Health Program2

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Learnlng Area: PealLh ?

ear 1
SLrand: Wellness/urug LducaLlon/Self-managemenL skllls
Curriculum Links: uescrlbe Lhelr own sLrengLhs and achlevemenLs and Lhose of oLhers, and ldenLlfy how Lhese conLrlbuLe Lo personal ldenLlLles (ACS013)
racLlse sLraLegles Lhey can use when Lhey need help wlLh a Lask, problem or slLuaLlon (ACS017)
8ecognlse slLuaLlons and opporLunlLles Lo promoLe healLh, safeLy and wellbelng (ACS018)
uescrlbe ways Lo lnclude oLhers Lo make Lhem feel LhaL Lhey belong (ACS019)
ldenLlfy and pracLlse emoLlonal responses LhaL accounL for own and oLhers' feellngs (ACS020)
Lxplore acLlons LhaL help make Lhe classroom a healLhy, safe and acLlve place (ACS022)

rlor knowledge: SLudenLs have had lessons on reslllence and have compleLed an assembly lLem on bounclng back.

Week/1oplc Speclflc Learnlng
Learnlng Lxperlences 8esources AssessmenL
1 - keeplng
PealLhy (self-
SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
Lxplaln how
germs enLer
our body
Lxplaln whaL
sLeps Lhey can
Lake Lo
mlnlmlse Lhe
rlsk of lllness
Lxplaln how Lo
wash Lhelr
lnLro (3 mlns) SLudenLs ln fronL of lW8. 'Sneeze' on sLudenLs and spray Lhem wlLh a waLer
boLLle aL Lhe same Llme. wbot? l jost soeezeJ. 8epeaL. wby ls wbot lm Joloq boJ?

Lxplaln LhaL Lhls ls how flrsL germs Lravel ln a classroom. wbot ote qetms ooJ wbot Jo tbey Jo?

wbot coo we Jo to stop qettloq qetms ooJ stop otbets qettloq qetms?

8ody (20 mlns)

lay 'Cerm SmarL' vldeo (3 mlns)

now coo qetms qet oo oot booJs lo tbe fltst ploce? wbot coo we Jo? WrlLe Lhese on Lhe board.

SLudenLs move Lo desks and cuL ouL a 'germ' shape Lhen wrlLe or draw on Lhe germ whaL Lhey
can do Lo sLop germs spreadlng. Whlle sLudenLs are worklng, walk around and quesLlon Lhem
for checkllsL.

Concluslon (3 mlns) Pave some sLudenLs read Lhelr senLences. SLudenLs Lo pack up. CollecL all

Cerm SmarL

Spray boLLle and

8lack card for
each sLudenL

Coloured Card


g of why we
wash our
hands and
sLeps Lo Lake
Lo sLay
1 - Medlclnes lnLro (2 mlns) Cough. 5otty evetyooe, l bove o blt of o sote tbtoot ooJ oot sote wbot l sboolJ Jo
oboot lt. Aoy lJeos? (u) CeL responses from sLudenLs. Advlse LhaL we are golng Lo look aL who
can glve us medlclnes and lf Lhere are any alLernaLlves Lo Laklng medlclne.

8ody (23 mlns) SLudenLs on maL ln fronL of lW8. 8ead/WaLch MlLall on lW8. 8ead ouL loud Lo
Lhe sLudenLs as Lhe slldes progress. SLop afLer eLe suggesLs Laklng anadol. wbot ls loooJol?
wbot otbet meJlcloes Jo yoo toke? ulscuss oLher medlcaLlons LhaL chlldren may know. (2 mln)

ConLlnue Lhe slldes and sLop afLer MlLall wakes up. wby mlqbt tbe loooJol oot bove wotkeJ?
coo yoo tblok of ooy otbet oltetootlves to tokloq meJlcloes? 1hlnk-palr-share wlLh parLner Lo
Lhlnk of some oLher ways LhaL Lhey can geL beLLer lnsLead of Laklng medlclne (3 mlns).

