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Posted by Tammy & Nicole on June 13, 2014 in Conscious Sexuality 156 Comments
Home Conscious Sexuality How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People
Hey, I have a lot of respect for all you guys who like to
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The Author
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eat pussy because there are too few of you out there.
And Im not the only woman who says this. Furthermore, some of you guys who are giving it the
old college try are not doing too well, so maybe this little lesson will help you out.
When a woman finds a man who gives good head, shes found a treasure shes not going to let go
of too quickly. This is one rare customer and she knows it. She wont even tell her girlfriends
about it or that guy will become the most popular man in town. So, remember, most guys can
fuck, and those who can usually do it satisfactorily, but the guy who gives good head, hes got it
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Most women are shy about their bodies. Even if youve got the worlds most gorgeous woman in
bed with you, shes going to worry about how you like her body. Tell her its beautiful, tell her
which parts you like best, tell her anything, but get her to trust you enough to let you down
between her legs.
EG <3(> &$, &>>4#7+&3# "#4 2$+62# *5('#4
Now stop and look at what you see. Beautiful, isnt it? There is nothing that makes a woman more
unique than her pussy. I know. Ive seen plenty of them. They come in all different sizes, colors
and shapes; some are tucked inside like a little girls cunnie and some have thick luscious lips
that come out to greet you. Some are nested in brushes of fur and others are covered with
transparent fuzz. Appreciate your womans unique qualities and tell her what makes her special.
EH !()#$ &4# )(4# /#4=&5F ;&58 3( "#4 =#&23+*25 >2--9
Women are a good deal more verbal than men, especially during love-making. They also respond
more to verbal love, which means, the more you talk to her, the easier it will be to get her off. So
all the time youre petting and stroking her beautiful pussy, talk to her about it.
EI A+78 "#4 (23#4 5+>-0 +$$#4 5+>- &$, *+$, "#4 75+3
Now look at it again. Gently pull the lips apart and look at her inner lips, even lick them if you want
to. Now spread the tops of her pussy up until you can find her clit. Women have clits in all
different sizes, just like you guys have different sized cocks. It doesnt mean a thing as far as her
capacity for orgasm. All it means is more of her is hidden underneath her foreskin.
ED !"#$#/#4 9(2 3(27" & '()&$1- >2--90 )&8# -24# 9(24 *+$.#4 +-
Whenever you touch a womans pussy, make sure your finger is wet. You can lick it or moisten it
with juices from inside her. Be sure, by all means, to wet it before you touch her clit because it
doesnt have any juices of its own and its extremely sensitive. Your finger will stick to it if its dry
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and that hurts. But you dont want to touch her clit anyway. You have to work up to that. Before
she becomes aroused, her clit is too delicate to be handled.
EJ ;#&-# "#4 K &>>4(&7" "#4 >2--9 -5('59
Approach her pussy slowly. Women, even more so than men, love to be teased. The inner part of
her thigh is her most tender spot. Lick it, kiss it, make designs on it with the tip of your tongue.
Come dangerously close to her pussy, then float away. Make her anticipate it.
EL ?5&9 '+3" "#4
Now lick the crease where her leg joins her pussy. Nuzzle your face into her bush. Brush your lips
over her slit without pressing down on it to further excite her. After youve done this to the point
where your lady is bucking up from her seat and shes straining to get more of you closer to her,
then put your lips right on top of her slit.
EM N+-- "#40 .#$3590 3"#$ "&4,#4
Kiss her, gently, then harder. Now use your tongue to separate her pussy lips and when she opens
up, run your tongue up and down between the layers of pussy flesh. Gently spread her legs more
with your hands. Everything you do with a woman youre about to eat must be done gently.
EO ;($.2#@*278 "#4
Tongue-fuck her. This feels divine. It also teases the hell out of her because by now she wants
some attention given to her clit. Check it out. See if her clit has gotten hard enough to peek out of
its covering. If so, lick it. If you cant see it, it might still be waiting for you underneath. So bring
your tongue up the top of her slit and feel for her clit. You may barely experience its presence.
