Lifestyle Conventions 2 and 3

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There is a model or celebrity on the front cover as the
main image and heshe is loo!ing directly at the camera
#irect mode of address is $sed % the maga&ine is tal!ing
to yo$ and ma!es a direct reference to yo$ lifestyle' ie'
Lose Yo$r ($t) Im*ress Yo$r (irlfriend) Ne+ Styles for Yo$,
-hy does the maga&ine $se a
model or celebrity on the cover.
-hy are they loo!ing directly at
the camera.
E/*lain the e0ect on the target
They use a model and
celebrity on the front of the
lifestyle magazine because
they aare well known and
look good and are wealthy
enough to pay for the
beauty therapy to make
themselves look good
enough for the front of the
magazine that everyone that
buys it will see.
The models or celebrities
look directly at the camera
to make an efect that
interreges the audience
towards that magazine. Also
it has a moody efect. As if
Find e/am*les of direct mode of address in the above maga&ine' -hy is this
$sed. -hat e0ect does it have on the target a$dience.
Some examples of direct mode are new style ideas already in your
wardrobe this has the efect that they are persuading the audience
and making them feel as if they know what they want to make them
buy the magazine.
Another example would be !ou lost him at hello" this is making
the other feel worried as if they was doing something wrong which
has an element of persuasion towards the reader that they must
purchase this magazine to know what they are doing wrong with
their boyfriend.

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