WaLch Lhe resL of Lhe slldes. wbo qove Mltoll oll of tbe meJlcotloo ooJ oltetootlves? wby wos
lt lmpottoot fot bls mom to qlve blm tbese losteoJ of bls ftleoJs wbo soqqesteJ lt? wbo else
coolJ qlve yoo meJlcloe? Pold up lamlnaLed cards of people and ask sLudenLs lf Lhese people
can glve you medlclne. wby sboolJot yoo toke meJlcloe ftom o ftleoJ ot o sttooqet? (3 mlns)
Mltolls ftleoJs oll belpeJ blm wbeo be wos slck, bot JlJot qlve blm ooy meJlcotloo. wbo else
coo belp yoo wbeo yoote slck? wbot Jo yoo Jo lf yoote slck ot scbool ot o ftleoJs boose? ln
groups of 3 (use cards) have sLudenLs bralnsLorm who can help Lhem when Lhey are slck. Clve
each group an A3 copy of 'charL 2' and 'people cards 2' and have Lhem work ouL where Lhese
people can help Lhem and sLlck Lhem ln Lhe wrlLe secLlon on Lhe charL. Pave sLudenLs clrcle Lhe
people who can glve Lhem medlclne. (SLudenLs Lo wrlLe Lhelr names on Lhe back of each

Concluslon (3 mlns) SLudenLs share Lhelr charLs - wbo coo belp ot scbool/bome/spott/ftleoJs
boose? CollecL all charLs.

MlLall - CeL
8eLLer Soon 1
(on uS8) or

eople cards

Who can help me
charL for each
group 'CharL 2'

eople cards 2 for
each group

SLudenL name

SLudenLs need:
Sclssors, glue,

(u) -
aL Lhe

(l)CheckllsL -
g of who can

8ubrlc (S) -
who can help

2 - Warnlng
SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
Safely use
vlLamlns and
lnLro (7-10 mlns) 8ead lookloq Aftet Me. 1okloq MeJlcloes. Ask sLudenLs where Lhey keep
Lhelr medlclnes aL home.
8ody (23 mlns) 1hlnk|alr|Share abouL whaL !lmmy learnL ln Lhe sLory. (3 mlns) Cn Lhe board,
come up wlLh a llsL of rules abouL Lhe use of medlclnes and oLher household lLems (bleach,
cleaner eLc.). rompL for: keep all medlclnes (pllls, mlxLures, and creams) locked up ln a
cablneL. 8emlnd Lhem Lo Lhlnk back Lo Lhe lasL lesson abouL who can glve Lhem medlclne.
Also lock all bleach, deLergenLs, dlshwasher llquld or cleanlng soluLlons away from
reach of chlldren.
lookloq Aftet Me.
1okloq MeJlcloes
by Llz Cogerly

Well cleaned
packeLs, food
packeLs and
cleaners (glue

CheckllsL -
can llsL some
rules for
medlclne and
oLher safeLy.

Polly Rushen 18/9/2014 9:09 PM
Comment [1]: ulagnosLlc assessmenL
compleLed Lo gauge level of undersLandlng
producL labels
abouL usage
and dosage

uo noL Lake oLher people's medlcaLlons.
lf glven medlclne from a docLor, only Lake Lhe amounL Lhe docLor prescrlbed.
uo noL Lake more Lhan one mulLl-vlLamln per day.
Cnly Lake medlclne from parenLs or LrusLed adulL who has permlsslon from Mom or
uad (dlscuss whaL LrusLed adulLs can glve you medlcaLlon and when).
llls are noL lollles, medlcaLlon boLLles are noL Loys Lo play wlLh. (3 mlns)
uL Lhe hazardous slgns posLer on Lhe board. nos ooyooe seeo ooy of tbese slqos befote? Clve
sLudenLs some food conLalners, medlclnes/vlLamln boLLles and household cleaners (well
cleaned). Pave sLudenLs look closely aL Lhe lLems and see lf Lhere are any of Lhese symbols on
Lhe lLems. wbot Jo tbey meoo? Pave 3 large A3 papers on Lhe ground marked wlLh 'food',
'medlclnes' and 'polsons' and have sLudenLs brlng Lhelr lLems up and puL ln Lhe correcL area.
Choose some lLems aL random and ask why lL was puL ln LhaL secLlon (concenLraLe on
medlclnes and polsons and prompL for sLudenLs Lo menLlon Lhe hazardous symbols) (10 mlns)
Clve sLudenLs worksheeL 1 wlLh scenarlos. Advlse sLudenLs LhaL Lhey can dlscuss Lhe soluLlons
buL need Lo declde on Lhelr own answer. Whlle sLudenLs are worklng, walk around and ask
quesLlons/observe dlscusslons. (10 mlns) lor lower ablllLy sLudenLs, use worksheeL 2 wlLh less
scenarlos and mulLl-cholce quesLlons. lor hlgher ablllLy sLudenLs use worksheeL 3 don'L
provlde hlnLs for scenarlos.
Concluslon (3 mlns) SLudenLs share Lhelr responses. CollecL all work, resources.


