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Part 1
"Wake Up!! Wake Up!!", cried the other nuts out
loud as soeone entered the !rocer" shop# There
$as initiall" a oent o% silence $hen the
custoer neared &" the Nut Section o% the
"Pick e!! Pick e!!", thou!ht each and e'er"
nut e(cept one nut ) *hal# *hal could &e
considered one o% the ost di+erent thinkin! o%
all nuts# ,nstead o% &ein! purchased &" rando
stran!ers and endin! their li'es in the tu" o%
huans, *hal $as a nut $ho dared to drea ) a
drea o% %reedo! O% this is-t place, he.s
reall" the odd one out# /e needed to !o o+ real
0uick &e%ore ha'in! the last thou!ht o% li%e and
endin! up in stoachs#
1ack to the stor", a custoer $alked in# /e
took a !lance around and soon &" cornered the
nut section# /e !lanced a look at the o'er
a&undance o% nuts &ein! laid out# As rando and
as une(pected, he picked up a nut# That nut $as
*hal! *hal can &e seen reall" re!rettin! he hadn.t
ade his o'e at a tie &e%ore# /e re!retted it#
To &e

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