But even if you cant feel the tiny pearl, you can make it rise by licking the skin that covers it. Lick
hard now and press into her skin.
ECP !(48 "#4 3+> (* 3"# +7#=#4.
Gently pull the pussy lips away and flick your tongue against the clit, hood covered or not. Do this
quickly. This should cause her legs to shudder. When you sense shes getting up there toward
orgasm, make your lips into an O and take the clit into your mouth.
Theres a reason for that, most men stop too soon. Just like with cock sucking, this is something
worth learning about and worth learning to do well. I know a man whos a lousy fuck, simply lousy,
but he can eat pussy like nobody I know and he never has trouble getting a date. Girls are falling
all over him.
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8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
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ECC V+$.#4@*278 "#4 '+3" ;!W *+$.#4-
But back to your pussy eating sessionTheres another thing you can do to intensify your
womans pleasure. You can finger-fuck her while shes enjoying your clit-licking talents. Before,
during or after. Shell really like it. In addition to the erogenous zones surrounding her clit, a
woman has another extremely sensitive area at the roof of her vagina. This is what you rub up
against when youre fucking her. Well, since your cock is pretty far away from your mouth, your
fingers will have to do the fucking.
Shell let you know what to do. If youre sucking her clit and finger-fucking her at the same time,
youre giving her far more stimulation than you would be giving her with your cock alone. So you
can count on it that shes getting high on this. If theres any doubt, check her out for symptoms.
ECG B#3 3( 8$(' "#4 (4.&-)+7 -9)>3()- 3( =#7()# #/#$ =#33#4
Each woman is unique.
You may have one whos nipples get hard when shes excited
or only when shes having an orgasm.
Your girl might flush red or
begin to tremble.
Get to know her symptoms and youll be a more sensitive lover.
ECH S($13 5#3 .( (* "#4 75+3 '"#$ -"# -3&43- 3( (4.&-) X ;"# Y253+@
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When she starts to have an orgasm, for heavens sakes, dont let go of that clit. Hang in there for
the duration. When she starts to come down from the first orgasm, press your tongue along the
underside of the clit, leaving your lips covering the top. Move your tongue in and out of her cunt. If
your fingers are inside, move them a little too, gently though, things are extremely sensitive just
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8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
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Some women like to have their man rub and enter their anal section with their finger while they
are being eaten out!
ECD Z*3#4 3"# (4.&-)+7 '&/#F N##> )&8+$. 5(/# 3( "#4 62+#359
The last advice I have for you is this:
After youve made her come, made her your slave by giving her the best head shes ever had,
dont leave her alone just yet. Talk to her, stroke her body, caress her breasts. Keep making love to
her quietly until shes come all the way down. A man can get off and go to sleep in the same
breath and feel no remorse, no sense of loss. But a woman by nature requires some sensitivity
from her lover in those first few moments after sex.
Now get to it and make your partner smile and love you forever!
With Love,
Tammy, Linda and Nicole
Image credit to the amazing NVM Illustration & Camille Damage (visit her blog an intriguing
P.s. If you want to have a healthy, sweet tasting, tight & magical vagina then check out this
ancient secret
P.P.s Here is a GREAT VISUAL of how to eat pussy. It will make it even easier for you:
S+, 9(2 5+8# 3"# >(-3] Y&8# -24# 3( -"&4# +3 '+3" 9(24
Oral sex can be the most exciting sexual experiences you can have. But its what
you make it. Take your time, practice often, pay attention to your lovers signals,
and most of all, enjoy yourself.
Here's a great visual on how to eat pussy
To unlock the picture click one of the buttons.
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^(2 Y+."3 Z5-( A+8# _#&,+$.
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193 Comments MyTinySecrets Login
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Lisa Farkass 20 days ago
I told my daughters to make sure they find a partner who enjoys fellatio/ cunninglingus ...
for real....and that giving is as important as receiving.... its all good :) My husband has
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always been wonderful but now I know why he has been even better after reading this
article I saw on his FB likes..... he he he Thanks!