Pazardous slgns

WorksheeL 1, 2, 3
wlLh sLudenLs
- compleLe
rubrlc on 1-
Lo-1 basls
2 - 8ullylng SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
Lxplaln whaL
bullylng ls and

lnLro (2 - 3 mlns) 8ead 'Sam and Lee' Lo Lhe sLudenLs. wbot meoo tbloqs Joes 5om Jo to lee lo
tbls stoty? uoes 5om botbet lee jost ooce ot o lot? wbot ls lt colleJ wbeo someooe ls meoo ooJ
botbetloq yoo llke tbot oll tbe tlme? rompL for 'bullylng' or sLaLe lf no sLudenLs suggesL lL.

8ody (20 mlns) 8ead Lhe deflnlLlon of bullylng Lo Lhe sLudenLs '8ullylng ls belng mean Lo
oLhers, on purpose, repeaLedly, Lo hurL Lhem or Lhelr feellngs'. 8ead 'A uay ln Lhe ark' and
ask sLudenLs lf Lhls ls a bullylng slLuaLlon. now? (3 mlns)

Pave sLudenL's Lhlnk-palr-share abouL whaL behavlours Lhey Lhlnk bullylng are (2 mlns). Pave
anchor charL on Lhe board dlvlded ln Lo 'hyslcal, verbal and LmoLlonal'. Ask each sLudenL for
a behavlour LhaL Lhey Lhlnk ls bullylng. (3 mlns)
Copy of 'Sam and
Lee' sLory

Copy of 'A uay ln
Lhe ark' sLory

Anchor charL on
A3 paper dlvlded
ln Lo 'physlcal,
verbal and
quesLlonlng -
checkllsL for
sLudenLs -
g of bullylng
Polly Rushen 18/9/2014 9:09 PM
Comment [2]: lnLervlew compleLed for
summaLlve assessmenL Lo lnclude sLudenLs
who could noL wrlLe as well as oLhers.
Polly Rushen 18/9/2014 9:10 PM
Comment [3]: CbservaLlons and
quesLlonlng done each level as formaLlve
assessmenL Lo ensure undersLandlng as unlL

wby ls bollyloq boJ? wby Joes lt mottet lf someooe teoses someooe? ls lt ok to teose someooe
ooJ tbeo opoloqlse oftetwotJs? CeL Lwo sLudenLs Lo come Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe class and glve
each a scrap plece of paper. olnL ouL LhaL Lhe paper ls nlce and crlsp. Ask Lhem Lo screw Lhe
paper up and sLomp on lL whlle calllng lL names. CeL Lhem Lo Lhen open Lhe plece of paper
whlle saylng sorry. wbot ls Jlffeteot to bow lt wos ot tbe stott? Lxplaln LhaL even lf you say
sorry afLerwards, your words or acLlons have lefL a mark on LhaL person.

Advlse sLudenLs LhaL you are golng Lo read some scenarlos Lo Lhem and Lhey need Lo declde
wheLher Lhey Lhlnk lL ls bullylng or noL. lace Lhree slgns on desks '?es, no and Maybe' and
advlse sLudenLs LhaL when you have read Lhe scenarlo Lhey are Lo move Lo Lhe slgn wlLh Lhelr
answer. 8emlnd Lhem noL [usL Lo follow Lhelr frlends buL Lo make Lhelr own declslons.

