Bulldogs Project

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Year Two ACP Plan 2012 Page 1 of 2


Bachelor of Education P - 12
Preservice teachers are responsible for completing this planning document in negotiation with the School Partnership Coordinator (or
nominee) and the University Colleague. Refer to PP Policy and Procedures Book at http://education.vu.edu.au/partnerships/ for additional
details. Preservice teachers are required to download a copy of the Applied Curriculum Project (ACP) Plan template from the PP website.
This Plan should be negotiated in conjunction with the University Colleague. Every preservice teacher must submit a copy of their ACP
Plan to their PI lecturer by the date indicated below. This document must be word processed.
Submission Deadline: Preservice teachers must submit their ACP Plan to their PI lecturer no later than the week commencing 23

April 2012

Preservice Teacher submitting this report: Ryan McGhie_______________________________________________________
Applied Curriculum Project Title: ________Bulldogs Project______________________________________________________
Student ID: s3888030 Campus: Footscray Park______ Submission Date: __18/9/2012__________________
School/Educational Site: __Ardeer Primary School_____________________________________________________________
Address: Suspension Street, Ardeer VIC 3022____________________________________________________
Phone number: 93631194_____________________ Fax _________________________________________________
Preservice Teacher(s): __Ryan McGhie _______________________ Student ID:_s3888030 ___ Campus:_FP_______
__Levent Ibrahim______________________ Student ID:_s3456764________ Campus:_St Albans_
_____________________________________ Student ID:_________________ Campus:___________
_____________________________________ Student ID:_________________ Campus:___________
Mentor Teacher(s) participating in the ACP: ____John Mifsud____________________________________________________
____Leslie Chau________________________________________________________
University Colleague: _____Tina Conroy____________________________________________________________________

1. Background (Preservice teacher to complete)
Identify the key central issues/problems giving rise to the project, rationale for focusing on this project, relevant educational theory and/or
literature or policy.
The Bulldogs Project gives rise to the issues and problems of weather and the likelihood of the project to be
postponed or brought inside the classroom for more theory based approach for the students.
Because the project is thoroughly physical activity, student clothing, footwear and hygiene is another issue that
arises. Students shall have sturdy and correct running/physical activity footwear and appropriate clothing to
participate, obviously all students need consent from parents and they will attest to the appropriateness of the
Timing, timetabling and the final incursion/excursion are an issue as well. The ability to get the right timing and
timetabling in such a full-on curriculum is hard to deal with initially. But a session every 2 days or 2 sessions a
week, worked well and gave teachers enough time to teach their curriculum and planning. We had to work on
the timing of the player visit which followed the completion of the project.
The rationale for the project is to not only get the students participating in physical activity, but educating them
on Australian Rules Football the native game of Australia, the multi-culturalness of the game and the ability
and traits it has to further educate participants. Traits and skills like; Fairplay, Teamwork, Communication,
Respect, Equality, Co-Operation and Sharing and integrate these each lesson with a certain movement/skill like
handballing, kicking, marking, bouncing and tackling.
Year Two ACP Plan 2012 Page 2 of 2
2. Action Plan (Implementation and Timeline) (Preservice Teacher to complete)
Aims, what you are planning, expected outcomes (i.e. as a result of our work on this ACP the expected outcomes are, and a timeline
indicating what tasks need to be undertaken by when).
Note: Take into account the PP timetable, access to the school/site and due date for the End of Year ACP Report.
Our aim is to educate and facilitate the learning and development of AFL skills and play in conjunction with
positive traits and role-modelling. These positive traits are essential for sport and lifelong experiences and we
hope to extend their knowledge and provide a different context for the traits and skills. We also aim for sincere
participation in completing some regular physical activity through the sport of AFL.
Resulting in our ACP we hope to provide excitement and necessity of participating in sport and especially AFL.
Either students searching to join a local club or taking their families to AFL games. More importantly the
expected outcomes are for students to apply fairplay, teamwork, communication, equality, respect and co-
operation into lifelong experiences whether they be in sport or not.

One final aim of eradication is bullying. It has no place in any sport especially when students are participating, it
is important to stress the fact that it is not a good choice to bully. Personally our aim is to diminish or
completely eradicate bad decision making/bullying.

Week 1 Kicking and Respect Kicking is the main skill focus with the heavy
integration of respect.
Week 2 Marking/Catching and Fairplay Marking is the main skill attainment with the notion of
fairplay being heavily involved in this session.
Week 3 Handballing and Equality Handballing is the focused skill in this session with
equality being the integral part of the session.
Week 4 Rules and Teamwork The AFL game rules and game simulation starts to
become apart of the lesson with heavy involvement
on teamwork.
Week 5 Goalkicking and Co-operation These sessions are becoming more and more
competitive with goal-kicking and co-operation being
the main focus points.
Week 6 Match and Communication Last session we play AFL matches and focus on
communication as a vital component of life.
Week 7-8 (optional) Extended past week 6 is optional. Player visit
commences the program, but there are free tickets to
visit an AFL match with the Bulldogs playing at Etihad
stadium. Also optional depending on each school, is an
organised Mulit-cultural Schools Cup which is a
round-robin of footy games between a handful of

Applied Curriculum Project Mentor(s):

School Partnership Coordinator:

Preservice Teacher:

Preservice Teacher:

Preservice Teacher:

Preservice Teacher:

University Colleague:


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