Sally a month ago
Is it still appreciating my body when he tells me that my pubic skin/hair "looks thick and
durable, like his own" ?

idleprimate a month ago
holy cow, an article explaining to men how to please women. why, I barely see those more
than once or twice a week these days. Over the last thirty years they have been more
frequent. Either men don't know how to read, or women are insatiable and like to sustain a
myth about men being crappy. Perhaps, occasionally, an article explaining to women how
to please men, and then we could all roll our eyes.

reeblite a month ago
g spot is more important than clitoras.

SoyUnDesastre a month ago
soo i love eat pussy and give pleasure to my lover but as man dont know all the secrets of
women, every day we discover new things about them, they are so complex and beautiful,
very good text, thanks

Stefan Dewald a month ago
You have left out the g-spot?

mike a month ago
heh according to this im the fuckin man

AnswersOnTheT 2 months ago

Anthony 2 months ago
Some people can't recognize a good thing when its step by step explained to them. Thank
you for reintroducing me to my wife's vagina. Even the advice i already knew had
information i've never thought about. Thank you so much for sharing.
Now if you can kindly excuse me. I have a unique flower that needs to be watered ; )

mrXander 2 months ago
#12 sez: "Each woman is unique." Exactly! So the whole set of rules on how to do it is quite
shallow - some of those things work for some women and some don't. Likewise the hints
I've seen on fellatio.
Magical Guide Rule for Evolved People: Pay close attention, make sure the receiver feels
comfortable communicating what they want, and respond accordingly.

DashaStarr 2 months ago
This is awesome.
8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
Page 8 of 16
This is awesome.

Firoj Imam 2 months ago
its nonsense to if give a perfect orgasm only then ur woman will stay with u forever!

Cha3d 2 months ago
"Some are nested in brushes of fur and others are covered with transparent fuzz."
Is this from the 1980's?!

Hansel 2 months ago
Was only me or anyone had an erection reading this??

vetteray 2 months ago
I had a great woman teach me about oral sex. Many woman have complemented me on
my oral. Many said you eat pussy like a woman. I guess that is good. I have not seen her
for years but that was 45 years ago that she told me what she liked. Last time she still said
it was great and I told her she taught me everything I know about oral. That was 5 years

Marcadimus a month ago vetteray
I would love to hear some of the things she told you. Willing to share?

shiyan sameen 2 months ago
My wife take more time to finish

Kim 2 months ago
No on #3 for me. Unless you want me to laugh at you..

Heather 2 months ago
So about #14 - you're gonna wanna check in around that *before* you stick anything in
anyone's ass. Any chance you'd update the article to reflect that?

Andrew 2 months ago
First of all, I apologise to all of you for my grammar mistakes but I do not speak English
very well. The fact is that I have a question... When I am finger-fucking my girlfriend and
after she has had an orgasm, should I give her a head in order to have another orgasm? Or,
is it better give her First a head and later a finger-fucking? I want her to have more than one
Please replay to this. I am not an expert but I want to become in a good lover/fucker.

shiyan sameen 2 months ago Andrew
Yes you want go on

William Lyon 2 months ago Andrew
Andrew all of it together will drive her nuts!!! when you need a towel to wipe your
8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
Page 9 of 16
Andrew all of it together will drive her nuts!!! when you need a towel to wipe your
face mission accomplished!!

Liv 2 months ago Andrew
completely depends on the woman and her mood. honestly, foreplay is exactly that
- play "before". so, that being said, after she has had an orgasm via head, a good
idea may be to go right to intercourse - at least for me this heightens my experience
of the actual sex. Naturally, a woman becomes more sensitive (in a good way) and
aroused internally once she has come once. Often, dragging on foreplay can
become tiresome - give her orgasms in different ways!

big daddy 2 months ago
Dear ladies.. my girlfriend wants to know how did you get parts of my playbook? You did
miss a few things, but will keep that to myself.. Haha... fantastic article.

moondog 2 months ago
ladies -- wash yourself b4 you expect a tongueing

Trojan10man10 2 months ago
The vagina has to be loved. Treated gently unless she likes it rough ;)

William Lyon 2 months ago
Never ever leave females hanging guys !! We can get off when the wind blows !!! Work on
your women a super wet, orgasmic women is a HAPPY women!!!!