8ead Lhe scenarlos and glve Lhe sLudenLs Llme Lo move. AfLer readlng each one, choose a
sLudenL Lo explaln why Lhey made Lhe declslon LhaL Lhey dld. 8emlnd sLudenLs of Lhe deflnlLlon
of bullylng when need (especlally abouL belng on purpose and repeaLed) (3 -7 mlns)

Concluslon (3 mlns) Pave sLudenLs reLurn Lo Lhe maL and ask lf Lhere are any behavlours LhaL
Lhey wanL Lo add Lo Lhe charL. lf Llme allows, encourage sLudenLs Lo dlscuss lnsLances of
bullylng buL remlnd Lhe class LhaL whaL ls sald ls Lo remaln ln Lhe class.

LlsL of bullylng


Slgns wlLh 'yes,
'no' and 'maybe'

1wo plece of crlsp
whlLe paper
3 - 8ullylng -
SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
LlsL ways Lo
respond Lo a
LlsL whaL Lhey
can do lf a
frlend ls belng
Lxplaln who
Lhey can go Lo
for help.

SLudenLs ln fronL of Lhe lW8. Ask sLudenLs lf Lhey have come across any bullylng ln Lhe school
slnce we spoke abouL lL. Advlse sLudenLs LhaL we are golng Lo look aL whaL we can do lf we are
belng bullled or lf we see someone belng bullled.

lay '8raln pop 8ullylng' vldeo on lW8 (10 mlns)
SLarL aL 'WhaL should you do lf you're belng bullled'. Allow sLudenLs 1 mlnuLe Lo dlscuss wlLh
Lhelr parLners and advlse of any ldeas. WrlLe Lhese on Lhe 'Pow Lo respond Lo bullylng charL' ln
Lhe flrsL clrcle.
WaLch vldeo unLll Lhey sLaLe abouL noL flghLlng - wby sboolJot yoo flqbt?
SLop vldeo afLer all suggesLlons glven. ls tbete ooytbloq tbot wos soqqesteJ lo tbe vlJeo tbot
we JlJot olteoJy soy? WrlLe Lhese ln Lhe second bubble. wbot wotJs coolJ yoo ose to stop o
bolly? WrlLe Lhese ln Lhe Lhlrd bubble.

8raln pop vldeo
on bullylng
ullylng/) on lW8

Pow Lo respond
Lo bullylng charL
on A3

and checkllsL

lay a
game Lo bulld
a sense of
Leam and
ldenLlfy Lhe
beneflLs of
wlLh oLhers.
Lxplaln how
can be used Lo
bullylng and
make Lhe
school safe
SLop aL 'whaL should you do lf you see someone geLLlng bullled?' WrlLe suggesLlons ln Lhe
fourLh bubble. WaLch Lhe resL of Lhe suggesLlons. Ask sLudenLs lf Lhere are any more Lo add Lo
our bubble.

wbo coo yoo tolk to lf yoote beloq bollleJ? now ls tepottloq bollyloq Jlffeteot to
tottlloq/Jobbloq? Make sure Lo polnL ouL klds Pelpllne as a place Lo call. Add Lhls number Lo
Lhe Lop of Lhe charL.

