha-ga-fen .
(One Who) creates of fruit (of) the vine.
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
Aaronic Blessing/Birkat Ha-kohaneen
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach
y'va-rekh-kha a-do-nai v'yish-m're-kha:
The LORD bless thee, and keep thee;
ya-er a-do-nai pa-nav e-lei-kha vi-khu-ne-ka:
The LORD make His face to shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee;
yi-sa a-do-nai pa-nav e-lei-kha v'ya-sem l'kha sha-lom:
The LORD lift up His countenance upon thee, and give thee peace.
Re-fa-ei-nu Adonai ve-ne-rofe
Heal us Lord and we will be healed
Ho-shi-enu ve-niv-va she-ah
Save us and we will be saved
Ki te-hil-la-tei-nu attah
For the one we praise is You
Ve-ha-aleh refuah shelamah
Bring healing complete
Le-khol ma-ko-tei-nu ki el
For all our sicknessess fo O God
Melech ro-fei ne-e-man
King Healer Faithful
Verachaman attah baruch
And compassionate are You blessed
Attah Adonai rofe cho lei
Are You Lord Healer the sick
Am mo Yishrael
His people Israel
Ha Shame Yahusha Ha Mashiyach


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