Gravion17 2 months ago
It never hurts to gather as much information as possible in order to truly pleasure a
Woman...thanks for this.

tony 2 months ago
If she wanna be eaten at least be clean !! I dont know how the fuck they wanna be eaten
when they are nasty we do have feelings too i cant do it when shes not clean

Sonja Ikonen 2 months ago tony
same goes to guys... that cheezy stuff ain't yummy x_x

Guest 2 months ago
to the guy who wrote this :you sir need a high five !!! thank God I have a boyfriend who has
the same attitude and technique. your girl must be just as happy as I am ! :)

Ruby Vox 2 months ago Guest
With Love,
Tammy, Linda and Nicole

8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
Page 10 of 16
Egon Ruuda 2 months ago
OR make her tell you what she wants. All are different, and no-one is an expert of any
vagina except their own. Communication is way important.

Sam Gunner 2 months ago
Yeah well, giving good head also depends on whether she's got a nice pussy.
If she's got 3 kids and the pussy is just a large gaping hole, forget about it.
Also important is hygiene.
She might be hot, but if she's not clean shaved, and smells like rotting fish, don't tell me to
go down on it.
If you want your man to lick it, then shave it.
All of it.
Pubic hair is just gross.
All that urine, sweat, salt, oil and blood isn't very conducive to a good pussy licking.
Be clean and get your pussy licked all the time.
A lot of gross women don't get it and they'll be like, "Why nobody wants to lick me"?

Marcadimus a month ago Sam Gunner
That is really well said. The first number of women I went down on were nasty and I
thought I hated giving oral. Then I met the sexiest little asian gal and her's was so
pleasant and I suddenly realized the difference. Give me that and I will happily
spend time down south often.
mrXander your comment made me laugh. I think its just a different mindset. Some
guys have standards for what they like and some guys like absolutely anything they
can get, from a 10 to a 1. Nothing wrong with either perception, but I do know a few
guys who bragged to me about how many women they scored with and yet none of
them would even have gotten a second look from me. If you don't really want to
screw her, it's boring. Totally agree on the pubic hair too, nothing pleasant,
manicured of bare please.

Matty Bucklin 2 months ago Sam Gunner
now wait and watch all the women bash you for having standards on a pussy.
because i guess women are ok to have standards on the size but the second a guy
comments on the article on HOW TO EAT OUT A GIRL PROPERLY its bound to
have woman's wrath. guys cant comment on an article thats basically about them
and a "how to" without women putting their two cents in

mrXander 2 months ago Sam Gunner
I'd be questioning my sexual orientation if I felt this way about women's sex.
Bad misinformation, and really crappy attitude!

seriouslydude? 2 months ago Sam Gunner
I hope if you expect that from a woman, you hold your own body to the same
standards in order to get amazing head.

Justhe Betts 2 months ago Sam Gunner
First off,having children does not alter your pussy. Men that think this are idiots.
Second yes completely shaved is beautiful but dangerous for a women. Unlike men
a women's hair protects her pussy from foreign debris that can cause infections.
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Trimming is the safest thing to do. Also a clean women won't have anything in her
hair any way. I'm really concerned for the women your attracted to if your seeing
pussy like this.

Jax 2 months ago
1) Notice her breathing pattern it will let you know what she is feeling.
2) Notice her body any contraction or is it relaxed.
3) Keep a rhythm. If she is enjoying something dont break the pattern keep going at it.
4)When fingering her or playing with her pussy let her FEEL how much this turns you on
and tell her how much her wet pussy is getting u turned on and hard for her. Whisper this in
her ears.
Women are sexy :)

Avi Liran 2 months ago
see more
There are additional important guidelines and tricks:
1. Don't be technical. Each women reacts differently. The art is to develop verbal and no
verbal trusting communication so you will get to the right spots and apply the right
techniques at the right time. You need to feel it and enjoy the process. The pussy is your
playful friend, be interactive and don't be mechanical. While a good pilot should have a
good flight plans, you can't be a great lover on automatic pilot! If turbulence sign are
showing on your radar, adjust your course and make a detour.
2. The pussy is connected to a person, both need attention! Excitement happens in the
brain. When you are with a lady, forget the rest. She is the only one that exists NOW. She
and her pussy are the best ever. Don't compare - communicate passion and let every cm
understands that you appreciate it. Make her feel special and build trust so she can open
up and feel comfortable in guiding you. Although most ladies want us to know exactly what
they want, the sooner you tell them that you it turns you on when she guides you, the better
instructions you will have. Reward her moaning with passionate increase (or decrease) of
intensity. If you can unleash the "whore" out of the lady and make her comfortable talk dirty
to you - you will get better intelligence how to please her and she will let go society barrier
and feel liberated. When a lady is liberated and feel free to express herself in bed, love

