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English 7
Edline and Grading

Final grades are not an average of all grades. Assignments and assessments are weighted in
categories, in order to measure growth in learning and skills.
Participation (10%): Tasks that require independence and responsibility of the student.
Formative Assessment (30%): Tasks that are completed for practice, both in class and
Summative Assessment (60%): Tasks such as tests, quizzes and essays scored for
knowledge and skill to assess growth in reading and writing. IB rubrics with descriptors
are used for instruction and assessment of writing.
IB grades are given no weight in the class grade; however, at the end of each semester
students will be given an IB grade on their report card.
IB Criterion A: Analyzing (0%)
IB Criterion B: Organizing (0%)
IB Criterion C: Producing text (0%)
IB Criterion D: Style, Language, and Mechanics (0%)

Check Edline for specific assignments, points and grading scale.
Most guided practice assignments: 5-10 points
Individual practice graded for correctness: 10-20 points
One-draft writing: 15 points
Multiple drafts writing and tests: 30-50 points
Common codes on Edline:
Part: Participation weighted 10%
FA: Formative Assessment weighted 30%
SA: Summative Assessment weighted 60%
0: Missing assignment
**: Absent; assignment needs to be turned in/graded
X: Excused

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