Story of A Nut Part 1

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(C) An Original Story by B. Fai

Part 1
"Wake U!! Wake U!!"" #rie$ t%e ot%er n&t' o&t
lo&$ a' 'o(eone entere$ t%e gro#ery '%o. T%ere
)a' initially a (o(ent o* 'ilen#e )%en t%e
#&'to(er neare$ by t%e N&t Se#tion o* t%e
"Pi#k (e!! Pi#k (e!!"" t%o&g%t ea#% an$ e+ery
n&t e,#et one n&t - C%al. C%al #o&l$ be
#on'i$ere$ one o* t%e (o't $i.erent t%inking o*
all n&t'. /n'tea$ o* being &r#%a'e$ by ran$o(
'tranger' an$ en$ing t%eir li+e' in t%e t&((y o*
%&(an'" C%al )a' a n&t )%o $are$ to $rea( - a
$rea( o* *ree$o(! O* t%i' (i'0t la#e" %e1'
really t%e o$$ one o&t. 2e nee$e$ to go o. real
3&i#k be*ore %a+ing t%e la't t%o&g%t o* li*e an$
en$ing & in 'to(a#%'.
Ba#k to t%e 'tory" a #&'to(er )alke$ in. 2e
took a glan#e aro&n$ an$ 'oon by #ornere$ t%e
n&t 'e#tion. 2e glan#e$ a look at t%e o+er
ab&n$an#e o* n&t' being lai$ o&t. A' ran$o( an$
a' &ne,e#te$" %e i#ke$ & a n&t. T%at n&t )a'
C%al! C%al #an be 'een really regretting %e %a$n1t
(a$e %i' (o+e at a ti(e be*ore. 2e regrette$ it.
To be

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