M Law 2 months ago
Wow! I am fascinated that this article is still making the rounds after 20 years! I remember
reading it on a green screen VAX terminal in the computer lab during my freshman year of
college back in 1995. I'm certain it is the same article because some of the phrasing is
unforgettably silly.
Not saying that being old necessarily invalidates any of this... it's just amazing to me how
this article is still circulating after almost two decades (basically EONS in "internet time")

clonazepam5mg 2 months ago M Law
Yes!!!! And I'm amazed they still cling on to the "make designs with the tip of you
tongue" thing. It's torturing for whoever is doing it and it just feels awkward and

brandon grendel 2 months ago
Careful with the two finger thing. Some girls don't have a gaping twat that you can fit a
8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
Page 12 of 16
Careful with the two finger thing. Some girls don't have a gaping twat that you can fit a
baseball into. Try with one first, if she wants more fingers she'll either tell you or you can try
sliding a second one in but you should always ask her first if she wants more or if it feels ok
or if it hurts or is uncomfortable. Don't just automatically assume she can handle 2 fingers
or even 3 and just jab them in there. Every person's fingers are thicker or thinner, same
with her holes.

Bored of Feminists. 2 months ago
Thanks for proving my point regarding feminists and internet misandry by deeming my
initial, balanced and true comment 'too good for your junkyard dog ideologies and
phoney/selfish advice'. Pathetic, biased censorship and you are the best example of 'CIA

Bored of Feminists. 2 months ago
Are we ever going to see the end of these polarisation articles? It's always 'what men are
not good at'. Sounds like there are far too many inadequate women complaining and need
to learn some balance. I absolutely love the way all these articles infer from the onset, that
their female skills are perfect. No mention about the things they all do, that all men loathe -
like trying to mould themselves a robot man beatch. Usually the pretty boy, caveman
abuser/womaniser and when she realises they cannot be commanded at will and won't
change, (eventually), then has the audacity to label good guys she discarded ruthlessly as
'all the same'. Why can only 3% of you give a handjob?
Because men are sh**? The 'Cosmopolitan Magazine, nothing is good enough', generation.
Thats why I will always claim women's reading material is just government think tank shite.
The CIA created feminism and the invisible war against men. Those of you that still
subscribe after this was admitted, are not fit to preach and really should get current.
Every thread on the internet has a crazy bitch starting some sh** about something. And you
always want more. Maybe if you looked at self, you could make the changes/compromises
needed to meet and keep a worthy guy?..
How tired is this act?
Truly truly bored of feminists.

someone 2 months ago Bored of Feminists.
You need to see a psychiatrist QUICK.

Morgan Jean 2 months ago
The "little girls cunnie" part grossed me the fuck out. Women, oral sex and little girl should
never been in close proximity to each other

QueenBoudicca 2 months ago
Don't breath through your mouth. The air flow on our wet parts just makes us feel cold.

doug 2 months ago QueenBoudicca
Let me tell you a little secret QB - men who breathe thru their mouths while giving
oral sex do so because if they were to breath thru their noses then they would not
pleasure you orally because of the "scent"

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How To Eat Pussy A Magical
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The Secret To Mind-Blowing Orgasms FOR
The 7 Magical Powers Of Oral Sex (.. gooood
The Fine Art of Penis Thrusting
Cervical Orgasm This Keeps Any Women in
Orgasmic Bliss For Hours (Sometimes Even
Days) & Is Worth 10 Kingdoms Of Gold
The Inconvenient Truth Behind True Love
(Warning: This will be personal)
8/18/14 9:38 PM How To Eat Pussy A Magical Guide For Evolved People | MyTinySecrets
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