CompleLe Lhe onllne qulz as a class.
Came (10 mlns) Move sLudenLs Lo Lhe maL and geL Lhem ln a clrcle. Show Lhe pre-made
puzzles Lo Lhe chlldren. Ask Lhem lf Lhe puzzles look easy Lo puL LogeLher. Call Lhelr aLLenLlon
Lo Lhe Lypes of anlmals represenLed, and LhaL each puzzle ls made up of Lhree body parLs. 1ell
Lhe chlldren LhaL Lhey are golng Lo play a cooperaLlon game, whlch wlll make puLLlng Lhe
puzzles LogeLher a llLLle more dlfflculL. Lxplaln Lhe rules of Lhe game.
Lach chlld holds one of Lhe puzzle pleces. lf Lhere are exLra sLudenLs, Lhey may Lake
Lurns ln Lhe clrcle, or Lhey may be helpers.
Chlldren sLand ln a clrcle. Someone sLands ln Lhe cenLre and ls lL." 1he person who ls
lL" polnLs Lo one person ln Lhe clrcle and names one of Lhe anlmals (from Lhe puzzle
"lL" Lhen counLs slowly Lo Len. uurlng LhaL Llme, Lhe person who was polnLed Lo needs
Lo form Lhe compleLe anlmal cooperaLlvely wlLh Lhe help of Lhe people holdlng Lhose
pleces. 1hls requlres flndlng Lhe Lhree pleces needed Lo form Lhe anlmal from Lhe
oLher sLudenLs and puLLlng Lhem LogeLher.
As soon as Lhe Lhree parLlclpanLs holdlng Lhe correcL pleces form LhaL anlmal, lL"
polnLs Lo anoLher person ln Lhe clrcle and names a dlfferenL anlmal.
lf Lhe group cannoL form Lhe anlmal ln 10 seconds, Lhe chlld polnLed Lo becomes lL."
(lf 10 seconds ls Loo challenglng, Lhe Llme may be ad[usLed Lo be more reasonable.)
Make sure everybody has a Lurn Lo be lL" and all groups have a chance Lo be
AL Lhe end of Lhe game, brlng chlldren LogeLher Lo dlscuss how lL felL Lo cooperaLe,
and how Lhelr cooperaLlon helped Lo make Lhe acLlvlLy fasLer and easler for everyone.
o coolJ yoo bove Jooe tbls octlvlty olooe?
o wbot JlJ yoo ooJ yoot pottoets Jo ooJ soy tbot moJe fotmloq tbe oolmols
anchor charL and
deflnlLlon from
prevlous lesson

'WhaL Lo do'

uzzle pleces

eoslet? wbot JlJot wotk?
o wbot wos Jlfflcolt oboot fotmloq tbe oolmols lo flve secooJs?
o wbot woolJ boppeo lf yoo JlJ oot coopetote wltb tbe otbets lo yoot qtoop?
uo yoo tblok lt woolJ be eoslet to stooJ op to o bolly lf yoo wotk toqetbet?

'WhaL Lo do' scenarlos (3 mlns). 8ead a scenarlo Lo Lhe class and ask Lhem Lo dlscuss wlLh a
parLner whaL Lhey could do ln Lhls slLuaLlon. Ask sLudenLs Lo Lhen share Lhelr answers. 8epeaL
wlLh 3-4 scenarlos. use Lhls Llme as formaLlve assessmenL Lhrough observaLlons and

3 - 8ullylng SLudenLs wlll
be able Lo:
Lxplaln how
Lhey would
deal wlLh a
lncludlng who
Lhey would
speak Lo
lnLro (3 mlns) CooperaLlon game - pass Lhe nolsy ball wlLhouL maklng a nolse. SLudenLs sLand
ln a clrcle and pass a ball wlLh a bell ln lL around Lhe clrcle wlLhouL lL maklng a nolse counLlng
how many people Lhey pass lL Lo. lf lL makes a nolse Lhen Lhe counLer sLarLs agaln. wbot wete
we jost Joloq? wby ls tbls lmpottoot to Jo?

Comlc sLrlp (13 mlns) sLudenLs move back Lo Lhelr desks. Clve each sLudenL a 'Moby' comlc
sLrlp. Lxplaln LhaL Lhey are golng Lo compleLe Lhe comlc sLrlp uslng words and/or plcLures.
Lxplaln whaL ls happenlng ln Lhe comlc uslng Lhe large copy and ask for suggesLlons. Advlse
sLudenLs LhaL Lhey are Lo do lL ln pencll and only colour lf Lhere ls Llme. Whlle sLudenLs are
worklng, walk around and quesLlon Lhem abouL whaL Lhey would do ln Lhls slLuaLlon.

Concluslon (2 mlns) Ask lf anyone wanLs Lo share Lhelr comlc. CollecL all comlc sLrlps for
nolsy ball

A3 copy of comlc

Comlc sLrlp for
each sLudenL
comlc rubrlc

CheckllsL on
comlc (l) -
ldenLlfy a
SLudenL ls
able Lo come
up wlLh a
soluLlon Lo
Lhe slLuaLlon
4 - LmoLlons lnLro (2 mlns) Chlldren on Lhe maL. SlL looklng really sad, slgh a loL, walL for a sLudenL Lo ask
why you are sad. lf none ask, Lhen Lell Lhem you're feellng really sad Loday, how are Lhey

l koow wbot wlll cbeet me op, teoJloq o book!

8ody (20 mlns) 8ead '1he Way l leel' now coo yoo tell sbe ls feelloq sllly jost by lookloq ot tbe
plctote? Cover up Lhe words on Lhe followlng page and ask sLudenLs Lo Lell you how Lhls
person ls feellng by looklng. now coo yoo tell? 8epeaL for happy and a couple of oLhers
1be woy l leel
!anan Caln

name cards

LmoLlon cards

aper plaLes

Polly Rushen 18/9/2014 9:11 PM
Comment [4]: 8ubrlc compleLed on flnal
unlL comlc as summaLlve assessmenL
LhroughouL Lhe book.

Ask sLudenLs agaln how Lhey are feellng Loday. now woolJ yoo sbow tbot?

now coo yoo tell bow otbet people ote feelloq? wby ls lt lmpottoot to koow bow otbets ote

SLudenLs reLurn Lo Lhelr desks. SLudenLs make a paper plaLe face abouL how Lhey are feellng
Loday. (10 mlns)

Concluslon (3 mlns) SLudenLs slL on Lhe maL. Pold up an emoLlon card. now coo yoo tell lf
someooe feels .. ?

Coloured paper
4 - LmoLlons lnLro (3 mlns) 8ecap on emoLlons - play 'Slmon Says' 5lmoo soys look boppy

8ody (20 mlns) now Jo yoo feel wbeo yoo ote boppy? 8ead 'When l'm leellng Pappy' WrlLe
'happy' on Lhe paper ln brlghL colours, wrlLe all of Lhe suggesLlons abouL how Lhey feel when
Lhey are happy, follow wlLh how lL looks and whaL makes you happy.

ln desk groups, glve each group an emoLlon and have Lhem compleLe a posLer wlLh looks llke,
feels llke and whaL makes me ..? (Clve blue group 'happy'). Advlse sLudenLs LhaL Lhey wlll be
presenLlng Lhese Lo Lhe class and Leachlng Lhe resL of Lhe class abouL Lhelr emoLlon. (10 mlns)

Concluslon (10 mlns) SLudenLs come up ln groups and presenL Lhelr emoLlon. Ask sLudenLs
quesLlons Lo prompL dlscusslon. CompleLe assessmenL checkllsL.

LmoLlons cards

A3 paper on Lhe
board x 4
'When l'm leellng

llnal posLer.
CheckllsL -
can explaln
llke and whaL
makes Lhem
feel LhaL way.
3 - LmoLlons
lnLro (10 mlns) WhaL can you do when ..
8ead 'When l'm leellng Pappy' - now Joes be moke blmself feel bettet? wbot Joes be
soqqest Joloq?

8ody (20 mlns) Angry 8lrds - deallng wlLh anger vldeo

Angry 8lrds vldeo
on uS8

Scenarlo cards

ulscuss wlLh Lhe sLudenLs whaL Lhey can do when Lhey're feellng angry.

Clve each palr of sLudenLs (allow Lo choose own parLner) a scenarlo card. Ask Lhem Lo dlscuss
Lhe scenarlo LogeLher and work ouL whaL Lhe chlld could do Lo ln Lhelr slLuaLlon.

Clve sLudenLs 2 mlnuLes Lo dlscuss ln a palr. Pave sLudenLs form Lwo clrcles wlLh one of Lhe
palr on Lhe ouLslde and one of Lhe palr on Lhe lnslde. Pave sLudenLs on Lhe lnslde roLaLe
clockwlse once and dlscuss Lhe nexL scenarlo wlLh Lhe nexL person. AfLer 2 mlnuLes, have Lhe
ouLslde clrcle roLaLe anLl-clockwlse. keep repeaLlng unLll sLudenLs have moved around Lhe

Concluslon (3 mlns) ulscoss some of tbe sceootlos os o closs. wbot else coolJ be Jooe?

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